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Viscosity of aqueous Poly (ethylene glycol) solutions using

Ostwald viscometer
1. Introduction
PEG, or poly (ethylene glycol), is a long-chain water-soluble polymer having
numerous uses in chemical and medicinal fields.

The molecular weight, structure, and numerous other features of macromolecular

substances can be ascertained by analyzing the viscosities of those substances.
When ordinary solutions with similar concentration are compared, it is larger. As a
result, extremely diluted macromolecular solutions are required to assess viscosity.

At a constant temperature, the concentrations have a significant impact on how

viscous aqueous PEG solutions are. When examining the characteristic viscosity of
solutions with varied concentrations by the Oswald viscometer, the linear
extrapolation approach is used to calculate the viscosity of an extremely diluted
aqueous PEG solution.

2. Methodology
a, Chemicals, and tools:


- Distilled water

- Aqueous PEG solutions (5; 8; 10; 15; 20; 25% mass)


- 01 Ostwald viscometer 0.8mm

- 01 stopwatch
- 01 2-liter glass cup

- 01 mercury thermometer

- 02 pipettes 10 mL

- 01 rubber squeeze

- 01 rack and claw clamp

The dynamic viscosity for this experiment was measured using an Ostwald
viscometer with a 0.8mm diameter. The U-tube viscometer and capillary
viscometer are other names for the Ostwald viscometer. The gadget uses a U-
shaped tube with two branches to guide or reverse the flow of the test fluid. Branch
2 has a capillary with a known diameter that is identified by rating lines a and b.
The amount of time it takes for the liquid to go from level a to level b is measured.

b, Procedure

The viscometer is required to be cleaned and purified with distilled water before
measurements can be taken. The viscometer was subsequently placed so that the
water level should be above the level of branch 2 after the thermostat was set to a
preset temperature (preferably at 20 or 25). Branch 1 is filled with a 10mL
substance liquid using a pipette. To keep the foam from getting mixed into the
liquid column when it rose over 1 cm, a rubber hose linked to branch 1 was utilized
to slowly pump the liquid. The liquid then continued to pool at the base of branch
1's sizable bulb. The timer measured how long it took the liquid to flow freely from
point A to point B. To determine the average, one instance must be repeated at least
three times.

The viscosity of pure water was first measured, and then that of solutions of PEG
in water at the respective concentrations of C = 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, and 25% mass,
respectively. The measurements were separated by 5 minutes to stabilize the entire

c, From the results of the experiment, apply the formula to calculate:Viscosity (η),
specific viscosity ( η ) and characteristic viscosity ( [η] ) of polyethylene glycol in


From experiment, I have: Flow time from a to b of polyethlene glycol (t),

water(t ), viscosity of water (η ).
o o

Indentify viscosity (η)

Replace η t,t to formula:

o, o

η = η t/t
o o

Indentify specific viscosity (η ) r

Replace η,η to fomula:o

η = η/η -1
r o

Indentify characteristic viscosity ( [η] )

The characteristic viscosity is difined as:

So, the relation between η /C and C is as follows:


η /C = [ η ]+ aC

I see, η /C is the fist order function of C, plotting the dependency η /C according to C.

r r

I Will find the specific viscosity [ η ].


Laboratory temperture ( C ): 37 C 0 o
Water viscosity at laporatory temperature: η = 0,7 ( mN.s/m )

Flow time of water: t = 23,16 (s)


{\displaystyle \eta }Graph the dependencies η /C on C


Graph: The dependence of the characteristic viscosity on the solution concentration

From the graph I see ,At C = 0 then [ η ]= 3,2

4. Discussion

Due to the characteristic viscosity of polymeric solutions increasing with

concentration. In the small concentration range, the characteristic viscosity
increases proportionally with the high molecular substance concentration, so in the
graph we can see the straight line of the dependence of the characteristic viscosity
on the increasing concentration.

Experimental results are relatively similar to reality, error in the allowed area.

Error due to: Instruments, measuring process, taking calculation error

5. Conclusion

The measurement of polymeric solutions viscosity plays a very important role,

helping to determine the molecular mass, structure and many other properties of
polymeric substances.

Solutions of polymers usually have a much greater viscosity than common

solutions and colloidal systems of the same concentration. Therefore, the polymers
used to measure the viscosity must be of dilute concentration.


In technical, viscosity of liquid is taken an interest, specially, viscosity of gasoline.

Viscosity is one of the specific quatity for friction of flows. The experiment is
praticed for determine viscosity and specific viscosity y = mx+b, which is presented
the relationship between nr/C and C, therefore determine the specifuc viscosity of

Ostwald viscometer was used to determine viacosity. The viacometer was one
struction by glass, which had leter U shape and had 2 branchs. One branch was
capillary and was graded a, b. When the liquid flow from a to b, the time was
recorded by the stop watch. At temperature 25°C, the viscosity of water and
viscosity of polyglycol with different

concentration( 5,8,10,15,20,25) was determined. In the lab intruction[1], steps was

conducted specificly.


The data is summaried in Table 1. The equation in Figure is preaented the

relationship between nr/C and C. The viscosity of water is 0.71 m.N.s/m^2


The data which was collected was presented the relationship is straight-line y =
0.0012x + 0.0284. This would show concentration of solution increased viscosity
increased. The specific viscosity of solution polyglycol i n= 0.028. The data get error
of the experiment because the viscosity depended on the temperature of solution.
Therafore, when the temperature increased, the viscosity increased because the
intermolecular friction force keep them increasing.


Viscosity was a important quatity in technical. Therefore, viscosity was determined

carefully and exactly. Specially, it could not determine directly so constructing
equation y = 0.0012x+0.0284 to find the specific ciscosity of solution polyglucol.

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