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How You Can Prevent, Improve and Cure

Disease Using Magnets

Goizean Medical Biomagnetism& Bioenergetics: Frequently
Asked Questions

By Moses Durazo
Copyright © 2014, 2017 Durazo Publishing, USA

ISBN-13: 978-1543195538  
ISBN-10: 1543195539

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Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted
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Biomagnetism For An Extraordinary Life

I dedicate this book to my parents, who were my very first teachers. 

Growing up they had many answers to my continual questions of who,
what, when, where and why.  They encouraged me to find answers if they
didn’t have them, and to use the knowledge that I gained to help others. 
Thank you, Mom and Dad, for all the encouragement, and the people I’m
helping through Biomagnetism also thank you! 

N either the publisher nor the author is engaged in rendering
professional advice or services to the individual reader.  This book is
intended for informational purposes only.  Neither the author nor the
publisher shall be liable or responsible for any loss or damage
allegedly arising from any information or suggestion in this book.

Table of Contents


Successful Cases

What Is Goizean Medical Biomagnetism?

How does Biomagnetism work?

Is Biomagnetism safe?

What to expect on your first visit

Special Services

What will I feel during and afterwards?

Should I go to the hospital or do Biomagnetism first?

The Big Issues That Come Up All the Time

Are there people who cannot be helped?

Bonus Self-care Strategy: Three Magnets for Pain Relief

About the Author

Glossary of Terms

Complete Book collection

About Save Me Magnets Kits

Why You Need BEMER Medical Technology at Home

Works cited

Quick Reference Find:

T his is a question-and-answer book to give you the alternative means to
taking back control of your health and living with optimal energy.

This revised edition is part of a special trilogy of books I have written that
will change your life and health in a positive way.  The other volumes in
this series include my how-to guide, Biomagnetism: The Mind, Body, Spirit
Recalibration System and an expansive newly revised volume dealing with
all aspects of life and health: How Magnets Can Save Your Life.

My goal in all cases is to open your mind to a new way of thinking about

The statistics do not lie.  Conservative figures show that the allopathic
medical field that you know as conventional medicine is the third-leading
cause of death in the United States (US) because of its blind reliance on
drugs, surgery, and technology.  People die from unnecessary surgeries,
hospital errors, airborne infections in hospitals, and negative effects from

The non-conservative statistics show that conventional medicine is perhaps

the number one leading cause of death in the US because deaths may go
unreported for fear of lawsuits and in other cases because codes for
medication drug side-effects and other medical errors may not exist.
The problem with relying on the allopathic medical system is that often
times its treatments are inefficient at helping you recuperate and regain your
wellbeing.  In some cases, the so-called solutions are equally as bad as or
worse than the disease itself.  Everyday millions of people live with a
diminished quality of life because of the detrimental effects of these

Despite the evidence, because of legal standing and blind faith and fear-
based support from the authorities, millions still believe their physician’s
advice that pharmaceutical drugs and mutilation by surgery are the only
roads to optimal health. 

Pharmaceutical drugs, specifically the many antibiotics prescribed each

year, are creating another tremendous problem:   drug-resistant bacteria. 
Each time bacteria learn to overcome an antibiotic, allopathic medical
treatment options are more limited and typically more invasive and harmful,
causing a greater risk to your health. 

The medical system alone is not the only responsible party for this failure to
protect your health.  Reckless authorities also allow the agricultural and
farming industries to commit crimes against nature by allowing the
indiscriminate use of antibiotics in livestock to promote growth and to
compensate for unsanitary living conditions.  In addition, antibiotics are
used in pesticides applied to our fresh fruits and vegetables. 

According to the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), 22%
of antibiotic-resistant illness in humans is linked to contaminated food. 
This quickly growing and extremely dangerous problem poses a
catastrophic threat to people in every country in the world.  In the United
States, at least two million people are infected with antibiotic resistant
bacteria each year.  At least 23,000 people die as a direct result of these
infections.  Many more people die from other health conditions complicated
by the infection.

To further compound the problem, about 250,000 people get Clostridium

difficile , a bacterial infection usually related to the use of antibiotics,
killing at least 14,000 people each year. In addition, most deaths related to
antibiotic resistance occur from drug-resistant infections picked up in
healthcare settings, such as hospitals and nursing homes.

The fact is that anyone can be infected anytime and anywhere despite
vaccinations, hand washing, and thoroughly cooking food.  In addition,
health challenges are not limited to infections.  They are also a result of
inadequate nutrition leading to deficiencies, a sedentary lifestyle, organ and
gland dysfunctions, toxins, emotional imbalances and more. 

Many people are now waking up from their state of hypnosis and
understanding that health is not found in a pill bottle, a medical test, or in a

More and more are being proactive in seeking natural mind-body lifestyle
solutions to help maintain and achieve balance throughout their entire life. 
As a result, more people seek wellness care as opposed to emergency, pain,
and suffering care.

Because the governments of the world have given the allopathic medical
system the legal authorization to dictate what constitutes valid or effective
treatments, as a whole we are often misled to believe that no other solutions
exists except those of the classical doctor.  They promote an arrogant point
of view that natural solutions are ineffective or weak, as is evident from the
alternative medicine labels which they have applied to the holistic
health/integrative medicine field. 

If the old authorities in medicine have, and continue to fail us when it

comes to prevention, improving and curing our illness, then who, what,
when, where, and how do we find the solution(s)?    

The truth is that 62% of the adult US population uses so-called alternative
medicines each year and that number keeps on growing.  Those who seek
alternative medicines are achieving optimal quality of life by maintaining
their mind, body and spirit wellbeing, diminishing pain, and oftentimes
curing their disease. 

The success of natural medicine modalities is a result of a philosophy that

differs greatly from the invasive pharmaceutical and surgical approach. 
The many different natural medicine philosophies are based on the
understanding that the human organism is naturally self-healing and that we
need nourishment from nature’s resources—such as hands-on touch,
herbalism/foods, magnetism and more—in order to maintain and return the
body to homeostasis (balance). 

Those who have firsthand experience with these methods understand the
body’s needs.  This knowledge guided them to make natural medicine
modalities their primary healthcare choice.  Out of many natural medicine
options, one in particular is gaining rapid recognition for its efficacy at
helping people prevent, improve, and cure disease.  This natural medicine
uses magnetic energy and it’s called (Goizean) Medical Biomagnetism , or
the Biomagnetic Pair . 

This book will give you the answers to many questions about how this
therapy can help you and your family obtain an increased quality of life. 

This natural treatment is helping men, women, and children of all ages
overcome a wide variety of ailments without a drop of medicine.  People
have been cured of cancers, asthma, lupus, arthritis and much more.  This
may sound too good to be true or like medical quackery, but the results
speak for themselves.  I myself am a testimonial of this powerful science,
having been cured literally overnight of a chronic 4.5 year health

As more and more people abandon the failed medical system’s treatments,
it is our hope that those in conventional practices have the courage to
integrate Goizean Medical Biomagnetism into their treatment plans as a
primary option. 

Undoubtedly, many doctors and medical practitioners already know that

this solution exists, but ignore it in favor of the multibillion-dollar economy
based on pharmaceutical sales and surgeries at the expense of humanity’s
well-being.  The news-show 60 Minutes aired a special in October of 2014
exposing the fact that some doctors get a percentage kickback when they
prescribe certain new and very expensive cancer drugs.  (CBS, 2014)
We hope that the following pages help you to make an informed decision
about this powerful transformational science called Goizean Medical
Biomagnetism (Biomagnetic Pair) and help you to make it a part of your

If you want to try using magnetic pair therapy on yourself, you can get a
guide to multiple treatments in my book Biomagnetism: The Mind, Body,
Spirit Recalibration System mentioned earlier.  To purchase your set of
health magnets for your home wellness cabinet, you can go to . 

Successful Cases
1.     Diabetes, Inflammation, Eye Sight, and Aggression
A male in his 50’s with a diabetes diagnosis reported poor vision along with
feeling bloated and annoyed with everybody all the time.  Within 30 days of
biomagnetic treatments (which is only four sessions later) he reported
feeling much better. 

His family immediately noticed that he returned to his normal good moods. 
In that time span, his ophthalmologist saw a 5% improvement with his
eyesight, which is “unusual under the circumstances,” said that doctor. 

2.     Finger and Lip Warts

A 13-year-old female had huge warts on all 10 fingers and on her upper lip. 
Classical allopathic doctors had previously treated the warts by freezing
them off with liquid nitrogen.  The mother reported that they grew back
even bigger after that treatment. 

One week after the girl’s first biomagnetic session, they noticed they were
not as “juicy” (their word).  By the second week, they were even smaller,
and within 30 days, all of her warts had dried up and disappeared. 

3.     Infertility and Pregnancy

A woman who had not had a menstrual period in seven years came for
treatment only once.  She had a period that month and a few months later,
she was pregnant and eventually had a healthy baby. 

4.     Ovarian Cyst and High Risk Miscarriage

A pregnant woman three months along started bleeding due to an ovarian
cyst.  Her medical doctor placed her on bed rest because she was at high
risk of miscarrying.  After Biomagnetism, the bleeding stopped within
hours of treatment.  Eventually the cyst disappeared.  By the time the baby
was born, there was no sign of it.  

5.     Back Pain and Weight Loss

A man suffering with back pain for over 22 years looked everywhere for
solutions.  After only four biomagnetic sessions, his pain completely
disappeared.  During this transformation, he also lost a lot of weight. 

6.     Avoiding Pancreatic Surgery

A woman had severe vomiting and was scheduled for pancreatic surgery. 
After her second session, she reported feeling much better and the vomiting
stopped.  When she returned to her medical doctor for more testing, he told
her that she was fine and did not need the surgery any longer. 

7.     Breast Cancer Cure

A woman diagnosed with breast cancer realized she had nothing to lose by
trying Biomagnetism.  Her specialist scheduled her for a mastectomy and
chemotherapy.  At her scheduled surgery appointment, the surgeon noticed
there was nothing to operate upon!  They immediately discharged her from
the hospital. 

8.     Arthritis Pain Reduction

A man who had been living for years with arthritis had an 80% reduction in
pain after only one biomagnetic treatment during a time-span of just 30
days.  He was so inspired by this improvement that he decided to stop
taking medication.  As a result of his action, his sleep and digestion
improved as well. 

9.     Terminal Bone Cancer

The family of a man diagnosed with terminal bone cancer was split on
whether to give Biomagnetism a try since there was no cure at his stage of
this cancer.  The man did eventually pass away from this disease; however,
he went through a significant increase in quality of his life. 

During his final days, he was in less pain, more optimistic and accepting of
his situation, and even made a strong effort to care for himself—walking,
talking and eating.  This was a pleasant change because he had alienated
himself in a room before his treatment with us.   

10.    Reduction in Blood Pressure Medicine

A woman noticed only minor changes in her body after Biomagnetism.  She
returned to let us know that for the first time in over a decade her blood
pressure was normal and the doctor reduced the medication dosage and
eventually discontinued them.  For such a minor perceived difference, the
results for her in the long term were profound.

11.   West Nile Virus & Neu rological Repair

A man diagnosed with the West Nile virus complained of whole-body pain. 
His legs were slow to respond and depended on a walking cane.  He had
chronic headaches, neck pain and developed a stutter amongst other issues. 

When he returned four days later for a second treatment he was in awe with
his response to Biomagnetism within such a short of time.  For the first time
in two years he was walking without a cane; his legs stopped hurting and
were quicker responding.  The neck pain, headaches and stuttering greatly

We hope that the above success stories inspire you to take action.  Even
when 100% cures don’t happen, experience shows us that improvement in
your quality of life is possible.  Even in terminal cases, results of increased
quality of life are seen, and we believe, despite death, that this is healing.

What Is Goizean Medical Biomagnetism?

T o understand Goizean Medical Biomagnetism we must first understand
the problems it helps solve.

People just like you and your family are sick and tired of being sick and
tired.  Does the following sound familiar?

You slept, but you’re still tired.  You take medication and supplements, but
you are still in pain.  You’ve tried just about everything to get rid of your
pain and suffering, but you’re frustrated, annoyed at the world and maybe
even wondering what the point of life is. 

Medical Biomagnetism is a natural solution that helps overcome many

health obstacles and helps you live within an optimal quality of life.  This
natural medical science uses the application of magnets to the body to bring
biochemical balance to our living body. 

When our body is in balance, we will be as healthy as humanly possible

under the circumstances; meaning the degree of damage caused by our
environment and/or age factors, always figuring in and considering lifestyle

Biomagnetism is a natural solution that can greatly improve and cure many

But it is also for healthy people who understand that Biomagnetism’s

objective is overall balance and thus it helps you live richer happier lives by
preventing disease. 

Conventional care only gets involved after we are already sick, so this
natural way of caring for yourself can greatly improve and prevent disease.
This is an important point because we constantly hear that we should eat a
balanced diet and exercise in order to stay healthy, and although this is true,
it is also true that athletic healthy people also get sick and are diagnosed
with cancers and other degenerative diseases every day.  It is ironic but
true.  So something else must have been missing from their health care

For those of you that have been diagnosed with a debilitating condition, or
for those of you that will eventually be diagnosed with something
frightening and painful like cancer, arthritis, diabetes, heart failure, lupus,
multiple sclerosis, HIV/AIDS or other scary things, there’s hope that you
can overcome these and other health challenges just by trying the
Biomagnetic Pair alone.

You can find out how to experience Biomagnetism firsthand through the
series of exercises in my self-care book, Biomagnetism: The Mind, Body,
Spirit Recalibration System. The health magnets can be purchased at .

You’re probably thinking this sounds impossible or too good to be true or

even like medical quackery.  That’s okay because it’s common to think, “If
that’s true then why don’t more people know about it?”  Once upon a time I
too had this skeptical reaction when I first heard of Biomagnetism.

Well that’s the point of this book…to help you understand and take action! 
One thing we know for sure is that you’ll never know what’s possible until
you try it. 

Can Biomagnetism help me if I don’t have problems?

If you have neither symptoms nor have a diagnosis, you may believe that
you have no problems and nothing is wrong. 

This, however, is a mistaken conclusion based on a limited understanding

of what optimal health is. 

The truth is there are many silent diseases that can kill you unexpectedly or
make you progressively weaker until you cannot handle it anymore and
finally you seek help. 

However, this does not need to be the case; you can actually prevent disease
through Biomagnetism even before the symptoms manifest themselves. 

Most people do not see a heart attack or stroke coming despite periodically
seeing a medical doctor. 

People with sexually transmitted infection, for example Chlamydia , often

don’t have symptoms. 

Some do not even know they are living with tumors, cysts, polyps or other
things until they have a checkup. 

The allopathic field has placed a lot of importance on taking temperature,

blood pressure, tissue and blood samples. 

In addition, they weigh you, see how many respirations and heartbeats you
have per minute, feel your prostate and all the other little things that make
up your yearly checkups. 

After these procedures, they may determine you are fine, need additional
studies, medication, and/or surgery. 

The problem with all of the above testing is that every day there are
hundreds of thousands of people worldwide dying at this very moment from
heart attacks, stroke, cancers, and even medical treatments despite being
under medical observation all their lives. 

Needless to say, the allopathic medical field and solutions are not meeting
our healthcare needs the way we might imagine. 

For this reason, Biomagnetism is really making people think twice about
what health means and how you obtain it. 

More people understand that allopathic medical tests do not cure us,
medications are poisoning us (often being worse than the disease itself) and
some surgeries leave us mutilated and in worse condition than before. 
Biomagnetism is a solution that helps identify pH imbalances even when
one feels great; therefore, it is suggested for everybody especially if you
feel fine! 

To start by conducting an individual recalibration in your own home, pick

up my self-care book, Biomagnetism: The Mind, Body, Spirit Recalibration
System . To obtain a set of health magnets to biomagnetize yourself, go to .

Is Biomagnetism invasive?
Some are embarrassed by their situation (i.e. sexually transmitted disease or
dysfunctions), shy about undressing, and/or don’t like being touched. 

The great news is that Biomagnetism is non-invasive. 

A person keeps all of their clothes on, including shoes.  Magnets are placed
over the clothes.  Touching is limited to holding a person’s shoes in order to
measure leg length. 

Biomagnetism does not depend on pharmaceutical drugs or supplements,

and unless the biomagnetic practitioner you seek is a medical doctor or sells
supplements, you will not be asked to consume anything other than good

In addition, if you are embarrassed by something and do not want to share

it, you do not have to. 

Your body’s DNA will tell the practitioner where the magnets need to in
order to heal.  We do not need to know about any secrets or personal
information.  We just treat your body.

Also, some people are not ready to address emotional blockages. 

If this is you, then tell your biomagnetic practitioner not to go over that part
of your health history or evaluation if you do not want. 

Others are afraid to be told that there is something wrong. 

If that is the case, then tell your practitioner to not tell you anything. 

Whether you understand or do not understand what any of all this means
does not affect the healing.  You can still get positive results from your

Remember, this is a partnership that supports your goals. 

Biomagnetism will help restore your inner balance and you will achieve in
life whatever you are ready for. 

Is Biomagnetism preventative?
Health challenges can be obvious, subtle, or even unnoticeable.  The pain
can be excruciating or barely even perceived so are thought of as
insignificant, such as tiredness. 

The fact is that it is impossible to avoid every factor that causes disease. 

Germs are everywhere and we are in contact with them all the time. 

Stress is a natural part of life and can’t be avoided. 

Aging happens to all of us.

Because we cannot avoid disease causing factors, it makes even more sense
to make Biomagnetism a part of our lifestyle just like personal grooming. 

Many people are living day to day not knowing anything is wrong with
them like having infections, dysfunctions, emotional blockages and more. 

Therefore, if you are already living with health challenges and you are not
even aware of it, then Biomagnetism can help erase these biochemical
distortions thus preventing these issues from getting any worse and leading
to chronic or degenerative disease. 

When our body is in balance, we can function at optimal levels and thus
navigate through life with greater ease. 
The objective is to have a body that functions optimally so that when germs
do enter the body, your body may eliminate them with greater ease. 

In addition, when you are functioning at optimal levels you are also
emotionally stronger and have the confidence to solve your problems
effectively and efficiently. 

This is the difference between you being in control of your life or allowing
life to just happen and letting stress live life for you. 

What kind of equipment is used?

Biomagnetism uses static (permanent) magnets, like a refrigerator magnet
except stronger.  You can obtain these special health magnets at .

To make a clear distinction, Biomagnetism does NOT use electrical

currents; in other words, potentially harmful electromagnetism is not used. 

The pair of magnets used does not cause any pain or discomfort.  No jolt of
electricity will be running through anyone receiving our treatment!

Permanent magnets come in different shapes, sizes, strengths, and

materials.  To get technical for those of you who like scientific details, some
of the magnet materials used are alnico, ceramic, neodymium and samarium

In order for magnets to be of therapeutic value, they must be a minimum of

1,000 Gauss in strength.  A Gauss is just the way scientists measure the
strength of a magnet, like temperature measures heat.  One can use stronger
magnets, for example, 10,000 or 20,000 Gauss; however, the results are the
same.  Again, for those of you who really like to dig into an area—here’s an
official definition of a Gauss:

…unit of magnetic induction in the centimeter-gram-second system of

physical units.  One gauss corresponds to the magnetic flux density
that will induce an electromotive force of one abvolt in each linear
centimeter of a wire moving laterally at one centimeter per second at
right angles to a magnetic flux.  One gauss corresponds to 10-4 tesla
(T, the International System Unit).  The gauss is equal to one maxwell
per square centimeter…Before 1932 the name was applied to the unit
of magnetic-field strength now called the oersted…The gauss was
named for the German scientist Carl Friedrich Gauss. (Britannica,

Who discovered Medical Biomagnetism (Pair Theory)?

Magnets have been used for medicinal purposes for centuries.

Magnet Therapy simply means a blind application of static magnets to areas

of pain, such as a headache, broken bones, sprains, cuts, or tumors.  Magnet
therapy can even mean placing magnets under a pillow as a sleeping aide. 
Generally, the majority of books in the market are teaching you this

While there are some benefits to this general application of magnets, this
approach is not diagnostic nor does it address specific diseases or mind-
spirit issues directly.

Magnet therapy requires only that you know which side is the negative
field, because that is the field that is used towards the body.

Medical Biomagnetism is different from Magnet Therapy, however.

In 1988, a medical doctor named Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán of Mexico City
discovered a superior and efficient way of using magnets for health

He discovered that we can use a pair of magnets to create a therapy with a

theoretical scientific medical foundation that effectively diagnoses and
treats disease.

Practitioners in Biomagnetism, like myself, are trained and expert in

applying magnetic pairs (both negative and positive fields) and we do so
with a focused mind, body and spirit medical purpose.
The objective of Biomagnetism is to neutralize your biochemistry (pH
balance) by identifying specific pH distortions of the body caused by
microorganisms, intoxications, emotional issues, and other factors that
cause illness.

In late 2015, I, Moses Durazo, started thinking about how to best deliver a
simple to use and effective self-care biomagnetic method.

I did that for two reasons.  The first is that I believed in the effectiveness of
Biomagnetism as opposed to mere magnet therapy, because the later is
limited to pain relief.

The second reason is that Dr. Goiz’ developed Biomagnetic Pair Treatment
is far too complex for a layperson to learn easily, and finding a trained
practitioner and gaining accessibility to them is virtually impossible
because of the small number worldwide.

With many years of biomagnetic pair therapy experience, I developed a

recalibration system and wellness protocols from which everyone could
benefit.  My system was designed to help you live the best possible version
of your life.

It addresses mind, body, and spirit balance, as well as strategies for dealing
with pain, detoxification, and boosting all body systems in order to maintain
optimal wellness.

My findings, detailed in my book Biomagnetism: The Mind, Body, Spirit

Recalibration System, evolved into a complete biomagnetic therapy
program that you can do yourself.  To obtain the health magnets you need
and my recalibration book mentioned in this paragraph, you can contact .

Is There Scientific Evidence?

Before going on to answer many of your questions about Biomagnetism’s
power, you must be aware that this method has been tested scientifically,
and the results prove that the strategic placement of magnets on the body
can produce a powerful healing transformation. 
In 2009, Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán, Biomagnetism’s founding practitioner,
successfully put his method to the test together with Dr. Raymond Hilu. 

More than two hundred patients of highly diverse pathologies, in the

presence of observing doctors from a number of countries, were treated
with Biomagnetism. (Goiz Durán & Hilu, 2009)

During this study, their patients received only one biomagnetic treatment. 
The summary below of this study inspires confidence that the future in
medicine is here.

Patients began by bringing their medical documents confirming their

diagnoses.  These were all diagnoses from conventional doctors. 

In addition, blood samples were taken and analyzed before and after the
biomagnetic session.  These blood samples verified these test patients were
very sick with conditions such as poor circulation, pathogens, dirty blood
with abnormal immunological behavior, toxins and so on. 

After the biomagnetic session, the blood samples verified the efficacy of the

The results were astonishing!

Immediately after the biomagnetic session, instead of clumped blood cells,

the cells were separated and moving around freely indicating more oxygen
and circulation.

In addition, no traces of bacteria or fungus were found.  Everything seemed

to have improved dramatically except for the toxin accumulation.  The
toxins appeared smaller, but still visible. 

Dr. Goiz argues that with the passing of a few days, a properly functioning
liver would process and eliminate the now smaller toxins.

Dr. Hilu acknowledges that getting these results from an estimated 20-
minute biomagnetic session is very encouraging. 
After all, the results showed this brief treatment eliminating bacteria,
fungus and improving circulation to such a measurable degree where by
comparison most conventional tests would have shown an almost
unmeasurable change after one allopathic treatment. 

In fact, using an allopathic medical approach would have required

administering six medications over the course of several months to gain the
same benefits.  However, we should add that the use of pharmaceuticals
may have negative long or short-term side effects, and Biomagnetism does

In other words, a 20-minute biomagnetic session produced such a powerful

shift that one would think it was someone else’s blood. 

In many of these cases, white blood cells were stagnant prior to

Biomagnetism and very active afterwards. 

As a patient, the cost comparison alone should encourage you to try the
biomagnetic treatment first.

The foundation of Dr. Goiz’ theory is that magnets erase potential hydrogen
(pH) distortions, in other words, it balances the pH in your body. 

During this study, they were able to see the pH level of the blood of each
patient.  After the biomagnetic treatment, the acidosis disappeared
completely and the blood began to lean towards alkalosis in all cases
without exception . 

According to Dr. Hilu, this study did come with a problem.

In many cases, Dr. Goiz’ diagnosis was frequently different from what the
patient’s medical documentation said. 

For example, a patient with a clinical allopathic diagnosis of a malignant

tumor (cancer) below the ribs may have been diagnosed by Dr. Goiz as
having an abscess below the ribs and not cancer.  
Dr. Hilu said he was not concerned or bothered by this differentiation in
diagnostic conclusions because the primary objective is to improve and cure
patients.  In the end, it’s more important to have real benefits over knowing
for sure what the exact problem is.

Despite the evidence, why is there skepticism?

Witchcraft means to practice magic, or the use of spells and invocation of

Magic means to influence the course of events by using mysterious or

supernatural forces.

Since the beginning of time, some dismissed as witchcraft the technologies

or methodologies they did not understand without even attempting to
understand from an objective scientific perspective. 

As we know, many of those actions are now a standard part of everyday


Even if you look at things from a scientific perspective, it is possible to

disagree with this science. 

That is why many scientists find themselves on opposite sides regarding

many theories in modern times, not just the ones talked about in this book. 

The fact is that it usually takes about 50 years from when a discovery is
made until it is widely accepted. 

If our belief is that science is irrefutable, then why do you have scientist on
both sides of any argument, even today? 

Today, like in every period in time, you will have people come to a
witchcraft-conclusion because their worldview is limited.  These same
people that claim witchcraft cannot even describe basic physic principles. 

It must be clear that Biomagnetism is not religious dogma nor driven by a

religious agenda.
If other practitioners insert their religious and political views into their
practice, that is their prerogative. 

How does Biomagnetism work?

T o describe how Biomagnetism works we must first understand a few
basic scientific principles. 

Our organism (complete body) is comprised mostly of water. 

Water is a molecule comprised of two hydrogen and one oxygen atoms (H 2


Atoms are comprised of neutrons, protons, and electrons; in other words,

we are energy. 

All chemical substances (water, vinegar, juice and so on) are measured on a
potential hydrogen (pH) scale.  In other words, all chemicals are evaluated
to see if that substance is an acid or alkaline.

Since we are mostly water, acidity and alkalinity represent distortions and
therefore an imbalanced organism.

When our biochemistry is pH neutral, meaning there is neither acidity nor

alkalinity—7.0 with a slight plus or minus variation—then our body is at its
optimal energetic levels thus representing the perfect biochemical balance
as intended by nature in order to live in optimal health.

Biomagnetism uses both negative and positive (north and south) magnetic
fields to detect and erase specific pH imbalances occurring throughout the

In other words, this treatment searches out what organ or gland, for
example, is acidic or alkaline.  The treatment balances out those targeted
organs or glands. 
This is a very different approach than the standard pH tests that measure an
overall pH balance using blood, urine, feces or saliva samples. 

These tests do give a general picture of pH balance; however,

Biomagnetism targets the specific anatomy of where a localized pH
distortion is taking place.

Placing magnets on specific body parts that are polarized (imbalanced

electrical charges) will lead to biochemical balance and thus allow the body
to continue its regenerating and homeostasis process. 

What can Biomagnetism cure?

The simple answer is that if you were not born with the disease
(congenital), and the problem is not a result of poisoning or physical trauma
(accidents), then Biomagnetism can help cure all conditions. 

When our body is in biochemical balance, it functions at optimal ability and

disease cannot exist. 

When looking for a cure, it is important to also factor in how long a person
has lived with a disease and how much tissue damage has occurred. 

Sometimes the damage caused has surpassed the ability to heal. 

For example, if someone has gone blind it is likely that person may not see
again.  However, we must not fool ourselves into thinking that there is no
benefit to Biomagnetism under these circumstances. 

We have to consider that the underlying pH imbalanced factors that led to

this disease process may still be active in the body, and therefore
Biomagnetism can help increase quality of life and possibly slow or stop
the degenerative process regardless of the diagnosis. 

Many want to know if Biomagnetism can work for their specific diagnosis
like cancer, lupus, arthritis, or high blood pressure to name just a few. 
The answer will always be yes , because Biomagnetism’s objective is
creating the proper biochemical balance so that a person heals to optimal

Always realize that a person’s lifestyle choices influence healing.  To learn

more about making healthy lifestyle choices, read my book How Magnets
Can Save Your Life and its sequel, Biomagnetism: The Mind, Body, Spirit
Recalibration System.

For any person on earth with a pulse, Biomagnetism can enhance quality of
life regardless of disease stage. 

We continuously see that people in the end-stages of life go through

healing.  Relatives of the deceased often say there was less agony, more
peace and acceptance and this, in our opinion, leads to success stories
despite death.  

In order to understand what Biomagnetism can cure, we must understand

what disease is. 

Disease is a result of biochemical imbalances; we call those imbalances

potential hydrogen (pH) distortions. 

What causes pH imbalances?

The factors that lead to pH imbalances (disease) and thus cause diminished
quality of life are:

1. Pathogens/Infections:  virus, bacteria, parasites, fungus

2. Dysfunctions: glandular, organs or systems (i.e. nervous,

circulatory, etc.)

3. Toxins :   environmental, foods, medicines, nutritional

supplements, pathogens, etc.

4. Psychological:  psychiatric, emotional and/or belief systems

5. Emotional Trauma:  unexpected shock

6. Deficiencies:   minerals, vitamins, water (dehydration)

7. Spiritual Health: lack of sense of purpose and/or spiritual entities

8. Foreign DNA:  blood transfusions, organ transplants

9. Malignancy:   any negative emotion from others directed at you,

i.e. anger, hatred, jealousy, etc.

10. Chakra Imbalances:  blocked energy vortexes

11. Reservoirs:   body parts containing and supporting

microorganisms without causing symptoms

What is a:  virus, bacteria, fungus, or a parasite?

Virus, bacteria, fungus, and parasites are microorganisms that can infect the
body and can cause disease. 

Microorganisms that cause us harm are called pathogens or infections. 

Not all microorganisms are harmful or pathogenic. 

For example, our skin and our intestines carry bacteria which are beneficial
to us.  However, even though the bacteria E. coli belongs in our intestinal
flora, if it leaves the gut and ends up somewhere else in our body, it may
become infectious and harmful. 

So this shows why it is so important to know about specific organs and

glands as well as the whole body’s condition.

The same is also true about fungi. 

For example, mushrooms are fungi, and they can be nutritious.  However,
others may cause athletes foot and others are so poisonous they can kills us
if we eat them. 
Candida (fungus) is part of our normal intestinal flora, however, it can also
cause yeast infections and other health problems when it grows out of

Sometimes the disease or infection is painful and other times a person feels

The biomagnetic theory considers disease a result of symbiotic relationships

between microorganisms; meaning that there are two or more infections
occurring in the body that lead to disease and possibly death. 

The understanding is that one infection alone cannot cause detrimental

damage.  At most, it can irritate us, like the passing flu, for a couple of days
and then our immune system eliminates it from our body. 

It is when there are two or more infections or dysfunctions happening in the

body at the same time that chronic and degenerative disease take hold, and
this is what happens in a diagnosis such as cancer. 

Cancer is the result of at least four infections happening simultaneously. 

There are many health conditions caused by microorganisms.  Just to name

a few, some are cysts, abscess, dysplasia, and neoplasia.

What are dysfunctions?

A dysfunction is an abnormality or impairment in the function of a
specified bodily organ or system.

For example, there are dysfunctions of glands (thyroid), organs (stomach),

or systems (nervous or circulatory). 

A pineal gland dysfunction can, for example, cause issues with sleep as
well as a condition called vitiligo, where discoloration of the skin takes

Dysfunctions can have many underlying root causes such as infections. 

For example, suppose one has a horrible cold.  The immune system
terminates the infection, but because of this illness, the thyroid gland was
left harmed and maybe caused a condition such as hyper-or-

Other factors that can cause dysfunctions include poisoning from food
sources like monosodium glutamate (MSG), which is a flavor enhancer
used in many foods or energy drinks that put high stress on the body. 

Manufacturers put countless numbers of preservatives in foods so they can

keep them on the grocery shelves longer.  All this adds up to wreak havoc
with a body. 

The fact is that anything including emotional or behavioral alterations can

cause a pH distortion, which can cause a dysfunction, disease and

What are toxins?

Toxins are poisonous substances that can cause illness and even death. 

There are many sources for common toxins like environmental, foods,
medicines, nutritional supplements, alcohol, drugs, pathogens, and so on.

Many people consume toxins without understanding they are contributing

to their demise. 

One of humanity’s favorite poisons is sugar, but since it is so delicious, it is

hard for many to believe or care about the overwhelming science that shows
that some sugars are detrimental to our health.

In addition, pharmacists hand people information sheets that list side effects
associated with their medication and yet people willingly take these
questionable medications. 

Sometimes these pharmaceutical solutions are worse than the disease itself. 
Others consume nutritional supplements thinking that because they are
natural, then they must be good. 

This, however, is a false belief as one might be poisoning oneself by the

chemical compounds used to make these supplements as well as offsetting
the internal balance of vitamins and minerals. 

It is known that when the body has too much of one vitamin or mineral (or
anything else, for that matter), this can inhibit the body’s ability to
assimilate other essential nutrients. 

Pathogens (microorganisms) have their own metabolism, meaning they

produce waste.  To humanize this description, they pee and poop inside of
us causing poisoning.  They also make use of nutrients in our body for their
own energy.

What is a psychological disorder?

Psychological disorders are mental disorders that cause emotional and
behavioral symptoms. 

The root causes can be emotional and/or related to belief systems. 

For example, someone that grew up amongst physical and/or emotional

violence might constantly live in fear and with a feeling of inferiority or

Psychological disorders can also be rooted in drugs (pharmaceutical and

recreational), foods, infection, and again, any of the above-mentioned
factors that create pH distortions. 

What are emotional challenges?

If we think about emotions like the difference between being happy and sad
, we are talking about biochemical hormonal responses. 

There are many different emotions that we are capable of feeling, like
aggression , over attachment to our parents, arrogance, greed, rage, envy,
fear, resentment, impatience, intolerance, hatred, doubt, guilt, loneliness
and many more.

The reason we know the meaning of these emotions is that we have

experienced them at one point in our lives already.  There is nothing wrong
or harmful about this when we make it a point to learn from these
experiences and overcome them. 

The problem arises when we avoid unpleasant emotions and suppress them;
then continue falling into traps that cause us to experience these emotions

This happens often, even if you are not conscious of it. 

For example, there are people who have been married many times, but
according to them, it is the other person’s fault that the relationship did not
work and they never take responsibility for their contribution to the
problems in the marriage. 

Others go through life being mad about traffic, their economic situation,
their family and more. 

They also place the blame on others. 

Some go as far as to say they were born this way or that it is part of their
personality and that change is impossible. 

This, however, is not true. 

We have free will to choose our behavior for better or for worse.  It is a
personal decision that we make. 

This is actually good news because it means that you can learn to make
better choices and to behave in a way that makes you healthier.

There are two ways to view psycho-emotional challenges: when the

emotion is external, for example, directed against us (or to others), and
when we direct the emotion against others. 
Either way, the emotion is present. 

For example, during a treatment, jealousy came up as an obstacle in a

woman’s life. 

The woman immediately protested saying, “There’s not a jealous bone in

me.”   I went on to ask her to consider jealousy shown by her husband or
anyone else in her life.

She then said, “My husband is the most jealous person in the whole wide
world; he doesn’t even know I’m here because he doesn’t like me leaving
the house.”

Emotional challenges can also be traumas from unexpected and shocking

experiences that happened at one specific time in life and one did not

Regardless of the passing of time, if you do not resolve the issue, it remains
an active conflict which affects your peace of mind even if you are not
conscious about it. 

Conscious or subconscious painful memories can affect our daily social

functioning and may lead to psychological and behavioral disorders. 

The fact is that emotional trauma has many root sources, but they can be

Emotional challenges also change our pH balance. 

Therefore, the use of magnets can help us overcome these active emotional
conflicts much easier. 

What are deficiencies?

Our body needs certain nutrients to function optimally.  For example,
minerals, vitamins, oils, water and more. 
The most obvious reason for deficiencies is that the foods one eats may not
contain all the nutrients needed. 

The not so obvious reason has to do with our organism’s potential hydrogen

When a person’s body is pH distorted, it may have a difficult time

absorbing the nutrients from the foods they eat. 

Another reason a person may have deficiencies is because they are

distorting the nutrient balance through the consumption of high doses of
one particular mineral or vitamin which inhibits the absorption of another. 

The most important nutrient we need is water and many go through life
ignoring it and going for flavored drinks instead.  Some may even go to the
opposite extreme and over-consume water causing mineral imbalances and

What is spirituality and spiritual interference?

Spirituality  is a broad concept with room for many perspectives.  As a
result, this is a sensitive topic to address. 

There are two concepts that we will address that can influence your well-

1. Spiritual health as it relates to one’s sense of connection to

something bigger than we are.  In other words, what is the
meaning of life as it relates to a creator, higher power, God and so

2. The belief that spiritual entities, meaning spirits/ghosts (energies),

exist and may, in fact, interfere with our quality of life. 

Without a doubt, these two concepts stir up passionate emotions, powerful

ideas and feelings that drive religious, political, and scientific beliefs,
disbeliefs, or even apathy. 
As it pertains to one’s spirituality, our worldview is simple: honor nature’s
rules, which in essence is to honor one’s self and others.

Self-honor means to become a better version of ourselves with each passing


In order to make the most out of life we must follow our intuition. 

When we believe in our ability to achieve our goals and act from a place of
goodness for all, then making the right decision is inevitable, even when
things appear to be going to the contrary. 

Acting from a selfish perspective would be the contrary to spiritual growth

and wellbeing.  You might have already noticed that many great
achievements happen after difficult times. 

As it pertains to spiritual entities (energies) affecting our wellbeing, Dr.

Goiz believes they exist and can affect our well-being– this is a belief not
necessarily adopted by all practitioners.

As unusual as this may sound on a medical/scientific platform, the belief is

that this issue has a simple non-invasive and non-religious solution. 

This topic is an example of how biomagnetic practitioners (some; not all)

are applying science that is both proven and theoretical (unproven), and
some aspects of it, not all, are addressing a realm of health that is by some
perceived as mystical and non-scientific. 

Our conclusion is that just because science cannot explain the mystical,
does not mean it does not exist or that we are powerless to help someone, or
even ourselves, overcome these obstacles. 

Because of the sensitivity of this topic, our office generally addresses these
issues privately through the Medical Bioenergetic approach. 

Experience shows that simply instructing these entities to leave is all that’s
Our office does not exercise rituals or prayers and will not act against any
person’s beliefs. 

Now that you understand this rather odd possible part of our treatment, you
should feel comfortable bringing it up to your practitioner if you would like
one of us to research this further with you. 

If you do not feel this is affecting you or do not believe in it, just tell us and
we will not do any such evaluation. 

If you fall in the middle of these categories (perhaps you do feel something
odd, spiritual or mystical is affecting you) but you certainly do not want to
learn about it or face it, then just let your practitioner know about how you
think and feel and they can deal with it as they evaluate you.

What is a foreign DNA?

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a material inside all living organisms that
contains the instructions needed to develop, survive, and reproduce. 

DNA contains all the biological instructions that make each species unique,
like the difference between a human, dog, or chimp.

DNA also contains genetic information that is passed on from organisms to

their offspring during reproduction, and determines some characteristics of
the offspring: for example, height, hair/eye color and so on. 

The scientific branch called Epigenetics relates to factors that influence the
information within DNA.  Studies show that life’s experiences affect our
genes leaving an imprint to our DNA even when the memory supposedly is
gone !

Foreign DNA refers to that which enters our bodies through blood
transfusions and organ transplants from another person. 

Although this idea that cellular memory that is introduced into a new host
may alter personality is not widely supported by scientific evidence, there
are well-documented case studies that would suggest the contrary. 
For example, there are cases of people afraid of heights that then become
climbers.  People having nightmares of being killed after receiving a
murdered person’s organ.  Changes in tastes for music, food, sports, and so
much more that belonged to the donor. 

There is, however, one case the scientific community does recognize having
to do with a 15-year-old girl’s blood type changing following a liver

As we practice Medical Biomagnetism and Bioenergetics , the obstacle we

may face is understanding and identifying to whom the disease process
belongs.  In other words, during a treatment session, is it the donor or the
recipient who is reacting to our bioenergetic questioning?

Dr. Goiz understands that this field of study requires more research, but
does recognize that it is a factor to keep in mind as we go through this

If you have had blood transfusion, or organ transplants, make sure to let
your practitioner know. 

What is a malignancy?
In our field, malignancy describes a psycho-emotional interference related
to negative emotion that another person has against us or vice versa. 

For example, anger or hatred toward us or that we have toward another


On the one side, it makes complete sense from a psychological point of

view that anger one has against others affects one’s peace of mind and
wellbeing.  Always keeping you in a state of emotional agitation.

On the other side, it may not make scientific sense why someone’s mental
ill-wishes against another would alter that person’s wellbeing when it’s not
directly voiced or demonstrated. 
This latter concept resembles that of a hex or curse, but we must be aware
that the power of intention works independent of cult-like rituals. 

We are not talking about magic here, what we are talking about is energy. 

Remember we are made up of energy and so from that perspective, it could

have an effect on us at the cellular level. 

For our collective well-being, it makes sense for each one of us to control
negative thoughts against others as they truly do affect both parties. 

What are Chakra imbalances?

The ancient belief in a chakra system originates from India and with
modern technology, chakras are shown to exist. 

A chakra is an energy vortex.  If there is a blockage, meaning the chakra is

not spinning as it should, then that is an imbalance. 

Many schools of thought teach different meanings about chakras. 

Dr. Goiz acknowledges that he doesn’t fully understand them other than
they seem to be connected to the glandular system. 

Addressing a chakra imbalance is very simple using Dr. Goiz’ approach. 

A chakra imbalance can be corrected by helping the chakra(s) to balance

itself.  In other words, using the power of intent (bioenergetics/instruction)
influences the correct function. 

What is a reservoir?
There are many reservoirs; for example, soil and animals, but in our case,
they are body parts that contain and support microorganisms that live and
multiply without causing any obvious symptoms of disease. 

In other words, we can have harmful microorganisms living in us for years

until one day some alteration in the body triggers them and they multiply
and become active infections causing symptoms. 

Why is pH balance important?

A pH balance is essential to a healthy organism. 

If your organism (body) is not pH balanced, this means you are not
functioning at optimal energetic levels and thus you are accelerating the
decay of your health. 

When virus, bacteria, fungi or parasites enter the body they create two
simultaneous pH imbalances, meaning one organ/gland becomes acidic and
another alkaline . 

The same phenomenon happens when there are organ or gland dysfunctions
(i.e. thyroid gland), reservoirs, and emotional obstacles and so on. 

When magnets erase the pH distortions, the body is in an ideal energetic

state that allows it to heal and maintains balance. 

How do you detect pH distortions?

In order to detect specific pH distortions throughout the body, a person lies
face up (fully clothed and with shoes) on a therapy table, or wherever you
chose.  A magnet is then placed on over 300 specific body parts one at a

If there is a pH distortion in your stomach , for example, then by physically

placing a magnet over your stomach (over the clothing) the reaction the
practitioner observes is either the shortening or lengthening of the right

For the most part, we measure leg length to determine this, but we can also
use arm length as well. 

There are two different strategies for detecting pH distortions in the body. 
1)                 The physical placement of a magnet directly over a body part
(Biomagnetism) and

2)                 Through Bioenergetics , which some refer to as muscle testing

Both methods for determining pH distortions yield the same shortening or

lengthening reaction. 

What is Medical Bioenergetics?

Medical Bioenergetics is a method of using the mind in order to diagnose
pH distortions of the organism, but even more astonishing, to dive deeper
into psychological matters, emotional problems, chemical deficiencies,
hormonal and even spiritual issues that Biomagnetism alone cannot

This is a method that advanced biomagnetic practitioners use. 

If there is any part of the biomagnetic branch that might cause skepticism, it
is probably in this area. 

It’s difficult for some to understand that the nervous system of the person
we are studying can respond to the practitioner’s questions. 

This is possible when the person is present as well as when the person is at
a distance (*See Distance-Healing section).  

However, more and more people have some experience with similar
techniques used by other healthcare practitioners, and those that see
Medical Bioenergetics in action may refer to it as muscle testing or
kinesiology . 

Therapists have in essence a conversation with your body’s inner


By reciting specific anatomy, for example, heart, liver, thymus and so on, or
asking about emotional, psychological and other issues, the moment leg
length changes, that tells the practitioner there is an imbalance, and where
the magnet must be placed. 

At first look, the Bioenergetic strategy looks unusual, which may cause
some to have doubts about the efficacy and legitimacy of this practice. 

However, the success stories over time are showing that this does in fact

The understanding of why Bioenergetics works is because our

deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is capable of decoding and obeying the
therapist’s questions and commands. 

DNA can decode intention and therefore a bioenergetics scan can be

conducted in any language, even when the therapist and recipient are of
different linguistic backgrounds.

If you are interested in learning Bioenergetics for your own personal use
and understanding, be sure to get a copy of my book, Biomagnetism:  The
Mind, Body, Spirit Recalibration System.  Therein I teach you the simple
steps to gaining greater control of your life. 

How do you know where to place magnets?

Biomagnetism has two different approaches to determine where magnets
are placed to cure your ailments. 

One approach is Biomagnetism and the other is Bioenergetics . 

Biomagnetism refers to the physical placement of magnets over specific


This means that when a practitioner puts a magnet over, for example, your
heart , while the magnet sits over the heart, the practitioner goes to measure
whether there is lengthening or shortening of the right leg. 

If there was a reaction in leg length because of placing a magnet over the
heart, then that tells us that the heart is pH distorted.  This reaction tells us
something is wrong or better said, biochemically imbalanced. 

This is only half of the solution. 

No cure happens from leaving one magnet at the site of a pH distorted body
part, that’s why magnetic products like bracelets and mattresses are not
going to cure disease, but only aide in possible pain reduction. 

Since each disease-causing problem creates two pH distortions, we must

use two different magnets, one negative (north), and one positive (south)
pole in order to erase the biochemical imbalances. 

This is why this science is also called the Biomagnetic Pair. 

By placing the second magnet on the body, the connection is made and thus
the legs return to being even. 

If a second magnet was placed and the feet are not of an even length, then
we know the second magnet needs to be moved to an anatomical position
that will return the legs to being even. 

Only then do we know that the magnets are doing their job of erasing the
imbalance.  Otherwise, the cure is not taking place. 

There are hundreds of possible combinations for magnet placement that Dr.
Goiz teaches. 

Depending on that specific pairing, the effect will tell the practitioner
whether the imbalance addressed is a result of virus, bacteria, fungus,
parasite, dysfunction, toxins, reservoirs or something else. 

Bioenergetics is the second way to determine magnet placement. 

By holding a person’s feet at the heels and gently rocking in a lateral

motion, the practitioner recites aloud anatomy, specific infections names
and can understand more by asking if there are deficiencies, emotional
traumas and more. 
As practitioners recite the anatomy, at the exact moment they say, for
example, thyroid gland , and there is a reaction of the right hemisphere
(right leg/arm) then they know that a magnet belongs at that anatomical

Some infections (virus, bacteria, fungus, and parasites) can only be detected
by asking aloud using their specific name, for example, Streptococcus
agalactiae . 

Bioenergetics can also be used to ask about unresolved emotions that are
affecting one’s emotional wellbeing by mentioning the names of emotions
such as anger, impatience, resentment, and so on.

A practitioner can also ask if there are phenomena related to tumors. 

This is definitely helpful because you must understand that the formation of
a tumor happens well before it is visible through a medical test. 

That is why this field is useful for prevention. 

The bioenergetics approach helps us be far more efficient by allowing us to

quickly scan the entire body in a few minutes as opposed to an hour using
the biomagnetic method. 

Do I need to believe for it to work?

Let us face it, there are so many things going on in life that we do not
understand, but we do know they are still working. 

Whether you believe Biomagnetism and Bioenergetics as truths or not does

not change the fact that these sciences exist and continue to work for those
that go through the process. 

However, it is important to address the placebo effect. 

This is when faith plays a role in healing, and of course, it definitely

The placebo effect matters so much that when researchers test medicine or
surgical procedures, they include a placebo as part of the study and the
results are astonishing. 

Here is an example: medical journals have revealed that some real and fake
surgeries yield the same success rates.  In other words, an incision and
stitching (placebo) showed the same success rate as the actual surgical

This speaks volumes regarding our beliefs and power of thought, doesn’t it?

A more common experience about belief is when sitting in the waiting

room area of their healthcare practitioner and the pain they’ve been having
for days is all of a sudden gone. 

Why does this happen?

Regarding the belief or disbelief in Biomagnetism, the same human

psychological factors are at work; yes, it matters and no, it does not matter
whether you believe, understand or you are unsure .  

Biomagnetism is science, and studies show the immediate before and after
measurable results from its application. 

Therefore, no , it does not matter if you believe in or understand scientific

principals in order for the treatment to work. 

However, when it comes to pain, suffering, and seeking help, if you do not
believe something can help you, you are likely to disregard it without ever
trying and therefore you were right, it never worked because you never tried

You cannot accept anything with your hand in a fist; therefore, you have to
open your hands in order to receive any help for what is bothering you. 

You should seek help when you are ready for a transformation.  What is the
point of doing something if you truly do not want to change your
For example, if we discover your headache is because of self-abuse,
whether physical (i.e. food, and drugs) or emotional (i.e. I am a bad person,
Nobody loves me, I have bad luck ), but you do not care to change these
actions and beliefs, then you will continue limiting yourself and living with

Considering most people don’t understand atoms, molecules, anatomy,

physiology, chemistry, physics, and everything that is at work in our
existence, it’s far more important to believe you can accomplish anything
you set your mind to because intention, action, and dedication lead to the
results you seek.

Skepticism is a natural and healthy response to life for it should push us to

research the claims made by any healthcare practitioner. 

When it comes to Biomagnetism, the fact that it is a natural therapy is in

your favor, meaning it cannot harm you; therefore, you have nothing to fear
by trying it. 

What is the difference between Magnet Therapy, Goizean

Medical Biomagnetism and Durazo’s self-care Biomagnetic
Recalibration therapy?
Magnet therapy simply means a blind application of static magnets to areas
of pain on your body such as headaches and broken bones.  This approach
is not diagnostic nor does it address specific diseases or mind-spirit issues

Goizean Medical Biomagnetism is a natural solution that helps you

overcome many health obstacles and attain an optimal quality of life. 

This natural medical science uses the application of magnets to the body to
bring biochemical balance to our living body.  When our body is in balance,
we are as healthy as humanly possible.

The foundation of Dr. Goiz’ theory is that magnets erase potential

hydrogen distortions, in other words, they balance the pH in your body.
My work is built on Dr. Goiz’ discovery that a pair of magnets can be used
to create a therapy that diagnosis and treats disease.  My goal is to apply
magnetic pairs and trios (three magnets simultaneously) using negative and
positive fields with a focused mind, body and spirit optimal-wellbeing
purposes. (See the General Pain Reliever bonus section to learn how to use
three magnets for pain relief.)

I started to think about how to best deliver a simple-to-use, effective self-

care biomagnetic method that was not too complicated for a layperson to

In 2015, I developed a recalibration system and wellness protocols from

which everyone could benefit.  The result is my bestselling book,
Biomagnetism: The Mind, Body, Spirit Recalibration System.   To obtain a
copy of my system plus a set of magnets so you can engage in biomagnetic
therapy at home, contact .

Is Biomagnetism safe?
M agnetic energy is an essential force of nature.  Without magnetism, life
would not exist. 

So let us stress that—this is a natural part of any living thing and found
throughout the makeup of our planet.

Biomagnetism is a safe and natural therapy that uses static magnets that are
beneficial to our health and not harmful. 

Because there’s no electricity involved, there is no risk of injury. 

For example, there will be absolutely no tissue burns such as might occur
with electromagnetic machines.

Most people, regardless of age (including newborns) or the type of health

challenge they may face are perfect candidates to receive Biomagnetism.

Is Biomagnetism safe for pregnant women?

As more and more women seek Biomagnetism, the infertile are becoming
pregnant and the pregnant are having an easier time with pregnancy

By seeking Biomagnetism prior to pregnancy, both mother and father-to-be

create a perfect biochemical balance so that they are as healthy as possible
and thus the sperm and ovum can be of optimal quality.

A mother with existing health conditions (like asthma, diabetes, depression,

eating disorders, epilepsy, high blood pressure, HIV, migraines, being over
overweight or obesity, sexually transmitted infections, thyroid dysfunction,
uterine fibroids , just to name a few) has an increase in the risk of
miscarriage, birth defects, stillbirth, premature birth, low birth weight,
passing infections to baby, brain damage, blindness, deafness, liver
problems, heart failure and more. 

Obviously, it makes more sense to put one’s life (both parents) into balance
prior to pregnancy to minimize the risk of complications. 

If, however, a woman is already pregnant, then it makes sense to seek

Biomagnetism, as it will cause a healing and balancing reaction that is
healthy for both mother and baby.

Can you take Biomagnetism therapy if you are taking

chemotherapy or other treatments?
You can benefit from Biomagnetism therapy if you are taking medication,
undergoing other allopathic or other natural therapies or have a pacemaker
or any other surgical implants.

The ONLY time Goizean Medical Biomagnetism may not be a fit for your
condition is if you are currently or have recently gone through

Biomagnetism is such a powerful healing method that a balanced organism

(a person after biomagnetic sessions) can cause the cells to absorb more of
the chemotherapy.  Since chemotherapy is a dangerous poison, the increase
in absorption of these poisons can amplify the already harmful effects. 
Tell your biomagnetic practitioner if you have recently received
chemotherapy.  A properly trained biomagnetic therapist knows when it’s
safe for you to receive Biomagnetism. 

Because everyone is so biologically unique, it is impossible to say how long

one should wait after chemotherapy.  Some might only need to wait one
month, and others up to a year. 

In summary, Biomagnetism is completely safe regardless of whether you

take pharmaceutical drugs or any other alternative medicine. 

If you have never had chemotherapy, or it has been several years since you
last had chemotherapy, you need not worry. 

If you have recently had chemotherapy, inform your biomagnetic therapists

to help you determine whether Biomagnetism is appropriate or not.

A woman on chemotherapy once begged us to give her biomagnetic

services.  Her point was this:

“Eight years ago, I was diagnosed with stage-4 cancer and was given
six months to live.  I proved them wrong and here I am still.  I hate
being on chemotherapy because I feel sick every single day of my life. 
Either Biomagnetism helps me get better or I’m going to die anyways,
but I can’t go on living this way.  I’m ready to die.”

How do you respond to such a request? 

We were in extreme distress and helping her haunted our thoughts.  We

agreed to her request and the great news was that she was able to sleep
better as a result; there was no adverse reaction whatsoever. 

Dr. Goiz has said to wait one year from the date of the last chemotherapy
session before performing Biomagnetism.  On the other hand, a trained
biomagnetic specialist will know when the time is right. 

Every patient is slightly different; so care and monitoring must be part of

this therapy any time after chemotherapy.
If you are currently undergoing chemotherapy or recently finished, as a safe
and effective alternative, get yourself a copy of my book, Biomagnetism: 
The Mind, Body, Spirit Recalibration System.  Therein I teach you powerful
wellness strategies, including a biomagnetic detoxification booster that may
help you process toxicity more efficiently (available at

Is Biomagnetism painful or dangerous?

We’ve already mentioned that Medical Biomagnetism is safe unless
chemotherapy is involved, in which case you might look at the biomagnetic
recalibration system as a safe alternative. 

If you’ve ever held magnets in your hands, you know you’re holding a
source of energy that doesn’t really feel like anything.  Most people can’t
perceive the energy field unless they put it near another magnet or metallic
material and then they can feel the reaction; the pull or push of the

Magnets do not cause pain.  If they did, they would not be so popular
amongst children who love playing with magnets. 

Biomagnetism is beneficial and not dangerous. 

It is a natural, safe, non-chemical, non-surgical, and effective method for

helping people obtain their health goals.  Even children appreciate and love
this therapy for that reason.

Although the magnets themselves do not cause pain, some people might
experience a slight temporary discomfort during a session. 

This is not due to the magnets or the magnetic strength, it is merely the
body adjusting itself. 

For example, some people with tumors have said they felt a little bit of
discomfort at the site of the tumor, but it usually only lasts a couple of
minutes and is generally gone by the time the session is complete. 
If a person does feel any discomfort on their initial visit, it is worth
mentioning that this doesn’t tend to happen during subsequent visits. 

The more out-of-balance one is, the more likely they will perceive shifts
within as their bodies adjust to a new and healthier normal state. 

The following are some of the most common sensations people experience:
digestive noises (gargling/gurgling), involuntary twitching (arms, legs,
entire body), tingling sensations, temporary increased pain, hot, cold,
extreme relaxation leading to sleep, anxiety, vivid colors, unexpected
memories and emotions and much more that words can’t describe but as
you see are not frightening or hurtful.

People often report a feeling of increased energy, more optimism, better

sleep and vivid dreams.

Although this pain might frighten some, it is important to keep in mind that
a healing response is taking place .  In this case, pain doesn’t mean
worsening, it means healing—biochemical balancing.  Generally, those who
live with immense suffering typically notice the greatest shifts as opposed
to those who don’t feel too bad but want to maintain their good health.

What happens when I mix Biomagnetism with allopathic

If you are currently or have recently finished chemotherapy, Medical
Biomagnetism may interfere. 

Therefore, practitioners recommend you wait at least a few months before

attempting Biomagnetism.   

Biomagnetism does not interfere with other types of treatments nor vice

If you take medicine, listen to your body because if you start feeling worse,
it just might mean that you are recuperating (getting healthy) and the
medication may not be necessary, or you may need to reduce (modify) your
As practitioners, we have heard several times from people saying that after
the biomagnetic session they felt worse.  They went to their allopathic
practitioners and concluded that less medicine was needed.  Once they
reduced their medication, they felt better.  Great news for them.  Less
medication in the body and a reduced financial strain.

Some people may experience a healing crisis after Biomagnetism, meaning

they are detoxifying and may want to take medication for the pain. 

Taking pain medication (analgesics) will not undo the biomagnetic therapy.
However, realize this is a very rare reaction and few people will respond in
this manner.

Does Biomagnetism interfere with other natural therapies?

Many natural therapies like acupuncture, alphabiotics, homeopathy,
chiropractic, reflexology and so on will contribute to your well-being and
do not interfere with one another. 

For this reason, you can combine natural medicine modalities with

Does Biomagnetism interfere with metallic surgical implants?

Biomagnetism is safe for those with metallic surgical implants.  The metals
used for surgical implants are nonferrous, meaning these metals do not react
to magnetism. 

Does Biomagnetism interfere with pacemakers?

Biomagnetism is safe for those with pacemakers. 

Do let your biomagnetic practitioner know if you have a pacemaker. 

So long as you don’t place a magnet directly over a pacemaker, there is no

Since pacemakers are battery powered electronic devices, magnetic fields
may deplete them.  For this reason, we do not place magnets directly over
the pacemaker, but magnets anywhere else on the body are fine. 

What to expect on your first visit

B iomagnetism is 100% safe, natural, powerful, practical, and precise. 
Relax, be at peace, and envision the specific health goals you want to
achieve!  Remember you can’t get anywhere if you don’t know where
you’re going. 

As practitioners, we all have our own methods for operation.  We cannot

speak for other practitioners, but when you seek services in our office, this
is how your first visit will go:

1. You will be asked to sign a document that makes you a member

of our Private Membership Medical Association.

2. You will fill out a symptom questionnaire.

3. You will have a brief interview with the practitioner assigned to

you to address questions and answers.

4. Then you will lie comfortably and fully clothed on a therapy table
for about 40 minutes.

What is the Private Membership Medical Association

On your first visit, you will sign a document that makes you a member of
our office’s medical association.  The reason we ask you to become a
member is because you are in essence seeking a medical service that yields
a diagnosis and a treatment. 

In the United States, unless a person is a licensed physician, it is a crime to

diagnose and treat human conditions.  The crime is called practicing
medicine without a license .  Note that this is not the case in other
countries.  So this has nothing to do with the legitimate practice of
Biomagnetism, but has everything to do with how the United States legal
system is set up.

Since Biomagnetism’s objective is to diagnose and treat human conditions,

this clearly puts all practitioners working with the American public in a
position where they are committing a crime healing people because they are
unlicensed physicians. 

Some therapists may have a disclaimer stating they are not medical doctors
and are not treating disease.  If they are not treating disease, then what are
they doing and why go to them in the first place? 

So we have researched and found a way to really help our members while
being straightforward about any treatment.

By forming and operating as a Private Membership Medical Association,

we are protecting our right to treat and diagnose conditions using this
revolutionary method. 

This is similar for other integrative medicine treatment centers.  This allows
all our practitioners the freedom to practice in peace and allows you the
freedom to have access to this medicine.    

The U.S. Constitution supports the right to practice medicine without a

license through private associations and this is possible by working in the
private business sector. 

Becoming a member of our private medical association is simple. 

For a small one-time-only fee, one gets a lifetime membership.  There are
no monthly fees and there is no obligation to remain a member for life. 
One may opt out any time. 

We are not doing this as a way to make money.  However, by law we have
to charge a membership fee, so we have chosen to make this fee cover your
lifetime membership and then no one has to worry about this any longer. 
What is the symptom questionnaire?
On your first visit, you’ll fill out a simple questionnaire. 

There you will list the five symptoms (if applicable) that bother you the
most.  This way you can keep track of changes in the intensity of the pain
on subsequent visits.

It is all very simple.  What hurts and how intense is it? 

Only you know what you truly feel and you will rate the intensity of the
pain on a 1-10 scale. 

If you are not comfortable sharing this information, or if you forget to write
down some of your symptoms, it does not matter because the therapy will
still be effective. 

Although it is not necessary to share what your pains are, it is helpful in the
sense of noticing changes.  It is common for people to say, “I felt good for a
few days, but now I feel the same.”

However, if you list your symptoms and the severity of them, this tracks
your progress much better than memory.  Mothers know how fast the pain
of childbirth fades, and it is similar with other pains we have throughout

The biomagnetic process does not rely on symptomatology, allopathic

diagnosis, or testing to determine where to place the magnets.

It is only after reviewing the list of symptoms that many of us then have a
conscious understanding that the pain is gone or that it significantly

The mind works in such a way that when a pain is gone, we forget about it. 
Your written record will help you see the level of improvement you are

What is the initial interview like?

Healthcare should be a partnership between you and any practitioner from
whom you seek help. 

Therefore, communication is essential for a successful relationship in order

to help you achieve your life goals. 

On every visit you will have the opportunity to talk about your symptoms
(if applicable) with your practitioner.  You will also have the opportunity to
ask questions about the therapy and other things related to your body’s

Most biomagnetic practitioners value education and understand that the

better informed you are, the more successful you will be at achieving your
long-term health goals. 

Feel free to ask your practitioner about their experiences working with
people in your situation.  If they get upset because you ask them about their
experience, then you might want to consider looking for someone else. 

The following is a true experience I went through. 

I heard about a local therapist and called to make an appointment.  When I

asked her if she had the second level of biomagnetic/bioenergtic training,
she said no . 

Despite her being a beginner, I still wanted a session. 

When I asked her when she would be taking the advanced training she
answered she was not going to take it.  Out of curiosity, he asked her, why
not?   She snapped back defensively, “Why do you ask?”

That response is a red flag. 

If you are placing your life in someone else’s hands it makes sense to have
open communication and trust based on their professional experience. 

It is fine that they only trained to a certain level, but every practitioner
should be comfortable in sharing this level with you.  This allows both of
you to determine your treatment plan.
How long are the sessions?
Your first visit is typically longer than any other due to the paperwork and
initial interview.  The first visit usually takes about an hour or more
depending on how much information you need.  Subsequent visits are
generally 40 minutes. 

The amount of time a person lies with magnets against their body depends
on the earth’s latitude.

“What?” you may say.

Yes, that’s right.  There are places on earth—particularly closer to the

equator where biomagnetic sessions take only about 5-7 minutes.  In other
words, 5-7 minutes of magnets on your body is enough time to cause pH

In Southern California where our office is, a person generally keeps the
magnets on their body anywhere between 25-30 minutes, and sometimes
even longer, which is rare, but sometimes needed depending on the patient’s

What if I can’t lie down for a long time?

We understand that it is difficult for some patients to lie down for the
duration of the session. 

Some people feel anxiety, back pain, reflux, or shortness of breath. 

Children just don’t want to stay still. 

If it is more comfortable to be in a sitting or standing position, that is

definitely possible.  Just communicate this at the time of your first visit

Taping magnets to the body allows you the freedom to move freely and is
just one of the ways we can get around not having you lie down for
Can somebody come with me to my appointment?
Yes, we understand that you may be apprehensive at first and want a loved
one to be there with you during this great new journey to health on which
you are embarking.

A biomagnetic practitioner will want you to have peace of mind and

therefore you are welcome to bring someone to be there to support you. 
This educational experience benefits everyone.  

Be sure to come with someone who fully supports you.  Some practitioners
have experienced situations where the spouse or another family member is
not fully on board and just shows up to act as a spoiler to what should be a
peaceful and healthful experience.  Do not expose yourself to that kind of
unnecessary stress.

What did you find?  What’s wrong with me?

When you are in pain and suffering, the immediate question you want
answered is, “What’s wrong with me and how do I get rid of it?”

At this point, you should understand there are many factors that cause pain
and suffering and that they cause pH imbalances. 

You then get rid of pH imbalances through Biomagnetism and


Everywhere that a practitioner places a magnet represents a pH distortion

the magnet is erasing. 

How a practitioner answers the question of what is wrong with you has to
do with the legalities around practicing medicine in an unlicensed medical

If a private membership association legally protects the practitioner, as is

the case with our office, then he or she has the legal liberty to tell you what
the placement of magnets are addressing (infections, dysfunctions, and so
If the practitioner you seek is not a licensed physician nor protected by a
private membership association, they will be more general in their

For example, they may remind you that the root of your health issues are
biochemical imbalances.

How did I get this condition/infection/problem?

As explained before, disease has many root factors: bacteria, fungus,
parasites, virus, toxins, emotions, transplants, transfusions and things in
your environment. 

A person may be infected in many ways. 

Microorganisms are in the air, the objects we touch, foods, bodily fluids;
basically everywhere that we are. 

The truth is it’s impossible to avoid microorganisms. 

All the more reason to live life making the best of where you are and who
you are, in order to live an optimal quality of life. 

Other conditions are a result of psycho-emotional obstacles. 

Some people may be so frustrated and disappointed with life that this
weakens their body and dysfunctions take place.  It can also create the
proper internal environment so microorganisms take grip of our health. 

It is also possible that some infections were passed on from your parents
through their blood stream during conception, fetal stages, during vaginal
birth, through breast milk or even as an airborne infection from the hospital
where one was born. 

Special Services
How do you work with children?
Children of a certain age are okay with lying down and allowing the process
to work. 

Even if they are babies, we explain the process to them as if they are
adults.  Children understand that our intention is to help them and generally
stay still while we determine the magnet placement. 

It is understandable that during the first visit, children may be


We have learned over the years that they are more likely to sit still with
their parents next to them while we do the scan. 

Babies or children with brain disorders like autism generally do not consent
to having their feet held in place; they will kick and wiggle. 

In this case, we use Bioenergetics. 

We will use the accompanying parent’s legs to determine where the child
needs the magnets. 

Once we determine the biomagnetic pairs, we tape them on the children or

we do a Distance Healing treatment. 

How do you work with amputees or the paralyzed?

A skilled practitioner will not have any problems working with amputees or
a person who is paralyzed. 

If a person does not have a leg(s), we can still observe the shortening or
lengthening of the right hemisphere using the arms to observe this

Even if a person is paralyzed from the legs, the leg might react during our

If a person has amputated arms and legs, or is paralyzed with no reaction in

the extremities, we then use Bioenergetics using another person .
So there is always a way to allow our treatment to help with the quality of
life for our patients.

What is Distance Healing?

Distance Healing is also known as Healing from a Distance or Remote

This method of healing refers to the biomagnetic practitioner’s ability to

help cure someone that is not in their physical presence. 

In other words, any person can receive the benefits of Biomagnetism

without ever stepping foot outside your home. 

This is possible even when the practitioner is thousands of miles away. 

This might seem unbelievable at first, but it does work.  In fact, such work
has been documented by medical professional as far back as the mid 1900’s
(Cayce, 2014).

In order to understand distance healing, we need to understand that the

foundation of all sciences is physics. 

The two major branches of physics are Classical and Modern . 

Allopathic medicine is based on classical physics, meaning there is a linear

cause and effect approach. 

For example, one pill lowers blood sugar levels, another numbs pain, and
another is anti-inflammatory and so on.  There is a linear cause and effect
that is measurable and predictable.  Take this pill and you will get this

To understand distance healing, we must look at modern quantum physics

for some insight. 

Here’s a quantum physics related question: if you were in a room by

yourself and someone entered and stood behind you looking at you without
you ever hearing anything, would you know that person was there? 

Research has shown evidence that people do in fact sense other people’s
gaze.  The same happens when people are video recorded and viewed in a
separate location. 

There is still so much that science cannot prove or disprove. 

For example, according to classical physics theories, nothing travels faster

than the speed of light.  Albert Einstein proved this. 

However, on a quantum physics level, experiments revealed actions that

happened simultaneously in laboratories conducting the same experiment at
a large distance as if time and space did not exist. 

Einstein referred to this phenomenon as “spooky action at a distance” and

to date the question as to why this happens remains a mystery (unproven
theory).  Even Einstein was never able to answer this question.  (Greene,

Distance healing is based on the certainty that the entire universe is

interconnected and that nothing exists on its own. 

Using Biomagnetism and Bioenergetics is a healing method that is

extremely effective just as if a person were actually present . 

A practitioner does a distance healing session by placing magnets on a

person who is not the planned target—called a surrogate. 

The practitioner and surrogate both direct their consciousness and intention
to address the recipient’s (target’s) health. 

A distance healing session is only performed when the recipient requests

such a session or consents, if it is the case that it was suggested to them.

Biomagnetic and bioenergetics practitioners do not do distance healing

sessions because someone requests it for someone else. 
First, it is unethical to mingle in anybody’s life.  Second, if that person does
not want healing and is not open to it, this can actually backfire on a
practitioner and cause harm, such as causing an excruciating headache. 

A distance healing session can be performed with children if the parents

request it.  In this case, a child’s health is the responsibility of the parents. 

There does come a point when a person is still a child under the law, but old
enough by laws of the universe, to make their own decisions—generally in
adolescence.  In this case, it is best to ask them for permission. 

There are other cases where a person might be in a coma or in a situation

where they cannot communicate.  In this case, the family can make the
decision for them.

Can I treat my pet with Biomagnetism?

If at this point you are wondering if it is possible to treat your pets with
Biomagnetism, the answer is yes.  However, I only treat pets via Distance
Healing .

What will I feel during and afterwards?

I f you have ever held a pair of magnets in your hands, you can feel the
attraction and repellence of the magnetic fields when putting them together. 
However, you cannot perceive the magnetic field if you just held one in
your hands.  Nor can you see this magnetic field with your eyes.

The same tends to be true during a biomagnetic session. 

You do not necessarily feel the magnetic field or see anything different, but
at times you do feel sensations that the magnetic field is causing inside. 

It is impossible to say you’ll feel one way or another during and after each
During a session people generally report digestive noises (gurgling),
involuntary twitching (arms, legs, entire body), tingling sensations,
temporary increased pain, hot, cold, extremely relaxation, anxiety, they see
vivid colors, or maybe just fall asleep, unexpected memories and emotions
and much more that words can’t describe. 

Afterwards, you may feel an increased amount of energy, or it can be the

complete opposite and you may feel like sleeping. 

Those that live with immense suffering typically notice the greatest shifts as
opposed to those that do not feel too bad but want to maintain their good

Healing can be subtle or it can be obvious in both a pleasant and unpleasant

way, for example, the healing crisis. 

What is a healing crisis?

After Biomagnetism it is common that some, not all, people may feel worse
before feeling better. 

This reaction is called a healing crisis , which means that your body is
detoxifying or cleansing itself. 

If you look at it on the bright side, it indicates something good is

happening; your body is getting rid of poisons, despite the obvious

This is something we cannot control and it is impossible to predict if this

will happen to you or not. 

The body has four ways it eliminates toxins: urination, defecation, sweating
(skin), and through the respiratory system (i.e. breathing, sneezing and

Some people may say they had frequent and strong odor from urination and
defecation, fever-like symptoms, sneezing and coughing as it pertains to
these ways of elimination. 
Others might have an increased desire to sleep, feel emotionally sensitive,
or the symptom for which they came to address was amplified, for example,
one person said their psoriasis (skin issue) got worse and then improved to
be much better than it was before. 

We are so used to being afraid of pain that it is difficult for some to

understand that this is a great sign meaning the body is repairing itself. 

The good thing is that this reaction only lasts a couple of hours; at most
three days, and in the worst-case scenario, even up to a month (extremely

A healing crisis generally only happens after the first session and does not
tend to happen by the second session.  That is because at that point the body
has eliminated most of the toxins and is well on its way to optimal health. 

The best thing to do to minimize the intensity of the detoxification is to

drink plenty of water and consume light and nutritious foods.  You can also
use magnets at home to aide in the detoxification.  To learn how to do this,
be sure to get yourself the magnetic kits that come with my book
Biomagnetism:  The Mind, Body, Spirit Recalibration System , which is
available at .

Was I supposed to feel something?

When it comes to feeling anything during or after a session, some might not
perceive anything happening at all.

This is the more common outcome of a first session.

Whether you feel something or not, biochemical balancing is still


The fact is that every moment of our existence, physiological processes are
occurring that you are not even aware are taking place. 

For example, we generally do not feel hair and nails growing, the heart
pumping, blood circulating through our veins and arteries, the expansion
and contraction of our lungs as we breathe, that we are aging, or when our
cells regenerate.

It’s very likely you’re not aware of most of what is going on in your body,
but it’s happening! 

It is interesting to note that most people that are in-tune with their body,
especially healthcare practitioners, feel that something is going on during
the biomagnetic session. 

We believe that if one makes the effort to listen to what’s going on inside
the body, instead of thinking about all sorts of other things, then a person
can more consciously perceive and even more efficiently help themselves
obtain their health goals.

Why do some feel it and others don’t?

Why some feel the effects of a biomagnetic session and others do not is an
issue of quieting the mind, paying attention, and looking inwards. 

Some have no idea what internal listening is like because they have no
practice doing it since it is something that is not ever really taught. 

The fact is that many live their lives experiencing strong stimulus by
extremely noisy and painful thoughts making it hard to notice anything else.

Sometimes the sensations are more intense than others are. 

For example, tingling, vibrations, or extreme relaxation might be obvious

effects you could feel. 

What if I don’t feel anything after my session?

You might not feel anything different, but are you sure that your life isn’t
different or changing?

Sometimes the people around us are the ones that notice the shift in our
well-being before we do.  By that, I mean that they notice that we aren’t
complaining as much or that we have more energy and are more active.

Sometimes when pain disappears, we don’t really notice it consciously.  It is

just gone and it takes a while to realize something has changed.  And
sometimes people feel things, but they still say that nothing has happened. 

For example, just the other day mid-session, a woman asked, “Is this
supposed to work for headaches and nasal congestion, because I feel my
headache just went away, and I’m breathing better.” Then at the end of her
session, although she left very happy said, “I’m not ready to schedule my
next appointment.  I want to wait and see if anything happens with what we
did today.”  

I’ve seen this type of scenario play out hundreds of times.  It’s almost as if
people are even skeptical of their own experiences.  Something already
happened for her, which she pointed out herself. 

That is why the self-evaluation is helpful, so that we can notice the shifts
that occur in our body and mind.

You can learn more about the self-evaluation process and the technique of
performing biomagnetic pairing on yourself through my book
Biomagnetism: The Mind, Body, Spirit Recalibration System.  The health
magnets you need to start the process can be acquired at .

If you are trying to do your own biomagnetic pairing therapy and you don’t
experience any shift at all, then you should put yourself in the hands of a
trained medical biomagnetic pair therapist.

What should I do after a session?

If one’s health issues are a result of microorganisms, a practitioner might
suggest you get a new toothbrush and razor blade. The reason is that these
items may contain microorganisms that might re-infect you. 

If you are in an intimate relationship, it makes sense that your partner or

spouse also be treated, even if they do not demonstrate any illness. 
The reason is that we are sponges to one another and we can transfer
microorganisms without being aware. 

Health care should be a family event; therefore bring your entire family so
that optimal quality of life belongs to everybody.  

The most important thing to do after a biomagnetic session is to continue

living a life that supports your dreams and vision for a perfect life. 

Ask yourself, “How would life be in a perfect world?”

Once you identify what you want and need, then dedicate every moment of
your life to achieving that. 

Anytime anybody seeks healthcare help, it is important to identify areas in

one’s life that can be improved and take action. 

No healthcare practitioner on earth can make decisions for us, but they can
at least help in pointing out areas that need improvement. 

If there is unnecessary garbage and stress that you are carrying on a daily
basis then it is time to be at peace with the past. 

The book, How Magnets Can Save Your Life , will help you understand
strategies that can improve your life. You should always listen to your body
and intuition.  If you feel tired, rest.  If you feel energized, exercise.  If you
feel hungry, eat balanced, healthy food. 

Keep yourself hydrated since this might diminish the intensity of a possible
detoxifying effect. 

Should I go to the hospital or do

Biomagnetism first?
If you are experiencing a medical emergency, then please go to the
hospital first! 
For example, poisoning, accidents, heart attacks, strokes, baby delivery, and
other such emergency situations should all be handled in a hospital setting. 

There are cases when one goes to the hospital and after much testing it’s
determined that nothing is wrong and people are sent home with antibiotics
(though no bacterial infection was found) or pain killers. 

Once you have been discharged from the hospital, it makes sense to
urgently seek biomagnetic attention. 

In most cases, there is no correct order of whether you should go to a

medical doctor first or second.  That is your decision and you should always
do what you are comfortable with. 

Some people go to the medical doctor first and get laboratory tests;
however, they will not take medication but instead they do Biomagnetism. 
After Biomagnetism, they then return to the allopathic doctor and are
retested verifying healing results. 

This is a growing trend and gives you the best of both types of treatment. 
But what if you had a biomagnetic solution in your very own wellness
cabinet?  Wouldn’t you want to first try to eliminate your own pain using
the simple strategies I provide you in the recalibration system book? 

True story:  a male in his mid 50s went on vacation with his wife.  He
experienced pain so debilitating that he asked his wife to take him to the
emergency room.  His intelligent wife packed her biomagnetic recalibration
kit and immediately followed my guide for general pain relief, which I
added in this newly revised edition.  He told me that in less than 10 minutes
the pain disappeared as if nothing had ever happened.

Can you imagine what your life would be like if you could avoid an
emergency room visit because you diminished or altogether disappeared
pain using simple self-care biomagnetic strategies?

Should I stop taking medication or supplements?

Taking medications and/or supplements is a personal choice. 
For that reason, most practitioners will not advise you on medications or
supplements, unless, of course, they are in the supplement selling business

Biomagnetism is a powerful treatment that causes a balancing and healing

response.  As a result of becoming healthier, the dosage of medication and
supplements may require change or become altogether unnecessary. 

Diabetics taking medication that lowers their sugar levels need to be much
more aware of their sugar levels.  If, after Biomagnetism, their blood sugars
begin to balance, then taking the same amount of medication might even
bring blood sugar levels down further putting one at risk of a diabetic

People often do return to their physicians and medication is reduced or

eliminated altogether. 

We believe that there’s a time and a place for medications, for example,
injury by physical trauma or severe nutrient deficiency.

We also believe all previously non-existent health conditions can be solved

with Biomagnetism, nutrition, emotional counseling, and healthy living. 

The book, How Magnets Can Save Your Life – A Holistic Guide for Optimal
Living, is a great resource for learning natural ways of life that can lead to
optimal quality of life.

To do a personal recalibration of your body at home, the book for you is,
Biomagnetism: The Mind, Body, Spirit Recalibration System.  You can get
my books and the health magnets to get started on your recalibration at
home by contacting .

Listen, listen, and listen to your body! 

Do you prescribe medication or supplements?

Unless the biomagnetic practitioner is also an allopathic physician, they do
not and should not prescribe medication, as they are not legally authorized
to do so. 

Some biomagnetic practitioners may suggest supplements, homeopathy,

and/or herbs.  Every healthcare practitioner across all medical fields has
their unique way of practicing based on their understanding of how to
achieve your best health. 

I believe there is a time and place for medicine and supplements—both

pharmaceutical and nature based. 

The Big Issues That Come Up All the Time

Can Biomagnetism cure cancer?
At this point, we have discussed the underlying root causes of disease. 

Cancer and any other disease that you were not born with is not any
different in the sense that the reason for disease is pH imbalance. 

Dr. Goiz teaches that cancers are a result of infections: three bacteria and
one virus. 

These infections, again, cause pH distortions and the way we get rid of
infections is by placing magnets on the body to restore pH balance and thus
the microorganisms die and therefore no longer reproduce. (Goiz Durán D.
I., El Fenómeno Tumoral, 2008)

When a body is in biochemical balance, disease cannot exist. 

Since magnets are helping restore the balance then it is possible that a
person can be cured of cancer and many other diseases. 

In addition, as previously stated, there are other factors that influence

success rate. 

These include the amount of time our patient has been in a diseased state,
whether chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone therapy, and/or surgery were
In addition to this, lifestyle factors such as nutrition and emotional well-
being also play an enormous influence. 

I have worked with people who were cured of cancer, as well as people who
have died because of it.

Even those who do die go through healing in the sense that increased
quality of life in the final days is possible and relatives are thankful for that.

Does Biomagnetism work for emotional issues?

Emotions that distort our well-being also alter our biochemistry towards
acidity or alkalinity. 

Therefore, the placement of magnets will aid in the healing process, but it
also requires willingness to overcome the emotion(s) or the imbalance will
show up again. 

For example, if you’re constantly stressed out and sad that nobody in your
family likes you, but you’re always picking fights, putting people down and
they’d much rather avoid you, Biomagnetism can help to a certain degree,
but it also requires effort on your end. 

It is easy to overcome some emotional obstacles because they are directly

related to having infections and dysfunctions. 

When the body functions properly, our mind, body, and spirit return to
balance and thus we live harmoniously. 

Many have said they noticed they were not annoyed anymore, felt calmer,
and centered.  They cannot really explain what happened, but those around
them noticed the emotional shift as well. 

Other emotional challenges require more inner strength to overcome.  Such

is the case as it relates to unexpected death of a loved one from disease,
natural disaster, accidents or because of violence.
Some might not even perceive that they have unresolved emotional issues
plaguing their daily existence.  Some might have challenging childhood
experiences, but as the years rolled on, they are not aware that the past is
affecting their present. 

What happens is that when one does not overcome emotions, they keep
affecting us throughout life.  It is as if the same emotion keeps following us
and it becomes easy to say, “That’s just my personality; that’s just the way I

The truth is that going through life this way holds us back from living an
optimal quality of life by limiting our full potential.  A common emotional
challenge might be the following: 

Supposing you have younger siblings, but before they were born, you
received a lot of love and attention from your parents. 

Then, a younger sibling was born and you stopped being the center of
attention.  To you it seemed like they gave the younger sibling more
attention and bought them toys that you never had. 

This may lead to many different types of emotions, for example, sadness,
jealousy, hatred, resentment, frustration.  Really, the list can go on and on. 

Supposing you are now an adult and you are at work and the new hire was
promoted.  You have been working for the company much longer and
according to you, you do the job many times better. 

The immediate emotional reflex is to feel all the emotions mentioned

above, but you never connect the dots that the original emotional conflict
began when your sibling was born. 

The other thing that you are not aware of is how people around you know
about your emotional shortcomings because as you interact with them you
reveal your pain by negative comments and attitudes. 

Without self-awareness about your emotional intelligence, you are

responsible for limiting yourself.
Therefore, it is important to acknowledge our emotional baggage and free
ourselves from it; otherwise, they remain active conflicts and they limit our

The challenge is, of course, how you change and make peace with
something if you are not even aware that it is affecting your life in the first

This is why Bioenergetics is so powerful at helping us understand


Our experience shows us that giving a problem conscious awareness can set
into motion the development of greater emotional intelligence thus
controlling our feelings. 

Bioenergetics can help us understand when a particular emotional trauma

took place. 

Supposing you go for a biomagnetic session and anger comes up.  You
might acknowledge that you have been feeling angry for whatever reason. 
By asking your body at what stage in life this emotional trauma took place,
we might discover that the original experience with anger happened years

Some therapists might follow Dr. Goiz’ lead and ask when the emotion took
place.  Was it before or after being born?  Was it childhood, adolescence, in
your 20s, 30s, 40s and so on.  Dr. Goiz teaches that experiences in the
womb can affect our emotional well-being; that is why the questions is
asked whether it occurred before or after birth.

This of course is a delicate situation. 

Some practitioners might suggest you not bring an issue from the womb up
to your mother.  Remember that the therapy is for you to help you
understand why you feel the way you do; it was not your mother who
sought this type of help. 
Experience reveals that approaching a mother about emotional issues can
lead to acknowledging situations they probably don’t want to remember. 

In addition, approaching a mother may cause her to be defensive because

she might interpret the conversation as blame.  You have no idea how many
times people approach their mother despite this warning.  About 75% of the
time a crisis is created that no one is really prepared to deal with and can
really deal a blow to family relationships.

Some people have told us they thought it would be a good idea to talk to
their mom, and instead the mom felt attacked and blamed, and it ended in a
fight and not talking.

Other experiences have been that a mother feels a deep sense of guilt and
feels victimized when the son or daughter says to them, “You’re responsible
for my emotional troubles.”

Does Biomagnetism work for physical injuries?

We have worked with many patients with physical injuries who have sought
Biomagnetism for completely different reasons.  Many are surprised by
how Biomagnetism helped them feel immediately better of all their pains
after years of suffering and even resorting to other therapies.

It is amazing to think that throughout life, our organism is constantly

regenerating new cells.  For example, around every 30 days, our body
regenerates new skin cells, being entirely different from the month before.

In other words, the body is constantly reorganizing and regenerating itself

even when there is not disease or physical injuries. 

When we suffer physical trauma and muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments,

bones and/or other tissues are harmed, the body understands that there is
harm and reacts with immediate pain, inflammation and other physiological
responses to repair the damage.

The severity of the injury determines whether surgical intervention is

needed or if it will heal on its own.  For example, a broken bone that
penetrates the skin requires immediate surgery, and a sprained ligament,
generally, does not.

In both examples, the body still goes through a healing process of

regenerating the appropriate cells and typically heals in due time; we use
the word “typically” because it is possible to have complications (for
example, infection ) as a result of broken bones and this can lead to death.

It is also important to recognize that the severity of the physical trauma

determines how much healing is possible.  For example, there are those
who suffered extreme traumatic accidents that even after many surgeries
and therapies they continue suffering with chronic pain.

At this moment, it is also important to mention that physical trauma also

happens through medical care.  For example, I worked with a man who had
been drastically disabled after a spinal surgery.  This is an example of how
the solution ended up being worse than the original condition; before he
was able to walk with pain, and now he lives with more pain and depends
on a wheel chair.

When there are physical traumas, Biomagnetism is also important to help

you heal faster and control inflammation and pain.  As we already know,
Biomagnetism focuses on biochemical balance that helps our repair-
mechanisms function to optimal capacity.

On the other hand, when the body is out of balance and there are preexisting
health conditions, an injury could take longer to heal, in comparison to a
healthy person, because the body is already debilitated by disease and the
internal healing mechanisms that repair damages are not functioning at
optimal capacity.

In the case of the man previously mentioned, the result after surgery was
severe disability.  After a biomagnetic session, he was surprised to be able
to take two steps towards his wheelchair without an aide.  With time, he
said he gained strength and was using a walker more often. 

I worked with a different man who was in a horrible automobile accident

and was hospitalized for a long time.  Because of many broken bones, he
was structurally imbalance and walking was difficult for him. 

Two years have passed since I first worked with him, and even though he
still walks unevenly, he reported less pain and overall more strength and
energy from the very beginning.

These are two examples of how it is possible to help with physical traumas
even when 100 % rehabilitation did not happen.

Can I put magnets on myself?

Some patients ask if they can buy magnets somewhere and continue using
them at home, as if more exposure to magnets would increase the healing

Medical Biomagnetism is such a powerful and specific method that within a

couple of minutes, by the end of the session, it can erase the pH
distortion(s) that have been causing the problems.  Therefore, there is no
need for continued exposure to the same areas.  

However, I have spent years determining an effective way for patients to

successfully use magnets at home in a generic way to support their optimal
mind, body and spirit function.

I wanted to create a system that could work for virtually everybody, without
the specifically tailored approach a biomagnetic practitioner provides. 

In other words, rather than a medically oriented focus of diagnosing and

correcting, I wanted to provide a way for people to provide the proper
stimulus so that their body has optimal function.  It is, in effect, an over-the-
counter biomagnetic approach.

The result is detailed in my bestselling book Biomagnetism: The Mind,

Body, Spirit Recalibration System, a self-recalibration system designed to
help you maintain optimal health and energy.

To get the book and a set of the health magnets you will need to do the
protocols, go to .
Is biomagnetic therapy expensive?
At the moment, there is no insurance plan that covers this service; therefore,
your investment will be out of pocket.  However, there are some companies
that pay for this service as a medical expense. 

If you are someone who has been dealing with a health challenge for quite
some time now, you understand that the cost of pain and suffering is not
only economic but also emotional and it affects everybody including, but
not limited to, your family, friends, and co-workers. 

The chronically ill cause a huge financial burden on their families, friends,
and society as a whole. 

The fact is that Biomagnetism is extremely affordable especially when you

compare it to the cost of continuously being ill and under allopathic
pharmaceutical treatments.  People can be on medication for years spending
several hundred dollars a month. 

Most practitioners’ services are generally within a price range that is

comparable to other therapies per visit in their geographic location. 

Considering there is a great possibility that you will fully heal and be able
to get off medication, then continuing a journey of pharmaceutical drugs
will without a doubt be more economically and emotionally expensive. 

Is Biomagnetism a substitute for poor lifestyle choices?

You can certainly continue to engage in poor lifestyle choices if that is your
wish. However, it does not make sense especially if you are living with pain
and suffering. 

You can certainly gain quality of life using Biomagnetism and making poor
choices, but if you want to overcome your problems and live a perfect life,
then poor choices will not help you achieve your goals. 

For example, if your liver hurts, you should do Biomagnetism, but if you
are drinking alcohol every chance you get, then you really need to cut that
out completely or moderate the intake. 

In addition, if you are really stressed out by everything that is going on

around you, you definitely want to try Biomagnetism, but you should also
stop worrying about the things you cannot change and focus on overcoming
your fears. 

It is important to remember that science is not a substitute for a reckless

lifestyle.  Many people will be as healthy as their lifestyle. 

Can you guarantee a cure?

There are a growing number of testimonials worldwide from people
describing how they were cured of cancer, diabetes, arthritis, heart failure,
lupus, multiple sclerosis, and much more using Biomagnetism. 

When we hear miraculous stories like these, it is easy to imagine that

Biomagnetism is the cure-all therapy. 

That certainly appears to be the case especially when we help stop the
disease process from the very beginning.

The truth is that we cannot save everybody, but that does not mean you
should not try it. 

Some people might have been living with a degenerative disease for years
before seeking our help.  Therefore, their damage may be irreversible. 

The same is true for those damaged by allopathic medical treatments, for
example, medication/vaccinations and surgeries. 

Some things we cannot help reverse, but we must not give up, considering
that increasing quality of life is possible. 

The fact is that people die from many disease-related reasons.  Does that
mean that we should just stop trying to make people’s lives easier at the end
Certainly not.

It is encouraging when family members report that their loved one’s quality
of life increased prior to passing away.  For example, there was less pain,
more optimism, more appetite, and even acceptance of death.  

We know Biomagnetism can be the cure, however, we cannot guarantee it. 

There is so much that still needs to be understood about life and death. 

As practitioners, we see dire cases become great success stories, and in

other cases, it appears as though Biomagnetism didn’t help enough.

The bottom line is a very important point, and that is that we all must live to
the very best of our ability. 

If a person chooses to kill themselves with drugs and alcohol and other poor
lifestyle choices (nutritional/emotional), no magnet on earth will make them
do otherwise. 

The lifestyle choices we make are our very own personal decisions to make.

How many sessions do I need?

There are many ways to answer this question, but ultimately, when you are
in control of your life, you decide how many times you seek

Some want an immediate solution to their health challenges and even

though it’s possible that Biomagnetism can help cure you overnight after
only one session, our overall experience tells us that it generally takes
anywhere between one to five sessions to achieve the desired results.

The fact is that every one of us is unique. 

Many factors play a role in your overall well-being such as nutrition,

medications, and emotional health. 
We know that Biomagnetism works whether you believe or not, but the
most important questions are whether you believe in yourself and are
willing to shift behaviors that put you in a disease process to begin with. 

If this is the first time you have a session, and you believe nothing is wrong
with you and you are completely healthy, it makes sense to do two sessions
within the first two weeks. 

The original session addresses some imbalances and the second verifies that
those imbalances are gone. 

Of course, the practitioner might conclude that you are in fact fine.  In that
case, you will not need to come back a second time for another couple of
months for a maintenance checkup or whenever you feel pain again. 

If you are living with a chronic degenerative diagnosis, then the best
options is two to four sessions in a timeframe of 30-40 days. 

In summary, if you are healthy and believe nothing is wrong with you, at
least come once or twice within two weeks.  If you are living with chronic
pain that has been there for a long time then come for one to five sessions in
a timeframe of 30-40 days. 

For maintenance balancing throughout your life you can use Biomagnetism
anytime you want, but every six to seven months – twice a year – makes
sense.  But at the very minimum, do Biomagnetism at least once a year.

Are there people who cannot be helped?

T he fact is that Biomagnetism can help everybody as long as they have a
pulse.  There can be prevention, improvements, and cures. 

Certainly, Biomagnetism is not going to make anybody worse than his or

her current situation. 

Still, there are people who say that Biomagnetism did not work for them. 
The reasons they conclude this can be varied. 
For example, here is an experience I had working with a person with
advanced cancer. 

I told this man to get retested and he returned discouraged because the
imaging test showed the presence of a tumor. 

According to our biomagnetic and bioenergetic scan, this man’s body was
not showing any active infections.  Therefore, I understood that the body
was healing and eventually would eliminate the tumor. 

Another two months passed and this fellow came back with new laboratory
tests that confirmed he no longer had cancer.  His attitude was completely
different.  Now he was happy and felt more energy. 

There is a strong emotional connection to what we perceive works and what

we think doesn’t. 

The fact is that in terms of this man’s healing, nothing changed other than
time and a second test to verify he was cured. 

Other people do not have such serious diagnoses and therefore cannot rely
on medical testing because they’ve already been to the allopathic doctor and
nothing seems to be the matter with them. 

In these cases when they say that Biomagnetism doesn’t work, it also begs
the question as to whether the patient is living a satisfactory lifestyle or is
continuing to challenge their health with poor habits.

Where can I get more advice on how to live a greater quality of

Read my book How Magnets Can Save Your Life.  It is a complete holistic
guide to optimal health that will impact every level of your life and your
physical, emotional and spiritual response to it.  You can secure it at .

Where do I get more information about the science of

Biomagnetism and a guide to doing it myself?
Read my book Biomagnetism: The Mind, Body, Spirit Recalibration
System.  It offers biomagnetic recalibration therapy for each of your body’s
systems complete with diagrams so you can perform the therapy on

For this bestselling book and to get a set of our health magnets to help you
do the pairing, contact . 

Bonus Self-care Strategy: Three Magnets for

Pain Relief
A s a bonus to this book and insight into, Biomagnetism:  The Mind, Body,
Spirit Recalibration System , here is a highly effective pain/tumor relief
protocol.  It is one of several to be featured in that book.

To secure health magnets to conduct this pain relief biomagnetic protocol

on yourself, you can go to .

The following biomagnetic strategy has helped many of my clients relieve

and even eliminate pain.  This is a safe and natural alternative to addictive
and potentially harmful painkillers. 

Important notice: Some who have used this pain-relief protocol reported a
temporary increase in pain; this is a great sign as it indicates transformation
is taking place.  The same people also reported that after a few minutes, the
pain diminished, improved and even disappeared.

Reminder: This biomagnetic combination is not a substitute for medical

care; it is for use after appropriate medical care.

My intention with this magnetic pairing is to help you release your pain and
live in peace. As you perform these magnetic pairings, ask yourself what
other mind, body and spirit actions might be contributing to the pain you
are experiencing.

Suggested Use:
Among the conditions and situations it is effective for are the following:

•          Physical Trauma : Cuts, scratches, sprains, strains, bruises,

fractures, broken bones, or other. Use for 30 minutes, one (1) time per
day until the pain stops.

•          General Pain : If the pain is a headache or stomach-ache or non-

physical trauma (above), use between 1-55 minutes, up to three (3)
times per day until you get pain relief.

•         Tumors/Growths : Use for 60 minutes, four (4) times per day,

minimum 8 consecutive days and continue as needed.

3-Magnetic Combinations:

1.               Place a positive magnet on the left kidney

2.               Place a positive magnet on the right kidney, and
3.                Place a negative magnet on the pain or growth area.  In other
words, place the negative field wherever it hurts or there is tissue
growth, (i.e. head, stomach, fracture, lymph nodes tumors, and moles).

(* Notice that left kidney is slightly higher than right kidney)

Y ou have been presented with information that has saved lives and
continues to do so by using a safe, powerful, practical, precise and effective
scientific method called Goizean Medical Biomagnetism and Bioenergetics

You probably think that you are okay now and only need therapy when
something hurts.  It doesn’t work that way.  Such a view of health is
harmful, considering that diseases often enter our body silently and are
sometimes only detected when it is too late to reverse their damage.

It makes a lot of sense to seek Biomagnetism at any given time in life

whether we think we are healthy or living in pain.  If you think you are fine,
you can still enhance the quality of your life and that of your family

We all deserve to function with optimal energy levels and it becomes much
easier when we understand how to obtain that.

Another book in this series, called Biomagnetism: The Mind, Body, Spirit
Recalibration System, give complete instructions and diagrams to help you
engage in a full recalibration of your body to achieve optimal well-being. 
For the health magnets needed to perform your recalibration, go to . 

About the Author

H olistic Health Practitioner (HHP) Moses Durazo is a Certified
Biomagnetic Practitioner (CBP) specializing in Goizean Medical
Biomagnetism working out of Orange County, California.  He is also an
avid spokesperson and advocate for the alternative medicine industry in the
United States and internationally.

Durazo’s books include: 1. How Magnets Can Save Your Life, 2.

Biomagnetism: The Mind, Body, Spirit Recalibration System, 3. How to
Cure with Alternative Medicine without Government Interference, 4.
Medical Magnets: Saving Lives and Millions of Dollars in Healthcare, and
5. Magnets to the Rescue (a youth-oriented cartoon).  To obtain health
magnets to conduct your personal recalibration as outlined in the second
book, go to .

The journey that took Durazo to his current career is intriguing.  He began
his studies by interning as a Medical Assistant at the University of
California Irvine Medical Clinic.  With his mission to attend medical
school, he began his undergraduate studies at the University of California
Santa Cruz (UCSC).

Attracted to the world of medicine and academic research, he served as a

research assistant at the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS) at the
University of California San Francisco and Children’s Hospital of Los

At UCSC he was exposed to the field of holistic healthcare which

completely caused him a paradigm shift.  It was by taking an acupressure
class that awakened his inner-consciousness.  He wanted to learn more
about the safe and natural mind, body and spirit medicines our ancestors
have used throughout the centuries and completed UCSC’s holistic health
practitioner certification program.  He also graduated with a Bachelor of
Arts in Language Studies.

The combination of holistic medicine and language studies expanded his

way of thinking, and motivated him to travel to Europe, Asia and Latin
America.  As a German-language student, in 1998 he participated in a
university summer-long work-abroad program in Switzerland.

This life-enhancing experience showed him that despite our cultural

differences, at the very core of our existence, all people and societies have
the same struggles in life, which have to do with obtaining and maintaining
optimal mind, body and spiritual balance.

Years later, a summer trip to Mexico in 2008 set into motion a curiosity that
led him to look deeper into Goizean Medical Biomagnetism as a specific
healthcare therapy as opposed to a “blind” application of magnetic fields
such as magnet therapy (bracelets, mattresses, etc.).
On his travels he met a dentist who had given up his successful practice to
dedicate himself to Goizean Biomagnetism.  The former dentist told Durazo
of all the healing and pain reduction he had witnessed in such a short time
practicing this Biomagnetic science.

When Durazo returned to the United States, he got in touch with a

biomagnetic association, but he could not obtain the direction he was
seeking.  He wanted to study the theories of Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán.  He
returned to Mexico City to study with him directly, and continued to be
amazed at the healing results achieved.

At one point in his life, Durazo suffered greatly from a chronic health issue
and conventional and traditional medicines and therapies did not help. 
However, when a pair of magnets were placed on his body, he immediately
– from one day to the next – experienced great relief; he found the cure to
his problem.  He immediately knew that pioneering this science would be
his newfound mission!

As his mind expanded to the healing options in the medical biomagnetic

field, he also became more aware of the multidimensional aspect of life and
reacquainted himself with his interest in holistic health training.  He
discovered an efficient method that honors a hands-on approach and trained
in the art of Quantum Alphabiotic (Spinal) Alignments.

Today Durazo does his best to stay up to date with medical technology in
order to deliver the very best in natural medical care.  He discovered a
powerful PEMF medical technology called the BEMER (Bio Electro
Magnetic Energy Regulation), which members have been benefiting from
greatly, and purchasing for their own home care. 

For more information and to order, visit this link:

Glossary of Terms
T hroughout this book, certain terms are used that are familiar to those of
use working in alternative medicine practices; the average patient may or
may not feel familiar with them. 

Therefore, to ensure consistency and simplicity, we offer this quick guide to

terms frequently used in this book.

Allopathic Medicine :  Also referred to as conventional medicine or

mainstream medicine.  This refers to Western medicine or modern medicine
practiced by licensed physicians throughout the world.

Alternative Medicine :  For the purposes of this book, this term refers to
medicine or therapies that are used outside of the boundaries of allopathic

Complementary Medicine :  Complementary medicine refers to the

concept of practicing traditional medicine with alternative medicine.  For
example, a doctor may prescribe painkillers, a traditional medication, with
acupuncture, a therapy practiced outside of the scope of mainstream

Integrative Medicine:   H ealing-oriented medicine that takes account of

the whole person (body, mind, and spirit), including all aspects of lifestyle. 
It emphasizes a therapeutic relationship and makes use of all appropriate
therapies, both conventional and alternative.

Members :  Patients, clients or customers of the public sector are members

of an association in the private sector upon agreeing to and signing relevant

Participants : Patients, clients, customers or members that participate as

recipients of therapy. 

Biomagnetism : For the purpose of this book, this term refers to Goizean
Medical Biomagnetism, Medical Biomagnetism, or the Biomagnetic Pair.

pH Balance : pH is the acronym of Potential Hydrogen.  pH balance is the

foundation to the biomagnetic theory.

Complete Book collection

1.  Biomagnetism: The Mind, Body, Spirit Recalibration System. This is an
illustrated do-it-yourself biomagnetic system that will show you safe,
powerful and effective steps to help you be in greater control of your life. 
Magnets are necessary and kits do exist. 

2.  How Magnets Saved My Life – A Holistic Guide to Optimal Health.  If

you are interested in natural ways of taking care of yourself, this book will
teach you how to identify multidimensional conflicts that affect life. You
will also learn how to avoid those obstacles through simple strategies at
your reach.

3.  How you can Prevent, Improve and Cure Disease Using Magnets –
Goizean Medical Biomagnetism and Bioenergetics: Frequently Asked
Questions. Learn in more depth how the powerful Medical Biomagnetic
Pair therapy can help you and your family. 

4.  Medical Magnets: Saving Lives and Millions of Dollars in Healthcare. 

If you would like your medical insurance to pay for Biomagnetism, or if
you work in the insurance industry and want your company to save
thousands of dollars and improve patient’s benefits, read this book.

5.  How to Cure with Alternative Medicine without Government

Interference.  If you practice alternative medicine with a degree of fear and
would like legal protection, this book is for you.
6.  Magnets to the Rescue: A Family Wellness Adventure.  This story is an
adventurous biomagnetic healing cartoon for youth.

Titles also available in Spanish

About Save Me Magnets Kits

Different kits available at and
Material : ceramic permanent. Therapeutic Strength : 3800 Gauss.
Dimensions: 0.5 x 1 x 2 inches (approximately). Encased : plastic for easy
polarity identification: Red/Positive (opposite side Negative).  Plastic
protects against breaking and/or chipping.

Why You Need BEMER Medical

Technology at Home
T he BEMER PEMF medical technology is an incredible device that is
helping thousands of our members at our private membership medical
association to have greater healing response when combined with

Our professional and semi-professional athletes use this technology for

optimal performance, as should everybody on earth.

More and more of our members are making their purchase, some of which
describe this technology like being a “doctor in a box” - it really is that
powerful and effective!

We invite you to visit our website ( for more

information on how you too can experience this technology for yourself. 

Once you try it, we know you’ll love it!  We can help you order one
immediately; it ships to over 40 countries. 

As of October 16, 2018, you will have the opportunity to finance this
medical device. 

Without a doubt every family, workplace, organization, and so on, must

have one in order to live an optimal quality of life. 

Together we can end pain and suffering, and say hello to optimal wellness
and great energy!

Works cited
Britannica, E. (2014). . Retrieved 2014, from

Cayce, E. (2014). .

Retrieved from
CBS. (2014, October 5). 60 Minutes.

Goiz Durán, D. I. (2008). El Fenómeno Tumoral. 3rd Edition: Universidad

Autónoma Chapingo.

Goiz Durán, D. I. (2008). El Par Biomagnético. Universidad Autónoma


Goiz Durán, D. I., & Hilu, D. R. (2009). Par biomagnético hongos, virus,
bacterias y parásitos. Oxford International University.

Greene, B. (2011). NOVA-beta., PBS.

Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC).

September 17, 2014

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Successful Cases

1. Diabetes, Inflammation, Eye Sight, and Aggression

2. Finger and Lip Warts

3. Infertility and Pregnancy

4. Ovarian Cyst and High Risk Miscarriage

5. Back Pain and Weight Loss

6. Avoiding Pancreatic Surgery

7. Breast Cancer Cure

8. Arthritis Pain Reduction

9. Terminal Bone Cancer

10. Reduction in Blood Pressure Medicine

11. West Nile Virus & Neurological Repair

What Is Goizean Medical Biomagnetism?

Can Biomagnetism help me if I don’t have problems?

Is Biomagnetism invasive?

Is Biomagnetism preventative?

What kind of equipment is used?

Who discovered Medical Biomagnetism (Pair Theory)?

Is There Scientific Evidence?

Despite the evidence, why is there skepticism?

How does Biomagnetism work?

What can Biomagnetism cure?

What causes pH imbalances?

What is a:  virus, bacteria, fungus, or a parasite?

What are dysfunctions?

What are toxins?

What is a psychological disorder?

What are emotional challenges?

What are deficiencies?

What is spirituality and spiritual interference?

What is a foreign DNA?

What is a malignancy?
What are Chakra imbalances?

What is a reservoir?

Why is pH balance important?

How do you detect pH distortions?

What is Medical Bioenergetics?

How do you know where to place magnets?

Do I need to believe for it to work?

What is the difference between Magnet Therapy, Goizean Medical Biomagnetism and Durazo’s
self-care Biomagnetic Recalibration therapy?

Is Biomagnetism safe?

Is Biomagnetism safe for pregnant women?

Can you take Biomagnetism therapy if you are taking chemotherapy or other treatments?

Is Biomagnetism painful or dangerous?

What happens when I mix Biomagnetism with allopathic treatment?

Does Biomagnetism interfere with other natural therapies?

Does Biomagnetism interfere with metallic surgical implants?

Does Biomagnetism interfere with pacemakers?

What to expect on your first visit

What is the Private Membership Medical Association document?

What is the symptom questionnaire?

What is the initial interview like?

How long are the sessions?

What if I can’t lie down for a long time?

Can somebody come with me to my appointment?

What did you find?  What’s wrong with me?

How did I get this condition/infection/problem?

Special Services

How do you work with children?

How do you work with amputees or the paralyzed?

What is Distance Healing?

Can I treat my pet with Biomagnetism?

What will I feel during and afterwards?

What is a healing crisis?

Was I supposed to feel something?

Why do some feel it and others don’t?

What if I don’t feel anything after my session?

What should I do after a session?

Should I go to the hospital or do Biomagnetism first?

Should I stop taking medication or supplements?

Do you prescribe medication or supplements?

The Big Issues That Come Up All the Time

Can Biomagnetism cure cancer?

Does Biomagnetism work for emotional issues?

Does Biomagnetism work for physical injuries?

Can I put magnets on myself?

Is biomagnetic therapy expensive?

Is Biomagnetism a substitute for poor lifestyle choices?

Can you guarantee a cure?

How many sessions do I need?

Are there people who cannot be helped?

Where can I get more advice on how to live a greater quality of life?

Where do I get more information about the science of Biomagnetism and a guide to doing it

Bonus Self-care Strategy: Three Magnets for Pain Relief


About the Author

Glossary of Terms

Complete Book collection

About Save Me Magnets Kits

Why You Need BEMER Medical Technology at Home

Works cited

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