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SS — cis QD om EET , ee 2 a bestbrains”., ae Prefixes r A prefix is added to the beginning of a , base word to change its meaning. i sveestunafnantstcell UE | Here are some common prefixes and their ; Meanings: in - not pre - before im-not re - again un - not mis - wrongly. incorrectly dis - not, opposite of 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 i For example, if you add the prefix im- in t front of the base word perfect, you get t imperfect = not perfect. 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I ! \ I 1 Now you try: un + happy un heppy Z \ 3 Q means iE 4 ah é 8 3s EJ1L1.1 The prefixes in-, im- and un- all mean “note Here are some common words with these Prefixes. EE FE > inactive > impolite > unreal > insecure > impatient > unfair > invisible > impossible > unkind Pere. refixin SdH Word: Whe the meaning of the complete word on the line. Drcapae Nt _coPable © immobiie et nv bil uneven m™e ve preheat eto : mistreat __ wrongly Treg redo on | : EJIL1.2 t. , aaa SHEERS eee Ee eee cea a | Wea err corocahrion (OE a) =) loyal ae What does the word misguided mean? A guided again B guided before ()wrongly guided EJ1L1.3 The yellow wall was too bright so we painted it. saan tO Elle is lost because she is familiar with the area. WW Srikar fills the fishbowl with clean water. Ea Fills Lila connected the plug from the outlet. he onne€ted He was honest when he told a lie. ans My answer was marked correct. au ih corre EJ1L1.4 The main idea is the most important idea in a text. The supporting details help you better understand what the main idea is. They make your main idea stronger. Supporting details contain facts that clarify, explain and illustrate the main idea. They help to explain who, what, where, why and how, Supporting details can include: >» comparisons/contrasts » examples > statistics/graphs p quotations You can use a graphic organizer like this to organize your main idea and supporting details. Main Idea: The effects and strength of an earthquake vary. Earthquakes are measured using the Richter scale. In 2011, there was a powerful earthquake and tsunami in Japan, Detail 1 Detail 2 Detail 3 Earthquakes can cause tsunamis. EJ1L1.5 Read the passage below. Then answef the questions that follow. a In some parts of the world, it's not uncommon to feel the Earth shake under your feet. This can be q very disturbing experience if the earthquake is a strong one. Sometimes, if the earthquake is very strong and happens in or near the ocean, the movement causes huge, fast-moving waves called a tsunami. The Tohoku, Japan quake in 2011 resulted in a powerful tsunami. This earthquake was one of the strongest ever recorded. When a quake and tsunami happen in the same region, dire effects result. The district of Sendai suffered major human and environmental effects. In Japan, oil refineries were hit by the tsunami and caught fire. In the district of Fukushima, a nuclear power plant was heavily damaged. Radiation polluted towns for miles around. In another area, highway bridges fell and cut off access to the damaged towns. Trains were washed off their tracks by the tsunami waves and Japan's usually-dependable transportation system was temporarily stopped. Luckily, not all earthquakes are as strong, or do as much damage, as the Tohoku quake. Many small earthquakes occur daily, all over the planet. At EJ1L1.6 times, man's activity is thought to cause small quakes, such as the ones sometimes felt near mining operations. Small quakes offen pass unnoticed. Earthquakes small and large are rated for strength according to the Richter magnitude scale. The higher the number of magnitude, the stronger an earthquake is. Magnitude tells an earthquake's effects by measuring seismic, or quake, waves going through the rocks of the planet. This measurement was first developed to measure quakes in southern California. A magnitude of less than 3.0 can barely be felt. An earthquake of magnitude 9.5, like the one that devastated Chile in| South America in 1960, causes widespread, heavy damage. The strongest quake ever felt in America happened in 1964, near Anchorage, Alaska. It measured 9.2 on the Richter scale and caused houses to slide into the sea and destroyed many buildings. passage to Gnswerthe follow! wing questi fons, pores Y Based on the context clues, what does the word dire mean? a. lucky b. positive (cerious EJ1L1.7 @ A tsunami can best be described gs. a. damage caused by an earthquake b. a serious earthquake erated by an earthquake Gyocean waves gen What is the main idea of the passage? beE*Plain. Give at least three supporting details to back up your main idea. he Coxth quakes cause WMecsive : e Ck ion. wh Cand it 16 Phe world An extended response requires more than a one word answer. ( r The answer needs to be written in a 5-sentence paragraph. This oh question is designed to test your ability to give supported ire tecchersnote CINSWers With details. EJ1L1.8 week. You will be tested on their definitions pnext week. Below are your rae ar tors (QY) - esmeged a — panes the way in which someone stands a person who publicly paiizcls SS, a anes a , to lose as a punishment logical and well- Sanne to become gag involved in | i | | i Make sure to study! a aCe EVAL1.9 ti Low Name bestorains ‘ime j TO fh Prefixes Using in-, un- or im-, add the correct prefix to each base word below to form a new word. Then | write the meaning of the word on the line. p Beeewotl fa Meco dot Safe __| ca ett) complete [pose [1 Do e503 Add one of the pretixes serene E bold base word fo complete the sentences.\) 7 Sara was iS approved to go backstage after the concert. \ ) He was very) polite because he was having a bad day. |g LS agree with you and I'll tell you why. She is_1__ capable of playing due to her broken arm. If you want to go on the field trip next month, you must pte pay. Magda forgot her line during the play and was so embarrassed that she wished she were _{h visible. im- in- dis- pre- EJ1L2.2 1. If you don't follow directions, you are (obedient/disobedient). . If you act childish, you are (camatuse/ | mature). fe . If you are having good luck, you are ear unfortunate). . If say something wrong, yOu (pronounce/ . If you can touch it, it is considered (tangible) intangible). . If you are neat and tidy, you are (Genives) * disorganized). . If your jacket is open, it is (zipped, . If you have three marbles in one pile and four marbles in one pile, the piles are (even/Gneven). EJ1L2.3 Peonies are a type of flower. Many gardeners plant this delightful flower because it's easy to grow and produces buds starting from its second year. Its long-lasting nature makes it very popular. Its huge, colorful blossoms appear from late April to late July, year after year. Peonies may not be native to the midwest, but they act like native Midwesterners. lone small Chicago suburb was once known as “The Peony Village” for the beauty of the many plantings around town. | Peonies like full sun and well-drained soil. If they're grown in a warmer climate, they thrive on shade during the heat of the day. In a freshly planted bed, they think over their new home for a couple of years. Blooms aren't seen the first year or until they've considered their new home for a while. Once they start blossoming, they produce large, colorful flowers. The bigger blooms can barely be held in two hands! Besides the traditional pale-pink color, peonies can come in a variety of colors, including white, bright pink, purple and even yellow. As a challenge for gardeners who plant the big “double" variety, the blooms can sometimes weigh down the stalks that support them. Peonies can be | EJ1L2.5 * seen bowed to the ground after a heavy rain. To avoid this mishap, smart gardeners surround the young plants with metal support frames. Unlike many flowering plants, peonies seem to thrive on neglect. It makes them perfect for gardeners with little time to fuss. They don't care for lots of feitilizer; in fact they do better if not disturbed much. Some clumps, if left alone, have been known to thrive for over a hundred years. Little ant-like bugs are commonly found on peonies. They're not harmful to the plant, but just drop in to drink its rich nectar from the blossoms. Some gardeners say the plants need the ants in order to bloom, but this may not be true, since some} plants seem to do just fine ant-free. Peonies can grow well in many areas of the U.S. If you decide to plant them, ignore them completely for a couple of years and then get ready to enjoy these fun flowers after they've found their feet a few seasons later. [ffise the passage fo answer the folowing cuestions Based on the context clues, what does the word mishap mean? ) accident b. story c. celebration EJ1L2.6 F Peonies tend to bloom as soon as they are planted. | ry Prefixes | | | } Level Name Date bestbrains Nitin LEARNING CENTERS, Bpscathecorect prefix to each base Word, > | 1, Says mature 9. aa assure oe PC pug 3. EE —conrore Y Ds nes 4, re, new 12. ue organize & ie genes 13,15 _ lead fe are 14.19) ~ usual { 7. Mi > judge 15.) __ safe 3,_}) expected TeLPCC match ee | f§'Match each prefix to a base word that makes the most cae oe Choose the word with a prefix. ® preschool Oimportant O disaster EJ1L3.4 dine passage below. Then q | n questions that follow. —= \ Werk | | ( > In 2017, scientists predicted a total Eclipse a sun. This fascinating eventis rare. and a person, 7 wants to see it must live in or go to a Certain creat | view it. co | Solar eclipses are produced when the sun, Earth I and moon line up exactly right. It doesn't happen || often, but at certain times the three bodies are in the correct alignment. The moon happens to be just big enough that when it travels in between the sun and our home planet, the moon can | completely cover the sun as seen from Earth. Eclipses in the past were seen as signs of terrible disaster. According to NationalGeographic - Magazine{ the Inca people of Central America thought tha a heavenly jaguar would swallow the | ; sun. After it attacked the sun, it was feared that this jaguar would then fall to Earth and eat the people. | ¢ | (Inthe ancient Mesopotamian culture of the | Middle East, people linked eclipses to attacks 0 otamian |, | the king of their country. Since the Mesop ae astronomers were good at predicting eclipses: invented a form of "king insurance.” In ordet f0 prevent any mishap endangering their real Kind: they'd i ; _and if hey'd install a fake king for that day: Crect i real "| anything bad happened, it wouldn't af x i Bstl yi Ris Not every culture thought eclipses were a bad i T thing though. One tribe in Togo, Africa says that the moon and sun are fighting during an eclipse. The people engage themselves in dances and celebrations, and encourage the sun and moon to calm down. The tribe sees this as a chance to come together and settle their differences and make friends again. Modern eclipse-lovers often travel long distances to the places where an eclipse can be seen. This short time of the total blackout of the sun by the moon is an exciting and beautiful thing to view. It's called “totality,” and scientists and eclipse-fans go where the path of totality throws its shadow across the planet. Other areas may see a partial eclipse, which is also thrilling to experience. Many planetariums and museums throw ‘eclipse- viewing parties and teach young and old about the fascinating behavior of the stars and the planets. . the passage to answerthe following questions. 5 i Based on the context clues, what does the word engage mean? a. separate b. hide \S involve EJ1L3.6 e What is the main’ AaSe of the pass . iO | wyery Paint pag : \ Give two supporting details that support the main idea. r Why aS you think eee feoredi en eclipse? { fh. Impatient means not patient. true Review means to view before. Misspell means to spell again. w falde Unbelievable means not believable. Ao See Insecure means not secure. Yur Dislike means to like again. — EJ1L4.4 i al oy Write an antonym for each word below It may be a short phrase. i disobedient Ohtdient misbehave e hav & misread aa Loe | C NAN \ tea OS6)\ Ie Meni improper cin imc AOMIRAE 2 i ; | evs | \ : Poe mead the passage below. Then answer the Piescsion that follow. Maye. i ny A [he aSelfie Do you ever wonder how professional photographers take such wonderful pictures? Like so many other careers, it takes training and experience to become good at photography. Photography is both an art and a science. Science comes in when the photographer begins to learn about the properties of light, which is part of the science called physics. Light waves behave in certain ways, and these properties can be used when taking a picture to produce a certain effect. One of the coolest effects is the way light never stays the same for more than a few moments. Light is always in motion. Some photographers use this property of light to create time-lapse photography, which can show you a flower budding or an explosion in slow motion. Photographers also learn some of the same skills as any graphic artist. Painters, sculptors and computer artists learn some of the same elements of creativity. Composition, balance and creating a pleasing image are part of their education. The use of color in photography is similar to the use of color in painting; a compelling photo will use the same concepts of color, balance and eye movement as Q good drawing. Also, a coherent photograph will EJ1L4.6 | use the "tule of thirds." One thirg ° photograph will be the foregroun part; the next will bé the subject, nicely f the Cl or fro Cent _— page —-> knight 5 page —-» lord —> knight lc) Page —_ squire —— knight EJ1L5.7 0 a Adda prefix to each base word to match each Pocivion i é f 2 to not respect ) to pay ahead Z ee 3 Be pess oC not possible 4 — Rot comparable 5 fest, 100) 1X “not polite 6 re till to fill before : Base Words: EJ1L6.1 Ze Add the prefix pre- or mis- to each Word } change the meaning. Then write what + . new word means. ng base word new word eet Te approve determine | ee fib ls aad 5 oo’ passage below, Then answer the that follow. The Life of a Lady inthe Middle Ages, both boys and girls underwent g to fit themselves for their adult professions. If were a girl and dreamed of becoming a knight, my were Out Of luck. But if noble-born, you might into be the lady of a castle or a manor. family and ancestors decided whether you become a noble lady of the manor. As with oung boys, a git's education began at O seven\A youngster would leave her home ould be the only gitl in training, but often there e . She'd begin by learning simple t both men's and women's clothing She ~ ES OSS la id also learn to manage the castle's servants € girl would also acquire necessary social skills, ould be expected to have the stance ane- of a noble lady, and she would learn how to in almost any social situation she might inter. She'd also learn to play a musical EJ1L6.5 instrument, to sing. speak a foreign language land to dance. One skill she might not learn was fo read. Few noblewomen in the Middle Ages possessed this skij, and some of those who could tended to hide their \abilities so they wouldn't develop a bad reputation, “once a young lady married, she would move from her foster parents' home to her husband's, There| she would take over management of the householg, | and sometimes of the lands it called home. In these duties she would often replace her husband's mother. The young lady's mother-in-law would move | to a property of her own, called a dower house and __ ||was expected not to interfere in the life of the new family. Some, of course, interfered anyway. An intelligent young woman, once she'd gotten some experience, might learn to read and write. Several medieval noblewomen were advocates for '|women writing poetry and plays. Above alll, she would learn to uphold her husband's and her family's place in society, for she had been trained with no 4 other expectation. 4 EJ1L6.6 iene” to answer the following Dased on the context clues, what does the word stance mean? a, nicest clothes (oiine way in which someone stands c. Intelligence r Based on the context clues, what does the word advocates mean? a, supporters b. designers @triends What is the main idea of the passage? CUNY Give two supporting details that support the main idea. St 1 Bt, for both mm amd Reyer

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