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MAY 13th, 2023


Good morning teacher and kind classmates. Today I will present my project. “Introducing Myself”
I will start with my personal data. I’m Brayan, and you can spell it B-R-A-Y-A-N. my full name is
Brayan Alesandro Gala De La Cruz. I’m peruvian and I’m from the town of El Tambo. My address
it's 2348 Leoncio Prado avenue, Chilca and my phone number is 973173145 also I’m nineteen
years old. My email is

Now I’ll detail my data at university. First I study in Continental University besides I’m in the
faculty of architecture. Why? Because it’s amazing, and I can make any project that i can
imagine. Also my classmates are friendly and warm.

Too I’ll introduce a famous person. His full name is Joaquin Rafael Phoenix and is an American
Actor, from the city of Hollywood Hills. His address it’s 9601 Wilshire street, Beverly Hills and his
phone number is 929 456 345. He's 48 years old and his email is
He is an actor, and works in popular movies in United States. I like him, because he’s a good and
popular actor and his movies are amazing and his work isn’t outdated.

And that’s all folks, thank you for listening.

STUDENT: Brayan Alesandro Gala De La Cruz

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