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Feasibility Study

A feasibility study is an analysis that takes all of a project’s

relevant factors into account—including economic, technical ,legal,
and scheduling considerations—to ascertain the likehood of
completing the project successfully. Project managers use feasibility
studies to discern the pros an cons of undertaking a project before
they invest a lot of time into it.

Project Scope
This project base on the Machine Learning to help the people
who are deaf and dump. By approching this application in future or
in current life people can easily communicate with other peoples .
By doing this project we opened the door for the people who
can’t comunicate properly or adjust with world.Using this application
people will enjoy and learn something new language.

Approch :
This application will be using for native approch of
development. The application is created using Meachine learning
&Python, recognaization is achieved by Tensorflow ,OpenCV, cvzone.
Recognize the user which show the sign and display on screen.
Mostly usable for all people who can interested to learn sign
language , Detect sign language and help deaf and dump people
communicating with each other.

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