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Welcome back to my channel everyone.

Today we will begin to learn about the actual singing

techniques which will be singing your voice with using various vocal ranges & registers. When we sing,
we need a variety of vocal registers. Usually, low or flat notes require the use of the chest voice, and high
notes require the use of the head voice. When the head notes of the range are activated and
strengthened in a healthy way, the overall tone is stable, the volume is increased, and the sound quality
is firm yet flexible, and when you know the head voice, you can sing in a clear tone without straining
even at high notes. This will help us adjust the length of our vocal cords naturally and will bring you a
more stable sound. So now let's see how to practice this technique.

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The chest voice is the lowest range of the voice, and the sound is deep and thick. Usually, when
we speak, the chest voice is used, and when it is used, a vibration is felt in the chest. Chest voice
development results in increased volume because nearby muscles are better able to convert air into
sound waves. And by strengthening the surrounding muscles, the vocal folds close tighter and prevent
air leakage. The larynx uses enough energy to effectively vibrate the chord in the flowing air. Now let's
see how to practice this. To practice the chest voice, we mainly practice singing using the [ah] vowel. At
this point, to focus on the lower notes, play a little louder (but not too loud!) on the lower notes. When
this exercise consists of three elements (low vowels, large vowels, and open vowels), the muscles
automatically respond to the movement, allowing you to feel and hear the texture of the sound. You
should feel a vibration in your chest at this time. Here is the exercise:

The first time you use the chest tone, it may sound a little harsh and seem too heavy, but if you keep
trying, you will learn a lot and get used to the sensations. That said, you'll have to get used to it and get
used to what it feels like to sing in your "ugly" chest voice, but you'll learn how your muscles work and
sing along with flexible muscle stretches.

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