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12 Health benefits of Passion Fruit

1. A good source of vitamins

Passion fruit is a good source of vitamin C and A. One hundred grams of passion fruits
contain 30 mg vitamin C and 1274 IU vitamin A. a single passion fruit contains more
than 100% of the daily required amount of vitamin C. Vitamin A is essential for good
eyesight. Vitamin C is a powerful water soluble antioxidants. Consumption of fruits rich
in vitamin C helps the body develop resistance against infection and scavenge pro-
inflammatory free radicals inside our body.

2. Rich in omega 6 fatty acids

The seeds of passion fruit contain as high as 85% unsaturated fatty acid. They are full
of linoleic and oleic acid. Both are essential fatty acids that are essential for body and
skin health. Omega-6 fatty acids also play a crucial role in brain function and normal
growth and development.

3. Regulate blood pressure

Fresh passion fruit is rich in potassium that 100 g fruit pulp has 348 mg of
potassium.One serving of passion fruit provides us ¼ of our daily requirement of
potassium. Potassium’s primary function in our body is to regulate fluid balance. It
relaxes the smooth muscle cells within the vessel walls, especially in the large veins,
large arteries and smaller arterioles. When blood vessels dilate, the blood flow is
increased due to the decreased vascular resistance. Therefore, the dilation property of
potassium in passion fruit leads to an immediate decrease in blood pressure.

4. Protect heart health

The high potassium content of passion fruit also functions to control the electrical
activity of the heart and other muscles. In this way, potassium is highly effective in
regulating blood pressure and enables your heart to beat in a healthy way. Moreover,
the high cholesterol amount in blood is detrimental to heart health. The fiber of passion
fruits reduces cholesterol level in blood and increases the good cholesterol HDL.

5. Help with sleep

If you are having trouble sleeping or feeling anxious most of the time, regular
consumption of passion fruit might help. Passion fruit juice contains the
alkaloid, Harman, which is a mild sedative agent and can aid in inducing sleep.

6. A mood enhancer
Similarly, the medicinal alkaloids in passion fruits relax the nervous system. This makes
passion fruit a very effective mood enhancer. Many doctors are using the natural
alkaloids to treat depression and anxiety.

7. Anticancer
The high amount of vitamin A, vitamin C and flavonoids of passion fruit protect us from
cancer. These antioxidants eliminate free radicals and prevent cancerous mutation of
the DNA of healthy cells.
8. Reduce inflammation
Bioactive phytochemicals in passion fruits, such as tannins, flavonoids, saponins and
triterpenoid steroids, demonstrated anti-inflammatory functions. It was demonstrated in
animal studies that a dosage of 200 mg/kg of the passion fruit extract significantly
reduced the inflammation symptoms.

9. Improve digestion
Passion fruits contain a high amount of dietary fiber especially the soluble fiber. A single
serving of passion fruit provides us up to 98% of daily requirement of fiber. Fiber
absorbs water and softens the stools. Soluble fiber facilitates regular bowel movement
and promotes the growth of probiotics.

10. Boost immune system

Our immune system is responsible for identifying the threat and eliminating it from our
body. Passion fruit has been cultivated in ancient times in boosting the immune system.
The immune strength property is attributed to the antioxidants. These antioxidants
stimulate the activity of white blood cells and the defense system, to protect from
common illnesses.

11. Stronger bones

The magnesium, copper, iron and phosphorus content of passion fruit are beneficial to
the health of our bones. Consumption of passion fruit increase bone’s density, combat
bone fragility and speed up bone repair.

12. Nourish the skin

The high amount of vitamin A and C in passion fruit work perfectly for the health of the
skin. Vitamin C promotes collagen formation which is critical for keeping the skin cells
from damage related to aging.

Side effects of eating too much

Eating passion fruits has no known severe side effects. However, it does have some
possible side effect if eating a large amount, such as nausea. Precautions should be
taken for those with special conditions.

 Eating too much passion fruit may cause drowsiness.

 It may also enhance the effects of anticoagulants which help to dilute the blood.
Hence, it is not recommended to take aspirin along with passion fruit unless it is
advised by your doctors.
 For people have heart palpitation, you should not eat passion fruits. Arrhythmia
and muscle contraction exception is some serious side effects of passion fruit. The
abnormal heart rhythm will increase the risk of heart attack, stroke and high blood

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