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Предлоги времени английский язык упражнения.

Упражнение 1. Complete the questions. Add in, on or at.

1. Do you sometimes watch TV ____ the mornings?

2. Are you usually at home ____ 7 o'clock ____ the evenings?
3. Do you sometimes work ___night?
4. What do you usually do ____ weekends?
5. Do you usually go shopping ____ Saturdays?
6. Do you go skiing ____ the winter?
7. Do you have a holiday ____ December?
8. Is there a holiday in your country ____ 6 , January?

Упражнение 2. Look at these time expressions.

2 o'clock, Friday, the morning, last Friday, night, Tuesday, March, 1st March, the
afternoon, next Tuesday, 1980, Monday morning, this morning, the summer, every
summer, my birthday, the weekend, 8.15, tomorrow evening, July, Friday night,
1804, 4th July, the spring, weekends, Christmas, New Year's Day, yesterday

Do we use these time expressions with in, on, at or without a preposition? Make four lists:

At: at 2 oclock, …

On: on Friday, …

In: in the morning, …

Without a preposition: last Friday

Упражнение 3. Do we use these time expressions with in, on or at?

1. ___ ten o'clock, ___ 2.15

2. ___ Monday, ___ Tuesday
3. ___Monday morning, ___Tuesday afternoon
4. ___the weekend, ___ weekends
5. ___ Christmas, ___ Easter
6. ___ January, ___ February
7. ___ 1st May, ___ 7th June
8. ___ 1930, ___ 1992, ___ 2001
9. ___ the summer, ___ the winter

Упражнение 4. Practice prepositions of time.

1. He's usually at home ____ four o’clock.

2. What do you usually do___the evening?
3. When do you come home? ___ half past one.
4. When do you take a shower? ____ the morning.
5. I rarely watch TV ____ the afternoon.

Упражнение 5. Переведите на английский

на семь недель, за неделю, через час, за последние три месяца, во время

войны, в ходе работы, до работы, после работы, с двух часов, до четырех часов,
к трем часам, с 1980-го года, в 1945 году, в августе, в четыре часа, в
понедельник, первого мая, утром, в полдень, ночью, в десять минут восьмого, в
без десяти семь

Упражнение 6. Вставьте английские предлоги времени перед праздниками.

1. Does Molly paint eggs ___ Easter?

2. Did your girlfriend play any jokes _____ April 1st?
3. Do Molly and sally wear funny costumes____ Halloween?
4. Does Greg send cards____ Valentine's Day
5. Fred got a lot of funny presents____ Christmas.
6. School begins ____ September 1st.
7. Do you play jokes ___ April Fool's Day?

Упражнение 7. Insert prepositions of time.

1. Was Easter ____ May last year?

2. Is your birthday____ summer?
3. I'm going to have a party ____ the weekend.
4. I usually come home ___ three o’clock.
5. I usually take a shower ____ the evening.
6. I usually tidy my room ___ Sunday.
7. I usually wash the dishes ____ the afternoon.
8. I usually go to bed____10.30.
9. I play basketball ___Tuesday and ___Friday.
10.Who was born ____ March?
11. My friend was born ____October.
12. My school starts____8.00.
13. He was born ___ the fifth of June.
14. We have Art ____Monday and ___ Friday.
15. The first lesson ___Wednesday is Music.
16. I get up ____ 7 o’clock.
17. We have New Year____the first of January.
18.____ end of the year we’ll have no exams.
19. I have studied English ___ four years.
20. We are going to meet ___ half past three.
21. The telephone rang ___ midnight.

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