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Entrepreneurial Risk and Market Entry

Brian Wu, Anne Marie Knott,

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Brian Wu, Anne Marie Knott, (2006) Entrepreneurial Risk and Market Entry. Management Science 52(9):1315-1330. http://

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Vol. 52, No. 9, September 2006, pp. 1315–1330 doi 10.1287/mnsc.1050.0543

issn 0025-1909  eissn 1526-5501  06  5209  1315 © 2006 INFORMS

Entrepreneurial Risk and Market Entry

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Brian Wu
The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 2000 SH-DH, 3620 Locust Walk,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104,

Anne Marie Knott

Olin School of Business, Washington University, Campus Box 1133, One Brookings Drive,
St. Louis, Missouri 63130-4899,

T his paper attempts to reconcile the risk-bearing characterization of entrepreneurs with the stylized fact
that entrepreneurs exhibit conventional risk-aversion profiles. We propose that the disparity arises from
confounding two distinct dimensions of uncertainty: demand uncertainty and ability uncertainty. We further
propose that entrepreneurs will be risk averse with respect to demand uncertainty, yet “apparent risk seeking”
(or overconfident) with respect to ability uncertainty. To examine this view, we construct a reduced-form model
of the entrepreneur’s entry decision, which we aggregate to the market level, then test empirically. We find
that entrepreneurs in aggregate behave as we predict. Accordingly, risk-averse entrepreneurs are willing to bear
market risk when the degree of ability uncertainty is comparable to the degree of demand uncertainty. Potential
market failures exist in instances where there is a high demand uncertainty but low performance dispersion
(insufficient entry), or low demand uncertainty but high performance dispersion (excess entry).
Key words: entry; risk; entrepreneur; uncertainty; overconfidence
History: Accepted by Pankaj Ghemawat, business strategy; received September 2, 2004. This paper was with
the authors 3 months for 2 revisions.

1. Introduction (undertaking risks over which managers believe they

Throughout its history the literature on entrepreneur- have some control). The contribution of this paper is
ship has asserted that a critical economic role of the to consider the two dimensions jointly in modeling
entrepreneur is risk bearing. One consequence of that and testing entrepreneurs’ entry behavior. To conduct
perspective is that the theoretical and practitioner liter- the empirical test, we characterize both dimensions
ature has assumed that entrepreneurs are risk seeking. of uncertainty across a set of equivalent markets over
To date, however, the empirical record indicates that time, then estimate the degree to which aggregate
entrepreneurs’ risk profiles are indistinguishable from entry responds to each dimension.
those of wage earners. It is important to point out that while we model
We believe that the disparity between intuition and the individual’s decision to enter markets, the pri-
theory versus the stylized facts lies in the dimen- mary purpose of this study is not to identify who in
sionality of uncertainty. In particular, we propose the employment pool will enter markets. Rather, we
that there are two distinct sources of uncertainty want to understand how individuals’ decisions com-
in entrepreneurial ventures: (1) uncertainty regard- bined with market conditions affect the amount of
ing market demand, and (2) uncertainty regarding entry. In this sense, our study follows in Blau’s (1987)
one’s own entrepreneurial ability. We further pro- steps, who models the individual’s self-employment
pose that entrepreneurs display risk aversion with decision, but then utilizes it to examine the impact of
respect to demand uncertainty but exhibit overconfi- tax and social security policies on the amount of self-
dence or “apparent risk seeking” with respect to abil- employment. A separate but related strand of litera-
ity uncertainty. Accordingly, while entrepreneurs are ture examines the who question. That literature uses
risk averse in the classic sense of preferring a cer- longitudinal data to understand characteristics affect-
tain payment to an uncertain payment with equiva- ing self-employment, e.g., Evans and Leighton (1989)
lent expected value, their overconfidence predisposes and Dunn and Holtz-Eakin (2000).
them to bear economic risk under a given set of Our test is novel in the sense that it jointly tests
circumstances. personality traits affecting individuals’ entry deci-
Both dimensions of uncertainty have been pro- sions while also testing the economic implications
posed previously. Indeed, March and Shapira (1987) of the trait-entry relationship. We examine whether
draw the contrast between “managerial gambling” entrepreneurs in aggregate exhibit particular decision
(undertaking exogenous risks) and “risk taking” biases and what market conditions activate those
Wu and Knott: Entrepreneurial Risk and Market Entry
1316 Management Science 52(9), pp. 1315–1330, © 2006 INFORMS

biases. We do not, however, assess whether the biases (Headd 2003) indicate that 51% of firms exit within
(if any) of entrepreneurs differ from those of wage their first four years. Thus, failure risk looms large
earners. for entrants and is relatively nonexistent for estab-
lished firms. An additional but related risk pertains
to invested capital. While shareholders can minimize
2. Entrepreneurship and Demand risk by diversifying their holdings precisely as Knight
Uncertainty (1921) suggests, entrepreneurs typically must invest
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A fairly well-established theme in the entrepreneurial the bulk of their wealth in a single asset, the venture.
literature is that a key economic role of entrepreneurs Given that entrepreneurs perform a risk-bearing
is risk bearing. This view dates back to Cantillon role, most theoretical literature has assumed that
(1755) who characterized the economy as consisting entrepreneurs have greater risk tolerance than wage
of two classes of inhabitants (aside from the prince earners (McClelland 1961, Lucas 1978, Kanbur 1979,
and landowners): “hired people” on fixed wages and Kihlstrom and Laffont 1979). Empirical literature
“undertakers” who purchase inputs (including labor) has emerged to test this inference. The surprising
at fixed prices without assurance of profits. The key result has been that entrepreneurs do not appear
distinguishing feature of the second class is that it to differ from wage earners on this trait. In fact,
undertakes the risk of demand and price uncertainty
where there are differences they tend to indicate that
(which at the time of his writing must have been
entrepreneurs exhibit greater risk aversion than wage
quite high because one of the factors Cantillon consid-
earners (Brockhaus 1980, Masters and Meier 1988,
ered was the number of deaths of local inhabitants).
Miner and Raju 2004).
Included in the undertaker (entrepreneur) class were
One of the reasons studies may fail to find risk
farmers, merchants, shopkeepers, and master crafts-
tolerance is that the instruments used to test risk
men (even robbers).
vary across studies and each instrument operational-
This view was expounded by Knight (1921) and,
izes risk quite differently. Brockhaus (1980) and
in fact, the view of entrepreneur as risk taker is
Masters and Meier (1988) use a Kogan-Wallach Choice
probably most associated with Knight. Knight’s con-
Dilemma Questionnaire (CDQ) which asks respon-
tribution was to draw a distinction between risk,
dents what success threshold a given action would
which involves recurring events whose relative fre-
quency can be known from past experience, and require before they would recommend the action to
uncertainty, arising from unique events which can someone else. Both studies found no significant dif-
only be subjectively estimated. Risk is considered to ference between entrepreneurs and managers on the
be a relatively insignificant problem in that it can recommended thresholds. Of course, one possible rea-
be accommodated through pooling and insurance. son for this result is that people may be willing to
In contrast, uncertainty requires an economic func- undertake risk themselves while not recommending
tionary, the entrepreneur, whose job it is to decide it for others. However, results from 12 studies using
what to do and how to do it in the face of uncertain- a different instrument, the Miner Sentence Comple-
ties. Knight proposed that there is diversity among tion Scale (MSCS), all found entrepreneurs to be risk
individuals with regard to confidence in one’s judg- avoiding relative to managers (Miner and Raju 2004).
ment and the disposition to act on those judgments. In another study, Sarasvathy et al. (1998) found that
Those who are “confident and venturesome ‘assume entrepreneurs are risk averse relative to bankers in
the risk’ or ‘insure’ the doubtful and timid by guar- that they trade higher expected value projects for ones
anteeing to the latter a specified income in return for with narrower variance (particularly avoiding nega-
an assignment of the actual results” (p. 269). tive outcomes).
Anticipating later work by Camerer and Lovallo Results from economic tests are similarly equivocal.
(1999), Knight asserts that “if men are poor judges Cramer et al. (2002) compare individuals’ valuations
of their own powers as well as ignorant of those for a lottery ticket and find that subjects who had ever
of others (entrepreneurs), the size of the profit share been self-employed exhibit greater risk tolerance than
depends on whether they tend on the whole to over- wage earners even after controlling for wealth effects
estimate or underestimate the prospects of business (the self-employed tend to have greater wealth and
operations” (p. 285). therefore bear less relative risk than wage earners). In
Indeed, entrepreneurs do bear greater risk than contrast, O’Brien et al. (2003) examine the impact of
wage earners. First, they bear income risk in that the demand uncertainty on entrepreneurial entry across
stream of income from new ventures is uncertain. In 57 industries and find that demand uncertainty has
the worst case, the firm fails and the income stream a significant negative impact on entry. Mazzeo (2004)
ceases. This risk of failure is considerable. Data from compares an entrepreneur’s choice between operating
the U.S. Census Business Information Tracking Series an independent establishment (sole ownership) and
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becoming a franchisee (sharing risk with the fran- entrepreneurs have greater risk tolerance; it is that
chisor) in the same market. He finds that franchising they do not view the business situations as being
increases with the local demand uncertainty, thus sug- risky (March and Shapira 1987, Palich and Bagby
gesting risk aversion. 1995, Sarasvathy et al. 1998). Instead, they believe that
In summary, while there is some evidence to the through skill and information they can condition the
contrary, the weight of the empirical evidence tends to odds they face.
indicate that entrepreneurs have comparable risk pro- This bias is related to the “Lake Wobegon” or “bet-
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files to those of wage earners. This leaves the question ter-than-average” effect (Alicke et al. 1995), where
of what accounts for their willingness to bear the high Lake Wobegon refers to Garrison Keillor’s fictional
risk of failure. We believe the answer to that question hometown in Minnesota where “all the children are
lies in a second dimension of uncertainty. above average.” A frequently cited example of the
effect is that 60% of high-school seniors believe they
are in the top 10% in ability to get along with oth-
3. Entrepreneurship and Performance ers, while 25% believe they are in the top 1% (Myers
Dispersion 1982). If we extrapolate these numbers, it appears that
While the most prevalent view of entrepreneurial risk the entire population of seniors believes it is in the
pertains to classic risk aversion in that an individ- top 20%.
ual is more interested in a certain payoff than an A more pertinent example is engineers’ assessment
equivalent expected value from an uncertain pay- of their own performance relative to peers (Zenger
off, a second view emerges from the work of Knight 1994). That study found that in established compa-
(1921), Kanbur (1979), Jovanovic (1982), Lippman and nies, 32.4% of engineers believed they were in the top
Rumelt (1982), March and Shapira (1987), Camerer 5% of peer performance; while 61.8% believed they
and Lovallo (1999), and Norton and Moore (2002). were in the top 10% and fully 89.7% believed they
In this view, a critical source of economic uncer- were in the top 25%. These biases were even more
tainty pertains to entrepreneurial ability. For exam- pronounced for engineers in entrepreneurial firms
ple, entrepreneurs know the performance distribution where self-assessments within the top 5%, 10%, and
within a market but are uncertain about where they 25% of peers were, respectively, 42.0%, 73.3%, and
lie within that distribution. 92.5%. Thus, while all engineers are prone to over-
Performance dispersion has two potential effects confidence, those drawn to start-ups are particularly
on entry: an options effect and an overconfidence overconfident.
effect. We discuss each of these in turn. High degrees Although the better-than-average effect has been
of performance dispersion will lead to apparent demonstrated for both traits and behaviors, the bias
risk seeking even if entrepreneurs are risk neutral is more likely for traits that are perceived to be con-
(Lippman and Rumelt 1982). This occurs because trollable, e.g., fairness rather than intelligence (Alicke
entrepreneurial ventures have an options structure. 1985, Allison et al. 1989); or in cases of greater
The upside returns are uncertain, but the downside ambiguity. For example, the bias is more likely when
risk is limited by the entry fee. Accordingly, greater individuals compare themselves to an anonymous
profit dispersion leads to higher expected values net distribution rather than to a known set of individuals
of the entry fee. If entrepreneurs base decisions on net (Alicke 1985, Alicke et al. 1995, Allison et al. 1989).
present values, risk-neutral entrepreneurs will appear This qualitative characterization suggests a bias tied
to be risk seeking in that they will rationally prefer to dispersion of the trait in the referent population.
more disperse performance distributions. Thus, if  and  capture, respectively, the mean and
A more provocative view finds that under cer- standard deviation of ability, unbiased entrepreneurs
tain circumstances, entrepreneurs exhibit “apparent without private information should expect an ability
risk seeking” with respect to ability uncertainty. This draw equal to . If, however, entrepreneurs exhibit
arises from overestimating their capability. In this overconfidence (the better-than-average effect), their
view, entrepreneurs know the performance distribu- expected ability will have the form  + A, where
tion and expected value of entry within a given mar- the bias A will depend on perceived controllability
ket but they believe their own ability is drawn from a captured by A, and the degree of ambiguity captured
narrower and biased distribution (March and Shapira by .
1987, Zenger 1994, Busenitz 1999, Camerer and Considering the two types of uncertainty (demand
Lovallo 1999, Norton and Moore 2002). Indeed, this uncertainty and ability uncertainty) jointly suggests
tendency was anticipated by Knight’s (1921) insight entrepreneurs could appear to be risk seeking when
that the distinguishing feature of entrepreneurs is in fact they are not. In particular, they may be risk
their level of confidence in being able to han- averse with respect to demand uncertainty but over-
dle unforeseeable events. Accordingly, it is not that confident with respect to ability uncertainty. If so,
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1318 Management Science 52(9), pp. 1315–1330, © 2006 INFORMS

there may be settings where they will bear economic utility comparison is meaningless, however, without
risk associated with uncertain demand so long as the context of an actual market to enter. In most
there is sufficient ability uncertainty. cases, this is precisely the market (industry plus geo-
It is worth noting that we do not postulate that graphic location) of the individual’s prior employer.
entrepreneurs differ from wage earners on either This makes sense. Individuals accrue experience, mar-
dimension. Indeed, the empirical record discussed ket knowledge, and affiliations during the course of
previously indicates that entrepreneurs are indistin- their employment. The returns of this human and
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guishable from wage earners with regard to risk aver- social capital are probably highest in the market
sion. In addition, we have just shown that high-school in which they were accrued. Over time individuals
seniors (the pool from which most entrepreneurs and observe market trends (the performance of all firms
wage earners are drawn) are overconfident. All we in the market) as well as their own performance
require to reconcile entrepreneurs’ risk aversion with relative to peers (both within the firm and within
their willingness to bear risk is that these dimensions the industry). These observations offer noisy signals
affect entry behavior and that there is heterogeneity about underlying demand and entrepreneurial abil-
along some dimension such that not all individuals ity. At any given time, an individual remains in wage
jump from wage employment to entrepreneurship at employment if his or her wage is higher than the
the same time. expected entrepreneurial profits in that market, given
the current estimates about the market and firms’
4. A Model of Entrepreneurial Entry
4.1. Qualitative Description of the Entrepreneurial 4.2. Reduced-Form Model of the Entry Decision
Entry Decision We can formalize the decision process just described
There is substantial literature within management using the basic entry decision model from the
and economics regarding the decision to become an self-employment literature. The model examines an
entrepreneur. Taken together, the literature suggests individual’s choice between the expected value of
that individuals can be characterized as having under- entrepreneurial profits , and that of wage income W ,
lying propensities to become entrepreneurs. These given uncertainty about own ability (captured as
propensities are driven by human capital such as marginal cost).
wealth and education (Dunn and Holtz-Eakin 2000, 4.2.1. Risk Neutrality. We begin with a model of
Hamilton 2000), demographic characteristics such as risk-neutral and unbiased behavior. The functional
age, marital status, and whether your parents were form for profits  follows Lippman and Rumelt
themselves entrepreneurs (Dunn and Holtz-Eakin (1982):
2000), and the quality of alternative options (Lofstrom
1  c0
2002). In addition to individual propensities, there are E = −K + qp − c dF c where (1)
exogenous shocks that often trigger entrepreneurship r 0
such as divorce, graduation, termination from a prior q = firm output,
job (Wooten et al. 1999), or working for a firm that p = market price,
becomes acquired (Stuart and Sorenson 2003). Finally, K = investment required to produce quantity q,
economic factors affect the level of entrepreneurship, r = discount rate,
e.g., tax rate, the unemployment rate, and the level of c = firm’s marginal cost, drawn from distribution F ,
technology (Blau 1987). and
The net effect of these factors is that at any given c0 = largest solution to p − c = 0.
time typically 12%–13% of the nonagricultural work Prospective entrepreneurs compare the expected
force is self-employed. However, there is considerable profit from their proposed venture to the alterna-
movement in and out of self-employment. Typically tive income stream from wage employment. Entry
2% to 3% of the workforce becomes entrepreneur each occurs when the expected profit stream exceeds the
year and, as a result, over their entire career approxi- entrepreneur’s opportunity cost (which comprises the
mately 30% of the workforce tests the entrepreneurial sunk cost of entry K, plus the foregone wage stream
waters at some point. These transitions occur both from the best employment alternative W ), as follows:
because individuals’ human capital and demographic  c0
status are changing over time, and because their alter- qp − c dF c > rW + K (2)
natives are changing over time.
Accordingly, a reasonable way to envision the self- We assume that F c is normally distributed and,
employment decision is that individuals continually thus, can be fully characterized by its mean  and dis-
assess whether they have higher utility in conven- persion . Accordingly, we can write a simple expres-
tional wage employment or self-employment. This sion for the expected value of annual profits Et ,
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given the mean cost s of surviving firms (those for do individual biases interact with market conditions
whom c ≤ c0 ) and the failure rate , representing the to affect the level of entry? Fortunately, our market-
entrepreneur’s ex ante probability of drawing a value level test of aggregate entry allows us to jointly test
for c > c0 . This expression characterizes the truncated both individuals’ biases and their economic impact.
distribution of long-run profits, where  firms are To examine entry in market j, we aggregate indi-
forced to exit (c > c0 ) and obtain zero long-run profits, vidual propensity in Equation (4) over the pool of
and 1 −  firms survive c ≤ c0  and obtain qp − c prospective entrants, nj . The pool includes those with
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in perpetuity: relevant industry experience together with sufficient

wealth to cover the entry cost K:
Et =  ∗ 0 + 1 −  ∗ qp − s 
= qp − p − s +  ∗ s  (3) entryj = pentry ∗ nj = Prqp − p − s +  ∗ s 
− rW + K > 0 ∗ nj  (5)
Equation (3) implicitly captures the options struc-
ture of payoffs, which is a competing explanation To consider economic risk, we further assume
to overconfidence for a positive relationship between that r is decomposed into a risk-free component rf ,
entry and performance dispersion. What we mean
and a risk premium rm , reflecting market volatil-
by “options structure” is that with limited downside
ity (demand uncertainty). Note that if entrepreneurs
risk (losses are limited to the entry fee, K), expected
are risk neutral, there should be no risk premium.
net profits increase with dispersion in performance
Equation (5) together with the risk decomposition
(marginal cost).
generates the following propositions regarding a risk-
A potential empirical challenge is that the options
neutral entrepreneur:
effect and the overconfidence effect are both driven by
F c. Thus, we may be unable to tease apart the two Proposition 1. Entry is decreasing in the failure
effects. Fortunately, Equation (3) fully captures the rate .
options effect associated with cost dispersion using
only failure rate, , and the mean cost of surviv- Proposition 2. Entry is decreasing in the mean sur-
ing firms, s . In other words, even though cost dis- vivor cost s .
persion affects the entry decision of a risk-neutral Proposition 3. Entry is increasing in cross-term
entrepreneur, we do not need a direct measure of  ∗ s .
cost dispersion to capture the options effects. This
allows us to use cost dispersion  to capture over- Proposition 4. Entry is decreasing in opportunity
confidence effects without their being confounded cost W + K.
by options effects. Accordingly, we can distinguish
Proposition 5A. Entry is insensitive to cost disper-
between the two factors (options effects and over-
sion .1
confidence) that produce “apparent risk seeking.”
Replacing the expression for the left-hand side of Proposition 6A. Entry is insensitive to demand
Equation (2) yields the following entrepreneurial deci- uncertainty rm .
sion rule:
4.2.2. Risk Aversion and Overconfidence. Equa-
p(entry) = Prqp − p − s +  ∗ s  tion (5) and the related propositions characterize
unbiased and risk-neutral entry. In essence, these
− rW + K > 0 (4)
form our null hypotheses. We now wish to consider
Equation (4) captures individual propensity to the risk biases that are the central concern of this
enter, p(entry). We want to examine aggregate entry paper. We first take the most straightforward bias,
at the market level, however. This is for two rea- risk aversion with respect to demand uncertainty. The
sons. First, we do not have data on individual char- null hypothesis, Proposition 6A, is that entrepreneurs
acteristics. While there are longitudinal databases will be insensitive to demand uncertainty rm . If,
that include individual characteristics, such as the however, entrepreneurs are risk averse, then entry
National Longitudinal Survey (NLS), these do not should be decreasing in rm . This bias has already been
have industry-specific measures of overconfidence. demonstrated for entrepreneurial entry in 57 indus-
Industry-specific measures are necessary because tries (O’Brien et al. 2003) and for entrepreneur choice
although I may be predisposed to overconfidence, of franchise versus independent ownership (Mazzeo
I am not overconfident where I lack competence, e.g., 2004).
medicine. More important than the data limitation is
the fact that we are fundamentally interested in the 1
Note that entry will be insensitive to  only after controlling for
aggregate economic impact of individual biases: How the options effect through  and s .
Wu and Knott: Entrepreneurial Risk and Market Entry
1320 Management Science 52(9), pp. 1315–1330, © 2006 INFORMS

The second dimension, overconfidence with respect Figure 1 Trends in New Bank Charters by Bank Type
to ability uncertainty, requires us to define a func- Bank entry by type
tional form for overconfidence. Following the discus- 300
sion in §3, we assume that overconfidence takes the De novo

form A, where  is ability (cost) dispersion, and A 250 Add to hold co

is the degree of overestimation with respect to the

Total U.S. entrants

dispersion.2 Prior studies suggest that A is higher
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for traits that are perceived to be controllable (Alicke 150

1985, Allison et al. 1989), and that entrepreneur abil-
ity is a trait that is believed to be controllable (March 100
and Shapira 1987).
If entrepreneurs’ decisions are biased in the man- 50
ner discussed previously (risk averse with respect to
market uncertainty and overconfident with respect to 0

ability uncertainty), we replace Propositions 5A and

6A as follows:
over the past 10 years. Accordingly, a study of entry
Proposition 5B. Entry is increasing in cost dispersion in banking is potentially important in its own right.
Proposition 6B. Entry is decreasing in demand 5.2. De Novo Entry in Banking
uncertainty rm (risk aversion). Banking does not typically come to mind when nam-
ing entrepreneurial industries. However, there is sub-
Remember that we already capture the contribu- stantial entry in the banking industry over the period
tions of cost dispersion associated with the options we examine (1984–1997), as shown in Figure 1. The
effect through the mean cost of surviving firms s and figure also demonstrates that the dominant mode of
the failure rate . entry is de novo start-ups by entrepreneurs, rather
than expansion of existing bank holding companies.
5. Empirical Approach We are interested exclusively in the de novo start-ups.
5.1. Industry One of the primary drivers behind de novo entry
To test the propositions, we need a setting that (1) is the Community Reinvestment Act (U.S. Congress
allows us to characterize the cost distribution over 1977), designed to encourage banks to meet the credit
the full set of firms, (2) has substantial entry and needs of local communities. The Act has spawned
provides reliable counts of that entry for firms of all a growing industry of consultants, service providers,
sizes, and (3) comprises a large number of compara- and websites dedicated to small and start-up bank-
ble markets that share common technology and com- ing (e.g., http:// This “de
mon demand functions. We could find only one such novo bank support industry” facilitates new banks
industry—commercial banking post deregulation. The both with the start-up process and with ultimate
banking industry is ideal because it is fragmented operations. The consultants allow banks to compile
with localized competition and is marked by signif- necessary documentation (business plans and bank
icant de novo entry; also, the Federal Deposit Insur- charter applications) and resources (human capital,
ance Corporation (FDIC) collects complete cost data physical capital, and financial capital) for start-up
on all firms. Fragmentation allows us to compare dis- more quickly. The service providers allow community
crete markets with a common demand function and banks to compete more effectively with large banks.
common technology. Thus, we can compare variance These providers offer online banking, check clearing,
in market conditions (demand volatility and cost dis- account maintenance, and statement processing on a
persion) while controlling for other factors that differ fee basis. Accordingly, community banks can emulate
across industries. We can also control for differences large banks without costly investments in technology.
in the level of market demand through time-varying This allows them to reach profitability more quickly,
differences in market conditions. both through higher demand (from improved service
In addition to the quasi-experimental advantages of offerings) and lower fixed cost (outsourced technol-
banking for our purposes, banking is one of the most ogy).
important industries in the economy. Financial ser- Perhaps one reason entrepreneurship seems incon-
vices’ output is roughly $2.1 trillion (7% of U.S. total). gruous with banking is because of industry regu-
Furthermore, even though banking is one of the old- lation. One important aspect of that regulation is
est industries, it has been growing at 6.5% annual rate approval of new charters by either the respective state
banking department or its federal counterpart, the
In the empirical test, A will be captured by the coefficient on . Office of the Comptroller of Currency. In either case,
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Management Science 52(9), pp. 1315–1330, © 2006 INFORMS 1321

banks also require approval from the FDIC for deposit for the overconfidence effect. An ideal measure of
insurance. The two major components of the appli- overconfidence would compare an entrepreneur’s
cation to the chartering agencies as well as the FDIC expected cost to the firm’s realized cost. We do not,
are the business plan and the summary of the man- however, know the entrepreneur’s expected cost. All
agement team. The business plan provides details for we can infer is that all entrepreneurs anticipate hav-
the bank’s first three years of operations and must ing cost below the survivor threshold—they expect
demonstrate that operations are consistent with mar- the new firm to survive. Thus, if we see failure, we
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ket demand, customer base, competition, and general can assume some form of error in the entry decision.
economic conditions, and that the bank will achieve Figure 2a demonstrates that there is substantial failure
acceptable leverage ratios by the end of three years. in banking.
The management team summary must demonstrate To further demonstrate that the error is overcon-
that the team has substantial expertise in bank admin-
fidence, we need to show that failure is associated
istration, commercial and consumer lending, bank
with high cost (inefficiency). While this has been doc-
operations, and investment/funds management. In
umented in the literature on banking (e.g., Berger and
particular, at least two members should have previ-
Humphrey 1992), we can also demonstrate it for the
ous financial institution experience and the majority
of directors must have close ties to the community set of firms examined here. To do so, we take the cost
(Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 2005). efficiencies we derive in Stage 1 analysis (described
An interesting question is why there is any de novo in §§5.4 and 6). We then create distributed lag mod-
entry in an industry that is otherwise experienc- els for exiting firms to track their efficiency preced-
ing dramatic consolidation. Interviews with industry ing failure. Figure 2b presents graphical results of
experts reveal that consolidation actually provides the
impetus for entry. Merger activity has three effects.
Figure 2a Substantial Failure in Banking
First, it creates the “market void” that is required for
approval of a new charter, which is typically small 1,200
Bank exits: 1985 – 1992
business lending (Goldberg and White 1998). Sec-
ond, mergers create “liquidity events” (Stuart and Cumulative %
Sorenson 2003), wherein displaced bank executives 80%
are both in search of new employment and flush 70%
with proceeds from the merger.3 This displacement


would appear as a supply shock in Equation (4) in

600 50%
that W drops to zero. The experience of these dis-
placed executives and their financial assets supply the 40%
two other main criteria required for charter approval. 30%
Third, the expectation of future mergers provides a 20%
liquidation mechanism for the start-up banks, simi- 200
lar to the exit strategies sought by venture capital-
ists in the high-tech sectors. This liquidation potential 0
0 1 2 3 4 ≥5

appears as a demand shock in Equation (4) in that Age at exit

the expected returns include an acquisition premium Note. Banks founded between 1985 and 1992 that exit by end of 1996. Exits
above and beyond the present value of the remaining include mergers and failures.
profit stream.
Figure 2b Failure Associated with Inefficiency (Excess Cost)
5.3. Bank Failure
The flip side of bank start-up is bank failure. While we Exiting firm cost inefficiency
are not interested in failure per se, it offers face validity Cost inefficiency: Relative to firms more than five years from exit
Fail 0.18
The gains from liquidated ventures raise the issue of a “house Merge 0.16
money effect” (Thaler and Johnson 1990), wherein prior gains
lead to risk-taking behavior. To date, this effect has been exam-
ined in the context of pure gambles rather than contests of skill,
although a similar effect surfaces in the Camerer and Lovallo (1999) 0.10
experiment, where confidence of players increases as they progress 0.08
through a tournament despite the fact that the expected skill of 0.06
players they will be facing is increasing across rounds. Accord- 0.04
ingly, we would expect liquidation events to increase risk taking 0.02
along both dimensions of uncertainty. Without controls for these 0.00
events, results will understate the level of risk aversion along both 4 3 2 1 0
dimensions. Years to exit
Wu and Knott: Entrepreneurial Risk and Market Entry
1322 Management Science 52(9), pp. 1315–1330, © 2006 INFORMS

this analysis.4 The figure indicates that exits come We use the translog cost function to accommodate
from high-cost firms. Failing firms not only have the complex array of bank inputs and outputs. In
higher cost than the industry overall (26% higher addition, the translog form accommodates trade-offs
than an average bank of comparable scale),5 but their in both market strategies (product mixes and prices)
cost deteriorates as they approach their exit year. and operational strategies (input mixes). The basic
While these effects hold for both failures and merg- translog cost function mimics the linear programming
ers, they are more pronounced for failures. Taken problem for firm i in year t, that is minimizing total
Downloaded from by [] on 19 November 2014, at 10:57 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

together, the failure rates and the cost data suggest cost cit by choice of output levels yit , taking input
that entrepreneurs are overconfident about their likely prices wit as given:
 j  1  j j
5.4. Empirical Model cit = !0 + !1j yit + !2k witk + ! y y
j k
2 j j 3ij it it
Our empirical approach compares aggregate entry
across markets to characterize entrepreneurs’ behav- 1   j
+ ! wk wk + !5jk yit witk
ior along each dimension of uncertainty. This allows 2 k k 4kk it it j k
us to examine if “apparent risk seeking” (overconfi-
dence) with respect to ability uncertainty might com- + uit + eit  where (6)
pensate for risk aversion with respect to demand
uncertainty. If so, risk-averse entrepreneurs may be cit = log observed firm cost,
willing to bear economic risk in certain markets. Note yit = vector of log output levels; j indexes output
that our approach examines aggregate behavior in elements,
each market; thus, it ignores characteristics of indi- witk = vector of log input prices; k indexes input
vidual entrepreneurs. Accordingly, we are unable to elements,
answer the question of whether entrepreneurs’ biases uit = cost inefficiency with truncated normal distri-
differ from wage earners. We can only answer the bution, and
question of whether entrepreneurs on average appear eit = error term with normal distribution.
to be risk averse and/or overconfident. We pool data for all firms over 14 years using the
Analysis proceeds in two stages. In the first stage, stochastic frontier model to capture firm-year mea-
we model an industry cost frontier to collect mea- sures of cost inefficiency relative to a fixed global cost
sures of cost efficiency for each firm in each year. This frontier. We collect the estimates of the expected value
allows us to characterize s and  for each market in of firm-year cost inefficiency in Stage 1, Euit  eit ,
each year. In the second stage, we model Equation (5) which for convenience we continue to label as uit ,
to test Propositions 5B and 6B that entrepreneurs and use the estimates to form the cost distribution for
are risk averse with respect to demand uncertainty each market in each year. The frontier analysis gen-
and overconfident with respect to ability (cost) uncer- erates values that have a truncated normal distribu-
tainty. tion, whereas the model in Equation (3) assumes that
5.4.1. Stage 1: Characterizing Firm Cost Effi- cost is normally distributed. Accordingly, we trans-
ciency. We follow convention in studies of bank effi- form values of uit by taking their natural log, lnuit .
ciency by modeling a stochastic cost frontier using a 5.4.2. Stage 2: Variables. To test the propositions
translog cost function (Cebenoyan et al. 1992, Herma- derived from Equation (5), we need to make assump-
lin and Wallace 1994, Berger et al. 1993, Mester 1993). tions about how entrepreneurs assess demand uncer-
Stochastic frontier analysis, developed by Aigner et al. tainty rjt , the cost distributions sjt and jt , and the
(1977), is based on the econometric specification of a failure rate jt , as well as opportunity costs for the
cost frontier. The stochastic frontier model assumes entry fee Kjt and foregone wage Wjt in their respective
that the log of firm i’s cost in year t, cit , differs from markets j.
the cost frontier c min by an amount that consists of two Demand uncertainty. Our measure of demand uncer-
distinct components: a standard normally distributed tainty follows the conventional approach (Stock and
error term eit , and a cost inefficiency term modeled as
Watson 1998, Morgan et al. 2004), where risk is approx-
a nonnegative random variable uit , with a truncated
imated by variability in demand. Demand uncer-
normal distribution.6
tainty is measured as the root mean squared error
4 (RMSE) from the regression lnmarket demandt /
Coefficient estimates are available from the authors.
market demandt−1  − 1 = $0 + $1 ∗(trend) over a mov-
The cost inefficiency (in ln form) increases from the mean of 0.18
to 0.35. This corresponds to a 26% cost increase. ing 10-year window. We measure demand in two
Other distributional assumptions are also possible, the most com-
alternative ways. Our primary measure, state per-
mon of which are the half-normal and exponential distributions. sonal income, uses economic conditions as a proxy
All results are robust to these alternative distributions. for demand. While gross state product GSP sounds
Wu and Knott: Entrepreneurial Risk and Market Entry
Management Science 52(9), pp. 1315–1330, © 2006 INFORMS 1323

like a better proxy for market conditions, the two are Figure 3 Bank Assets (Physical Plus Financial Less Deposits) vs. Age
defined to be equal. By familiar identity, output must 40
be equal to the sum of payments to inputs (wages,
rent, and profits). We use state income rather than

Mean assets constant dollars

GSP because GSP is not available for all years. The 30
correlation coefficient between state income and GSP 25

for the years both were available was 99.7%, indi-
Downloaded from by [] on 19 November 2014, at 10:57 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

cating that the identity holds for our data. In addi-
tion to the demand volatility, RMSE(state income) or 15

RMSE(output), we also capture the trend (growth) of 10

the respective variable as a control for market oppor- 5
tunity. An alternative measure, aggregate output, cap- 0
tures demand directly. We construct the measure for 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
each market year by summing the output over all Age (from founding)
firms in a given market and year.
Cost distribution. A central issue in characterizing Opportunity costs. The final element in Equation (5)
the cost distributions is the relevant set of incumbents is opportunity cost. We use input data from the Stage 1
assessed by potential entrants. There are two logi- model to construct measures for both foregone wage
cal candidates. The first is members of bank holding Wjt and entry cost Kjt for each market year. Foregone
companies (the larger firms engaged in the merger
wage Wjt is the mean value for the labor price w1
activity), and the second is independent banks. We
for all firms in market j in year t. Entry cost Kjt
characterize the cost distributions for each group in
is more complex. Ideally, with sufficient entrants in
each market j for each year t. We then test Equa-
each market in each year, we could merely take the
tion (5) separately for the two groups. We construct
mean value for physical assets plus financial assets for
two measures of the cost distribution for each group
those entering. Unfortunately, there are several mar-
sjt and jt , where the set of survivor firms s is
ket years with no entrants. One approach to circum-
defined as those who have remained in the indus-
vent this problem is to use mean entry cost across all
try for three years. We use three years as the cutoff
because this matches expert opinion about the time markets Kt . The problem with this approach is that
to reach profitability as well as results in past studies our entire empirical methodology is to exploit differ-
regarding the time to fail (Knott and Posen 2005), but ences across markets. Accordingly, we use a hybrid
we also test robustness to alternative age thresholds. approach. We pool data across all firms to define an
Failure rate. The third measure entrepreneurs use asset growth path. We regress firm assets (physical
to make their decision is the failure rate jt . Failure plus financial) on age, year, and market dummies.
is less straightforward in banking than in other set- This generates a set of coefficients for each of the age
tings because the FDIC has an interest in the reso- dummies controlling for year and market (Figure 3).
lution of failing banks. “Forced mergers” between a We use these coefficients to de-age the assets of all
failed institution and a healthier bank are the domi- firms in market j in year t to define the time-varying
nant form of FDIC resolution. The less common reso- entry cost for each market in each year Kjt .
lution is “paid outs,” where the FDIC pays depositors Other issues with variables. One issue with respect
for their lost deposits under FDIC insurance provi- to the full set of independent variables is the delay
sions. We adopt the FDIC definition of failure as the between observation of market conditions by the
sum of “forced mergers” and FDIC “paid outs,” and prospective entrepreneur and the actual entry. This
we measure failure rate jt as the ratio of the number delay will depend on the length of the setup process.
of these failures over the number of incumbents. Discussions with industry experts indicate that the
A third mechanism of bank exit is a “voluntary setup process takes from 12 to 18 months. We there-
merger” with an existing bank. It is unclear how vol- fore lag explanatory variables by one year but check
untary mergers affect entry. Because they, like forced robustness using alternative lags.
mergers, are more likely to occur for a failing bank,
5.4.3. Model. We model entry rate (with entry
it is possible that their effect combines with failure to
counts on the left-hand side and the number of
reduce entry. However, the discussion in §5.2 suggests
incumbents on the right-hand side to allow the rate
that mergers might stimulate entry. If so, merger rate
to vary with the number of incumbents7 ) as a func-
will have a positive effect on entry, whereas Propo-
tion of the two types of market uncertainty, RMSEjt−1
sition 1 anticipates failure rate (paid outs and forced
and jt−1 , the failure rate jt−1 , the mean cost of the
mergers) to have a negative effect on entry. Given the
ambiguity about how voluntary mergers affect entry,
we examine them separately from failure. 7
All results are robust when excluding the number of incumbents.
Wu and Knott: Entrepreneurial Risk and Market Entry
1324 Management Science 52(9), pp. 1315–1330, © 2006 INFORMS

survivor pool sjt−1 , and opportunity cost Wjt−1 and banking efficiency in log thousands of constant 1996
Kjt−1 , while controlling for time-varying market fac- dollars. The dependent variable is total cost c—total
tors (growth and concentration) as well as market interest and noninterest expenses. The six indepen-
fixed effects %j and industrywide year effects &t : dent variables are divided between input prices and
output quantities. Input prices are (a) labor price w1
entryjt = !0 + !1 ∗ incumjt−1 + !2 ∗ jt−1 + !3 ∗ sjt−1 (salary divided by the number of full-time equivalent
+!4 ∗jt−1 +!5 ∗jt−1 ∗sjt−1 +!6 ∗growth employees), (b) physical capital price w2 (occupancy
Downloaded from by [] on 19 November 2014, at 10:57 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

and other noninterest expenses divided by the value

+ !7 ∗ RMSEjt−1 + !8 Wjt−1 + !9 Kjt−1 of physical premises and equipment), and (c) cap-
+ &t + %j + ejt  (7) ital price w3 (total interest expense divided by the
sum of total deposits, other borrowed funds, subor-
If entrepreneurs are rational, we expect !2 , !3 , !8 , dinated notes, and other liabilities). Output quantities
and !9 to be negative, and !5 to be positive (Propo- are stocks of (d) mortgage loans y1 , (e) nonmortgage
sitions 1–4). If, in addition, they are unbiased and loans y2 , and (f) investment securities y3 .
risk neutral, we expect !4 and !7 to be insignificant Our operational definition of a market in the anal-
(Propositions 5A and 6A). If, however, entrepreneurs ysis is a state. In part, this definition arises from a
are biased in the manner discussed previously, then data limitation. The unit of observation in the FDIC
they are risk averse with respect to demand uncer- data is an insurance certificate, which is the unique
tainty and !7 should be negative (Proposition 6B); number assigned to a bank upon entry into a given
and they are overconfident with respect to cost uncer- state. A separate certificate is required for each state
tainty and !4 should be positive (Proposition 5B). in which a bank operates, but covers all branches
Note that the coefficient !4 captures the effects of cost for that bank operating within the state. Ignoring
uncertainty above and beyond the effects associated for a moment the data limitation, there are two dis-
with the options structure of entrepreneurial returns. crete definitions of market: the state, representing cer-
This is true because the options effects, derived in tificate/headquarters level competition, and munici-
Equation (3), are captured by !2 , !3 , and !5 . pality, representing branch level competition. A rea-
Estimation of Equation (7) requires count data mod- sonable argument for not doing branch-level anal-
els because the dependent variable, the number of ysis, even if data were available, is that it is dif-
entries in a market year, is a nonnegative integer. ficult to determine a relevant radius for competi-
Given that, the use of ordinary least squares (OLS) tion. Consumers might choose a branch close to their
violates the assumptions of homoskedasticity and home or one close to their office, but they may also
normality (Greene 1997). Accordingly, we employ a choose a bank based on the fact that it has branches
fixed effects negative binomial model (Cameron and near both, suggesting aggregation to a metropolitan
Trivedi 1998, Greene 1997). However, we also run area. Continuing that logic, a state is merely further
robustness checks using generalized estimating equa- aggregation, representing on average 7.1 metropolitan
tions (GEE) and fixed effects specifications. statistical areas (MSA), 1.3 primary metropolitan sta-
tistical areas (PMSA), or 0.4 consolidated metropolitan
5.5. Data statistical areas (CMSA). Given the difficulty of choos-
The data for the study comes from the FDIC research ing a level of aggregation for branch-level competi-
database which contains quarterly financial data for tion, and given the fact that the state captures head-
all commercial banks filing the “Report of Condition quarters competition, we define a market as a state.8
and Income” (the so-called Call Report). We examine To test the entry decision, we gather aggregate
each of the 50 states plus the District of Columbia market-year data on entry from the FDIC database.
for the period 1984–1997. This initial data set contains We define entry as a new commercial banking insti-
694,587 firm-quarter observations. Following conven- tution that comes into existence by way of a new
tion in the banking literature, we aggregate to annual charter. This definition restricts the sample to de novo
data by averaging the quarterly data (Mester 1993). entry by entrepreneurs, i.e., it excludes conversions,
The final first-stage data set comprises 170,859 firm- recharters, and the addition of new banks to existing
year observations. bank holding companies. It is interesting to note that
While there is considerable debate as to the choice
of inputs and outputs in the banking sector, a review 8
As an additional test of reasonableness, Petersen and Rajan (2002)
of the literature suggests that there is some conver- examine the distance between small firms and the bank branch they
use most frequently. They find that the distance capturing 75% of
gence around a model that sees capital and labor as
firms in 1990–1993 is 68 miles and growing rapidly due to informa-
inputs to the production process and various forms tion technology. This implies a circumscribed area of 14,524 miles,
of loans as outputs (Wheelock and Wilson 1995). We which is greater than the land area of 10 states and is equal to 26.3%
collect data to construct seven variables related to of the mean land area of all states excluding Texas and Alaska.
Wu and Knott: Entrepreneurial Risk and Market Entry
Management Science 52(9), pp. 1315–1330, © 2006 INFORMS 1325

Table 1 Stage 1 Data Summary The most important result of the Stage 1 frontier
estimation is the value of the inefficiency terms uit .
Variable Description Obs. Mean Std. dev. Min Max
The distribution of firm cost inefficiency over all mar-
c Cost 174,869 798 1.27 −082 1676 ket years is given in Figure 4a, and the mean value
w1 Price_labor 174,673 297 0.28 −485 939
over time is depicted in Figure 4b. The mean uit over
w2 Price_physical 173,999 −164 0.73 −993 563
capital the entire period is 0.171, which indicates that the
w3 Price_capital 173,789 −354 0.41 −1258 332 mean firm has cost 18.6% above that of a firm on
Downloaded from by [] on 19 November 2014, at 10:57 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

y1 Mortgage 172,503 947 1.58 −137 1786 the cost frontier. The data also indicate that while the
y2 Other loans 173,373 963 1.40 −070 1855 mean cost inefficiency changes over time in response
y3 Securities 173,828 958 1.47 −127 1751
to changing technologies and demand conditions, the
Variable c w1 w2 w3 y1 y2 y3 general trend (particularly over the mid-1990s) is
toward increasing efficiency (decreasing cost). This is
c 1
w1 01929∗ 1 consistent with prior studies of the industry.
w2 −00418∗ 02792∗ 1 While a discussion of the estimated coefficients of
w3 01464∗ 00921∗ 00452∗ 1 the frontier model is outside the scope of this paper,
y1 08640∗ 01151∗ −01322∗ −00463∗ 1 the coefficient estimates are consistent with expec-
y2 09146∗ 01493∗ −00594∗ 01201∗ 07711∗ 1
y3 07603∗ 00821∗ −00922∗ 00259∗ 06883∗ 06934∗ 1 tations as (a) total costs appear to rise with output
and increases in the price of capital, and (b) firms
Note. Units: ln(thousand—1996 dollars). *Significant at 5%.
substitute labor and physical capital in response to
changing prices for these inputs. These results rein-
such de novo entry comprises 75.8% of new charters force confidence in the frontier technique.
over the period we examine (see Figure 1). Table 1
provides variable descriptions and summary statistics 6.2. Test of Propositions
of the data used in Stage 1. The firm cost efficiencies from Stage 1 were trans-
formed (by taking natural logs) to convert their values
from the truncated normal distribution in frontier
6. Results analysis to the normal distribution assumed by Equa-
6.1. Characterizing Firm Cost Efficiency tion (3). The transformed cost efficiencies were then
We estimate the Stage 1 stochastic frontier model pooled by market year and used to create estimates
assuming a truncated normal distribution for the inef- of the cost distribution for each market j in each
ficiency term and a normally distributed error term. year t. We characterized each ex ante cost distribu-
Results from the Stage 1 analysis using Equation (6) tion by its dispersion jt . We then excluded firms less
are given in Table 2. than three years old to characterize the means of the

Table 2 Results from Stage 1 Regression

Dependent variable: ln(cost)

170,859 observations

Coefficient Std. error Coefficient Std. error

w1 −8691e−01∗∗ 30644 w1 w3 −2312e−01∗∗ 61988

w2 −2085e−01∗∗ 17544 w2 2 /2 −4964e−03∗∗ 4675
w3 2078e+00∗∗ 85535 w2 w3 −2519e−02∗∗ 15625
y1 1942e−02∗ 2073 w3 2 /2 2564e−01∗∗ 72979
y2 4262e−01∗∗ 41009 y1 w1 3230e−02∗∗ 22174
y3 2784e−01∗∗ 30382 y1 w2 −7015e−04 0969
y1 2 /2 9331e−02∗∗ 165733 y1 w3 −3159e−02∗∗ 24569
y1 y2 −6028e−02∗∗ 120751 y2 w1 −2019e−02∗∗ 12595
y1 y3 −2049e−02∗∗ 39425 y2 w2 −9330e−03∗∗ 10312
y2 2 /2 1225e−01∗∗ 165107 y2 w3 2952e−02∗∗ 21413
y2 y3 −5541e−02∗∗ 95188 y3 w1 −3038e−02∗∗ 21670
y3 2 /2 8827e−02∗∗ 190369 y3 w2 1418e−02∗∗ 19267
w1 2 /2 2011e−01∗∗ 43998 y3 w3 1620e−02∗∗ 12903
w1 w2 3016e−02∗∗ 16267 Constant 5320e+00∗∗ 54442
Euit  eit  1707e−01∗∗ 0172

Notes. Absolute value of t statistics are in parentheses. + Significant at 10%. ∗ Significant at 5%. ∗∗ Significant at 1%.
Wu and Knott: Entrepreneurial Risk and Market Entry
1326 Management Science 52(9), pp. 1315–1330, © 2006 INFORMS

Figure 4a Histogram of Firm-Year Efficiency Metrics entry cost K, and foregone wage W . This could occur
Cost inefficiency density function for two reasons. First, both variables are correlated
8 with state income, which is the basis for our measures
for demand uncertainty and growth. Accordingly,
market growth likely captures some opportunity cost
and foregone wage effects. An alternative explana-
tion for foregone wage is that equilibrium mod-
Downloaded from by [] on 19 November 2014, at 10:57 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.


4 els of firm formation (Kihlstrom and Laffont 1979,

Blau 1987) expect wages to increase as the level of
entrepreneurship increases. In these models, wages
2 are an adjustment mechanism: The more individuals
become entrepreneurs, the fewer laborers there are
for them to employ, and the more wages increase. A
robustness check which uses aggregate output rather
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
than state income as the basis for demand uncertainty
and growth (Table 5, Model 1) indicates that W takes
on the expected sign. This suggests that correlation
Figure 4b Mean Cost of Inefficiency between state income and foregone wage W offers
Mean of cost inefficiency a better explanation for the finding than does wage
0.20 adjustment.
Adding terms for the options payoff structure cap-
tured in Equation (4) (Model 2) indicates that entry
behavior responds rationally to the options structure
Mean of u_tn_pl

of payoffs. Entry is decreasing in the failure rate jt

(Proposition 1) and mean survivor cost sjt (Proposi-
tion 2), and is increasing in the cross-term jt ∗ sjt
(Proposition 3). The economic impact of a standard-
deviation decrease in either the failure rate or sur-
vivor cost is to increase entry by one firm. All results
are as expected.
0 Following discussions in §§5.2 and 5.4, we treated
1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
voluntary mergers separately from failure. The coef-
ficient on mergers is positive but not significant.
survivor populations sjt .9 These measures were com- Greater significance would have provided support for
bined with measures for demand uncertainty RMSEjt , the liquidity effect, where mergers add qualified bank
the failure rate jt , and opportunity cost Wjt and Kjt to executives with newly acquired financial assets to the
test the propositions derived from Equation (5). Sum- pool of potential entrepreneurs. As results stand now,
maries of these measures, as well as control variables the main implication is that voluntary mergers should
for growth and concentration, are provided in Table 3. not be counted as failures.
Table 4 presents the results for the test of Equa- Model 3 presents our main test. It examines
tion (7). Model 1 is a simple model of controls for entrepreneurial behavior along both dimensions of
market opportunity; Model 2 is the baseline model uncertainty. Results indicate that entry is increasing
for risk-neutral and unbiased entry given an options with cost uncertainty jt (Proposition 5B) and decreas-
structure for entrepreneurial returns (testing Proposi- ing with demand uncertainty RMSE(state income)jt
tions 1–4); and Model 3 adds terms for both dimen- (Proposition 6B). Accordingly, entrepreneurs in aggre-
sions of uncertainty to test Propositions 5 and 6. gate appear to be overconfident with respect to ability
Results for Model 1 indicate that entry responds (cost) uncertainty, while risk averse with respect to
to conventional measures of market opportunity. demand uncertainty. The economic impact of a stan-
De novo entry increases with demand growth and dard deviation increase in demand uncertainty is to
decreases with the number of incumbents and the decrease entry by 0.31 firms. The economic impact of
degree of market concentration. Entry does not a standard deviation increase in ability uncertainty is
appear to vary with our measures of opportunity cost, to increase entry by 0.32 firms. Again, these results
are as expected.
Our baseline model uses the set of independent banks to construct
Model 4 adds a simple test comparing two alter-
the cost distribution measures; however, we separately examine the native reference sets that entrepreneurs could use to
cost distribution of bank holding companies. estimate the market cost distribution. The baseline in
Wu and Knott: Entrepreneurial Risk and Market Entry
Management Science 52(9), pp. 1315–1330, © 2006 INFORMS 1327

Table 3 Summary of Data for Stage 2

Variable Mean Std. dev. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1. Entryjt 2051 4.453 100

2. ln(incumbents)jt−1 4866 1.219 028 100
3. Growth(state incomejt−1 to jt−11 ) 0031 0.023 029 −010 100
4. CR4jt−1 0503 0.231 −009 −075 019 100
5. Mean wagejt 20728 4.236 −004 −022 −013 032 1.00
Downloaded from by [] on 19 November 2014, at 10:57 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

6. Entry costjt 8,265.6 65,533.9 −005 −022 009 008 0.19 100
7. Failure ratejt 0007 0.020 −008 −010 −029 010 0.07 −006 1.00
8. Merger ratejt 0043 0.041 007 −007 002 010 0.06 005 0.02 100
9. F cind jt ∗ 0180 0.073 003 −038 005 043 0.16 024 0.21 005 100
10.  ∗ failure ratejt ∗ 0002 0.005 −007 −013 −027 015 0.08 −005 0.95 003 030 1.00
11. RMSE(state incomejt−1 to jt−11 ) 0023 0.012 −014 −008 −022 −007 0.01 −013 0.16 −010 −009 0.15 100
12.  F cind jt 0552 0.162 009 −025 017 029 0.30 043 0.01 007 066 0.06 −020 1.00
13.  F chold co jt 0551 0.222 000 −027 −008 031 0.35 040 0.09 005 038 0.13 −002 0.34 1.00

Models 2 and 3 reflects the cost distribution of other entrepreneurs compare themselves to other indepen-
independent banks; Model 4 adds the cost dispersion dent entrepreneurs rather than to the large bank hold-
for members of bank holding companies. The coef- ing companies.
ficient for holding company dispersion is near zero,
while that for independent banks remains positive 6.3. Robustness Checks
and highly significant. This suggests that potential We conducted a number of robustness checks of the
main results reflecting concerns expressed in §§5.4.2
and 5.4.3. These checks are presented in Table 5
Table 4 Test of Propositions alongside the main model (Model 3 from Table 4).
(1) (2) (3) (4) The checks include sensitivity to changes in each
∗∗ ∗∗
of the following: the measure used for the market
2 failurejt−1 −3717 −3717 −3518∗∗
277 282 269 demand variables, the functional form of the options
Mergersjt−1 090 087 108 effect, lags for the explanatory variables, definition
074 072 090 of the survivor pool, the distributional assumption in
3 (costs )jt−1 −506∗∗ −667∗∗ −672∗∗ Stage 1 frontier analysis, and the econometric speci-
323 425 425 fication of the main model. Results are robust to all
5 (costs )jt−1 ∗ failurejt−1 1503∗∗ 1539∗∗ 1509∗∗ these changes.
287 301 297
7 RMSE(state incomejt−1 to jt−11 ) −2580∗ −3320∗∗
234 294 7. Discussion
4  (costind )jt−1 195∗∗ 202∗∗ The goal of this paper is to reconcile the risk-
375 386
bearing role of entrepreneurs with the stylized fact
 (costhold co )jt−1 010
that entrepreneurs exhibit conventional risk-aversion
1 ln(incumbents)jt−1 −094∗∗ −088∗∗ −116∗∗ −139∗∗
profiles. We proposed that the disparity arises from
346 305 313 362 confounding two distinct dimensions of uncertainty:
6 growth(state incomejt−1 to jt−11 ) 2564∗∗ 2545∗∗ 2043∗∗ 1943∗∗ demand uncertainty and ability uncertainty. We fur-
1073 963 708 676 ther proposed that entrepreneurs will be risk averse
CR4jt−1 −193∗ −183∗ −133∧ −189∗ with respect to demand uncertainty, while “apparent
254 236 168 226 risk seeking” (overconfident) with respect to ability
8 (mean wage)jt−1 001 001 001 001
uncertainty. To examine this view, we constructed a
076 082 047 051
reduced-form model of the entrepreneurial entry deci-
9 (entry cost)jt−1 000∧ 000 000 000
176 145 128 138 sion, which we then aggregated to the market level. In
the model, entrepreneurs compare the expected value
Year effects
Constant 670∗∗ 736∗∗ 939∗∗ 112∗∗
of an uncertain profit stream against the opportunity
357 372 358 404 cost of continuing in wage employment. The baseline
Log likelihood −77453 −76606 −75641 −74261 model anticipates that with rational options behavior,
Chi square 262.76 274.83 307.92 317.08 entry will be increasing in mean cost, and decreas-
Observations 637 637 637 629 ing in the failure rate as well as the entrepreneur’s
Number of markets 49 49 49 49 opportunity cost. The model with risk preferences
Notes. Dependent variable is entryjt . Absolute value of z statistics are in adds variables for demand uncertainty as well as abil-
parentheses. ∧ Significant at 10%. ∗ Significant at 5%. ∗∗ Significant at 1%. ity (cost) uncertainty. We tested the aggregate model
Wu and Knott: Entrepreneurial Risk and Market Entry
1328 Management Science 52(9), pp. 1315–1330, © 2006 INFORMS

Table 5 Results from Robustness Checks

(1) (2) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

Demand Options (3) Survivor Survivor Stage 1 Stage 1 Eqn 7: Eqn 7:
Main = agg output form Lag = 2 ≥ 4 yr ≥ 5 yr 1/2 normal exponential GEE FE

2 failurejt−1 −3717∗∗ −4762∗∗ −4505∗∗ −2102 −3981∗∗ −4012∗∗ −1548 −3712∗∗ −1163 −1811
282 326 3192 152 315 314 121 282 050 077
Downloaded from by [] on 19 November 2014, at 10:57 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

(Failurejt−1 )2 10200
Mergersjt−1 087 193 096 216∧ 085 082 151 087 681∧ 396
072 148 0793 167 071 069 123 072 172 094
3 (costs )jt−1 −667∗∗ −788∗∗ −1132∗ −470∗∗ −672∗∗ −698∗∗ −665∗∗ −670∗∗ −807∧ −1990∗∗
425 483 2533 280 421 440 327 425 190 395
((costs )jt−1 )2 883
5 (costs jt−1 ∗ failurejt−1 1539∗∗ 1595∗∗ 14670∗∗ 9999 1631∗∗ 1641∗∗ 6481 1544e∗∗ 4704 7650
301 287 3039 180 341 338 134 301 049 078
7 RMSE(state incomejt−1 to jt−11 ) −2580∗ −2408∗ −3467∗∗ −2560∗ −2617∗ −2770∗ −2581∗ −4324∗ −5052∧
234 2161 292 232 238 246 234 221 194
RMSE(agg bank outputjt−1 to jt−11 ) −125
4  (costind jt−1 195∗∗ 287∗∗ 187∗∗ 176∗∗ 189∗∗ 188∗∗ 108∗∗ 194∗∗ 459∗∗ 759∗∗
375 549 3578 301 368 369 239 374 282 403
1 ln(incumbents)jt−1 −116∗∗ −059∗ −108∗∗ −137∗∗ −113∗∗ −115∗∗ −095∗∗ −116∗∗ 104∗∗ −432∗∗
313 228 2775 344 312 315 283 313 293 276
6 growth(state incomejt−1 to jt−11 ) 2043∗∗ 1978∗∗ 1968∗∗ 2038∗∗ 2018∗∗ 2053∗∗ 2043∗∗ 3553∗∗ 2979∗∗
708 6725 651 707 701 699 708 475 382
Growth(agg bank outputjt−1 to jt−11 ) 234∗∗
CR4jt−1 −133∧ −155∗ −136∧ −141 −135∧ −137∧ −121 −133∧ 098 −773∗∗
168 198 1708 161 170 173 153 168 057 269
8 (mean wage)jt−1 001 −003 000 −001 001 001 001 001 003 001
047 156 0347 081 045 049 072 047 074 018
9 (entry cost)jt−1 000 000∧ 000 000 000 000 000∧ 000 000 000∗∗
128 182 1478 124 144 156 193 128 067 294

Year effects
Constant 939∗∗ 605∗∗ 952∗∗ 1108∗∗ 927∗∗ 950∗∗ 820∗∗ 938∗∗ −364 284∗∗
358 332 3414 382 360 365 354 358 133 332
Log likelihood −75641 −78777 −754691 −67152 −75602 −75527 −76197 −75644
Chi square 307.92 217.01 311.101 312.43 308.21 311.57 292.52 307.83 144.10
Observations 637 637 637 588 637 637 637 637 663 663
Number of markets 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 51

Notes. Dependent variable is entryjt . Absolute value of z statistics are in parentheses. ∧ Significant at 10%. ∗ Significant at 5%. ∗∗ Significant at 1%.

across markets and over time in the banking indus- fident. It is noteworthy that we obtain these results
try. We found that entrepreneurs behave rationally to from real entry behavior rather than with personality
the options structure of payoffs, but that in addition instruments. Thus, this test is similar to lab experi-
they appear to be risk averse with respect to demand ments in that we observe how people actually behave
uncertainty and “risk seeking” (overconfident) with rather than how they report they will behave. More-
respect to cost uncertainty. over, this behavior occurs in real settings with sub-
The test was constructed in a manner that allowed stantial investments (approximately $11 million per
us to draw inferences at both the individual and mar- entry), thereby offering greater external validity than
ket levels. For the characterization of entrepreneurial lab experiments.
personality, our results using large sample data It is worth repeating that our results about individ-
(1,635 entrants) confirm observations made previ- ual biases pertain exclusively to entrepreneurs who
ously for small samples—namely, that entrepreneurs actually enter a banking market. Thus, we are unable
as a group appear to be both risk averse and overcon- to say anything about how (if at all) entrepreneurs’
Wu and Knott: Entrepreneurial Risk and Market Entry
Management Science 52(9), pp. 1315–1330, © 2006 INFORMS 1329

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