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12:4/5, 513–522, 2003

Scale issues in marine ecosystems and human interactions

R. IAN PERRY1,* AND ROSEMARY E. OMMER2 these issues of ecosystem processes and human inter-
Fisheries & Oceans Canada, Pacific Biological Station, actions, and their appropriate scales.
Nanaimo, British Columbia V9T 6N7, Canada Key words: fisheries, inter-discipline, management,
Special Projects, University of Victoria, Victoria, British
natural science, scales, social science, space, time
Columbia V8W 2Y2, Canada


Understanding the reciprocal interactions between Changes in marine ecosystems are seen, in marine
humans and marine ecosystems has several funda- science, to be driven by three general classes of pro-
mental difficulties, in particular compatible method- cesses: natural environmental forcing such as climate;
ologies and different analytical scales. The issue of human-induced forcings such as fishing, habitat deg-
scale is central, as the scales chosen for studies of radation and contaminants; and internal processes
marine systems and human interactions can constrain such as density-dependent or predator–prey mecha-
recognition of the drivers and responses of these sys- nisms. These internal processes are the usual subject of
tems to global changes. The essential task is to dis- marine ecology and, in systems that are in ‘steady-
cover how to combine social and natural science scale state’ over some time period, are generally assumed not
analyses to understand the impact of natural systems to lead to large or long-lasting variations. Climate
on people and the impact of people on natural systems. change and direct human-induced forcings such as
We identify characteristic spatial, temporal and fishing have received the most attention in the recent
organizational scales in marine ecosystems and human literature on drivers of changes in marine ecosystems
interactions, and the difficulties inherent in their (see, e.g. McKinnell et al., 2001, on climate variability
cross-disciplinary application. An approach is sugges- in the North Pacific Ocean, and Pauly et al., 1998,
ted focusing on communities of fish and fishers that Hollingworth, 2000, on the ecosystem effects of fish-
makes explicit: (1) the need to manage marine re- ing), probably because it appears as though they may
sources in such a way as to encompass global to local lead to large, and perhaps long-lasting, changes in the
scales; (2) recognition of the complementary nature of future.
organizational scales between the natural and social What is missing, however, are the feedbacks
sciences and use of appropriate natural science scales involved when changes in marine ecosystems have
in the development of management policies; (3) the major impacts on, and consequences for, coastal
need to be aware of shifting temporal baselines and the communities and the broader human societies of
representative nature of the data over time, for both which they are a part. Consider, for example, the
social and natural sciences; and (4) caution regarding impact of the collapse of the northern cod on the
predictive models when humans are included. In terms outport communities of Newfoundland and Labrador
of methodologies, good scale matches occur across (Ommer, 2002), the social transitions resulting
large-scale social and natural science models and sur- from shifts in the composition of marine resources in
veys, but problems remain in small-scale qualitative historical Greenland (Hamilton et al., 2000), or the
social studies and in cross-scale studies. Cumulative implications for the fishery and the local society of
case studies appear to provide the best approach, al- effective dissemination of climate information in Peru
though ‘integrating up’ remains a challenge. Natural during the recent El Niño (Broad et al., 2002).
and social scientists need to work together to identify The interaction between humans and the oceans is
an important issue that GLOBEC (the Global Ocean
Ecosystem Dynamics program) seeks to identify,
*Correspondence. e-mail: comprehend, and build into its analyses and recom-
(Equal Authorship) mendations. This is a major challenge and accepting it
Received 25 October 2002 means coming to grips with several difficulties. Among
Revised version accepted 1 June 2003 the most fundamental of these challenges is finding
! 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 513
514 R.I. Perry and R.E. Ommer

compatible methodologies, which in turn means processes at different (larger or smaller) dimensions of
finding how to cope with different (and perhaps space, time and society. It is a conscious effort on the
incompatible) analytical scales. The spatial and tem- part of the observer, who must also recognize that
poral scales chosen for studies of marine ecosystems processes can cascade or cross scales and produce
can constrain recognition of what it is that drives their effects in which events at one scale have consequences
responses to global changes. For example, studies of for processes at smaller or larger scales.
basin scale atmospheric indices (such as the Pacific Gibson et al. (2000) suggest the most important
Decadal Oscillation and the North Atlantic Oscilla- issues related to scale for any science are (1) how choice
tion) take large-scale responses as a starting assump- of scale affects the identification of patterns; (2) how
tion. Indeed, we suspect that the natural marine diverse levels on a scale affect the exploration of natural
sciences accept implicitly as a broad generalization and social phenomena; (3) how theoretical proposi-
that large-scale impacts result from natural (climatic) tions derived about phenomena at one level on a scale
forcings while small-scale impacts are because of hu- may be generalized to another level (smaller or larger,
man forcings. If so, this is naı̈ve, as large- as well as higher or lower); and (4) how processes can be opti-
small-scale impacts are also important in human sys- mized at particular levels of a scale: optimization of
tems: consider, for example, the difference between carrying capacity of an ecosystem in the natural sci-
managing a fleet made up of large capital intensive ences, for example, or debates around optimal size and
vessels, and one comprising small local fishing fleets; or spacing of community fishing gear in the social sciences.
the different scales involved in local, regional,
national and transnational corporations and the
varying impacts of these with respect to political
power. Studies of marine ecosystem changes in a small
bay have often assumed small-scale forcings (such as Measurement and, by extension, scale are at the heart
intense local fishing pressure) because large-scale of the biophysical sciences. Measurements of physical
forcings (such as climate change) are more or less quantities are defined in units of mass, length and
unobservable at that scale: yet, the latter may be time. In physical oceanography, length ranges from
vitally important even if not visible in such a small the scale at which viscous drag forces begin to smooth
scale of study. In this paper, we define what we mean out turbulent fluctuations (the viscous or Kolmogoroff
by scale in the natural and social sciences, discuss why length scale) to the sizes of ocean basins. Character-
it is a critical issue, and offer an approach that iden- istic spatial scales for ocean basins are 10 000 km
tifies explicitly the scales at which we are currently wide, with average depths of 3800 m and upper mixed
ineffective and on which we must now focus our efforts layer depths of 100 m (Mann and Lazier, 1991, p. 3).
if we are to do a better job of managing the ocean Living marine organisms range from viruses and bac-
ecosystems of this planet. teria, with lengths of microns or less, to large whales
with lengths in the tens of meters. Time scales in the
biophysical sciences are generally related to spatial
scales: the circulation about ocean basins, for example,
A typical dictionary definition of scale is ‘relative size occurs at the longest time scales, turbulent fluctuations
or magnitude’. It is usually understood to be the at the shortest; the life span of whales is many times
characteristic dimensions in space and/or time of an greater than that of bacteria. Generally, the smaller
observation or process (Lovell et al., 2002). While the spatial scale, the shorter the temporal scale in
space and time are the usual domains of scale in the which the phenomenon is in operation. In addition to
marine sciences, we must add the concept of organ- the characteristic length scales determined by the
izational or social scale when thinking about human body dimensions of organisms, biological entities have
interactions with the oceans. This concept includes length and time scales associated with their daily
the idea of ‘institutional scale’ proposed by Lovell movements and seasonal or life cycle migrations. This
et al. (2002) but goes beyond it to capture all levels of is somewhat analogous to human behaviour and in
human interaction with marine resources, not merely contrast to physical systems, as biological organisms
those associated with formal jurisdictions and man- are discrete (more like points), whereas physical
agement arenas. The process of changing measure- quantities tend to be continuous (at least when com-
ments across scales, or of applying relationships pared with organisms).
developed at one set of scales to another, is termed Space–time scale diagrams are useful tools to con-
‘scaling’. Scaling can go ‘up’ or ‘down’, to link ceptualize and explore these relationships (Fig. 1a,b).
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Scale issues in ecosystems and human interactions 515

Figure 1. Space/time-scale diagram of characteristic pro- stratification and fronts) that may influence various
cesses from the natural sciences: (a) physical; (b) biological biological behaviours (such as feeding, schooling and
and from the social sciences; (c) fishing; (d) fishing com- vertical migration) (Perry et al., 2000). These kinds of
munities. Modified after Perry et al. (2000). cross-scale and cross-disciplinary comparisons present
fruitful analytical challenges to marine science as it
Turbulence seeks both to understand specific behaviours and to
10000 Tide Inter-- identify the processes that underlie them. Scale-
Water mass decadal dependent relationships are also central in physiolo-
1000 exchanges oscillations gical processes (e.g. Peters, 1983), and in the concepts
100 underlying island biogeography (MacArthur and
Currents Wilson, 1967) and metapopulation dynamics (Smed-
10 Fronts bol et al., 2002). Indeed, in the past few decades, scale
1 Stratification has become a central organizing concept for marine
ecology and Schneider (2001) goes so far as to argue
Hr Day Wk Mo Season Yr Decade Century
that scale is not only central, but may become a uni-
(b) fying concept of ecology.
Spatial scale (km)


Vertical Migration abundance HUMAN SOCIETIES
100 migration
Spawning Social science and humanities environmental research
10 is now increasingly moving towards an understanding
Bottom fidelity
of human behaviour, and its consequences, as integral
1 Schooling to natural ecosystems. In this paper, we recognize that
humans can consciously both cause change, and have
an effect on existing changes, and that this can be an
iterative process involving complex feedback loops.
Price fluctuations
1000 and economic What people do is therefore an integral part of
cycles understanding marine ecosystems and the causes and
100 Human consequences of change. Those branches of social
10 Fishing trip science and humanities research that deal with human
uses of natural systems operate at many different social
1 Fishing tow scales, ranging from individuals, to families, neigh-
bourhoods, communities, cities, regions, provinces,
(d) nations and supra-national organizations (Gibson
Business et al., 2000). Examples include individual interviews
10000 Investment with fishers to national surveys, or international policy
1000 analyses, in the present or over sometimes consider-
Employment able periods of time. Like the physical and biological
sciences, each level of such a hierarchy has an implicit
Management Human
10 regulation or explicit temporal and spatial dimension, individuals
being the smallest and supra-national organizations
the largest. Scale, however, is not always explicitly
Hr Day Wk Mo Season Yr Decade Century measured in the social sciences, although it is funda-
Temporal scale mental to much analysis. The emphasis frequently is
on qualitative, rather than quantitative aspects, as in
Such diagrams were initially developed by Stommel (for example) the conception of ‘community’ as being
(1963) to describe physical oceanographic processes, a ‘small’ (not numerically defined) group who are tied
but have since been extended by Steele (1978) and together by bonds of kinship, or interest, or some other
others to include characteristic space and time scales feature.
for a variety of physical and biological oceanographic Temporal scales in the social sciences tend to be
phenomena. They can be used, for example, to iden- similar to those of the natural sciences (minute, hour,
tify the physical processes (such as turbulence, tides, day, week, etc.) although the perception of time is
! 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Fish. Oceanogr., 12:4/5, 513–522.
516 R.I. Perry and R.E. Ommer

much more fluid for humans than strict measurement This is because calculations based on this view leave
would suggest. Nothing takes longer than waiting for out the multitude of smaller-scale local fisheries that
the watched pot to boil! Technological change also are geographically and historically tied to a particular
alters the temporal component in human activity and location, usually less capital-intensive, but culturally
the perception of the spatial as well. For example, as and socially vital to the societies in question.
the time required to travel between cities is less now The omission is serious, even from a point of view
than 50 years ago, and vastly less than prior to the restricted to fisheries management. Fishing communi-
Industrial Revolution, the world seems to be getting ties, for example, have (to greater or lesser degrees
smaller. This is an example of shifting temporal depending on history and circumstance) significant
baselines (Pauly, 1995), to which we will return later. local knowledge and often environmental sensitivity
In the social sciences, the relationship between tem- at the level of the local ecosystem in which they work,
poral and spatial scale depends on the nature of the and which has been developed as a consequence of (at
study. For example, community histories can stretch the very least) people’s need to know and preserve
over a period of centuries (small geographical scale, over an extended period of time the fishing grounds on
long temporal one), while voter preferences at the which they and their communities depend (Johannes,
national level can at least appear to change overnight. 1981). From a community perspective, management
policies may not be appropriate for the scale at which
small boat fishers operate. As a result, community
understanding of the ecosystem is lost to management
A central issue is to figure out how to combine social while, at the same time, management decisions can
and natural system scale analyses in such a way as to appear nonsensical to the community. This mismatch
enhance understanding of the impact of natural sys- of scales of comprehension and organization creates
tems on people and the impact of people on natural conflict between fishers and managers, generating
systems. This should aid us when we seek to develop feelings of marginalization and resentment at the
policy guidelines for marine ecosystem management community level (and a consequent unwillingness to
that will protect both the ecosystems involved from agree to management conservation initiatives), while
excessive human depredations, and human commu- managers become impatient and frustrated with what
nities that depend on these ecosystems from economic, they see as community intransigence. Small commu-
social and cultural collapse. From a purely scientific nities also perceive themselves as having less political
point of view, this approach should also help us dis- ‘clout’ than do the large-scale industrial firms, as a
entangle some of the complex inter-relationships result of the relatively local returns to capital of
involved, and permit us to identify and then clarify community-level fisheries and their smaller employ-
some of the misunderstandings that can lurk behind ment effects. Such industrial and institutional scale
the analyses of different disciplines with respect to, for mismatch makes small fishing communities policy
example, fisheries. ‘takers’, not policy ‘makers’. It reinforces their sense of
Fisheries management science has tended, because not being heard and of their informal expert voice, on
of the requirements of rigorous modelling and the such matters as the state of a local stock, unappreci-
pragmatic needs of marine management, to see human ated.
participation in fisheries as purely economic, and then Failing to comprehend and deal with scale issues
to define that economic function, and the potential like these creates a rich breeding ground for commu-
ways it interacts with the biophysical environment, in nity rebellion against regulations, promoting various
terms of the operations of fishing ‘firms’ or ‘fleets’ (e.g. kinds of illicit practices that thwart the legitimate
where and when to fish; Fig. 1c). This implies, how- aims of fisheries management. The situation is further
ever, that the only human organizational structures complicated by the often conflicting aims of local,
that are relevant to natural system interactions are provincial/regional and national governmental poli-
industrial in nature. Such a premise privileges indus- cies, which seek local employment, or local rights, or
trial fleets, which are these days usually large-scale, regional balancing of ‘benefits’ and the like. All these
capital intensive and geographically footloose, being political scale issues may also combine to make
able to roam international waters more or less at will. It rational fishing management extremely difficult.
is a perspective that confines analysis of human Finally, we cannot ignore the rich confusion of juris-
involvement to large-scale activities and organizations. dictions over fresh and salt water fisheries, to say
It is, moreover, an analytical focus that rapidly presents nothing of international jurisdictions and straddling
us with management problems if it is accepted as real. stocks, taking scale to its global dimensions.
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Scale issues in ecosystems and human interactions 517

The long-term result of this complex of mismatch- What happens to the apparent poor ‘fit’ of biolo-
ing scales of analysis, comprehension and practice is, gical and socio-humanist research methodologies if we
all too often, human community collapse with the loss shift the shared scale of analysis to the ecosystem/
of important cultural and social networks and know- community level? Including the key socio-economic
ledge, and collapse of marine biological communities components of fishing communities into the same
with the replacement and potential loss of important space–time scale diagram for biophysical processes
ecosystem components. Finding a way, therefore, to (Fig. 1d) allows us to begin to identify the overlaps
comprehend in an integrated manner the various for- between biophysical processes and human social
ces that impact on fishers, and then to further com- responses, and the impact of biophysical and socio-
prehend the impact that fishers in their turn have on economic processes on one another. For example, a
the oceans, and finally to tie all of this into one unified change in migration patterns of fish at scales of months
analytical model, is a huge challenge. to seasons and 100–1000 km can have an impact on
the success of fishing, management policies and
investment decisions. We can go further and compare
the spatial and social scales directly, with respect to
Biological conservation must be the foundation of the daily movements of fish and the scale of various
fisheries scientists and fishing communities. Recently, fisheries (Fig. 2). This figure illustrates the corres-
effort in fisheries science is moving from single species ponding spatial scales of assemblages of species of low
analyses to ecosystem-based analysis as an improved mobility and local human communities and sets that
way of achieving this goal. If we recognize ecosystems as against the large spatial scales of highly mobile and
a third ‘scale dimension’ of biophysical systems (i.e. migratory fish (often single species) and large indus-
organizational units from individuals to populations, trial fleets. It also locates organizational time and space
communities, ecosystems and seascapes), then there is a scales, including those of business and political power.
direct analogy with the organizational scales of the The diagram shows that formal (i.e. not community-
human fishing community system. This is a perception level) fisheries management actually operates at an
shift that has the potential to move social and natural intermediate scale, and therefore cannot deal effect-
science analysis closer together, as there is a comple- ively with either global changes or local needs.
mentarity in the scale of analysis between studying Figure 2 also indicates the potential vulnerability of
communities of fish and fishing communities. The small- and large-scale fisheries to global changes.
potential benefit from this shift in focus in the natural However, one must also consider the scaling-up issue,
sciences is that it will move natural scientists from that is, some apparently highly mobile species may in
thinking of ‘the firm’ (with its emphasis on single spe- fact be composed of several spatially distinct sub-
cies) to the community (with its broader view of its populations of more limited mobility, and that fisher-
resource base) as the unit of analysis. At the same time, men displaced from smaller-scale communities can
social scientists should be able to work more easily with participate in highly mobile fisheries.
their natural science counterparts as the complexity of There may also be an implicit distinction between
understanding ecosystems as natural phenomena and the scale dimensions (temporal, spatial, organiza-
ecosystems as resource bases develops. That is, we tional) on which natural and social scientists tend to
should now be able to study jointly the best ways in focus. The concepts indicated in Fig. 2 imply a focus
which communities of fishers will be able to exploit on the spatial and organizational scales. This may be
communities of fish without destroying either commu- appropriate for the social aspects, for which the key
nity. This would be a fundamental scale-related ana- questions are often where to fish with the assumption
lytical shift and it is potentially a very promising one. (hope?) that fishing next year will be like this year or
Thinking in terms of communities of fish and better. Much of business planning in industrial fish-
communities of fishers will help to link the human and eries is also based on stability among years. In natural
natural science issues into a shared analytical frame- systems, however, the biologically determining factors
work that is concerned with the management of are often temporal, for example, annual recruitment,
marine ecosystems. Moving up to the ecosystem scale decadal regime shifts. The perception by coastal
of marine biological analysis overcomes many of the communities of variability in natural systems may not
different perceptions and understandings of manage- be constant across scales: variability in fish populations
ment issues that currently exist among oceanogra- on short (seasonal, sometimes annual) time scales may
phers, biologists, fisheries managers, economists, the be too short to be of real consequence, and can often
fishing industry, business and communities. be easily accommodated. Similarly, variability in
! 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Fish. Oceanogr., 12:4/5, 513–522.
518 R.I. Perry and R.E. Ommer

Organizational Number of
Scale people
Large Small
Highly mobile
es Lo
Fishery ch
bal Figure 2. Diagram illustrating the con-
management lo ceptual relationships of species and fish-
tog eries of low mobility and highly mobile
abi species and fisheries, in relation to spatial
Species er and organizational scales and the number
of Vu igh of people involved in these activities
limited H (note that these rectangles are overlap-
mobility ping, such that highly mobile species
Small Large occupy the entire space, whereas species
of limited mobility occupy only the
Small Large lower left quadrant). The hypothesized
gradient of vulnerability to global chan-
Spatial Scale ges is also indicated.

marine ecosystems at long time scales, for example, change represents a significant challenge for interdis-
decades, is too long to be of immediate concern to ciplinary research.
coastal communities, and so it may get ignored. This
implies that coastal communities may be most aware
of marine ecosystem changes that occur at interme-
diate time scales, for example, from 2–3 years to 1–2 An example is provided by the collapse in the early
decades. These are also scales that are often outside 1990s of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in New-
the usual time horizon of fisheries management. foundland (in the NAFO Area 2J3KL). A resident
Temporal variability on such scales in the marine codfishery has existed in Newfoundland since the late
environment is most likely to affect species with 1700s. It was commercial in some aspects, but the
intermediate (5–15 years) life spans or population underlying household economy of fishers was sub-
doubling times. Such species include salmon; gadids sistent and usually multiple-species, while the com-
such as Pacific and Atlantic cod and Pacific hake; and mercial component dealt almost exclusively with cod.
pelagic fishes such as tunas, herring and sardines (e.g. When Newfoundland joined Canada in 1949, the
Musick et al., 2000). These are often key commercial commercial fishery was modernized, in that it started
species and ones that have experienced significant to become more technologically sophisticated at the
management problems. Processes on such intermedi- scale of the firm. At the same time the small boat
ate time scales, and how they interact with spatial ‘inshore’ commercial fishery was discouraged. In the
scales (e.g. Fig. 1), may provide the most fruitful 1950s and 1960s, international offshore fishing on the
problems on which to focus initial collaboration Grand Banks reached huge proportions, peaking in
among natural and social scientists. However, against 1968 with an historic reported maximum of 810 000
this must be set the historical knowledge of long- metric tonnes landed. By 1977–85, large Canadian
established coastal communities, which does recognize capital-intensive and high-technology deep-sea fleets
differences between the present and ‘the old days’. The were in operation, and the small commercial boat
temporal span of such knowledge can reach back over fishery was attempting to expand offshore to offset
at least three generations (75 years) in settler com- declining inshore catches. In 1992, the groundfish
munities in Canada, and much longer in First Nations’ stocks collapsed, and a fishing moratorium was put in
communities. Such knowledge often incorporates place. Reasons given for the collapse of these stocks
explanations for environmental changes that may varied, ranging from colder water temperatures to
differ from scientific perspectives. Reconciling com- overfishing. There was also an issue of stock size and
munity and scientific explanations of long-term stability, the results of which varied depending on the
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Scale issues in ecosystems and human interactions 519

length of time over which data were analysed shifted their commercial effort to other stocks, and
(Hutchings and Myers, 1995). Human communities extended the distance over which they fished (i.e.
survived economically by shifting commercial fishing extended their commercial species and geographical
effort to other species, which then also came under scale of operations). The impact of this collapse to the
serious pressure. The large fishing firms, by contrast, marine ecosystem has also been large, with a signifi-
not only survived but did well, moving their effort cant reorganization to favour the production of
into other international waters and returning large invertebrates such as shrimp and crab instead of
profits. groundfish (Bundy, 2001). These species are, at the
Whatever the truth of the reasons for the stock time of writing, the mainstay of the Newfoundland
collapse – and it is probably a combination of over- commercial fishery. The principle features of New-
fishing and stocks made vulnerable as a result of foundland cod in relation to the three scale dimen-
environmental factors (Rose et al., 2000) – the fallout sions are shown in Table 1. They illustrate the
for local human communities and the small boat mismatch in the scales of the cod stocks compared
fishery was serious economic, social and cultural dis- with the fishery system exploiting these stocks.
tress with which the province is still wrestling. For A similar example with respect to scale issues, but
fisheries, the impact was also serious, as local fishers somewhat different in regards to the driving factors, is

Table 1. Comparison of time, space and organizational scales in the natural and social sciences in relation to the Northern cod
(Gadus morhua) off Newfoundland, Canada.

Scale dimension Natural sciences Social sciences

Time Life span 20–26 years Long fishing experience (a few hundred years)
Age at maturity 5–6 years Modernization of commercial fishing
since 1949 (50 years)
Population doubling time 5–10 years Typical duration of fishing trips (inshore fishery,
days; freezer trawlers, weeks–months)
Seasonal inshore–offshore migrations
for some stocks
Stock collapse in 1992 (10 years)
Decadal-scale variability of the
North Atlantic Oscillation
(positive NAO results in cold conditions
off Newfoundland, as in the 1990s)
Space Max length of fish 200 cm Inshore fishing at scales of bays (one to tens
of kilometres)
School size, hundreds of metres Offshore fishing at scales of banks (hundreds
of kilometres)
Inshore cod stocks (few tens of kilometres) Large firms move vessels and effort
internationally (>1000 km)
Offshore cod stocks migrate from banks
to bays (a few hundreds of kilometres)
Several cod stocks exist within the trip range of
industrial trawlers (hundreds of kilometres)
Organizational Cod stock collapse in 1992 (10 years) and resulting Inshore fisheries: crews of family and household
ecosystem changes to favour lower trophic level members; ‘subsistence’ fishing
species (e.g. crabs, shrimp)
Increased fishing pressure on distant stocks and Offshore fisheries: crews from local communities
previously lightly fished species plus international
Increase in dragger fleet size and capacity drove
development of coastal processing plants
Factory freezer-trawlers owned by large
international firms, no shore-based processing
facilities needed
Community collapse and social disruption
since 1992 but enhancement of large firms

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520 R.I. Perry and R.E. Ommer

provided by Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax) off the driven by environmental and ecosystem changes; such
west coast of Canada. This species comprised the lar- changes have been observed for several northeast
gest fishery in British Columbia from the mid-1920s to Pacific marine systems (Francis and Hare, 1994). The
the 1940s, but then collapsed in 1947 (McFarlane and centre of the sardine distribution is in California, and
Beamish, 2001). It was accepted as a classic case of under ‘normal’ conditions about 10% of the population
overfishing. This collapse extended to California, is estimated to migrate into Canadian waters during the
where it drove the collapse of ‘Cannery Row’. Those summer to feed. The availability of this species to local
employed in the fishery and its processing sectors were Canadian fishers therefore depends on the extent of the
forced to find employment elsewhere (some of which summer northward migration (which appears to be
was re-directed to a developing anchovy industry, a under environmental, possibly temperature, control)
species which was then increasing), and some of the and the longer term and larger spatial scale processes
capital equipment went to fuel the newly developing relating to climate forcing of ecosystems. The assess-
anchovy fishery off Peru (Radovich, 1981). ment of both the ability of this ecosystem to produce
In the 1990s, however, Pacific sardines returned to sardines, and of the importance of sardines to the local
Canadian waters to such an extent that spawning fisheries and processing sectors, depends on when one
occurred in 1997 and 1998 (McFarlane et al., 2002). starts the analyses – a shifting temporal baseline
McFarlane and Beamish (2001) suggest that the return problem (Table 2). Such changes may also have global
of sardines to northeast Pacific coastal waters was consequences (e.g. the impact of the shift of effort and

Table 2. Comparison of time, space and organizational scales in the natural and social sciences in relation to the Pacific sardine
(Sardinops sagax) off the Pacific coast of North America.

Scale dimension Natural sciences Social sciences

Time Life span 13–25 years Largest fishery in British Columbia

from 1920s to 1940s
Age at maturity 2 years Population collapsed 1947 (50 years)
Population doubling time <5 years Sardines began recovery in California
in early 1990s; returned to British
Columbia in late 1990s
Seasonal north–south migrations
Long-time population variability with periods
!60 years
ENSO (5–7 years) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation
(decades) influences on environmental conditions
Space Maximum length 40 cm Collapse of North America fishery drove
a migration of capital to South America
School sizes, hundreds of metres Development of both shore-based and ship-based
processing facilities in California during 1920s
Migrations of hundreds of kilometres Three international jurisdictions involved in
alongshore; tens of kilometres cross-shelf management: Mexico, United States, Canada
Three to four stocks (Gulf of California, Baja
California, southern California, northern
California to British Columbia); smaller
sub-populations can occur at scales of coastal
inlets (tens of kilometres)
Collapse of population in late 1940s was
coastwide; only productive stocks remaining
were off Baja California and in Gulf of California
Organizational Production is related to cycles of warm and cold Product initially sold both for fish meal and
environmental conditions (ecosystem changes) human consumption
Anchovy replaced sardine as the dominant small Growth of fishery paralleled the growth of
pelagic finfish in southern waters during agriculture in California
sardine collapse
Industry shifted effort to anchovy as Pacific
sardine declined

! 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Fish. Oceanogr., 12:4/5, 513–522.

Scale issues in ecosystems and human interactions 521

capital to Peru and the consequences for that nation’s qualitative social science studies, which help us to
fisheries) – nothing is ever straightforward or self- understand those crucial human motivations without
contained in fisheries management! which we have little chance of making reliable pre-
dictions about human responses. So far, specific case
studies are proving the most successful ways of begin-
ning to resolve this issue, in particular with problems
The lessons to be learned are that the role of scale is that appear to originate with variability at intermediate
absolutely crucial: spatial and temporal scales, eco- temporal scales. The hope is that, as these accumulate,
system (organizational) scale, management scale, we will be able to identify processes from the bottom up
technological scale, the size of fish, the length of time rather than attempting to impose them from the top
over which patterns of biomass shift are measured, or down. However, many methodological issues remain
over which management policies are applied, and the unresolved in integrating studies conducted at local
poorly understood nature of the scale of impacts in one scales to larger scales (Wilbanks and Kates, 1999).
ecosystem on another given human capacity to inter- These scale and methodology issues are crucial
fere in natural systems through technological and because, as Lee (1993) suggests, when human
economic means. There are four specific scale lessons responsibility does not match the spatial and temporal
to be drawn from these examples, which all have wider scales of the natural processes involved, then unsus-
implications: tainable use of resources is likely. We need effective
1. We need to find a way to manage fisheries that stewardship of our oceans at the local, as well as the
reaches from the global to the local. This is a social institutional, scale because that is where it is a matter
science problem. of survival for both natural and human communities.
2. We need to make sure that we use the appropriate We also need to institute management policies that
scale of natural science analysis when we are building are sensitive to local needs if we are to achieve the
it into management policy. We can solve this jointly ‘buy-in’ that is a feature of all successful management
with social science by considering the complementary strategies. This is likely to resolve itself if the focus is
nature of the organizational dimension (e.g. individual more on ecosystem and community forms of analysis,
fish to seascapes; individual people to supra-national which are intrinsically bottom-up in approach. This
organizations) and focussing analyses more on the will also have the great strength of bringing natural
organizational scales of communities of fish and fishers. and social scientists comfortably together to identify
This is a joint solution to a long-standing natural ecosystem processes and human interactions, and their
science – social science problem. appropriate scales.
3. We need to be aware of shifting temporal baselines
in both social and natural science analysis. This means
thinking about appropriate temporal cut-offs when
using natural and/or social science data in policy built We thank Nigel Haggan and two anonymous review-
on such analyses. ers for their comments and suggestions regarding this
4. We need to be very cautious about predictive paper. This is a contribution of the IGBP/SCOR/IOC
models when dealing with their application to human GLOBEC Program Focus 4 on the social impacts from
societies, because there are usually more variables changes in marine ecosystems.
involved than can be included in the models. This
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ural science models lie in (i) cross-scale social science scale and the human dimensions of global change: a survey.
studies, which tell about pathways; and (ii) small-scale Ecol. Econ. 32:217–239.

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