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All about healthy foods

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Bananas Almonds (or nuts in general) Mangoes, peaches and strawberries Eggs Figs Garlic Dark Chocolate Watermelon Oysters Oysters are packed full of zinc, essential for testosterone production and the maintenance of healthy sperm. 10. Pumpkin seeds Like oysters, pumpkin seeds are also extremely rich in zinc, and quite a bit cheaper. 11. Fish 12. Chilies Chilies are hot because they have tons of capsaicin, a chemical which also increases blood flow and triggers the release of mood-enhancing endorphins. 13. Steak 14. Beans 15. Goji berries Also called Wolfberries, and available in most health food stores, these berries typically come in a dried form thats boiled to make a tea. Goji berries are reputed to increase testosterone levels. 16. LIVER. Not the sexiest of foods but may increase low or slowed libido. A good source of

17. Bee pollen Bee pollen can help boost the sperm count. After all, it is made from millions of particles of a semen-like substance. Pollen's role in nature is to fertilize. 18. Cardamom (Laichi) 19. Pomegranate 20. Oats 21. Ginger 22. Fennel (sonf) 23. Pomegranate juice 24. The caffeine was the first known PDE inhibitor. 25. Sildenafil (Viagra) is the first commercialized compound in this class. This class has been recently joined by vardenafil (Levitra) and tadalafil (Cialis).

The normal pathway for penile erection (Figure 2) may not work properly if the cGMP level in corpus cavernosum smooth muscle cells is not elevated sufficiently or if relaxation of smooth muscle in this tissue is deficient (Jeremy et al, 1997; Corbin and Francis, 1999). PDE-5 inhibitors enhance erectile function during sexual stimulation by penetrating into smooth muscle cells and inhibiting PDE-5. This results in decreased degradation of cGMP, which maintains sufficient cellular levels of cGMP in both corpus cavernosum and the vessels supplying it. This increases relaxation of the smooth muscle, which dilates the corporeal sinusoids resulting in increased blood flow, allowing an erection to occur. Sildenafil or one of the other PDE-5 inhibitors foster accumulation of the cell cGMP by competitively inhibiting PDE-5, which triggers penile erection. PDE-5 inhibitors do not increase the nitric oxide level, but they potentiate the nitric oxide effect to stimulate erection. Without sexual arousal, this effect activates the nerve-nitric oxide pathway, these inhibitors are ineffective.

Figure 2. Regulation of penile corpus cavernosum smooth muscle relaxation and effect of PDE-5 inhibitors.

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Researches have developed the first OTC natural PDE5 inhibitor treatment called VigRX Plus . If you could fix erectile dysfunction with a clinically proven natural PDE5 Inhibitor that the Top 3 US doctors recommend wouldnt you choose that over a medicated PDE5 blocker? Fact: VigRX Plus is the worlds only clinically proven, in actual human trials on men with erectile dysfunction, natural PDE5 inhibitor that provides a complete erectile dysfunction treatment experience. Using VigRX Plus as a 1st line treatment to combat erectile dysfunction, you can rely on these results that are taken directly from the clinical trial:

VigRX Oil is also a clinically proven formula that instantly intensifies every aspect of mens sexual performance and pleasure. No prescriptions are required, and there are no unpleasant side effects. Nitric oxide is the single most important substance in the erection process because it relaxes your blood vessels that increase oxygenated blood flow to your penis, muscles and tissues.

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