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“Conversation About Healthy Life”

NAMA : Angelina Priscilia Rumuty (2021102052)
: Dela Agulera Simangunsong (2021102181)

Dela : Hay Angel, I heard that you‘re wiped out, is it right?
Angel : Yes, I’m having an awful day. I got seasonal influenza and
of late I keep on being in the house to take a rest.
Dela : Have you meet a specialist?
Angel : obviously. 6 days prior I went to the specialist.
Dela : Would you say you are affirm now? Is it accurate to say that
you are feeling better?
Angel : After I met the specialist, my wellbeing changed to be better.
Nonetheless, yesterday my wellbeing was getting terrible
once more.
Dela : Why is that so?
Angel : I chose to run with my companions, and when I got back
home, I feel a terrible body condition.
Dela : I surmise that was the wrong choice.
Angel : I really realized that I was not permitted to go outside before
I was totally recuperated. However, I truly needed to go.
Dela : Yes, however that is a characteristic thing. I will think so in
the event that I am debilitated for a long time. I would prefer
not to keep on being at home and I need go outside.
Angel : I concur with you. Being in the house for quite a while is not
so much good.
Dela : I think you ought to keep on taking a rest and eat
sustenances that are high in vitamin.
Angel : What would it be a good idea for me to take to get well
Dela : Expend vegetable soup. I likewise recommend that you
ought to expend drain and yogurt keeping in mind the end
goal to build the level of your resistant framework.
Angel : Would you be able to say what sustenances would it be a
good idea for me to eat? I mean particularly said.
Dela : I have read and they suggest the Mineral
Water, Green Tea, Chicken Soup, Vegetable Juice, Garlic,
Banana, Ginger, and Squeezed orange.
Angel : alright, thank you Dela. I will keep your recommendation.
Dela : The pleasure is all mine Angel.

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