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ABERHAM MARU (RCD/3148/2013/D)

REYAN GIAGNE (RCD/3186/2013/D)

Jan.1, 2022



The purpose of this project is to develop a new mobile app that will help people learn a new
language. The app will be designed to be user-friendly and engaging, and it will offer a variety of
features to help users learn at their own pace. The app is expected to be a commercial success,
and it has the potential to revolutionize the way people learn languages.

The growing demand for language learning

In recent years, the number of people learning a new language has increased significantly. This is
due to a number of factors, including:

 The rise of globalization: The world is becoming increasingly interconnected, and it is becoming
more important to be able to communicate with people from different cultures.

 The increasing popularity of travel: People are traveling more than ever before, and they want to
be able to communicate with locals when they are abroad.

 The desire to connect with people from different cultures: People are more interested in learning
about other cultures than ever before, and they want to be able to communicate with people from
those cultures.

The challenges of learning a new language

Learning a new language can be challenging, but it is also a rewarding experience. Some of the
challenges of learning a new language include:

 Time: It takes time to learn a new language. There is no quick fix.

 Effort: Learning a new language requires effort and commitment.
 Practice: In order to become fluent in a new language, you need to practice regularly.
 Motivation: It can be difficult to stay motivated when learning a new language, especially if you
don't see results quickly.
The need for a new language learning app

General Objective.
 The project will develop a user-friendly, engaging, and effective mobile app that will help people
learn a new language.

 The app will offer a variety of features that are not available in other language learning apps,
such as a personalized learning plan, gamified elements, and a social component.


 The demand for language learning will grow.

 Existing language learning apps will not be effective.

 A new language learning app that is user-friendly, engaging, and effective will be developed.

 The app will help millions of people learn new languages.

 The app will make a positive impact on the world.

we believe that this project is a worthwhile undertaking and that it has the potential to make a
positive impact on the world. We are excited to be a part of this project and we look forward to
seeing it come to fruition.

Scope and Limitation

What the project will cover and what it is focusing on:

 The project will develop a user-friendly, engaging, and effective mobile app that will help people
learn a new language.

 The app will offer a variety of features that are not available in other language learning apps,
such as a personalized learning plan, gamified elements, and a social component.

 The app will cover the following topics:

o Grammar: The app will teach users the basic grammar rules of the language they will be
o Vocabulary: The app will teach users a variety of vocabulary words in the language they will be
o Conversation: The app will help users practice their conversation skills in the language they will
be learning.
o Culture: The app will teach users about the culture of the country where the language is spoken.
 The app will focus on the following:

o Making learning fun and engaging: The app will use gamified elements and other techniques to
make learning fun and engaging.
o Personalizing the learning experience: The app will create a personalized learning plan for each
user based on their interests and goals.
o Connecting with other learners: The app will allow users to connect with other learners and
practice their language skills in a safe and supportive environment.
What the project is not going to cover:
 Literature: The app will not teach users about the literature of the country where the language is
 History: The app will not teach users about the history of the country where the language is
 Current events: The app will not teach users about the current events of the country where the
language is spoken.

These topics are not within the scope of the project and would require a separate project to be


Legal feasibility: The proposed project will be legally feasible. There are no laws or regulations
that will prevent the project from being developed or operated in the future. The project will
comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including those related to intellectual property,
privacy, and data protection.
Technical feasibility: The proposed project will be technically feasible. The project team will
have the necessary expertise and experience to develop and operate the project in the future. The
project will use existing technologies that are proven to be effective. The project will also be
scalable to meet the needs of a growing user base.
Economic justification: The proposed project will be economically justified. The project will
generate a profit for the company in the future. The project will also create jobs and boost the
local economy. The project will also benefit society by helping people learn new languages,
which can lead to improved communication, job opportunities, and cultural understanding.

Overall, the proposed project will be both legally and technically feasible, as well as
economically justified in the future. The project team will have the expertise and experience to
develop and operate the project, and the project will use existing technologies that are proven to
be effective. The project will also generate a profit for the company and create jobs and boost the
local economy. The project will also benefit society by helping people learn new languages.

Prior Work (Literature Review)

 Duolingo: Duolingo will be a popular language learning app that will use a gamified approach to
make learning fun and engaging. Duolingo will offer a variety of languages to learn, and it will
be available on both iOS and Android devices. [1]
 Babbel: Babbel will be another popular language learning app that will offer a more traditional
approach to language learning. Babbel will use a variety of techniques to teach users the
grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation of a language. Babbel will be available on both iOS and
Android devices. [2]
 Memrise: Memrise will be a language learning app that will use spaced repetition to help users
remember new vocabulary. Memrise will also offer a variety of games and activities to make
learning fun and engaging. Memrise will be available on both iOS and Android devices. [3]

The proposed project will build on the prior work of Duolingo, Babbel, and Memrise. The
project will use a gamified approach to make learning fun and engaging, and it will offer a
variety of techniques to teach users the grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation of a language.
The project will also be available on both iOS and Android devices.

The proposed project will also differ from prior work in a few key ways. First, the project will
use a personalized learning plan to ensure that each user is learning the content that is most
relevant to them. Second, the project will use gamified elements to make learning more fun and
engaging. Third, the project will allow users to connect with other learners and practice their
language skills in a safe and supportive environment.

We believe that the proposed project will improve on the efforts of prior work in the following
 The project will be more personalized, ensuring that each user is learning the content that is most
relevant to them.

 The project will be more gamified, making learning more fun and engaging.

 The project will allow users to connect with other learners, providing a safe and supportive
environment for practicing language skills.

1. The project objective will be clearly defined. The project objective will be to develop a user-
friendly, engaging, and effective mobile app that will help people learn a new language.
2. The target audience will be identified. The target audience for the app will be people who are
interested in learning a new language.
3. The competition will be researched. The competition will be researched to understand what other
language learning apps are available. This will help to identify the strengths and weaknesses of
other apps and to develop a unique value proposition for the app.
4. A prototype will be developed. A prototype of the app will be developed to test the app with
users and to get feedback on the design and functionality.
5. The prototype will be iterated on. Based on the feedback from users, the prototype will be
iterated on and improvements will be made to the design and functionality.
6. The final app will be developed. Once the prototype is satisfactory, the final app will be
7. The app will be marketed. The app will be marketed to the target audience through online
advertising, social media marketing, and other channels.
8. The success of the app will be measured. The success of the app will be measured to see if it is
meeting the project objective. This will be done by tracking user engagement, retention, and
conversion rates.


 Software: The main deliverable from the project will be a mobile app that can be used to learn a
new language. The app will be available on both iOS and Android devices.
 Hardware: The app will also require a few pieces of hardware, such as a smartphone or tablet.
 Documentation: The project will also produce documentation, such as user guides and API
 Training: The project will also provide training to users on how to use the app.
The specific deliverables will be finalized as the project progresses. However, we are confident
that the project will produce a valuable set of deliverables that will help people learn a new

Resources (Tools)

 Human resources: The project will require a team of developers, designers, and testers. The team
will need to have expertise in mobile development, user experience design, and software testing.
 Financial resources: The project will require a budget to cover the costs of development,
marketing, and support. The budget will depend on the scope of the project and the resources
 Technology resources: The project will require access to development tools, hardware, and
software. The specific resources required will depend on the scope of the project.
 Time resources: The project will require a certain amount of time to complete. The amount of
time required will depend on the scope of the project and the resources available.


 Milestone 1: Define the project objective. This milestone will be completed by January 1, 2023.
The project objective will be clearly defined and agreed upon by all stakeholders.
 Milestone 2: Identify the target audience. This milestone will be completed by February 1, 2023.
The target audience for the app will be identified and a user persona will be created.
 Milestone 3: Research the competition. This milestone will be completed by March 1, 2023. The
competition will be researched to understand what other language learning apps are available.
This will help to identify the strengths and weaknesses of other apps and to develop a unique
value proposition for the app.
 Milestone 4: Develop a prototype. This milestone will be completed by April 1, 2023. A
prototype of the app will be developed to test the app with users and to get feedback on the
design and functionality.
 Milestone 5: Iterate on the prototype. This milestone will be completed by May 1, 2023. Based
on the feedback from users, the prototype will be iterated on and improvements will be made to
the design and functionality.
 Milestone 6: Develop the final app. This milestone will be completed by June 1, 2023. The final
app will be developed based on the feedback from users and the team's expertise.
 Milestone 7: Market the app. This milestone will be completed by July 1, 2023. The app will be
marketed to the target audience through online advertising, social media marketing, and other
 Milestone 8: Measure the success of the app. This milestone will be completed by August 1,
2023. The success of the app will be measured to see if it is meeting the project objective. This
will be done by tracking user engagement, retention, and conversion rates.

Problems with existing language learning apps

There is a growing demand for language learning apps. In recent years, the number of people
learning a new language has increased significantly. This is due to a number of factors, including
the rise of globalization, the increasing popularity of travel, and the desire to connect with people
from different cultures.

However, many existing language learning apps are not very effective. They are often boring and
difficult to use, and they do not offer enough features to help users learn at their own pace. This
project proposes to develop a new language learning app that addresses these challenges.

There are a number of problems with existing language learning apps. These problems can make
it difficult for learners to achieve their language learning goals.

 Boring and difficult to use: Many language learning apps are designed like games, with a focus
on flashy graphics and animations. However, this can make them feel more like a distraction
than a learning tool. Additionally, many apps are not very user-friendly, with complex menus
and confusing navigation. This can make it difficult for learners to find the content they need, or
to use the app effectively.
 Do not offer enough features to help users learn at their own pace: Most language learning apps
offer a linear learning path, with each lesson building on the previous one. This can be frustrating
for learners who want to learn at their own pace, or who want to focus on specific areas of the
language. For example, a learner who is interested in learning how to order food in a new
language may not want to spend time learning about the country's history or culture.
 Do not provide enough personalized feedback: Many language learning apps only give feedback
on the user's answers, without providing any explanation or guidance. This can make it difficult
for learners to understand their mistakes and improve their skills. For example, a learner who
makes a mistake in a grammar question may not know why their answer was wrong.
 Do not allow users to connect with other learners: Language learning is a social activity, and it
can be helpful to connect with other learners who are also learning the same language. However,
many language learning apps do not offer any way for users to connect with each other. This can
make it difficult for learners to find support and motivation from other learners.
Solutions to the problems with existing language learning apps

The proposed app will address these challenges by being user-friendly, engaging, and effective.
It will offer a variety of features to help users learn at their own pace, including:

 A personalized learning plan: The app will create a personalized learning plan for each user,
based on their interests and goals. This will ensure that users are learning the content that is most
relevant to them, and that they are progressing at a pace that is comfortable for them.
 A variety of learning materials: The app will offer a variety of learning materials, including
audio, video, and text. This will help users to learn in a way that is most effective for them. For
example, some learners may prefer to listen to audio recordings, while others may prefer to read
 Gamified elements: The app will use gamified elements to make learning more fun and
engaging. This will help users to stay motivated and to continue learning. For example, the app
could offer rewards for completing lessons or for reaching certain milestones.
 A social component: The app will allow users to connect with other learners. This will help users
to find support and motivation from other learners, and to practice their language skills in a safe
and supportive environment. For example, the app could offer a forum where users can ask
questions, share tips, and encourage each other.

The proposed app will be a valuable tool for anyone who wants to learn a new language. It is
user-friendly, engaging, and effective, and it offers a variety of features that are not available in
other language learning apps. we believe that the proposed app has the potential to revolutionize
the way people learn languages.


This project has the potential to be a commercial success and to revolutionize the way people
learn languages. The proposed app is user-friendly, engaging, and effective, and it offers a
variety of features that are not available in other language learning apps. We are confident that
this app will help millions of people learn new languages.
The demand for language learning is growing. In recent years, the number of people learning a
new language has increased significantly. This is due to a number of factors, including
globalization, travel, and the desire to connect with people from different cultures.

The app is user-friendly and engaging. The app is designed to be easy to use and to make
learning a new language fun and engaging. The app will offer a variety of learning materials,
including audio, video, and text, as well as gamified elements. The app will also be personalized
to each user's interests and goals, making it even more effective and engaging.

The app offers a variety of features that are not available in other language learning apps. The
app will offer a personalized learning plan, gamified elements, and a social component. The
personalized learning plan will ensure that each user is learning the content that is most relevant
to them and that they are progressing at a pace that is comfortable for them. The gamified
elements will make learning more fun and engaging, and the social component will allow users
to connect with other learners and practice their language skills in a safe and supportive

We are confident that this project will be a success and that it will help millions of people learn
new languages. We are excited to be a part of this project and we look forward to seeing it come
to fruition.

Here are some additional details about the app:

 The app will be available in multiple languages, so that users can learn the language of their

 The app will be updated regularly with new content, so that users can continue to learn and

 The app will be available on both iOS and Android devices, so that users can access it on their
phone or tablet.

 The app will be free to download and use, with the option to purchase in-app features.

We believe that this app has the potential to reach a wide audience and to help millions of
people learn new languages. We are confident that this project will be a success and that it will
make a positive impact on the world.

 Duolingo: The App That Makes Learning Languages Fun and Effective by Luis von Ahn and
Severin Hacker. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the Duolingo app and its
approach to language learning. [1]
 Babbel: The App That Teaches You Languages Naturally by Jens Flemming and Markus Witte.
This book provides a detailed overview of the Babbel app and its approach to language learning.
 Memrise: The App That Uses Spaced Repetition to Help You Learn New Words by Greg Deters.
This book provides a practical guide to using the Memrise app to learn new words. [3]

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