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NAMA  : 
Electricity GRADE 2
15 Pertanyaan TANGGAL : 

1. ____________________ is a form of energy.

A Electricity B Book

C Switch

2. Cable or wires take electricity to the ________________.

A sockets B fingers

C wall

3. ________________ also is form of electricity.

A None of these B Thunder

C Lightning

4. __________________uses electricity.

A hair dryer B cupboard

C table

5. Pick the pictures that use electricity ...



6. _____________________ is an appliance that you use at school.

A Speakers B Electric Stove

C Television

7. Electricity can only be used in our houses.

A False B True

8. Electricity is a form of energy used for heating and lighting.

A False B True

9. electricity is produced in ...

A airport B factory

C power station

10. Electricity can be used only in our homes and schools.

A True B False

11. To make the machine work, we have to plug the cable machine
into ...

A wires B socket

C power line

12. there are two sources that electricity come from, they are ..

A battery B power

C battery & power station

13. Small appliance that used battery ...


14. we have to be careful when we plug in to socket

A False B True

15. What power source this fan used?

A Fuel B Main Electricity

C Battery

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