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May 14th- 19th

Sunday (May 14th) Arrival

13:05 Arrival of the Greek team in Vilnius. In Kaunas at around 15:30. Meting point: Metropolis

Monday (May 15th) Introductions

08:15 Official greeting by the principal, presentation of the Greek team, getting to know each other.

09:10 A tour of the school.

10:05 A tour of Vilijampole: historic and geographical features of the region.

12:00 Lunch in the city (the Greek team).

13:30 Tour of Kaunas. Starting point: Soboras, finishing point: Town Hall.

16:00 Free time in the downtown of Kaunas.

17:30 Dinner for students and teachers in Laisves avenue.

Tuesday (May 16th) Exploring the area

09:00 Ecological challenges: introducing the Greek team with main ecological problems Kaunas

10:30 Exploring the city: the Geek team is working in different areas of the city, studying the
ecological challenges on location, documenting information, identifying tasks for case studies.

Lunch in the city.

14:15 - 15:30 a visit to M.K. Ciurlionis Museum: watching a VR movie, a guided tour of the museum.

Wednesday (May 17th) Providing solutions

09:10 Presentations: Greek students present the results of the field study on Tuesday; Lithuanian
and Greek students work in groups brainstorming solutions to the problems presented.

10:00 Action plan: students work together to select the best solutions and prepare an action plan.

11:00 Decision time: groups present their suggestions, the best one/ ones is/are chosen to be
implemented on Thursday.

12:00 Lunch at school

13:00 A basketball match in mixed groups.

14:30 Free time.

18:00 Dinner for teachers.

Thursday (May 18th) Making a change

09:00 Students work together at school or in the city under the supervision of teachers to implement
the solution/s selected on Wednesday. The work and the final product are documented.
Lunch on their own in the city or at school.

14:00 Presentation of the work in groups at school.

15:00 Trip to Pazaislis area: exploring the nature and the architecture of the area.

Friday (May 19th) Saying good-byes

Students are brought to Metropolis Hotel by hosts.

Exploring the Oak Park and Zaliakalnis.

Departure to Vilnius.

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