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Zhejiang Jieda Environmental Protection Group Co.,Ltd.

Electric Precipitator
Installation Guide

Zhejiang Jieda Environmental Protection Group Co.,Ltd

Zhejiang Jieda Environmental Protection Group Co.,Ltd.

目 录 Contents

1.范围 ..............................................................................................................................................4
1. Range ...........................................................................................................................................4
2.规范性引用文件 ..........................................................................................................................4
2. Normative quotation documents................................................................................................4
3.设备保管与开箱验收 ..................................................................................................................4
3. Storage and unpacking check ....................................................................................................4
4.施工前准备 ..................................................................................................................................5
4. Preparation before installation ..................................................................................................5
5.本体安装 ......................................................................................................................................6
5.Entity installation...........................................................................................................................6
6.安装中应注意的问题 .................................................................................................................15
6.Matters need attention during installation ..............................................................................15
7.安装的最后检查 .........................................................................................................................15
7.The last checking for installation..............................................................................................15
8. 安装调试内容 ...........................................................................................................................16
8. Installation and commissioning ...............................................................................................16
9.高强度螺栓安装按有关标准执行 .............................................................................................16
9.Installation of high-strength bolts shall be carried on according to related standards. ......16
附 录(规范性附录) ..............................................................................................................17
Appendix (Normative appendix) .................................................................................................17
电除尘器调试大纲 ........................................................................................................................17
Scheme of Electrical Precipitator commissioning ......................................................................17
B1 调试内容..........................................................................................................................17
B1 Commissioning ................................................................................................................17
B2 调试前的准备工作及安全注意事项..............................................................................18
B2 Preparation and safety caution before Commissioning. ..............................................18
B3 电除尘器设备元件的检查与试验..................................................................................21
B3 Checking and testing of equipment components used in ESP.....................................21
B4 电除尘器密封性试验.......................................................................................................24
B4 Requirement of Gas-tight test for ESP..........................................................................24
B5 电除尘器安装后的检查与调整.......................................................................................26
B5 Checking and adjustment after ESP install. .................................................................26
B6 电除尘器低压控制回路的检查与调试...........................................................................29
B6 Inspection and Commissioning of low-voltage duct pilot in ESP................................29
B7 电除尘器电源的检查与调试........................................................................................34
B7 Inspection and Commissioning of the power of ESP....................................................34
B8 电除尘器的阴,阳极振打、分布板振打及机构传动件的调试................................35
B8 Commissioning of the discharging rapping, collecting rapping, distribution plate
rapping and mechanism driving medium in ESP ..............................................................35
B9 电除尘器电加热器通电调试..........................................................................................38
B9 Electricity Commissioning of electric heater in ESP....................................................39

Zhejiang Jieda Environmental Protection Group Co.,Ltd.

B10. 电除尘器冷态、无烟电场负荷调试.........................................................................39
B10. Cold smokeless load Commissioning of ESP..............................................................39
Bl1 电除尘器热负荷整机调试(72 小时联动运行)...........................................................46
B11 Thermal load overall Commissioning of ESP (72 hours’ leakage operation) ...........46

Zhejiang Jieda Environmental Protection Group Co.,Ltd.

Electrostatic-Precipitator Installation Guide

1. Range
1.1 本说明书适用于 J 型电除尘器本体设备和有关电气设备的安装、调试、技术改造及大修。
1.1 This instruction applies to installation, commissioning, technological transformation and
major repairing of J-slot Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP). Related electrical equipments are in
accordance with this instruction.
1.2 其它同类型电除尘器仅供参考。
1.2 To other style ESP, the instruction is for reference only.
2. Normative quoted documents
The terms quoted from the following documents become terms of this instruction.
JB/T5910-1997 电除尘器
Electrical precipitator
JB/T8536-1997 电除尘器机械安装技术条件
Technical specifications for machinery installation of electrical precipitator
Q/JAK08-2001 钢结构件涂装规范
Paint coating specification for steel structural parts
JB/T5906-1997 电除尘器阳极板
Anode plates in electrical precipitator
Q/JAK19-2001 钢结构及配套件包装
Steel structure and auxiliary equipment packing
JB/T5909.1-4 电除尘器用瓷绝缘子
Porcelain insulators used in electrical precipitator
3. Storage and unpacking check
3.1 设备到达现场后,按下列要求保管。
3.1 The equipments are kept as following requested after arriving the field.
3.1.1 堆放场地要合理布局,基础稳固,堆放高度合理,便于装运、作业,并作好防洪防涝
3.1.1 Equipment yard should have reasonable distribution and stable foundation. The stacking
height should be reasonable for shipment, operation and do well in water-logging prevention

Zhejiang Jieda Environmental Protection Group Co.,Ltd.

3.1.2 产品堆放要符合预装及安装工艺流程要求,避免多次倒运以防变形。
3.1.2 Products are piled according to preassemble and the technological process for installation.
The deforming made by frequently transport should be avoided.
3.1.3 产品堆放、装运时不得损坏产品上的产品编号。
3.1.3 Product number signed on products can’t be damaged during stacking and shipping.
3.1.4 电源整流变压器、电机等设备不得露天存放。
3.1.4 Mains rectification transformer, electric motor and other equipment can’t be put in open
3.1.5 阳极板、阴极线存放时间不得大于 6 个月,否则在其表面应涂气相防锈油。
3.1.5 The resting period of collecting plate and discharging wire must be less than six months.
Otherwise paint gas-phase pickling oil on surface.
3.1.6 电除尘器另部件的包装运输、标志、贮存应符合 Q/JAK19-2001 的规定。
3.1.6 Transportation, marking and storage of components should apply to the requirement in
3.2 设备开箱验收
3.2 Unpacking check
3.2.1 设备开箱、清点、验收应有制造厂、用户施工单位共同参加。
Manufacture and Construction organization should both participate during unpacking, checking of
materials, and receiving inspection.
3.2.2 验收条件
3.2.2 Acceptance condition 供货清册、装箱清单等技术文件资料齐全; All the technical documents are all ready such as supplying list and packing list. 设备铭牌上的型号、规格、数量与工程设计相符; Model number, specs and quantity signed in equipment nameplate coincide with
engineering design. 检查产品质量,如因运输、装卸、贮存过程产生变形和尺寸变动,应作校正,对无法
修复的要给予报废及更换; Check the quality of products. Do some correction when deformation or variation
happened during transporting, loading and discharging, storage. Reject and change the discharging
unrecoverable. 设计标准依据制造厂家设计图纸、有关技术文件及 JB/T5910-1997 规定。 Standard of design is according to design drawings, correlated technical documents and
regulations in JB/T5910-1997.
4. Preparation before installation
4.1 安装单位应熟悉设备结构、性能、有关设计图纸和技术文件,编制施工组织设计文件,

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4.1 Installation agency should be familiar with device structure, performance, correlative
design drawings and technical documents. Make construction management plan documents
and construction quality card. Installation agency shall also be in charge of quality
certification recording during installation.
4.2 按施工组织设计要求,进行场地平整、平台敷设,吊装机械设备配制等工作。
4.2 Site formation, platform laying, case with lifting mechanical equipment are according to the
requirement of design.
4.3 电瓷产品耐压试验应符合 JB/T5909.1-4 规定。
4.3 Pressure-tight test of electrical porcelain products shall be coincided with specifications in
4.4 制造厂作设备技术交底,用户应派员参加施工监督。
4.4 Manufacture confide technical secret. Users should take part in the supervision of
5. Entity installation
5.1 混凝土基础或混凝土支柱验收
5.1 Acceptance of concrete basic and concrete column.

Steel bracket or
Steel bracket or
block bearing
block bearing
Bottom board
Bottom board

Second pour areas

Base plate
Sanded cement
grout (1:2) Steel frame
Second pour areas Embedded steel plates

Fig. 1 Fig. 2

5.1.1 钢支柱或支承轴承与基础联接方式如图 1、图 2 。

5.1.1 Connection either between steel bracket and foundation or between block bearing and
foundation is shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2.
5.1.2 预埋件和预埋螺栓均应符合图纸要求,混凝土强度应符合设计要求。基础允许偏差(见
表 1)。
5.1.2 Embedded parts and embedded bolts are all accordance with drawings. Concrete strength is
in conformity with requirements of design. Foundation deviation is shown in Table 1.
Table 1:

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名 称 (Name) 长 度 (Length) mm 偏 差 (Deviation) mm

柱距 (Column spacing) ≤10 >10 <±3 <±5
对角线 (Diagonal line) ≤20 >20 <±6 <±8
标 高 (Height mark) ≤±3
5.2 钢支架
5.2 Steel bracket
5.2.1 划出支架各平面中心线及等高线,作为测量基准。
5.2.1 Centerline and contour line should be identified for each plane of brackets to be used in
measure reference.
5.2.2 钢支架各支承点水平标高允差≤±3mm,垂直度允差≤±5mm。
5.2.2 Allowable deviation at bearing points of steel bracket, horizontal levels is ≤ ±3mm,
verticality is ≤±5mm.
5.3 支承
5.3 Bearing
5.3.1 支承严格按图纸要求就位入座,注意单向、双向支承的位移方向,作好临时定位,临
5.3.1 Assemble position of bearings should be strongly conformity with drawings. Pay attention to
the displacement direction of one-way, two-way bearings. Temporary fix should be done reliably.
Remove temporary fix before commission or move distance sink bolts to the position demanded in
drawings after bottom girder are installed.
5.3.2 各支承下平面(或上平面)标高偏差≤±3mm 。
5.3.2 Upper plate (down plate) reference deviation of bearings is ≤±3mm.
5.4 底梁、灰斗
5.4 Bottom beam and hopper
5.4.1 划出所有底梁的纵横中心线,吊装就位作好临时支撑。焊接时要采取抗变形措施,底
5.4.1 Draw all the centerline of bottom beam. Lift into place and make temporary support. Avoid
deformation during welding. Packing at the connecting of bearings is permitted after bottom beam
is installation. Gap is <1mm.

Fig. 3

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5.4.2 底梁对角线偏差符合图 3 规定,各立柱支承点标高≤±3 mm。

5.4.2 Deviation of bottom beam diagonal is agreed with Fig. 3. Height mark of each column is ≤
±3 mm.
5.4.3 灰斗内壁与底梁作密封性焊接。
5.4.3 Tightness welding between hopper inwall and bottom beam.
5.4.4 灰斗中的挡风板要等到阳极板安装调整后再安装,阳极板下部振打杆的下平面与上挡
5.4.4 Air dampers in hopper shall be installed after anode plates are installed. The space between
down plate of shaking bar under anode plate and upper air damper should be constructed
according to drawings strictly. Ensure the polar plate could expand freely. Locating notch of air
dampers can be corrected in scene.
5.5 尘中走道
5.5 Inner ladder assembly
5.5.1 尘中走道安装就位时注意膨胀端不得焊死, 尘中走道上用于极板定位的部件待阳极板
5.5.1 The expanding side can’t be welded when inner ladder assembly is being installed. The
locating parts used in collecting plate on inner ladder assembly shall be welded after collecting
plates are installed.
5.6 壳体、内顶、走梯
5.6 Casing, inner roof and stair
5.6.1 安装前测量每根立柱的实际长度,中心线和等高线;配制相应厚度的垫板。
5.6.1 Measure the real length, center line and contour line of each upright column before
installation. Formulate plate with relevant thickness.
5.6.2 立柱垂直度偏差允许±5mm;立柱标高允差±3mm,柱间尺寸偏差小于±5mm。
5.6.2 Allowable verticality deviation of upright column is ±5mm, allowable height mark
deviation is ±3mm, and allowable deviation between columns is less than ±5mm.
5.6.4 壳体内顶安装完毕后可安装部份走梯及平台,以方便下一部件安装,走梯安装必须牢
5.6.4 To convenient for next installation, stairs and platforms can be partly installed after the inner
roof of casing are installed. The installation of stairs must be credibility. Pay attention to the
affection of heat expansion.
5.7 阴极吊挂及大框架
5.7 Discharging suspension and big-frame
5.7.1 绝缘子安装前要作好耐压试验,耐压试验要求按相关标准执行;精心安装防止破碎;同
5.7.1 Pressure-tight test should be done before insulator is installed. Pressure-tight test is
demanded to run according to relative standard. Insulator shall be meticulously installed to avoid

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breaking. Allowance deviation of upper plate of insulating column in the same electric field is ±
1mm, and hanging, dirt-proof boot, porcelain center is ±3mm.
5.7.2 阴极框架安装,如图 4,可采用电场内组装或地面部分组装相结合的工艺;各层小框
5.7.2 Installation of discharging frame is shown in Fig.4. Be assembled in electric field or partly in
ground partly in electric field are all acceptable. Little-frame of each layer is usually assembled in
electric field. The following are requirement after frame are assembled.

Discharging suspension

Upper Frame
(Rectangular Tube)

Middle Frame
(Rectangular Tube)

Lower Frame
(Rectangular Tube)



a. The center deviation between two rectangular tubes in the same little-frame

is ±3mm.

b.竖梁直线度允差 3mm;

b. Allowable deviation of vertical beam straightness is 3mm.

5.8 阳极部分

5.8 Anode part


a. Collecting suspension frame installed by chalking line.

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b. The deviation of the distance between hanging frame and upper little-frame is


Fig.5 Heel check frame for single collecting plate Fig.6 Hanger for single anode




Steel pipe

Lacing ring

Stiffened plate

Frame bed

Fig.7 Guide frame used in hanging collecting plate group

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Service lifting hook

coupling rope Main lifting hook
Guide frame
Lifting hanger

Fig.8 Twin hook hanger used in collecting plate group

Self-roll-over stand Shaft bearing Frame coupling rope Lifting hook

steel frame Guide frame Lifting hanger

Fig.9 Single hook hanger used in collecting plate group

Lifting hook for polar

plate is shown in fig.14

Fig.10 Hanger for collecting plate group

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其尺寸、形位公差应符合 JB/T5906-1999 规定。校正架如图 5。用搬运吊具(图

6)将极板放入导向框架内(图 7),同时,每放一块,用阳极板卡子固定之。一般 5~

6 块一组,进行吊装。

c. Insert discharging plates after discharging cage frames are installed.

Dimensional form and position tolerance of each polar plate should be accordance with

JB/T5906-1999 after checking and correcting. Correction frame can be found in Fig.5.

Lay polar plate at guide frame (Fig. 7) by hanger (Fig. 6). At the same time, fix

collecting plates by clips when one is laid. Hang after 5~6 pieces was assembled.

d.起吊时可采用双吊式如图 8,或单吊式如图 9,上部起吊方法如图 l0。钓

钩 如图 11:

d. Twin-lift (Fig. 8) or single-lift (Fig. 9) all can be adopted. The lifting method

for hang upper is shown in Fig.10, and jig in Fig.11.

Clamping element

Flat plate

Backup plate

Castle nut
Flat plate


Fig.11 Lifting hook for negative plate




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e. Relieve guide frame layer by layer while inserting collecting suspension frame

and discharging little-frame in anode. Correct after insertion. Deviation of heteropolar

distance is ±10mm. Hooke screws or high-strength bolts were installed by special



紧力矩要求为 160N·m

f. Binding bolts must be tighten when concave and convex sleeves was used in the

lower connection of collecting plate in ESP.Tightening torque is 160N·m.

5.9 阴极线安装

5.9 Installation of discharging wires.



栓焊死。阴、阳极间距偏差(见表 2):

Discharging wire shall be installed in strict accordance with graphic requirement

established procedure. Inverted and upside-down installation is unacceptable. Tighten

moment of round hole and girdle hole is carried on in accordance with demands in

drawings. Ensure polar heat expanding free and no whining. Welding bolts firmly.

The deviation between negative and anode pole is shown in Table 2.

表 2(Table 2)

极板长度(Polar plate length)≤ 阴、阳极间距(Distance between

7m negative and anode pole)≤5mm

极板长度>7m 阴、阳极间距≤10mm

5.10 振打系统的安装

5.10 Installation of rapping system.

5.10.1 严格按规定程序批准的图样安装,振打轴保证同轴度小于 3mm 后才能安



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5.10.1 Install strictly according to the pattern under established procedure. Rapping

hammer can be installed only after proper alignment of rapping shaft is less than

3mm. The horizontal center deviation between rapping hammer center and breaking

anvil center is ±3mm, and the vertical deviation is ±3mm.

5.10.2 所有与轴焊接的部位全部采用 T506 或 T507 焊接。

5.10.2 All the parts connected with axis are all welded with T506 or T507.

5.10.3 认准旋转方向,手工搬动振打轴,检查是否正常。检查运行情况,确保正


5.10.3 Shuffle rapping shaft by hands recognizing rotated direction. Check if it works

well. Check the operating conditions and make it work well.

5.11 进出口封头及分布板安装

5.11 Installation of inlet-outlet heads and distribution plates.

5.11.1 根据吊装能力组装后整体吊装进出口封头。

5.11.1 Inlet-outlet heads are hung integrally according to the lifting capability.

5.11.2 分布板严格按图就位。

5.11.2 Distribution plates are inserted strictly by drawings.

5.12 外顶及披屋安装

5.12 Installation of outer roof and penthouse


Pay attention to the heat expansion when the outer roof is installed.

5.13 排灰机构、人孔门及其它机构安装

5.13 Installation of ash exhauster, manhole door and other mechanism.


Pay attention to the flexibility and tightness when manhole door is installed.

5.14 保温及涂装

5.14 Thermal retardation and application

5.14.1 按制造厂要求并结合用户实际情况确定保温结构。

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5.14.1 Insulation construction should be ensured according to the requirement of

manufacturer and in response to the actual situation.

5.14.2 涂装应符合 Q/JAK23-2001 规定。

5.14.2 Application should be in accordance with Q/JAK23-2001.

5.15 保护板安装要求牢固,外观美观。

5.15 Installation of armour plate require firmly and good semblance.

6 安装中应注意的问题

6 Matters need attention during installation

6.1 在制定安装方案时,要有防焊接变形措施。

6.1 The method to avoid welding deformation must be supplied while making

installation scheme.

6.2 严禁漏焊、虚焊,特别是内件的焊接。

6.2 Lack of weld, rosin joint especially inter welding is strictly forbidden.

6.3 严格保证壳体的密封性焊接,注意漏焊点的补焊。

6.3 Welding tightness of casing must be strictly ensured.

6.4 异极距的调整,对保证除尘效率等各项性能至关重要检查调整,确保异极间


6.4 Adjustment of heteropolar distance is vitally important for guaranteeing dust

collection efficiency. Deviation of heteropolar distance must be ensured.

7 安装的最后检查

7 The last checking for installation

7.1 拆除所有临时设施和脚手架,并补焊。

7.1 Remove all the temporary establishment and scaffolds, and repair welding.

7.2 对电除尘器内部全面清场,不允许有任何工具杂物遗留,人孔门严格密封。

7.2 Clear the inner of electrical precipitator all over, and no tools and sundries are left.

Manhole door shall be sealed strictly.

7.3 绝缘子产品必须清洁干净。

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7.3 Insulator products must clear up.

7.4 减速机油位检查应符合有关标准规定。

7.4 Inspection of reductor oil level must be agreed with related standard.

7.5 电除尘器壳体及辅助设备接地良好,按接地螺栓的施工规范要求进行连接、


7.5 Ground connection of ESP casing and other support equipments are fine.

Connection and grounding are according to the requirements of construction

specification of grounding bolts.

7.6 将支承轴承临时定位拆除或将定位螺栓退到规定位置。

7.6 Remove temporary fix or move distance sink bolts to the position demanded in drawings.

7.7 检查阴极绝缘电阻,应符合 JB/T5909.1~4 规定。

7.7 Check negative insulation resistance in response of the stipulation in


8. 安装调试内容

8. Installation and commissioning

8.1 电除尘器验收应符合 JB/T5910-1997 规定。

8.1 Electrical precipitator acceptance must be in conformity with JB/T5910-1997.

8.2 电除尘器调试见附录 B《电除尘器调试大纲》。

8.2 Electrical precipitator commissioning can be seen in appendix B “Scheme of

Electrical Precipitator Commissioning”.

8.3 壳体密封性试验,检查方法有烟幕弹试验、煤油渗透试验等。

8.3 There are many methods for leakage test and checking of object, such as smoke

bomb test and coal oil penetration test.

9 高强度螺栓安装按有关标准执行

9 Installation of high-strength bolts shall be carried on according to related


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附 录(规范性附录)

Appendix (Normative appendix)


Scheme of Electrical Precipitator Commissioning

B1 调试内容

B1 Commissioning



To achieve desire result, electrical precipitator must be installed correctly. The

commissioning after installation is essentially a process of checking and installation

quality. Work reference usually includes the following contents.


a. Inspection and test of components in ESP.


b. Gas-tight test of ESP.


c. Checking and commissioning after finishing the installation of ESP.


d. Checking and commissioning of low- pressure duct pilot in ESP.


e. Checking and commissioning of high- pressure duct pilot in ESP.


f.Commissioning of discharging and collecting rapping, distribution plate rapping and

ash exhauster driving members in ESP.


g. Electricity Commissioning of electric heating in ESP.

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h. Cold smokeless load commissioning of ESP.


i. Thermal load commissioning of ESP.

B2 调试前的准备工作及安全注意事项:

B2 Preparation and safety caution before commissioning .

B2.1 电除尘器的凋试工作应由安装单位负责实施,施工单位、制造厂、用户单





B2.1 Installation agency takes charge of the commissioning of ESP. Construction

organization, manufacturer and user should attend. Send chief executive officers to take

charge in general command and commissioning. Commissioning running system

(organization, command, operation, personnel), constitute adjustment operation tables,

coordinate and settle the problems appeared. Record the appeared problems, methods

of solutions and various data conscientiously during commissioning. Make

conclusions of the commissioning condition after commissioning, and send to related


B2.2 调试人员应认真阅读设备说明书及有关技术资料,熟悉设备、系统,按调


B2.2 Commissioning workers should read equipment specification and related technical

documents carefully, be familiar with equipment and system. Operate in accordance

with subject methods processes and requirements of Commissioning Scheme.

B2.3 准备好调试工作中所需的消耗材料、润滑脂及器材工具。主要器具如下:

B2.3 Prepare the necessary consumable materials ,grease lubricant and equipments

used in commissioning. Main equipments are shown in following.

Zhejiang Jieda Environmental Protection Group Co.,Ltd.

a.静电电压表 100Kv 1 台(最好用数字式静电电压表);

a. One 100KV electrostatic voltmeter (Digital electrostatic voltmeter will be better)

b.数字万用表 1 块;

b. One digital universal meter

c.钳形电流表 1~5A l 块;

c. One 1~5A Clip-on ammeter

d.兆欧表 2500V、500V 各 l 块:

d. One 2500V Meg-ohmmeter and one 500V

e.电压表 600 V、0.5 级, 1 块;

e. One 600V 0.5 degrade voltmeter

f.常用电工调试工具 1 套;

f. One set of common electric debugging tool

g.白炽灯泡假负荷 220V,l00W*2,1 套;

g. One 220V 100W*2 incandescent bulb

h.绝缘棒 10KV 三节制,l 套(放电用):

h. One set of 10KV three sections insulating bar (Used for electric discharge)


i. Some signboards and ropes (Self-contain)


j. Some ground plastic multiple-core flexible wire used in test (Self-contain)

k.高能对讲机 1 对(高层布置时用);

k. A pair of high-energy walkie-talkie (Used in upper arrangement)

调度项目人员组成: 1名

One dispatcher

操作员: 2名

Two operators

检查、计测员: 2~3 名

Zhejiang Jieda Environmental Protection Group Co.,Ltd.

Two to three inspectors

调整员: 2~3 名

Two to three regulating personnel

机械: 2~3 名

Two to three mechanical personnel

电气: 2~3 名

Two to three electricity personnel

联络员: 1~3 名

One to three liaison men

共计: 10~15 名

Amount: ten to fifteen personnel

B2.5 几项确认

B2.5 Verifications

a 公用设施条件具备(水、压缩空气、电等);

a. Public service condition is necessary (Water, Compressed air, Electricity and so on)

b 有关设备如电源设备、给排油设备、灭火设备等确认;

b. Conform related equipments such as current supply device, oil supply and sewerage

equipment, fire-extinguishing equipments.

c 主回路绝缘电阻确认;

c. Conform the insulation resistance in main circuit.

d 进行控制回路等的程序检查得到确认。

d. Check duct pilot process.

B2.6 检查、试验结果记录由制造厂、安装公司、用户三方共同签字方为有效,


B2.6 Recording of checking and test can do work only with the sign of manufacture,

installation agency and user. Write up final report after commissioning, grandfathered

with three-name.

Zhejiang Jieda Environmental Protection Group Co.,Ltd.

B2.7 安全注意事项应附合 JB6407 标准的规定。

B2.7 Safety consideration should measure up to JB6470 standard.

B3 电除尘器设备元件的检查与试验:

B3 Checking and testing of equipment components used in ESP

B3.1 检查高压网络主绝缘部件,如:高压隔离开关、阴极悬吊绝缘瓷套、阴极

绝缘瓷套、穿墙套管等均需经耐压试验合格。用 2500V 兆欧表测量高压网络,

在绝缘件未受污染前其绝缘电阻值应在 200MΩ以上。

B3.1 Check the main insulating part in high-pressure electric network. HV isolated

switch , discharging hanged insulating porcelain shell, discharging insulating porcelain

shell and wall bushing must be acceptance after high-voltage holding test. Measure

the high-voltage electric network by 2500V Meg-ohmmeter. Insulating resistance

should be 200MΩ above before the insulator is polluted.

B3.2 高压硅整流变压器在组装调试前,检查整流变压器的瓦斯继电器应进行排


B3.2 Exhaust air from Buchholz relay of rectification switchgear before high-voltage

silicon rectification switchgear is installed .

B3.3 检查高压隔离开关应操作灵便合灵敏。

B3.3 High-voltage isolating switch could operate facility and sensitivity.

B3.4 查电缆头,应无漏油现象。

B3.4 Oil leakage can’t happen in cable head.

B3.5 高压硅整流变压器调试前应进行试验的项目按电源厂说明书进行。

B3.5 Projects of test should proceed in accordance with instruction of power factory

before high-voltage silicon rectification switchgear commissioning.

B3.6 硅整流变压器的高压输出如采用高压电力电缆输送时,对高压电缆应作以


B3.6 The following test should be operated on high-voltage cable if high-voltage

output of silicon rectification switchgear transfer with high-voltage electric power

Zhejiang Jieda Environmental Protection Group Co.,Ltd.


a.高压电缆油强度试验,—次性击穿电压不小于 35KV 标准油杯

a. Strength test of high-voltage electric cable oil. One time break-over voltage is no

less than 35KV standard oil-holder.


b. Direct current Gas-tight test of high-voltage cable.

使用 2500V 兆欧表测量试验前、后的电缆绝缘阻值;

Measure the insulating resistance before and after test by 2500V Meg-ohmmeter.

c.电除尘器专用直流电缆的直流耐压试验电压为 2Ue(两倍额定电压),持续十分





c. The voltage is 2Ue (Twice voltage rating) and remains ten minutes in the DC

high-voltage holding test for DC cable special used in ESP. Pressure standard and

duration should be carried out according to standards of electric power cable pressure

test in The Codes of Construction and Inspection in Electric Equipment Installation

(GBJ232-82) (The seventeenth piece, standards of electric commissioning test), if the

electric power cable is instead.

试验时:可分为 0.25、0.5、0.75、1 倍的试验电压逐段升压。每段停留—分钟,


Test voltage rise step by step on 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1 times of testing voltage. Stay one

minute at each stage and read leakage current flow. Release the affection of stray

electrical current during measuring.

B3.7 电缆直流泄漏电流试验如出现下列之一者,电缆绝缘可能有缺陷,应找出


B3.7 There may be some defects in the cable if one of the followings happens in DC

Zhejiang Jieda Environmental Protection Group Co.,Ltd.

Gas-tight test for electric power cable. Find the defects and apply.


a. There is instability leakage current.


b. Leakage current rise quickly with the rise of test voltage.


c. Leakage current rise over time.

B3.8 控制柜的试验按电源厂说明书进行。

B3.8 Test of control cabinet run according to the introduction of power factory.

B3.9 电除尘器所装设的各种瓷件,包括穿墙套管、阴极绝缘瓷套、振打瓷轴等


B3.9 Varieties of porcelain installed in ESP include wall bushings, discharging

insulating porcelain, rapping porcelain and so on. They should be inspected on the

demands of electric porcelain standard before installation. Porcelains should be in

good condition and no crackle.

B3.10 各种瓷件在安装前应作绝缘电阻测量和交流耐压试验,应附合厂家规定。

(一般规定:常温下:100KV 耐压试验 1 分钟)。

B3.10 Insulation measurement and AC high voltage holding test should be done

before varieties of porcelain install. All the above should be coincidence with the

regulations of factory. (Generally regulate that high-voltage holding test remains 1

minute in 100KV at ordinary temperature).

B3.11 振打、风门、排灰装置上的电动机,安装前应进行检查,轴承应按规定加


B3.11 Electrical motor used in rapping, air door and ash discharging gear should be

inspected before installation. Fill grease lubricant on bearings in regulation.

B3.12 电加热器铭牌上的型号和参数与设计要求相符。安装前,外观检查应完好

无损,用 500V 摇表测量绝缘电阻,阻值应大于 50MΩ.若低于 50MΩ,可通低

Zhejiang Jieda Environmental Protection Group Co.,Ltd.


B3.12 Model number and parameter signed on the nameplate of ESP is adherence to

design specification.Appearance inspection is well before installation. Measure the

insulation resistance by 500V magneto-ohmmeter. Resistance value should be greater

than 50 MΩ, otherwise dry it by electrifying low tension.

B4 电除尘器密封性试验:电除尘器安装完毕后,在敷设保温层前检查,密封性


B4 Requirement of Gas-tight test for ESP: Check tightness before insulating

layer lay down when installation of ESP is finish. Inspect tightness by smoke

projectile test or coal oil penetration test.


The method is instructed in follow when using smoke projectile test:

B4.1 目的:利用 65-1 军用发烟罐发出的烟雾检查电除尘器本体的密封性。

B4.1 Purpose: Check the tightness of ESP body by smoke from 65-1 military smoke


B4.2 准备工作:

B4.2 Preparatory work


a. The following points in Entity should be sealed up: inlet and outlet smoke box,

hopper, manhole door and so on.

b.每台电除尘器每次准备 65-1 型军用发烟罐三个,其中一个备用;

b. Prepare three 65-1 military smoke pots for one ESP, one is for standby.

c.在一个指定的人孔门进口处装设轴流风机 l 台

c. Install an axial flow fan at a designated manhole door.

d.准备防毒面具 2~3 具;

d. Prepare 2~3 gas masks.


Zhejiang Jieda Environmental Protection Group Co.,Ltd.

e. Be equipped with extinguisher on the right station.


f. Prepare a little pail of white paint and some writing brushes.

g.组织好检查人员 6~10 名,分片负责。

g. Organize 6~10 inspectors who are responsible for different parts.

B4.3 密度性试验:

B4.3 Density test


a. Lay smoke pot on inner walkway.

b.点燃发烟罐(使用方法见发烟罐使用说明书), 待发烟罐正常发烟后,人员退出,


b. Fire smoke pot (Use methods are shown in the introduction of smoke pot).

Personnel exist after the smoke pot smoke normally and close the manhole door



c. Start axial flow fan, blow and supercharge inner of shell.


d. Check the smoke leakage in response to the division of labor, and sign leakage

stations with white paint.


e. Open manhole door, eliminate smoke inside. Stop axial fan and repair welding

according to the marks.


f. Run smoke projectile test again till all the shell seal are in good condition.

B4.4 安全措施:

B4.4 Safety measures

a. 人员工作时必须全部佩戴防毒面具;

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a. All the personnel must wear gas mask while working.


b. Personnel must exist totally from the inner of ESP after smoking. Then fan must

run after manhole door is close.


c. Extinguisher must be prepared on site.


d. Repairing welding for smoke leakage can’t be done while smoking.

B5 电除尘器安装后的检查与调整:

B5 Checking and adjustment after ESP install.

B5.1 阴阳极中心间距的检查与调整:

B5.1 Checking and adjustment of center distance between discharging and collecting


a.阳极板除在地面 100%逐块校正外,应坚持 100%的复检、复校;

a. Collecting plate must be 100% checked one by one not only under foot but also be

100% rechecked and recalibrated.



b.Discharging wire should be checked one by one. If there are some flaws or lengthen

distance go beyond active length during installation, the discharging wire should be

rejected and replaced.


c. Check every pathway front to back.

d.在通道内,异极距偏差应符合 JB/T5910 标准要求:阳极板高度 h≤7m 时异

极距极限偏差为±5mm,h>7 时为±l0mm。

d. Heteropolar distance deviation in pathway should be coincidence with requirement

of JB/T5910 standard. Limit deviation of collecting plate distance is±5mm while

Zhejiang Jieda Environmental Protection Group Co.,Ltd.

collecting plate height

h≤7m, and the deviation is ±l0mm while h>7.



e. Take the distance from the external wall of each horizontal square-tube in

discharging little-frame to the outside of storm protection flange as monitoring point,

when inspection regulate on the altitude and horizontal direction of full path.

f.对每个通道的一侧在高度方向上检查 5~9 点,即阴极小框架每根水平支撑管



f. Set 5~9 points on the altitude direction at one side of each path, one point at each

horizontal supporting tube in discharging little-frame. Check with tailor-made “T”

gauge, and maintain the records. The off-grade components should be readjusted or

done over again.


g. Operate carefully while adjustment. Too much force is infeasible to collecting plate.


h. It is forbidden to adjust by heating.

B5.2 去除阴、阳极各部位的尖角毛刺;仔细检查壳体、电场内部凡异极性间距


B5.2 Remove sharp burring from every place of discharging and collecting poles.

Check the shell carefully, and adjust it in case that heteropolar distance is less than the

distance between polar plate and polar curve.

B5.3 阳极板排、阴极大框架、小框架、阴、阳极振打各部位的螺栓拧紧并作止


B5.3 Tight and weld the bolts at collecting plates, discharging large-frame,

little-frame, and collecting & discharging rapping.

Zhejiang Jieda Environmental Protection Group Co.,Ltd.

B5.4 阴、阳极锤头与承击砧接触位置符合要求,轴、锤转动灵活可靠。

B5.4 Link position between collecting & discharging hammer heads and striking anvil

must be comply with the requirements. Axial and hammer rotate flexibly and


B5.5 电场内的异物清理干净。

B5.5 Clear up foreign matter from electric field.

B5.6 检查风门电机、振打减速电机、排灰电机等运转正确灵活,链条松紧适中,


B5.6 Check the flexibility of throttle motor, shaking reducing motor and dust motor.

The tightness of chains is moderate. Clear up all of oil site and stick it out.

B5.7 烟道连接的调节门、挡板、引风机、排灰装置、屋面板、人孔门密封性良


B5.7 Tightness of adjust gate, guard board, draught fan, ash discharging gear, roofing

board and manhole door which connect the gas flues.

B5.8 各部位焊缝牢固可靠,无错焊、漏焊、密封性良好。

B5.8 Welding at various parts should be credibility without wrong joint and leak joint,

and leakage tightness is well.

B5.9 各瓷支柱接触平稳,受力均匀。各瓷套、瓷轴清洁干燥。

B5.9 Porcelain column contact stabilization and stress uniformity. Clear up porcelain

shell and porcelain shaft.

B5.10 本体接地电阻要求小于 2 欧姆。

B5.10 Ground resistance of entity is demanded to be less than 2Ω.

B5.11 用 2500 伏兆欧表测定调压网络的绝缘电阻,应大于 200 兆欧

B5.11 Measure the insulating resistance of voltage regulation web with 2500V

Meg-ohmmeter. The value should be more than 200MΩ.

B5.12 电除尘器外壳及高整流变压器正极电缆线应完好并紧固。

B5.12 Shell of ESP and positive cable of high-voltage rectification switchgear should

Zhejiang Jieda Environmental Protection Group Co.,Ltd.

be in good condition and be tighten well.

B5.13 高压隔离开关操纵机构应灵活,位置准确。

B5.13 Controlling mechanism of high-voltage isolating switch should be flexible and

in right position.

B5.14 用 500 伏兆欧表检查振打电机、风门电机、卸灰电机及电缆绝缘情况。绝

缘电阻不小于 20M 欧姆。

B5.14 Check rapping motor, throttle motor and dust motor with 500V Meg-ohmmeter.

Examine the insulation of cables. Insulating resistance is no less than 20MΩ.

B5.15 对照图纸检查各部位接线正确无误。

B5.15 Check the connection of each part against drawings, and make sure it is right.

B6 电除尘器低压控制回路的检查与调试。

B6 Inspection and Commissioning of low-voltage duct pilot in ESP.

B6.1 电除尘器电气系统查线完毕后,方可通电检查作各系统的传动试验和设备


B6.1 Transmission test of each system and unload test run of equipments must be

checked after the electric system of ESP wire checking is over.

B6.2 低压操作控制设备通电检查,主要包括:报警系统试验、振打回路检查、


B6.2 Check the low-voltage operation control equipment on state. The checking

contents mainly include: Warning system test, inspection of rapping circuit,

examination of dust circuit and inspection of heating and temperature checking


B6.3 通电前,应将各柜(台)与电除尘器低压元件的连线从端子排处断开,方能进



B6.3 Break up the connection between counter and low-voltage components in ESP

on the terminal board before electrifying. Then, make coordinated inspections in

Zhejiang Jieda Environmental Protection Group Co.,Ltd.

low-voltage control equipment on state. Push the power switch of the counters after

electrifying, and there should be indication on the power voltmeter of each counter.

B6.4 手动、自动启动报警系统时,其瞬时、延时音响、灯光信号均应动作正确,


B6.4 When manual start or auto-start the warning system, instantaneous sound, delay

sound and lamp signal should be run correctly and relieved reliably

B6.5 振打回路检查,其方法与要求如下:

B6.5 The method and requirement of the inspection of rapping circuit are as




a. Trial operation: Break up the connection between outline of contactor and power of

electric motor. Then switch on and electrify. Switch on and off cubic by hand.

Contactor can be switch on-off correctly. Signal optical card should be coincidence

with the requirement of design.



Auto time control mode: Set a rapping periodic, run three sequences cycle, rapping

periodic is right. Switch on-off of contactor and signal light should be correct. Control

period of field experiment is adjustable.



Program control mode: Start three programs at the same time, the periodic and

actuation logic should be correct and adjustable. Cut-off and recover the electric

motor connection when the test finish.

b. 空载操作:解开联轴器,合闸送电:

b. No load operation: Unlatch shaft coupling and switch on to electrify.

Zhejiang Jieda Environmental Protection Group Co.,Ltd.



Manual mode: Check the rotation direction of electric motor after starting. It should

be in conformity with the requirement of control unit. Measure starting current, no

load current and interlinked off-balance current in three separate doses.



Auto time control mode, program control mode will run three sequences and

programs separately. Periodic and actuation logic should be correct.


Cut-off and recover the shaft coupling connection when the test finish.

c. 额定负载下冷态试运转操作:合闸送电。

c. Cold trial operation in normal load: switch on and electrify



Manual mode: Record staring current while preliminary operation. Measure the

three-phase current and maximum off-balance current. Check the control definite

value of thermal elements. It should be normal when switch on and off cubic.



Check the contact point which the hammer head beat rapping anvil. The reserved

value at each direction should be coincidence with requirements. Rotate neatly, no

stick, no drop and no air shot.



Auto time control mode: Manufacture give out the design program. Trial hit three

periodic. Program sequencing and time sequence can’t be disturbance.

Zhejiang Jieda Environmental Protection Group Co.,Ltd.


The inspection of maintenance and electrify is acceptable. It is normal that rap for ten

hours continuously while trial operation.

B6.6 卸、输灰回路检查,其方法与要求如下:

B6.6 Methods and demands to check cinder and ash conveying circuit are as




a. Trial operation: Break up the connection between outline of contactor and

power of electric motor. Switch on and electrify. Switch on and off cubic. Contactor

and signal light should run correctly.


Auto mode: Simulate the operating mode when the ash at three different positions.

Linkage should be correct.


Cut-off and recover the electric motor connection when the test finish.


b. No load trial operation: Loose the load from ash machine. Electrify and let electric

motor run.



Manual mode: Start the electric motor. Check the rotating direction. Measure the start

current and three-phase current of electric motor. Installation unit should be

coincidence with the signal.


Auto mode: Analog on-off thrice. Item and linkage must be correct.


Zhejiang Jieda Environmental Protection Group Co.,Ltd.

Cut-off and recover the mechanical loads when non-load operation is normal.


c. Trial operation with ash machine.


Manual Mode: Measure the rectified value of start current, three-phase current and

current rectified value of verification thermal element.



Auto mode: Analog initiating thrice, and should run correctly. Thermal ash linked test

should be debugged separately according to the actually operating condition in future.

机务和电气检查合格后,连续试转 8 小时,要求转动灵活,无卡涩现象。

Operate 8 hours continuously after the inspection of maintenance and electrify are

acceptable. It should be run flexibly and no stick.

B6.7 加热欠电流报警和温度检测回路检查,其方法与要求如下:

B6.7 The method and requirement of heating undercurrent alarm and temperature

detection circuit are as following:



a. Hand operation: Measure the current value after electrify for thirty minutes. Check

the rectified value of thermal element. Signal and installation unit should be correct.



b. Break up any one of the electric heater by hand when the heating circuit is installed

with undercurrent warning device. The undercurrent warning device should work.




Zhejiang Jieda Environmental Protection Group Co.,Ltd.

c. Temperature control: Simulate on and off twice. Contactor and signal should be run

correctly. Temperature control range should be agreed with the demand of design.

After electrify and heating, the control system should auto stop when the temperature

rise to upper limiting setting, and auto input heating system when the temperature fall

to lower limiting setting.

B6.8 低压控制回路调试结合电源制造厂调试说明施行。

B6.8 Commissioning of low-voltage control circuit run combining with the

commissioning instruction referred by power manufacture.

B7 电除尘器电源的检查与调试:

B7 Inspection and commissioning of the power of ESP


This part should commissioning consulting to the instruction made by power


B7.1 高压控制柜控制回路的操作试验。

B7.1 Operating test of the duct pilot in high-voltage control cabinet

B7.1.1 高压控制柜在调试前检查:

B7.1.1 Check before commissioning the high-voltage cabinet:


a. Check the inner and outer connection according to the schematic diagram of



b. The inspection of single- element and isolated component should be coincidence

with the related regulation.


c. Regulating knobs should be in the starting location.

B7.1.2 断开硅整流变压器低压侧接线的情况下,按电源生产厂家调试方法作就


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B7.1.2 In condition that breaking up the connection in the low-voltage side of silicon

rectification switchgear, do the local and remote on-off test according to the

commissioning methods offered by power manufacture. Analog experiments about the

following objects should be operated, firedamp, overflowing, open circuit, cutting-out,

temperature limitation protection, tripping transfer motion, oil level, temperature

alarm and safety jump. Air cooling interlock etc, its lighting, sound and signal should

be correct.

B7.2 高压硅整流变压器控制回路的调试,应按电源厂家有调试要求进行。

B7.2 Commissioning of the duct pilot in high-voltage silicon rectification switchgear

shall run according to the demand of power manufacture.

B7.2.1 高压硅整流变压器空载能力试验。

B7.2.1 No load test of high-voltage silicon rectification switchgear.

B7.3 对控制参数进行设定与校准。

B7.3 Set and calibrate controlling parameter.

B8 电除尘器的阴,阳极振打、分布板振打及机构传动件的调试:

B8 Commissioning of the discharging rapping, collecting rapping, distribution

plate rapping and mechanism driving medium in ESP.

B8.1 目的

B8.1 Purpose




To insure the safety of ESP, before rapping devices for discharging electrode,

collecting electrode, distribution plate and ash exhauster run, they must test run alone.

Check the performance of transmission components and rapping device.

B8.2 准备工作:

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B8.2 Preparation


a. Check installed rapping frame before transmission components installed.


b. Erase all burr and spatter of elements clearly. Rapping drive shaft and rapping

hammer must be all ready.


c. Related installation dimension should be agreed with approved pattern demand.


d. Rapping shaft can run by hands.

巳对于阳极振打,锤应打在撞击杆钻铁中心±4mm 处,相邻振打锤转角应符合按


The hammer should hit at the center ±4mm of knocking column. Turn angle of

adjacent rapping hammers should be agreed with approved pattern demand.


Check oil level and plunger of reduction gear box.


Check the sealing condition of rapping shaft.


Tight and weld all the bolts and nuts.

d. 对于阴极振打,针轮相互啮合要正确。

d. Pin gears mesh with each other correctly in discharging rapping.


Clear up insulating porcelain shaft and miscellaneous.


Check the sealing condition of the transmission. Turn angle of adjacent rapping

hammers should be agreed with approved pattern demand.

Zhejiang Jieda Environmental Protection Group Co.,Ltd.

e. 气流分布振打可参照阳极振打条款进行。

f. Air flow distribution rapping can run according to collecting rapping items.

B8.3 试运转

B8.3 Test run

B8.3.1 阳极振打:

B8.3.1 Collecting rapping



a. Collecting electric motor must be running for two hours no load. Check and erase if

there are abnormal heating, vibration and noise.


b. Do integrated test run. Check and erase if there is a lock.


c. Turn rapping direction while test run, and the reverse rotation is forbidden. There

must be someone on field.



d. Start collecting rapping, and stop it by emergency button till the motor run in full

speed. Run again using above approach if the shafting can’t turn one round. After

inspection, and no problem can be found, call electric technicians and switch on.


e. After trial operate for one hour under demands, check entirely after closing down. It

is acceptance if there no abnormal phenomenon happens.

B8.3.2 阴极振打

B8.3.2 Discharging rapping

试运转应符合 B8.3.1 条规定。

Test run should be agreed with the stipulations in B9.3.1.

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B8.3.3 气流分布板振打

B8.3.3 Air flow distribution plate rapping

参照 B8.3.1 条进行。

Run referring to B8.3.1.

B8.3.4 排灰机构

B8.3.4 Ash exhauster

参照 B8.3.1 条进行。

Run referring to B8.3.1.

B8.4 结尾工作

B8.4 Final work


a. Break up all the motorized power. Latch up local switches.


b. Keep the punch holes of rapping shaft tight.


c. Clear all the miscellaneous remained during test run.

B8.5 安全措施:

B8.5 Safety measures


a. All the motors must be operated by electric technicians.


b. It is forbidden to adjust and repair during running.


c. There must be enough light while checking the inner.


d. Prepare enough fire service inventories.

B9 电除尘器电加热器通电调试

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B9 Electricity commissioning of electric heating in ESP.

B9.1 电加热器安装前需检查核对电加热器铭牌工上的型号和参数是否与设计要



B9.1 Check if the style and parameter signed on electric heater nameplate be agreed

with demands before installation. The insulation resistance must be ≥50MΩ. The

power current of AC high-voltage holding test is industrial frequency 2000V. No

flashover and breakdown happen within one minute.

B9.2 若从安装到使用相隔时间较长,应在额定电压去之前,先摇一下绝缘电阻


B9.2 Measure the insulation resistance before reach normal voltage if there is a long

time from installation to application. Make sure that insulation resistance reach the


B9.3 开启电加热器检查:

B9.3 Start electric heater and check the following statuses


a. If there is shutdown.


b. Temperature rise speed.


c. If temperature control range is right.

B9.4 电加热器由恒温计自动控制的试验必须在正常烟气后才能实际进行。

B9.4 Automatic control test by thermostat for electric heater must actually run after

normal fume.

B10. 电除尘器冷态、无烟电场负荷调试。

B10. Cold smokeless load commissioning of ESP。

B10.1 高压可控硅整流装置在空载性能调试合格后,方可进行冷态、无烟电场(以

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B10.1 After high-voltage silicon rectification switchgear is qualified commissioning

in no load, cold smokeless load commissioning can run.

B10.2 冷空电场调试顺序,应先投入低压操作控制设备(尤其是加热回路)经检查


B10.2 Commissioning sequence of cold null electric field should input low-voltage

operational control unit (Especially heating loop) first. Then input high-voltage

system with qualifying check.

B10.3 高压硅整流设备带空电场负载调试前,低压操作控制系统应满足:

B10.3 Before high-voltage silicon rectification switchgear commissioning in no load

electric field, low-voltage operational control system should satisfy the follows.



a. Rapping system work well. Rap by design process in each electric field. Rapping

time and rapping periodic should be agreed with setting.


b. Ash conveyer and cinder system work well. Cinder time and cinder delay time

should be agreed with setting.


c. Temperature measure and display unit debugged well. Measuring displayed value is



d. Actual temperature in field is accorded with the temperature of corresponding

points display on the operation display console.

B10.4 冷空电场升压调试步骤:应先进行空载通电升压试验(静态空电场升压调


B10.4 Step-up debugging sequence of cold null electric field: Do the booster test non

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load first (static booster debugging of electric field), then do the dynamic booster

commissioning of electric field.



Attention: (1) Static unload booster test of electric field refers to: Entity rapping

system is free. Outlet induced-draft fan of ESP close. Electric field is in step-up

commissioning of null electric field under relative stationary.



(2) Dynamic booster test of electric field refers to: High-voltage and low-voltage

electricity run together under the condition that no fume passes ESP.







各表计应有相应指示。当电流上升至额定电流值 50%时,由于电流极限值的整



a. Before commissioning electric field separately, run the heating system of insulator

house. Open the manhole door of insulator house, detach the moisture from insulator

house and the surface of insulator, and then resemble the manhole door. Shut on

high-voltage isolator. Put each component on its right position. Put into electric field,

set function option switch at “manually operation” position. Set current limits of

regulator panel in high-voltage control cabinet at the maximum position. Press the

starter button, current and pressure rise slowly. At this time, can’t move hands from

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function switch. Pay attention to each meter on control cabinet. High-voltage electric

accessories can be vitiated while the protection failed. When the pressure goes up, the

meters on control cabinet should have relevant indication. By the time that the current

rise to 50% of rated current, the current and pressure stop rising under the setting

activation of current limits. Function option switch can be put at “Automatism” at

present. Turn the current limits to the minimum position step by step. Set current to

the rated output current, if there no flashover happens in electric field.




220V 左右,导通角为 95%以上,则为单个可控硅导通或高压硅堆有一组发生击



b. At the beginning of lifting pressure, if current rise too fast once or twice and the

voltmeter have no indication, the secondary circuit is shorted out. If there are only

primary voltage and secondary voltage and at the same time pressure rises quickly, the

secondary circuit is open circuit. If the secondary voltage and current have indication

while primary current is higher than rated value and the primary voltage is about 220V,

angle of flow is over 95%, one single silicon-controlled conduction or one volume

silicon stack breaks down. Once the above happens, reduced-voltage shut down

quickly. Power transmission and step up again after find the reason and rectify






c. Flashover happens in high-voltage network or electric field at the condition that

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secondary voltage is too lower than rated value while null electric field step up. If no

flashover happens in high-voltage network or electric field while false flash happens

in the control unit of high-voltage control system, adjust and control the tap of

high-voltage silicon rectification switchgear or the tap of electric reactor and the

circuit controller till “false flash” disappears.


压器输出端,为校对方便,可在二次电压升至 40—50KV 无闪络时中止进行校对



d. Check each meter while electrified field step up. Measure the output of

high-voltage rectification switchgear by high-voltage hydrostatic gauge. For

convenience, stop checking the indication of secondary voltmeter when the secondary

voltage rises to 40~50KV and no flashover happen. At the same time, measure the

feedback sample resistance by universal meter to determined value. Amend secondary

current indication according to Ohm’s law.




e. Adjust high-voltage silicon rectification switchgear and tap of electric reactor

according to current feedback waveform. The principle is as follows: Adjust taps,

make the current feedback waveform round and the angle of flow maximum. It will

be suitable when waveform is similar to the ideality waveform.

B10.6 空载通电升压并联供电的试验:高压硅整流变压器容量的选择是根据电除





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B10.6 Test of non load electrify and step up parallel operation: The choice of

high-voltage silicon rectification switchgear is defined by the plate, line current

density and voltage breakdown value. Because the air current density is high during

the test of non load electrify and step up, single electric field supplied single

high-voltage silicon rectification switchgear is in indeterminate capability. In another

word, the secondary current is locked after reaching the rated current. In another word,

the secondary voltage can’t reach the breakdown value. At this time, one single

electric field can be supplied by two high-voltage silicon rectification switchgears in

same volume. The key points are as follows:




联络母线上来实现,也可用保证放电间距(距地 300mm 以上)的导线进行连接来





a. Parallel operation must be done after the same electric field was adjusted by single

silicon rectification device separately. The supply equipment and electric field are all

in failure-free operation. Two high-voltage silicon rectification switchgears parallel

supply the same electric field from behind buffer resistance. These can attain through

either connecting two silicon rectification device and one electric field to one

connecting nut by high-voltage disconnecting switch, or connecting the conducting

wires with fixed discharge distance (The distance above ground is over 300m). Start

two supply equipments at the same time. Make sure two supply equipments step up at

the same time by adjusting “manual rise” and “pause” buttons. Pressure can be raised

till electric flashover if the total synchronized rising currents of two electric supply

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equipments don’t reach the rated current. At this time, the secondary current is the

total currents of two supply equipments and the secondary voltage is the average

secondary voltage.





b. Personal specially must be sent to watch the high-voltage rectification switchgear

during the step-up commissioning of non load electrify. While the high-voltage

rectification switchgear is installed on the top of ESP, primary output voltage must be

measured because the primary leave wire is longer. Prepared with primary voltmeter,

if the D-value is large, find the reason and rectify defaults.


的二次电压值(起晕电压后),记录二次电压每上升 5KV 时相对应的二次电流、



要求。对于使用芒刺线、异极距为 150mm/200mm 的电场其二次电压最高值可达

50KV/65KV 及以上;对于使用非芒刺线,异极距为 150mm/200mm 的电场其二

次电压最高值可达 55KV/70KV 以上。对螺旋线只做伏安特性曲线试验,不允许


c. Make data records during high voltage test. Record the correspondent secondary

voltage (after discharge inception voltage) while there is a little secondary current.

Record the correspondent secondary current, primary voltage and primary current

while the secondary voltage raises every 5KV. Plot the VA characteristic curve of

electrostatic field. VA characteristic curve should be about equal to each other of

every electric field in the same pole match. Adjust the electric field further if there is

something different with others. The maximal secondary voltage can be above

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55KV/65KV in the electric field which uses burs and the inner spacing is

150mm/200mm. The maximal secondary voltage can be above 55KV/65KV in the

electric field which uses no burs and the inner spacing is 150mm/200mm. To the

helical line, the VA characteristic is enough and the breakdown test is forbidden.

B10.7 动态空载通电升压试验:有条件的情况下,可连续运行 24 小时后检查各


B10.7 Step-up test of dynamic non load electrifying: Check each work circuit after

operate 24 hours continuously. Identify problems and solved.

Bl1 电除尘器热负荷整机调试(72 小时联动运行)

B11 Thermal load overall Commissioning of ESP (72 hours’ linkage operation)

B11.1 电尘器经过上述静、动态冷空电场升试验合格后,电气设备则已具备投入


B11.1 ESP is up to standard after the above tests of static and dynamic cold null

electric field. Electric equipments have the condition to throw flue gas. At this time,

machine craft parts should be in following conditions:


a. Inlet and outlet flue of ESP are all installed. The boiler is in condition for operating.

Finish the test run of draught fans.


b. Cinder unloading and cinder conveying system are all installed. Cinder rushing

pump is done with test run.

B11.2 电除尘器通烟气,严密封闭各上气孔门,开启低压供电设备加热系统,使


电,通过烟气,对电除尘器本体预热,使电场绝缘电阻提高,用 2500V 兆欧表

测量,应达 500MΩ以上。采用两台相同容量的高压硅整流变压器并联对同一电


B11.2 Throw in flue gas to the ESP. Close all the upper doors. Start low-voltage

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electricity supply heating system. Make the temperature of each insulate house reach

or go ahead of the dew point. Separate the insulators from tracking because of

humidity and dew surface. Throw in flue gas, preheat the entity of ESP. Raise

insulation resistance, and measure it by 2500V Meg-ohmmeter, and it should be above

500MΩ. Two high-voltage silicon rectification switchgears parallel supply the same

electric field. The key points are as follows:

B11.3 投高压

B11.3 Throw in high voltage


免在除尘器极板和极线上造成油膜引起腐蚀,必须在锅炉负荷达 60%以上,投煤


To avoid oil exploding and firing in ESP, high voltage can’t put in during the first

firing. At the same time, it can also avoid causing corrosion by oil coat created at the

pole plate and pole line. Raise the pressure after the boiler load reach 60% or above

and throwing in braise.



Fire the boiler by gases. Strictly observe the act of security operation. In order to

avoid exploding, can’t raise pressure before the boiler run normally.



Send high voltage to each electric field on the process of step-up in cold null electric

field. In the normal condition, the ESP with flue gas is affected by working condition.

The breakdown voltage and secondary current of electric field are all lower than the

cold null electric field.

B11. 4 根据电场工况选择最佳运行档位,进行下列整定:

B11.4 Choose the best function position according to the working condition of electric

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field. Make the following adjustments:


a. Under-roll setting should be little than the minimum discharge inception voltage;



b. Take the electric flashover status as final, measure the spark flashover threshold

voltage. Adjust threshold voltage and input locking signal.


c. Record the VA characteristic curve of electric field which runs with hot gas. Record

the value and waveform of each main measure point.

B11.5 多功能跟踪的可控硅整流装置,应在冷态无烟气、热态烟气负荷的工况下,

分别投入火花跟踪、临界火花 2R 踪、峰值电压跟踪、可调间隙脉冲供电等运行



B11.5 Under cold non gas and hot gas, multifunction tracking silicon-controlled

rectifier should be put in the following methods of operation, spark tracking, critical

fired 2R tracking, peak voltage tracking and adjustable pulse supply. Record the VA

characteristic curve of the electric field at each method. Measure the value of each

point and observe the waveform of each point.

B11.6 根据电场运行情况,适当调整火花率,一般入口电场火花率 20- 40 次/分,

中间电场 l0-30 次/分,出口电场 5-10 次/分(或稳定在较高电晕功率),对于高比


B11.6According to the operating condition of electric field, adjust the spark rate

properly. The spark rate of inlet electric field is 20~40 per minute, the middle electric

field is 10~30 per minute, the outlet electric field is 5~10 per minute (or be stabilized

at higher corona power). To the high resistance bug dust, the spark rate can be raised

properly. The specific spark rate is defined by the spark rate data.

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B11.7 具有闪络封锁时间自动跟踪的控制设备,应做模似火花闪络闭锁时间阶


B11.7 Automatic tracking control equipments with flashover should simulate the

blocking time stage of spark flashover.

B11.8 当电场粉尘浓度大、风速高、气流分布不均匀,将引起电场频繁闪络,甚



B11.8 Electric field flashover frequently if the dust concentration is high, wind

velocity is high and the distribution of the gas in non-uniform. Even move on to arc.

At present, to avoid the arc, adjust the sensitivity of blowout link. But in the normal

flashover, the blowout link doesn’t work.

B11.9 带烟气负载运行时,各电场工况条件不同,应根据实际运行情况调整变压


B11.9 In electric field, the working condition is different from another while running

with flue gas. Adjust the position of primary topping or reactor topping. Make sure

that the current and wave curve smooth.

B11.10 低压控制设备的调试

B11.10 Commissioning of low-voltage control device

B11.10.1 振打回路,主要调整振打周期与振打时间,其整定值主要依据效率测



B11.10.1 Rapping circuit mainly adjust rapping periodic and rapping time. The results

of efficiency test are the main foundation for setting. Adjust repeatedly to reach the

ideal setting according to the dust clay condition in collecting plate and discharging

wire after ESP stop running.

B11.10.2 卸灰时间的调整,设有上料位检测与控制的灰斗,必须根据各电场实


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B11.10.2 For the hopper is installed with upper level detection and controlling, cinder

unloading time must be adjusted according to the real ash contents. The principle for

adjustment of ash conveyer time is: keep the ash at one third height in the hopper. The

principle for delaying ash conveyer is: The dusts in the passages are completely

delivered. To the hydraulic cinder conveying system, adjust the water wash and flush

all the dust out.


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