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- Aisha nur alifa (2)

- Yulaika Riska (32)

Honey Bee

This is an extraordinary, curious, and remarkably industrious little insect, to which mankind are
indebted for one of the most palatable and wholesome sweets which nature affords; and which was
one of the choice articles with which the promised land was said to abound.

In every hive of bees, there are three kinds; the queen, the drones, and the labourers: of these last,
there are by far the greatest number: and as cold weather approaches, they drive from the hives and
destroy the drones, that have not laboured in summer, and will not let them eat in winter.

If bees are examined through a glass hive, all appears at first like confusion: but, on a more careful
inspection, every animal is found regularly employed. It is very delightful, when the maple and other
trees are in bloom, or the clover in the meadows, to be abroad and hear their busy hum.


Lebah madu

Ini adalah serangga kecil yang luar biasa, ingin tahu, dan sangat rajin, di mana umat manusia
berhutang budi atas salah satu manisan paling enak dan sehat yang diberikan alam; dan yang
merupakan salah satu artikel pilihan yang dengannya tanah perjanjian dikatakan berlimpah.

Di setiap sarang lebah, ada tiga jenis; ratu, drone, dan pekerja: dari yang terakhir ini, sejauh ini ada
jumlah terbesar: dan saat cuaca dingin mendekat, mereka mengusir sarang dan menghancurkan
drone, yang tidak bekerja di musim panas, dan tidak akan membiarkan mereka makan di musim

Jika lebah diperiksa melalui sarang kaca, semua tampak pada awalnya seperti kebingungan: tetapi,
pada pemeriksaan yang lebih hati-hati, setiap hewan ditemukan dipekerjakan secara teratur. Sangat
menyenangkan, ketika maple dan pohon-pohon lain sedang mekar, atau semanggi di padang
rumput, berada di luar negeri dan mendengar dengungan mereka yang sibuk.

The text above includes descriptive text because it has the following characteristics

1. use simple present tense

Ex : which was one of the choice articles
2. use many adjectives
Ex : there are three kinds; the queen, the drones, and the labourers atc.
3. Descriptive text is text that describes the object, not informing the object.
4. there is a relating verb
Ex : to which mankind are indebted for one of the most palatable and wholesome sweets
which nature affords

Blue Whale
Blue whale

The blue whale is not only the biggest whale living today; the blue whale is the biggest creature ever
to have lived on Earth. They are mind-bogglingly gigantic; much larger than any of the dinosaurs.
Blue whales and the other ocean giants live their whole lives in seawater.

Blue whales commonly reach the colossal length of 29m, that’s roughly as long as three London red
double-decker buses parked end to end. Blue whales in the Southern Hemisphere are generally
larger than those in the Northern Hemisphere and female blues are larger than males.

The longest blue whale on record is a female measured at a South Georgia whaling station in the
South Atlantic (1909); she was 33.58m. The heaviest blue whale was also a female hunted in the
Southern Ocean, Antarctica, on 20 March 1947. She tipped the scales at 190 tonnes which is
equivalent to about 30 elephants or 2500 people.

Blue whales are now extremely rare due to uncontrolled commercial whaling. Some populations
could be endangered to the point of extinction

Artinya :

Paus Biru

Paus biru tidak hanya paus terbesar, paus biru adalah makhluk hidup terbesar yang hidup di bumi.
Mereka sangat besar, lebih besar dibandingkan dinosaurus. Paus biru dan makhluk laut besar lainnya
menghabiskan hidupnya di air laut.

Tinggi paus biru umumnya bisa mencapai 29m, kira-kira sama panjangnya dengan 3 bus tingkat
London yang diparkir sejajar. Paus biru yang ada di belahan bumi selatan umumnya lebih besar
dibandingkan dengan paus biru yang tinggal di belahan bumi utara dan paus biru betina lebih besar
dibandingkan paus biru jantan.

Paus biru terpanjang yang pernah tercatat adalah seekor betina yang diukur di Georgia Selatan pusat
penangkapan paus di Selatan Atlantik (1909); panjangnya 33.58m. Paus biru terberat juga seekor
betina yang diburu di samudra selatan, Antartika, pada 20 Maret 1947. Berat paus biru tersebut
mencapai 190 ton yang beratnya sama dengan 30 gajah atau 2500 orang.

Paus biru sekarang sangat jarang ditemui karena perburuan paus yang tidak terkendali. Beberapa
populasi paus pun langka bahkan terancam punah.

The text above includes report text because it has the following characteristics

1. In general, report text uses scientific language

2. Use tenses simple present tense
3. use common nounn
4. Report text is an explanatory text of a scientifically presented classification, different from a
description text that only describes objects.

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