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Child Development Record

Army Public School & College (Boys & Girls) DHA, Lahore Cantt

Student Information
Name: Joydoon Siddiue Class: EYS 2 - Green
Term: CP4

Social and Emotional Development

Self Identify and Self Esteem Remarks
Demonstrates positive attitude towards self and others Developing
Shows confidence in self Developing
Demonstrates independence Developing
Respects the rights of self and others Developing
Self Control and Interactions Remarks
Follows most rules and routines Developing
Expresses emotion in appropriate ways Developing
Plays appropriately for age Developing
Cooperates in play and interactions with peers Developing
Social Behaviour Remarks
Understands and respects differences Developing
Shares Developing
Takes responsibility Developing
Uses compromise and discussion to resolve problems Developing

Language Development
Respective Language Remarks
Listens with understanding to language Developing
Responds appropriately to verbal information Developing
Recognizes familiar verbal text Developing
Expressive Language Remarks
Speaks in a manner that is clear to listeners Developing
Uses language to communicate ideas and feeling Developing
Experiments with words and sounds Developing
Tells a story or other text in sequence Developing
Understands perceptual concepts Developing
Pre-Reading and literacy skills Remarks
Concentrates on spoken text Developing
Tells a story following the pictures in a book Developing
Shows independence in activities related to Literature Developing
Recognizes association of spoken and written words Developing
Pre-Writing Langauge and Literacy Skills Remarks
Demonstrates interest in using writing for a purpose Developing
Uses letters and similar shapes to create words or simple ideas Developing
Cognitive Development
Motivation and Problem Solving Remarks
Observes and explores Developing
Demonstrates curiosity and desire to solve problems Developing
Demonstrates constructive thinking Developing
Makes predictions and plans Developing
Logical and Mathematical thinking Remarks
Classifies according to attributes Developing
Arranges things in a series Developing
Reproduces patterns in different ways Developing
Reconstructs and recalls the sequence of events Developing
Understands quantitative relationships Developing
Understands basic spatial relationships Developing
Shows awareness of time concepts Developing
Shows awareness of and uses geometrical shapes correctly Developing
Knowledge and Information Remarks
Demonstrates general knowledge Developing
Seeks information from various sources Developing

Creative Appreciation Remarks
Shows interest in and appreciation for his/ her own work and work Developing
of others
Looks for beauty harmony defined by own criteria Consistently
Demonstrates creative persistence Developing
Creative Capacities Remarks
Shows interest in creative activities Developing
Shows imagination and representation Developing
Expresses self in a creative manner in a variety of areas Developing
Personal interpretation Developing

Physical Development
Gross Motor Remarks
Demonstrates Physical Strength Developing
Moves with coordination and balance Developing
Fine Motor Remarks
Demonstrates control Developing
Uses coordinated movement Developing
Healthy and Safety Remarks
Follows everyday health and hygiene practices Developing
Shows awareness of safety outdoors and indoors Developing
Knows body parts and their functions Developing

Personality Development
Jaydoon has the potential to deal with the matters with good performance. He can
comprehend easily what he has learned.His work presentation is gradually
improving. He greatly enjoys listening to rhymes and themes but he requires
confidence to discuss and talk about them in front of the class. His oral vocabulary
is constantly increasing .

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