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Phase II – District Level

Mathematics Quiz for Grade I

Name:___________________________________________Time Limit: 45 minutes

I.Fill in the missing number. Write your answer on the space provided.
1. 23 + _____ = 40 6. 79 -- _____ = 56
2. ____ + 58 = 125 7. 6 x _____ = 48
3. 62 + 73 = _____ 8. _____ x 10 = 90
4. 87 -- 15 = _____ 9. 50 ÷ ____ = 10
5. _____ --- 24 = 68 10. 25 ÷ 5 = _____
II. Answer each question correctly. Write your answer on the space provided before
each number.
_________11. What number is 11 more than the two largest –digit number?
_________12. What is the tens digit in the sum of 84 and 46?
_________13. If you skip count by 4 starting from 8, what is the 10 th number?
_________14. What number is 5 more than the smallest three-digit number?
_________15. How many fifths are there in 3 wholes?
_________16. What is the sum when 4 is added to the product of 3 and 8?
_________ 17. What is 10 more than half of 34?
_________ 18. If 1/3 of 36 is 12, what is 2/3 of 36?
_________ 19. One more than 9 is equal to one less than what number?
_________20. How many fourths make up 5 ¼?
III. Analyze each problem and solve. Write your complete answer on the space provided
after each question.
21. Alvin is 16 cm taller than Carlo. Carlo is 14 cm more than Ben. If Ben’s height is 140
cm, how tall is Alvin? ___________________________________
22. Two numbers have a sum of 18 and a difference of 6. What are the
two numbers? ___________________________________
23. My brother is 4 years older than I am. Three years ago, I was 10 years old. How old is
my brother now? ____________________________________
24. There were 12 marbles on the floor. Lai picked up ½ of the marbles and Erika picked
¼ of the marbles. How many marbles were pick? ______________________
25. Marty has 6 more marbles than Jun has. After he gave 10 marbles to Jun, how many
marbles will Jun have than Marty? ____________________________
26. The flaglets along the corridor are displayed in this order: yellow, blue, red, green,
yellow, blue, red, green and so on. What color is the 25 th flaglet? __________________
27. A cake is cut into 8 equal slices. If ¾ of the cake was eaten, how many slices
remained? ____________________________________
28. A 100 peso bill is changed into ten peso coins and twenty peso bills. If there are 4
ten peso coins, how many twenty-peso bills should there be? ____________________
29. Two consecutive odd numbers has a sum of 84. What are these numbers?
30. Three numbers add up to 100. The sum of the first two numbers is 88. The second
number is one more than the third number. What is the first number? _____________
Phase II – District Level

Name:___________________________________________Time Limit: 45 minutes

School:__________________________________________ Score:___________
I.Find the missing number.
1. 4/5 of 20 = _________ 5. ½ of 24= _________ 9. ¼ of 12 = ________
2. 3/6 of 18= __________ 6. 9/12 of 36= ______ 10. 8/9 of 27= _______
3. 2/7 of 21= __________ 7. 5/8 of 16= _______
4. 6/10 of 30= _________ 8. 7/15 of 15= ______
II,Answer each questions correctly. Write your answer on the space provided.
_____________11. What is the difference when the product of 6 and 8 is subtracted from 60?
_____________12. One hundred fifteen is how many more than 95?
_____________13. If 7 is added to 2/3, how many thirds will there be?
_____________14. What is the tens digit in the difference between 123 & 46?
_____________15. What must be added to 2/5 to get a whole?
_____________16. When 2 028 is divided by 5, what is the remainder?
_____________17. How many five’s are there in 94?
_____________18. What number 9 less than the largest three-digit number?
_____________19. What is the sum of the number of weeks in a year and the number of
months in a year?
_____________20. How many halves make up 24 ½?
III. Read, analyze and solve the following problems. Write your complete answer on the space
provided after each question.
21. If 9 people share a basket of mangoes equally, each gets 2 mangoes. If there had been 3
fewer people, how many mangoes would each person have
gotten? ____________________________________
22. Annie played chess with her brother. She won twice as many games as she lost. Annie won
6 games. There were no ties. How many games did Annie
play? _____________________________________
23. Chris and Mona each had 20 pieces of marshmallows. Chris ate 1/5 of his marshmallows.
Mona ate ¼ of her marshmallows. Who had more marshmallows left? By how many?
24, Mother bought a dozen eggs. She cooked 3 eggs for breakfast. What part of a dozen eggs
are left? _________________________________________
25. Jelou has 63 marbles while Jolie has 27. How many marbles should Jelou give Jolie so that
they will have equal number of marbles? ______________________
26. My brother is 3 years older than I am. Five years ago, I was 20 years old. What is the sum of
our ages this year? _________________________________
27. The sum of two numbers is 10 and their product is 16. What are the two
numbers? ___________________________________________
28. Roma worked on a Math problem and got 8 as her answer. However, in the last step she
divided by 2 instead of multiplying by 2. What should have been the correct answer?
29. A rabbit ate 32 carrots in 4 days. If he ate 2 carrots each day than he did a day
before, how many carrots did he ate on each day? _______________________
30. Mrs. Reyes has 3 daughters. The ages of their daughters are 17, 10 and 22 years old.
Anna is younger than Carla. Bea is older than Carla. How old is Carla? _____________
Phase II – District Level

Name: ______________________________________Time Limit: 60 minutes

School: ________________________________________Score: __________

I.Complete the table by rounding the number to the indicated place value.

Number Nearest Thousands Nearest Millions

8 673 578 1. 6.
5 127 372 2. 7.
2 954 896 3. 8.
7 417 208 4. 9.
1 516 108 5. 10.

II.Answer the following questions. Write your answer on the space provide.

_________________11. Five days before yesterday was Wednesday. What day is

it today?
_________________ 12. Which polygon has four congruent sides?
_________________ 13. Yesterday was Sunday. What day is it 24 days from
_________________ 14. Bea was 4 years old last October 2016. In what month
and year was she born?
__________________15. Dominic was asked to pick a ball from a box containing 5
red balls, 9 blue balls and 7 yellow balls. What color would Dominic like pick?
__________________16. What time is 30 minutes before 4:20 in the afternoon?
__________________17. How many weeks are there in 4 years?
__________________18. Noeme called her friend at 10:25 am. They talked for 1
hour and 37 minutes. What time did they end their conversation?
__________________ 19. Barbara started playing with her dolls 15 minutes
before 9. She finished playing at half past 9. In how many minutes did she play
with her dolls?
__________________ 20. When you write the word MATHEMATICS three times
without space, what is the 10th letter?
III. What number am I?
___________________21. The difference between 5 hundreds and 5 thousands.
___________________22. One-half of the sum of 4 and 18.
___________________23. The value of (9— 2+ 4).
___________________24. The value of the largest digit in the product of 2 tens
and 7 ones.
___________________25. 125 more than 8 times 15.
___________________26. 20 more than half of 36.
___________________27. 10 more than the difference between 27 and 13.
___________________28. The sum of the first 3 common multiples of 2 and 3.
___________________29. The greatest number that can exactly divides 36, 24 &
___________________30. 18 less than the largest three-digit number.

IV. Read, analyze and solve the following problems. Write your answer on the
space provided after each question.

31. The perimeter of a rectangle is 400 cm. If the length is 125 cm, what is the
width of the rectangle? ______________________________________________
32. Dave had a certain amount of money. Each of his parents gave him Php 20.00.
He spent Php 8.00 and gave Php 5.00 to each of his 3 sisters. How much did he
have at first? _____________________________________________
33. Anna earned Php 7 200.00 She gives her mother 1/5 of this amount and
spends 1/6 of the money in the groceries. What fraction of her earnings is left?
34. Three apples weigh the same as 18 eggs. Two pineapples weigh the same as
the weight of 36 eggs. How many apples weigh the same as three pineapples?
35. Two-thirds of the length of a stick is 5 cm long. How long is the stick?
36. Jessa called her friend at 12:25 pm. They talked for 45 minutes. What time did
they end their conversation? _____________________________________
37. One-half of the weight of the small box is three times the weight of a big box.
If a small box is 4 kg, what is the weight of the big box? _____________________
38. Sam is 19 years old. Teresa is 3 years younger than Sam. If Teresa is 2 years
younger than Mary, how old is Mary? _____________________________
39. The ratio of two numbers is 3:5. If the smaller number is 12, what is the sum
of these two numbers? ________________________________
40. Alice had Php 170.00 and her sister had Php 60.00. After their uncle gave each
of them an equal amount of money, they had a total of Php 310.00. How much
did their uncle give each of them? ______________________________________

Phase II – District Level

Name: _______________________________________Time Limit: 60 minutes

School: ___________________________________ Score: __________________

I.Perform the indicated operations. Reduce answer to lowest terms or simplest

forms,if possible.
1. 4/12 + 5/12 = _______________ 6. 15/20 -- 5/20 = _____________
2. 9 7/16 + 11/16 = ______________ 7. 8 12/25 -- 20/25 = __________
3. ¾ + ½ = ______________________ 8. 2/8 -- ¼ = _________________
4. 5/6 + 7/8 = __________________ 9. 22 -- 6 5/10 = ______________
5. 3 2/3 + 12 7/8 = ______________ 10. 18 9/10 - 5 ¾ = _____________

II.Read and answer the following questions. Write your answer on the space
provided before each number.

____________________11. The fifth day of the month is Friday. What day is the
31st day of the same month?
____________________12. When the clock reads 3:30, what kind of angle is the
smaller angle formed by the hands of the clock?
_____________________13. How many different prime factors does 180 have?
_____________________14. In a quadrilateral, if the 4 angles are congruent,
what kind of angles are they?
_____________________15. The clock reads 3:00. What is the degree measure of
the angle formed by the hands of the clock?
_____________________16. If April 8 is Saturday, what day will it be on April 21?
_____________________17. Mark and Ken participated on a marathon. Mark
finished the marathon at exactly 4:55 pm. Ken finished the marathon. 29 minutes
later. What time did Ken finished the marathon?
_____________________18. Observe the pattern: 2, 5, 7, 12, 19, 31, . . . . What is
the 8th number?
_____________________19. Liza is 18 years old when Bel was 7 years old. How
old will Liza be when Bel turns 18?
_____________________20. In a pyramid with a rectangular base, how many
triangular faces are there?

III. What number am I?

_____________________21. What is the sum of the digits of the sum of 123 and
_____________________22. How many tenths are there in 2/5?
_____________________23. The ratio of 2 numbers is 2:5. If the smaller number
is 12, what is the difference?
_____________________24. The first number is 66.The second number is 1/3 of
the first. What is the sum of the two numbers?
_____________________25. What is the largest two-digit number that gives 6 as
remainder when divided by 7?
_____________________26. The average of 3 consecutive odd numbers is 23.
What is the smallest number?
_____________________ 27. What is the sum of the digits of the product of 25
and 4?
______________________28. What is ½ of the sum of 4 and 18?
______________________29. What must be added to 5/7 to get a sum of 2?
______________________30. What is the smallest whole number that can be
rounded to 1 500?

IV. Read, analyze and solve the following problems. Write your complete answer
on the space provided after each questions.

31. If 6 boys can make 12 boxes in 3 minutes, how many boys are needed to make
120 boxes in 1 hour? ________________________________________
32. A jar is 3/8 full of water. Then 3 liters of water were poured in it and it became
3/5 full. How many liters of water can the jar contain? ____________________
33. Three kilograms of mangoes cost Php 126.00 while 4 kilograms of guavas cost
Php 175.00. How many kilograms of guavas can you buy if you have
Php 187.00? _______________________________________
34. The length of a rectangle is 2 more than twice its width. If its perimeter is
22cm, what is its length? _______________________________________
35. Liza is making a necklace. She needs 32 beads for ¼ of the necklace. How
many beads will she need for 3/16 of the necklace? ________________________
36. The width of a rectangular piece of cardboard is ½ its length. If the width is 4
cm, what is its perimeter? ________________________________
37. A stick is 5 pencils long and a pencil is 3 ½ cm. How long is the stick in
cm? _________________________________________________
38. A frog can jump 40 times its length. A frog has a length of 5 cm. How many
metres can he jump? ______________________________
39. When Lira cut a rope into two equal pieces of ¾ cm, she has 8 pieces. How
many 1/3 metre pieces can she cut from the same rope? ____________________
40. Meriam put 700 grams of bananas in a basket. When she weighed again the
bananas with the basket its weight is 1.2 kg. How many grams is the
basket? ______________________________________

Phase II – District Level

Name:___________________________________________Time Limit: 75 minutes

School: __________________________________________ Score:_____________

I.Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
1) 150 cm = ________ m 6) __________L = 7 500 ml
2) _________m = 2.5 km 7) 67 500 g = ______________kg
3) 2 450 m = _____________ cm 8) 5 lb = ___________ ounces
4) ____________m = 0.56 km 9) _________feet = 60 inches
5) 55 cm = ____________mm 10) 12 500 ml = ______________L
II. Read and answer the following questions.
___________________11. How many grams are there in 0.05 kg?
___________________ 12. By how much is 9 greater than 5 1/6?
___________________ 13. The sides of a cube are doubled in length to form a larger cube. How
many original small cubes will this larger cube have?
___________________ 14. The 8th day of the month was Sunday. What day is the 31st day of
the same month?
____________________15. A clock reads 5:00. What degree measure of the angle formed by
the hands of the clock/
____________________16. What is the ratio of 400cm to 4/5 m in simplest form?
____________________17. How many of 1.5 cm x 1.5 cm x 1.5 cm cubes can fill in the 3 cm x 5
cm x 6cm box?
____________________18. ¼ is how many hundredths?
____________________19. Using different digits, what is the smallest four-digit odd number
divisible by 3?
_________________ __ 20. A cube has a triangular prism hole that goes from one face to the
opposite face. How many faces does the resulting figure have?
III. What number am I?
_____________________21. The sum of two numbers is 64. One number is 1/3 of the other.
What is the biggest number?
_____________________22. A number is divided by ¾. Then the quotient is multiplied by ½ .
The product equals 64. What is ¾ of the number?
_____________________23. What is the largest two-digit prime number that should go on the
blank so that the remainder is 1 when the 5-digit number is divided by 3? 45 _ _ 2
_____________________24. A number multiplied by 5 and divided by 3 gives 40. What is the
_____________________25. The digits of the number 4 123 are rearranged in descending
order and then in ascending order. What is the difference between the resulting numbers?
_____________________26. I am three-digit number. All my digits are different. My tens digit
is less than 1. I am divisible by 5. My one’s digit is greater than my hundred’s digit. I am also
divisible by 3. What numbers can I possible be/
_____________________27. When a number is divided by 8, the answer is 125. What is the
answer when the same number is divided by 16?
_____________________28. What is the sum of 1/5 of 8 and 2/10 of 8?
_____________________29. 75% of ½ of a number is three times 15. What is the number?
_____________________30. The sum of two numbers is 80. What is the sum of two of other
numbers so that the average of the four numbers is 37.5?
IV. Read, analyze and solve the following problems. Write the complete answer on the space
provided after each question.
31. Two identical trapezoid are put together to form a parallelogram. The bases of a trapezoid
are 8cm and 15 cm. Its height is 6 cm. What is the base? ______________________
32. The area of a rectangle is 14 sq cm. If the length is one more than 3 times its width, what is
the perimeter of the rectangle? ____________________________
33. Five posts are placed around an oval. The posts are numbered consecutively. Suppose that
21 and 24 are two of these numbers, what is the least possible sum of the numbers on all the 5
posts? ___________________________________
34. What must have been the average score of Dory in the first three tests so that the average
score in the 4 tests was 86 when she scored 95 in the 4th test? ______
35. The surface area of a rectangular box is 94 sq cm. The area of one face is 15 cm. What are
the dimensions of the box? _______________________________
36. A photo copier can print 116 copies every 4 minutes. How many copies can it print in 1.25
hours? _____________________________________________
37. On a sale, the price of a shirt become ¼ as large as its original price. What is the percent of
decrease in the price of the shirt? ___________________________
38. The sides of a triangle have lengths in the ratio of 3:7:12. The perimeter of the triangle is 44
cm. What is the length of the longest side? ____________________
39. At first, John wanted to give 30% of his salary to his mother. Finally, he decided to give her
55% of his salary but he would have Php 1 200.00 less for himself. How much was his salary?
40. Sam has 5 peso coins and 10 peso coins amounting to Php 120.00. The total number of his 5
peso coins is twice the number of 10 peso coins. How many 5 peso coins does Sam have?
41. A wire 60 cm in length is cut into two parts in the ratio 2:1. Each part is bent to form a
square. What is the total area of the two squares? _________________
42. A license number plate consists of exactly 4 digits. How many different plates maybe
constructed in which the sum of the digits is 35 or greater? ____________
43. Two squares with a perimeter of 36 cm are placed side by side. What is the perimeter of the
resulting figure? __________________________________
44. A grocer buys oranges at 3 for Php 25 and plans to sell them at 5 for Php 45. How many
oranges must he sell in order to make a profit of Php 300? _______________________
45. At childrens party, Gwen lost one-fourth of the number of her toys. She gave away 8 of the
remaining toys as gifts. One-half of the original number of her toys are left. How many toys had
she to start with?_______________________
46. A cylinder contains a sphere that fits exactly inside it. If the radius of the sphere is 2 cm,
how tall is the cylinder? __________________________________
47. The sides of a triangle have lengths in the ratio of 5:8:10. The perimeter of the triangle is 46
cm. What is the length of the longest side? ____________________
48. In a basket factory, Jolie finished 5 baskets in 2 hours while Jelou finished 120 baskets in 3
hours. If they work at the same rate, how many baskets can they finished in 12 hours?
49. There are 72 pupils in a class. They are to form groups with the same number of pupils per
group. How many different number of groups (greater than one) can they form?
50. A box whose volume is 80 cubic cm has length, width and height in the ratio of 1:2:5. If each
of the length, width and height is increased by 2 cm, how many cubic cm will the volume
increased? __________________________________
Phase II – District Level

Name:___________________________________________Time Limit: 75 minutes

School: __________________________________________ Score:_____________

I.Supply the missing numbers.

1) 12 600 ml = _______________L 6) 4.3 L = ____________ ml

2) 2 cubic cm = ___________cubic mm 7) 0.34 cubic m = ______________cubic cm
3) 48 m = __________cm 8) 10 yard = _______________feet
4) 11 000 sq. m = ___________sq. km 9) 10 000 sq. m= ____________ha
5) 2 500 sq. m = _____________ ha 10) 3.2 ha = _______________sq. m

II.Divide the following and compare the quotient by placing the correct symbols <,> or = in the

11) 30.46 ÷ 0.5 _____ 75.37 ÷ 0.4 16) 3.465 ÷ 8 _____ 4.954 ÷ 6
12) 28.569 ÷ 0.5 _____ 24.43 ÷ 12 17) 6.3 ÷ 2.3 _____ 6.5 ÷ 3.2
13) 0.759 ÷ 10 _____ 4.098 ÷ 100 18) 34.396 ÷ 1 000 ____ 861.3÷ 1 000
14) 74.98 ÷ 0.1 _____ 693.2 ÷ 0.001 19) 9.0614 ÷ 0.01 _____ 8.538 ÷ 0.1
15) 6.54 ÷ 10 ______ 65.4 ÷ 100 20) 0.849 ÷ 100 ______ 8.49 ÷ 1 000

III. Find the missing number in the sequence.

___________21. What is the 7th number in the sequence: 1, 2, 5,10,17, ……..?

___________22. What is the next number in the sequence: 15,24,33,42,51,….?
___________23. What is the next term in the sequence: 2,3,5,8,12,….?
___________24. What is the next number in the pattern: 300,294,288,282,….. ?
___________25. Observe the following number pattern: 3,5,8,13,21,34, …………
What is the 18th number?
___________26. What is the next number in this pattern: 245, 254, 263, 272,…..?
___________27. What is the missing number in the sequence:
2 ¼, 3, 3 ¾ , 4 ½ , 5 ¼ , …..?
___________28. Observe the sequence below: 4, 11, 18, 25, ………. What is the sum of the first
15 terms of the sequence?
___________29. Shown below are the 4th , 5th , 6th and 7th terms of a sequence:
a, b, c, 38, 47, 56, 65, …….. What is the sum of a + b + c of the first three terms of the sequence?
___________30. In the following number pattern: 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 and so on, what position
does 63 have in the pattern?

IV. Read, analyze and solve the following problems. Write the complete answer on the space
provided after each question.

31. During a sale, the price of a blouse become 5 times smaller than its original price. What is
the percent of decrease in the price of the blouse? ___________
32. 3/7 of the 350 athletes who joined in the city sports competition are boys
and 2/5 of them are from the private schools. How many boys are not from the private schools?
33. In a gathering, the ratio of the number of children to the number of adults was 3:8. When
15 adults left and 15 children arrived, the ratio became 8:3.
How many children were there at the start? ______________________
34. The faces of a cube are numbered consecutively. Suppose 22, 23 and 26 are three of these
numbers, what is the largest possible sum of the numbers on all 6 faces?
35. Three kilograms of mangoes cost Php 129 while 5 kilograms of guava cost
Php 150. How much will you pay if you buy 3 kilograms of guava and 2 kilograms of mango?
36. The average of 4 numbers is 67.5. When one number is removed, the average become 65.
What number was remove? _______________________
37. Jane has Php 48 while Rita has Php 64. They decided to contribute money to buy flowers
costing Php 80.00. If Jane contributes 2/3 of her money, what fraction of her money will Rita
contribute? ___________________________
38. Two-thirds of the length of a stick is 5 ½ popsicle sticks long. If a popsicle stick is 7 cm, how
long is the stick? ____________________________
39. If 85% of the 60 questions in a Math test are on problem solving , how many questions were
on problem solving? ________________________________
40. A salesman has a basic salary of Php 25 000 a month. He has a commission of 5% on all sales
over Php 50 000, how much did he get in a month when his sales amounted to Php 250 000?
41. The cost of a book is originally Php 98.00. How much would be the new price if it is
increased by 3/19 of its original price? ______________________________
42. The ratio of the length to the width of a rectangle is 9:5. The perimeter of the rectangle is
84 cm. What is the area of the rectangle? _______________________
43. Joseph collects coins. Everyday, he gets 6 additional coins. On every 4 th day, he gives 4 coins
to his friend.If Joseph started with 24 coins, on which day will he have exactly 20 coins?
44. In a book exhibit, there were 50% more math books sold than science books.
If a total of 360 math and science books were sold a day, how many math books were sold?
45. Mr. Palisoc gave 50% of his salary to his wife and 20% of the remainder to his son. Then he
had Php 400.00 left. How much money had he at first?
46. After 5 tests, a pupil’s average was 80. After taking an examination which was counted as
two test grades, his average dropped to 76. What was his grade on that examination?
47. A rope of length 64 m is cut into three pieces. The second piece is three times as long as the
first, and the third is four times as long as the second. How long is the shortest piece?
48. A man has a rectangular patio in his garden. He decides to enlarge it by increasing both
lengths and widths by 10%. What is the percentage increase in area?
49. The grand prize winner of a lottery turn 7/10 of the total prize money available. Shortly
thereafter, the winner spent ¾ of the winnings and still had
Php 210 000 left. How much is the total amount of prize money available in the lottery?
50. A baseball team won 50 out the 75 games but they have played and still has 45 games to
play this season. How many of the remaining games must it win in order that its percentage of
game won for the entire season will be 60%?
Phase II – District Level


1 17 1 16
2 67 2 9
3 135 3 6
4 72 4 18
5 92 5 12
6 23 6 27
7 8 7 10
8 9 8 7
9 5 9 3
10 5 10 24
11 110 11 12
12 3 12 20
13 44 13 23
14 105 14 7
15 15 15 3/5
16 28 16 3
17 27 17 18
18 24 18 990
19 11 19 64
20 21 20 49
21 142 cm 21 3
22 6 and 12 22 9
23 17 years old 23 Chris by 1
24 9 24 ¾
25 14 25 18
26 yellow 26 53
27 2 27 8 and 2
28 3 28 32
29 41 and 43 29 5, 7, 9 and 11
30 75 30 17 years old
Phase II – District Level
1 8 674 000 1 ¾
2 5 127 000 2 10 1/8
3 2 955 000 3 1 ¼
4 7 417 000 4 1 17/24
5 1 516 000 5 16 13/24
6 9 000 000 6 ½
7 5 000 000 7 7 17/25
8 3 000 000 8 0
9 7 000 000 9 15 ½
10 2 000 000 10 13 3/20
11 Tuesday 11 Wednesday
12 square 12 acute
13 Thursday 13 3
14 October 2009 14 right angles
15 blue 15 90°
16 4:20 16 Friday
17 208 17 5:22 pm
18 12:02 pm 18 81
19 40 minutes 19 29 years old
20 A 20 4
21 4 500 21 21
22 11 22 4
23 11 23 18
24 40 24 88
25 245 25 99
26 38 26 21
27 24 27 1
28 36 28 11
29 12 29 1 2/9 or 9/7
30 981 30 1 450
31 25 cm 31 30
32 Php 33.00 32 13 1/3 liters
33 19/30 33 3 kg
34 9 34 8 cm
35 7 ½ cm 35 24
36 1:00 pm 36 24 cm
37 6 37 17 ½ cm or 17.5 cm
38 18 years old 38 2m
39 32 39 18
40 Php 40.00 40 500
Phase II – District Level


1 1.5 m 1 12.6 L
2 2 500 m 2 2 000 cubic mm
3 245 000 cm 3 4 800 cm
4 0.00056 m 4 0.011 sq. km
5 550 mm 5 0.25 ha
6 7.5 L 6 4 300 ml
7 67.5 kg 7 340 000 cubic cm
8 80 ounces 8 30 feet
9 5 feet 9 1 ha
10 12.5 L 10 32 000 sq m
11 50 11 <
12 5 1/6 12 >
13 8 13 >
14 Wednesday 14 >
15 150 15 =
16 5:1 16 <
17 24 17 >
18 25 18 <
19 1 023 19 >
20 9 20 =
21 48 21 37
22 72 22 60
23 89 23 17
24 24 24 276
25 3 087 25 89
26 405 or 105 26 281
27 62.5 27 6
28 3 1/5 28 795
29 120 29 60
30 70 30 30
31 23 cm 31 80 %
32 18 cm 32 90
33 110 33 9
34 83 34 147
35 3 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm 35 Php 194
36 2 175 36 75
37 75 % 37 ¾
38 24 cm 38 57.75 cm
39 Php 4 800 39 51
40 12 40 Php 35 000
41 125 sq cm 41 Php 110
42 5 42 405 sq cm
43 54 cm 43 9th
44 450 44 240
45 32 45 Php 1 000
46 4 cm 46 66
47 20 cm 47 4m
48 20 48 21 %
49 10 49 Php 1 200 000
50 208 cu cm 50 22

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