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Top 15 Veg Foods To Increase Sexual Stamina.

Top 15 Veg Foods To Increase Sexual Stamina.

Eating the right foods can enhance passion and sexual stamina for both men and women. There
are many medications that can get you through a good night in the bedroom, but it takes the right
diet to get you through the rest of your life, including fruits, vegetables, and nuts.
15 Veg Foods To Increase Sexual Stamina.
Let’s look at popular veg foods that increase sexual stamina and keeps your body healthy and
energetic. These include the following:

1. Banana
Bananas are naturally imbued with B vitamins that increases our energy levels and helps to de-
stress us. Bananas also contain tryptophan, which is an amino acid needed to produce serotonin,
which is called the ‘feel good’ hormones. Bananas are high in potassium, used to produce sex
hormones, increase our sex drive, and improve our heart system. They also contain bromelain,
which is an enzyme that helps to improve the body’s blood flow and increase low libido

2. Peanut Butter
Peanut butter is rich in monounsaturated fats, which boosts dopamine levels. Dopamine is the
responsible chemical compound that increases a woman’s sexual emotions. Peanuts also are high
in zinc which has been proven scientifically to increase a man’s sperm count and the sperm’s

3. Beetroot Juice
Beetroot is high in nitrates, which is changed to nitrites, by bacterial anaerobes when it lands on
our tongue. Beetroot juice is one of the world’s “super foods,” because of its many benefits for
the human body, including increasing sexual stamina. The juice richly increased the red blood
cells to enable more energy production and oxygen, to be circulated throughout the body,
especially to the sexual organs for better erections and orgasms.

4. Red Grapes
Nature’s red grapes are the immune system’s cheerleader. The red grapes contain a chemical
compound called “stilbenoids” and “resveratrol,” which are heart healthy solutions to help stave
off heart attacks, strokes, and provides lots of energy for increased sexual stamina. Eating a hand
full of red grapes equips you with bountiful minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, all of which gives
men and women longer lasting stamina for life’s daily routines and especially in the boudoir.

5. Oatmeal
Having a bowl of oatmeal for men is like having a spoonful of Viagra. Oatmeal helps penile
muscles to relax, allowing a healthy blood flow into the penis. It also boosts testosterone levels
in the bloodstream and its helps to strengthen sex drives and orgasms in both men and women.
Oats alone contain L-arginine, which is an amino acid that has been used to treat erectile

6. Coffee
Coffee houses are going to love the fact that coffee is sexually beneficial. Caffeinated coffee is a
stimulate but for the right body parts. It helps to enhance sexual arousal if consumed in moderate
amounts. Many athletes are encouraged to consume caffeinated coffee before they workout
because it boosts their cardio system allowing them to burn more calories. When men and
women drink a cup before sex, their performance can also produce the same results.

7. Beans
Beans are naturally pure protein. Protein helps to build the body’s muscle system and they are
good for the heart, especially kidney, garbanzos, black beans, and navy beans. They are rich in
potassium, fiber, and antioxidants, all of which helps to increase sexual stamina and energy for
longer lasting sexual performance. People who consume more beans, are healthier and they don’t
have a weight problem.

8. Citrus Fruits
Men who eat more citrus fruits like grapefruits and oranges can improve their sperm count and
motility. Citrus fruits can boost bedtime performance due to its vast Vitamin C contents to
improve better sperm health in men and to help infertility chances in both men and women. With
its product of antioxidants, men and women can enjoy mental focus, improved mood, and
decreases stress for better erections.

9. Brown Rice
Brown rice is another libido boosting food that contains many compounds that are beneficial for
the whole body, including manganese that helps control the nervous system for better penile
erections and a healthy reproductive system.

10. Apples
Adam and Eve found out that apples contain Phenylethylamine which gives men and women a
natural feeling of excitement and arousal. When you want to have good sex, eat apples that are
rich in nutrients need by the penile area, testicles, prostate glands, veins and arteries, in opening
up a healthy blood flow to help achieve and maintain an erection.

11. Soya Bean

Soya beans are the super heroes of super foods. It contains a plant hormone called “Genistein,”
which boosts the production of collagen and is helpful in women going through menopause.
Genistein helps to boost estrogen levels and keeps the skin looking youthful.

12. Maca
Maca is an herbal root that is akin to the radish family and it is a Viagra favored plant in South
America. Maca is well renowned as an aphrodisiac for healthy sex drives and performance. It is
highly rich in Vitamin B which also increases the body’s energy levels and is a stress relieving

13. Dry Fruits

Dry fruits have been proven to be effective in helping sexual impotency. Daily consumption of
dry fruit varieties, help to increase sexual stamina.

14. Pumpkin
In the form of pumpkin seeds, this zinc laden food product is important in the production of
testosterone levels and improved sexual desires in men and women. Pumpkin seeds are rich in
the health fatty acid known as omega 3, which acts like a hormone substance in sexual health
conditions like sexual drive and fertility.

15. Corn
Yes, corn is a starch vegetable, which is high in fiber and has many benefits to the human body.
One of its many components is the mineral, manganese. Manganese stabilizes our blood sugar
levels, breaks down carbs and fat for increased stamina and energy. It also strengthens the tissue
system throughout our bodies, including the tissues of our sexual organs.
Each of these foods are not only delicious, but with a varied daily diet of their goodness, they
will give you and your partner the endurance to keep the love going. These foods will help
remove the plaque off the arterial walls to keep your blood flowing and your love life ongoing.

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