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Convergence Promotion in the Simulation of

Chemical Processes-The General Dominant

EigenvaIue Method
The objective of this study was to devise an improved method of accel-
erating the iterative computation of steady state simulations of chemical
processes. An extension of the dominant eigenvalue method is presented C. M. CROWE
and its effectiveness is tested with simulations of chemical processes. The
method is compared to previously available methods and is found to achieve M. NlSHlO
convergence more rapidly and indeed was effective in cases where some Department of Chemical Engineering
other methods were ineffective or did not take a promotion step at all. The McMoster University
proposed method is applicable to the acceleration of any iterative computa- Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
tion of a nonlinear fixed-point problem.

In the computer simulation of steady state chemical of a large matrix. The dominant eigenvalue method (DEM)
processes, iterative calculations must be carried out of Orbach and Crowe (1971) was effective for multivari-
whenever the models are nonlinear and there are able problems, but the possibility of extending DEM to
recycle streams. If the recycle computation is done using two or more dominant eigenvalues appeared to offer
sequentially, that is, the individual process units even more effective promotion of convergence. Crowe
are computed one after another, one must guess et al. (1971) have given an elementary discussion of
starting values for the variables in some suitable set convergence problems.
of streams, called cut streams. Each iteration then starts This paper proposes a new method of convergence pro-
with a set of guessed values of cut variables x,, in the motion, called general dominant eigenvalue method
cut streams and produces a set of calculated values y,. (GDEM) which is an extension of DEM and which offers
The next iteration starts with a new guess x n t l obtained flexibility of use and more effective promotion steps.
from previous values of x and y. The theoretical development of the general dominant
The iteration is said to have converged to a solution if
eigenvalue method (GDEM) is presented, and it is com-
the guessed and calculated values of the cut variables
pared with other available methods on two example
agree to within some specified tolerance. Unfortunately
the achievement of convergence is often very slow so problems, Cavett’s flash problem and a simulation of the
Bayer alumina process.
that there is a decided advantage in having an automatic
means of accelerating progress toward the solution. While the proposed method was developed to promote
The previously available methods of convergence pro- the convergence of chemical process simulations, it can
motion have various limitations. Aitken’s method (1925) be applied to other problems involving slowly converg-
is applied only to single variables, and later modifications ing iteration. Examples of such problems are sets of
by Wegstein (1958), Kliesch (1967), and Graves (1972) nonlinear equations which arise from finite difference ap-
handle multivariable problems by treating each variable proximation of nonlinear partial differential equations or
separately. Other methods for multivariable problems from multicomponent chemical and physical equilibrium
(Henrici, 1964) require generation, storage, and inversion calculations.

The proposed method of promoting the convergence, (1958) a-s modified by Kliesch (1967) and by Graves (1972).
GDEM, of iterative computations has been derived and GDEM can be incorporated in a computer executive
tested on two cases, namely the Cavett (1963) flash program for steady state simulation as a useful aid to
attaining convergence and can be used independently of
problem and a simulation of the Bayer alumina process.
the structure of the specific process under study. GDEM
GDEM was found to be a significantly more effective also has a potential use in other iterative computations
promoter of convergence than Orbach and Crowe’s which involve nonlinear algebraic equations and which
original DEM (1971) and than the methods of Wegstein are slow to converge.

Many problems in chemical engineering, as well as in tion.

many other fields, must be solved numerically by an itera- Unfortunately, the convergence of the iterative pro-
tive procedure involving simultaneous nonlinear equations. cedure is often unacceptably slow so that some means of
For example, the computations of the steady state material acceleration to promote convergence is desirable. Previous
and energy balance of a chemical process and the solution methods of convergence promotion include Aitken’s method
of nonlinear partial differential equations both require itera- ( 1925), later adapted by Wegstein (1958),which was pri-

Page 528 May, 1975 AlChE Journal (Vol. 21, No. 3)

marily designed for single-variable problems and which one. Shacham and Motard (1974) recently discussed the
ignores interaction between variables when used for multi- effect of choosing different values of a. G may also be the
variable problems. Wegstein’s method has been further appropriate constant Jacobian inverse for the modified
adapted by Kliesch ( 1967) and Graves (1972) who placed Newton method. The proposed method which follows can
bounds on the promotion step which is taken but still did be used to accelerate the convergence of any iterative pro-
not account for interaction between variables. Aitken’s cedure of the form ( 2 ) which is repeatedly applied, or
method has been generalized for systems of m variables indeed to any sequence of vectors which has a limit, pro-
by Henrici (1964), but the extension requires the storage vided that the convergence is ultimately linear. Thus, the
and inversion of an ( m x m ) matrix and a delay of m method cannot be used with vector sequences generated by
iterations before its use. Newton’s method which has quadratic convergence.
Orbach and Crowe (1971) described a technique for The basic hypothesis of the acceleration procedure is that
convergence promotion in multivariable problems, called the iteration can be approximated eventually by a linear
the dominant eigenvalue method (DEM) , which produced difference equation:
substantial reductions in the computation time of specific AX^ = A A ~ n - 1 (4)
cases. DEL4 is an extension and application of the method
of Lyusternik (1947), which was originally used in the where A is the forward difference operator. A is a linear
numerical solution of partial differential equations. The operator which is not necessarily explicitly known, nor may
purpose of this paper is to present a more general method the effort to evaluate it numerically be justified in general.
of convergence promotion, which is more powerful than The characteristic equation for A can be written as
DEM, of which the DEM is a particular case, and which m
avoids the necessity of storage and inversion of large [A I - A1 = pj Am-j =0 (5)
matrices. The basis of the new method is to assume that j=o
the iterations approximately follow a linear matrix differ-
ence equation and to compute the apparent soIution by where m is the dimension of the space H and the eigen-
using estimates of products of the dominant eigenvalues. coefficient pj,
pj= (-l)jXAilAiz.,.Ai, (lij‘m)
1 il < iz . . < ij 4 m
Consider a problem involving iterative solution, such as
typically arises in chemical engineering process calcula- is the sum of all possible products of i of the m eigenval-
tions, where we wish to find a vector such that starting the ues kl of A. We define po 1.
calculations with it leads to exactly the same vector as the From the Cayley-Hamilton theorem (see Noble, 1969),
result. Such a problem can be regarded formally as one A satisfies Equation ( 5 ) so that
of finding the solution of m

x=f(x); x c D c H (1) (7)

f : D + D is assumed to be a continuous transformation,
which may not necessarily be available explicitly but per- and from repeated use of Equation (4),
haps only in the form of a computer program. In the itera- m
tive computation of a chemical process, x represents the
vector of guessed, or cut, variables and f is the computa-
2 pj AX,,-^ =0 (n’m) (8)
tional algorithm which when applied to x produces a vector
of calculated variables generally different from x, unless It should be noted that Equation (8) is valid indepen-
the solution has been found. The general problem of dently of whether eigenvalues are distinct or not and that
solving simultaneous nonlinear algebraic equations can be the eigencoefficients pj are real even if some eigenvalues XI
also cast in the form of Equation (1). The norm defined are complex.
on the space H is used in the development below to pro- Let the eigenvalues A j be labeled in descending order of
vide a measure of distance when testing for convergence. absolute magnitude. Now let us suppose that only the first
u of them are large enough to dominate the iteration, in the
It is usually not possible in practice to establish a priori
the existence and uniqueness of a solution to Equation (1) sense that the iteration behaves essentially as if Aj = 0
in D, unless, for example, f can be shown to be a contrac- ( j > u ) . Then it follows that
tion mapping on a convex subset of D. It is normally as-
sumed that the solution exists and-until more than one is
found-that it is unique.
pj Axn-j = 0 (9)
To find a solution to Equation (1) by computer, an
iterative procedure of the form since every term in Equation ( 6 ) for , ~ contains
j at least
one A1 (/, > Y).
yn = f(Xn) (TI = 0, 1,2, . . . ) xo specified (2a) It may also be noted that the solution of Equation (4)
xn+l = xn + Gn (yn - xn) (2b)
may be written as
is usually followed, generating a sequence {x,} whose limit
is assumed to exist in D. Here Gn is a forcing operator,
Axn = An Ax0 = 2 zj X j n (10)
normally linear and usually independent of iteration num-
ber n. One example is with the zj as eigenvectors of A if all A j are distinct.
If they are not distinct, Equation (10) must be modified,
G= (1+a)I (3) but in either case, as n becomes larger, terms in A j (i > U )
where a is a real number and I is the identity operator, eventually become negligible relative to those with j 4 u,
For a = 0, this is direct substitution, but a value a 0 may provided Ik,I > IAu+ll. Then the iterations are essentially
be found in some cases to improve the basic rate of con- confined to a u-dimensional subspace and approximation
vergence or to convert an unstable iteration into a stable (9) can be adopted so that Equation (8) becomes

AlChE Journal (Vol. 21, No. 3) May, 1975 Page 529

’ A It is worth noting that any promoter involving a finite linear
pj Axi-j =0 = nynf 1,. .)
(i (11) combination of vectors, Xn, xn-1, . . .; as in Equation (IS),
j=O should be an affine combination (that is, coefficients sum
A A to unity) in order to guarantee that the estimated limit of
where pi is an estimate of the true value pj and ,UO = po = a set of constant vectors is the constant vector itself.
1. It can then be said that the first v eigenvalues are Equation (19) provides convergence promotion of order
dominant, Y and can be called the general dominant eigenvalue

Since Equation (11) cannot in general be exactly satis- method (GDEM) . An acceleration formula which is equiv-
A alent to Equation (19) was derived by Kovarik (1966) for
fied by any set of pj when v < m, in order to be consistent a known linear operator A in a Banach space. A similar, but
with Equations (8) and (9) we estimate the coefficients not equivalent, accelerator for iteration on linear equation
pj so as to approach most closely to equality in Equation
systems has just been presented by Kaniel and Stein
( 11) , namely, (1974). However, no comparison of their method with
I I I I 2 GDEM has been made.
In our studies, the order v was usually fixed in advance
and the estimated eigencoefficients ( i = 1, 2, . ., V ) were
evaluated from Equation (15) at each iteration. In the
Here 11 * 11 is the norm defined on the space H . Since original description of the DEhl (Orbach and Crowe,
Ax, + 0 as n + 00 when a solution exists, any norm (12) 1971), a promotion step was taken when the estimates of
also + 0. Usually one would choose either a Chebyshev the single dominant eigenvalue remained constant to within
(minimax) norm or one based on an inner product, such a prescribed tolerance. The obvious extension to several
as a weighted sum of squares. Clearly whatever norm is coefficients pi is to require that each one either remain
selected increasing v will in general improve the approxi- substantially and separately constant, or be less than some
mation (11) which will converge to exact equality as v + small quantity. This was done initially but had the effect
m. of making a promotion step the more infrequent, the
We used the inner product <*, defined in the space
greater was the number of pj evaluated. Indeed, it was
H as observed that the estimates from Equation (19) of x, on
successive iterations could remain essentially constant de-
so that A
]1Xp = <x, x> (14) spite quite wide variation in values of the /.L+
Thus, the criterion for taking a promotion step which
The matrix W would usually be the identity matrix or was finally adopted was to promote when estimates of the
positive diagonal weighting matrix, with weights related A
to the inverse of the magnitude of the cut variables. apparent solution x,(,) at iteration n did not change more
Then to estimate the pi, we take derivatives of the than a prescribed amount in the norm compared to the
square norm (12) with respect to each pk and set them next prediction x,(”+l), that is,
equal to zero, to obtain
1) x,(~)II < L
tj bjk= 0 (k = 1,2,.. .)v) (15)
or alternatively
I I A x , ( ~ ) ( /~ (20)

bjk <AXn-j, AXn-k> (16)
Equation (15) can be solved numerically for the /.Lk by an A h
efficient elimination technique for equations with a sym- Axi A Xa,icn)/ X,,iCn)
metric matrix. A
At the end of iteration n, our object is to predict x,, the If a promotion step is to be taken at iteration n, x,cn) is
limit of the sequence {x,} and to promote the attainment usually used as the starting point for the next series of
of convergence by starting the next iteration ( n 1 ) with + iterations. Each series would culminate in a convergence
an estimate of x, instead of xnfl. Now by summing Equa- promotion step after some specified minimum number of
tion (11) over iand interchanging the order of summation, iterations until finally convergence was achieved or the
we obtain maximum number of iterations reached.
If Y = 1, Equation (19) reduces to
i=n+l j=l i=n+l Xa = Xn 3. AX,/ (1+ PI) (22)
Then by telescoping the right-hand summation, we 6nd which is the original dominant eigenvalue formula of
Orbach and Crowe (1971) and for scalar x is Aitken’s S2
formula (1926). The only difference is that here, using
j=O I j=o definition (16) and Equation (15)
Since we need Ax values for calculation of the pj, a more pi = - boilbii (23)
convenient form of Equation (18) is
whereas Orbach and Crowe (1971) used

together with a positive or negative sign for monotonic or

oscillating convergence of elements of AX, respectively.

AlChE Journal (Vol. 21, No. 3)

Page 530 May, 1975
A A r= A1 A2 ... A k
Thus, X1 would correspond to (- pl) in the present nota- z 0 ... 0
tion because of Equation (6). - 1
From the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, (34)
IPl I 1x1 I 0 ........1 0
A This is then of the same form as Equation (4) with the
so that for the monotonic convergence ( P I < 0) the main difference that the prediction of v. by Equation (19)
amount of promotion in Equation (22) is no greater using would yield k estimates of x,.
p1 rather than ( - A l ) , This more conservative feature of
the present method may avoid the necessity of taking only TEST OF THE PROPOSED METHOD
some fraction of the full promotion step, as was occasion-
ally done by Orbach and Crowe (1971). The proposed method of convergence promotion,
If Y = 2, Equation (19) gives GDEM, was tested on two different steady state simula-
tions, namely,
A A A h
X,=Xn+ (26)
(AX~-CLZAX~-~)/(~+~~+P Z) 1. The well-known Cavett flash-tank problem (see
Cavett, 1963; Henley and Rosen, 1969), which has two
where, from definition (16) and Equation (15) cut streams and 16 variables per stream.
A 2. The Bayer process for extraction of alumina from
~k = (boi blz - bOk bii)/(b11 ~ -
Z Z biz2);
bauxite of Alcan Ltd., Arvida, Quebec. This simulation is
(k=1,2 and i = 3 - k ) (27) described in a report to be published by Hoffman (1974).
There were five cut streams and twenty cut variables per
If the Chebyshev norm is chosen, that is, stream, in an information flow diagram with 86 streams
and 47 equipment units. The iterations in each case were
[ [XIIS E M y wi [xi1 (28)
by direct substitution.
where w > 0, then analytical expressions for the coeffi-
The effectiveness of the GDEM as a convergence pro-
moter was compared with that of the Wegstein method as
cients pj are not readily obtainable. They can, however, be modified by Kliesch (1967), and by Graves (1972) using
computed for example by linear programming. Thus, approximate constancy of the apparent solution as a cri-
terion for promotion as shown in inequalities (20) or (21).
The results for the Cavett flash problem are shown in
Figure 1 and Table 1. The original DEM and the present
GDEM with Y = 1 give the same results and are about as
is equivalent to hlin c effective as any other GDEM promoter for this case.
subject to Graves’ version of the Wegstein method was quite effective,
but Kliesch‘s version was much less so. The GDEM with Y
Wi IS /.tj AXn-j,il 4 E (i = 1,2, . ., m ) (30) greater than one offered no clear advantage since the prob-
It should be noted that the use of GDEM is not limited lem is easily converged, although u = 7 was slightly better
to a first-order matrix difference equation ( 4 ) . If one than other values. It is seen that unpromoted iteration starts
wishes to use as a model to oscillate after 63 iterations, probably as a result of in-
teraction between iterative flash calculations inside the
Axn = 2 Al AXn-i (31)
units and the overall iteration.
The results for the Bayer alumina process are shown in
1=1 Table 2 and Figure 2. The estimation of the pj for GDEM
this can be rewritten as a first-order difference equation was done using a diagonal weighting matrix W in Equa-
tion (13), whose elements were
Av,, = I‘ Avn-l (32)
with Wii = Min (0.0001, 1/xt) (35)
vn = [xn xn-1 * xn-k+ll (33) where xi is a constant equal to the magnitude of the ith
and cut variable. This gave smoother results in this case than


No. of iterations to
No. of reduce 6 , s E
Total no. of promotion for E = Final value
Method iterations steps 1% 0.1% 0.01% of 6n, %
No promotion 70 - 16 43 - 1.0 x 10-2
Graves’ method 44 1 16 25 39 8.2 x 10-3
Kliesch’s method 45 1 9 37 - 1.0 x 10-2
GDEM, Y = 1 24 5 7 15 21 8.4 x 10-4
2 25 1 13 13 25 8.1 x 10-3
3 21 3 8 14 17 9.7 x 10-4
4 21 2 11 11 18 1.3 x 10-3
5 20 2 11 11 19 3.5 x 10-4
6 21 2 11 11 20 3.1 x 10-4
7 16 1 12 12 12 1.3 x 10-3
8 25 2 13 13 24 2.9 x 10-4
9 21 1 14 14 18 7.3 x 10-3
10 17 1 15 15 15 3.0 x 10-3

AlChE Journal (Vol. 21, No. 3) Page 531

May, 1975

No. of iterations to first

No. of (last) reach
Method of Total no. of promotions an<€=
promotion iterations made 10-3 10-4 10-5 Final 6,
No promotion 600" - 216( 216) 5.4 x 10-6
Graves' method 326 1 216( - ) 4.0 x 10-5
GDEM, Y = 1 400" 24 - 7.1 x 10-5
3 190 10 88( 188) 7.3 x 10-6
4 169 8 - 1.6 x 10-5
5 141 6 - 1.2 x 10-5
6 118 5 62(112) 4.7 x 10-6
7 199 8 110(183) 1.5 x 10W6
8 133 2 133( 133) 8.6 x 10-6
9 153 5 81 ( 153) 2.4 x 10-6
10 119 3 111( 111) 5.3 x 10-6
* Maximum no. of iterations.

GDEM J = 1
D-4 lJ=2
A-.A v =5

\% \
/ GOEM 3 1 7
0-4 3=6 ,
&--A d = 10

70 60 70 7ocI
- 0 20 30 40 50
Fig. 1. Effect of promotion on iteration of Covett flash problem:
0 100
~ n -300

relative error 6 n vs. iterotion number n. Fig. 2. Effect of promotion on iterotion of Boyer process: relative
error 6, vs. iteration number n.

using equal weights for all cut variables. The progress of tion several large eigenvalues very close together and to
the computations was followed using unit magnitude. Generally for larger values of v there were
fewer promotion steps taken, but the promotion was more
8, = I l h . . I 1 2 / 1 1 ~ . 1 1 ~ (36) effective. I t is striking that the effectiveness of promotion
to give a common basis for comparison of various Con- does not monotonically increase with the value of V. This
vergence promoters. II * 112 is the norm (13) with W = I. can be explained by the fact that there were several pairs
For the Bayer process, Kliesch's method was ineffective of complex eigenvalues with magnitudes close to unity.
because no promotion steps were taken. Graves' method Any choice of v which separates a pair of complex eigen-
was somewhat unstable and only made one promotion step values would violate the assumption that \Av\ > ) X V + i \ ,
at iteration number 270. The GDEM was more effective which leads to Equation (11).
One observes in Figure 2 that a promotion Step was
and the best performance was obtained with v = 6 or 10.
Indeed for Y = 1, the GDEM was worse than using no frequently taken when the slope of the graph was quite
promotion at all presumably because there are by computa- steep. Although this was not tried in these COmputatio~,

AlChE Journal (Vol. 21, No- 3)

Page 532 May, 1975
it would be useful to prevent a promotion step being taken Equation (13)
while the iterations are proceeding fast enough without xn = (m x 1 ) vector of guessed cut variables at itera-
promotion, for example, when the ratio (&/& + 1) exceeds tion n
some criterion >> 1. yn = (m x 1) vector of calculated cut variables at
If one wishes to choose the value of Y in advance for iteration n
a problem which is to be computed many times with differ- zj = (m x 1) eigenvector of A, for
ent data, the actual eigenvalues could be estimated by
Greek Letters
generating the matrix A to judge which should be
negligible. Alternatively, one can carry out a computation X’ = block matrix, Equation (34)
without promotion and estimate pi in sets of one, two, 6 = ratio of norms, Equation (36)
three, and so on at each iteration in order to judge which A = forward difference operator
if any of these sets becomes constant or, less stringently, E = small positive tolerance
which leads to more constant predictions of the apparent r)l,z = bounds on approximation (11) in Equation (37)
. smaller Y is chosen to be the less storage
solution x , ( ~ )The hj = jth eigenvalue of A
and computation are required for promotion although the pj = jth coefficient in characteristic polynomial of A,
computation time required for promotion was relatively un- Equation ( 6 )
important in comparison to the computation of the process Y = number of coefficients pj estimated, m
The value of Y could also be selected automatically and
Subscript and Superscript
continually during the computation so that approximation
(11) is just satisfied to within a prescribed tolerance, that w = value at solution
is, A = estimated value

Aitken, A. C., “On Bernoulli’s Numerical Solution of Alge-
braic Equations,” Proc. Royal SOC. Edinburgh, 46, 289
A (1925).
where the norm is the same one used to estimate the pj. ., “Studies in Practical Mathematics,” ibid., 57, 269
The value of v would be increased by one if the upper (1936).
bound was exceeded and decreased by one if the lower Cavett, R. H., “Application of Numerical Methods to the Con-
bound was passed. In tests on the Bayer process with 71 = vergence of Simulated Processes Involving Recycle Loops,”
10-2, ~2 = no improvement over the best constant Proc. Am. Petrol. Inst., 43 (I11), 57 ( 1963).
value of Y was achieved, but the results were certainly Crowe, C. M., et al., Chemical Plant Simulation, Chap. 11,
better than for Y = 1. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N. J. ( 1971).
It would seem preferable on theoretical grounds to use Graves, T. R., “An Evaluation of Convergence Acceleration
Methods for Chemical Process Recycle Calculations,” P h D .
the same norm to follow the convergence as to estimate the thesis, Oklahoma State Univ., Stillwater ( 1972).
pj. However, it is more important to use norms which be- Henley, E. J., and E. M. Rosen, Material and Energy Balance
have smoothly so that the convergence will be achieved Computations, p. 508, Wiley, New York ( 1969).
without erratic variation of the norm being followed. Henrici, P., Elements of Numerical Analysis, p. 115, Wiley,
New York (1964).
Hoffman, T. W., “Simulation of the Bayer Alumina Process,”
CONCLUSION McMaster Univ., Hamilton, Ontario, report in preparation
A generally applicable procedure, GDEM, has been pre- (1974).
Kaniel, S., and J. Stein, “Least-Square Acceleration of Iterative
sented for accelerating the convergence of iterative calcula- Methods for Linear Equations,” J. Opt. Theory Appl., 14,
tions of the form of Equation ( 2 ) . GDEM has been tested 431 (1974).
on two problems and found to provide more effective con- Kliesch, H. C., “An Analysis of Steady-State Process Simula-
vergence promotion than other available methods. It .is tion: Formulation and Convergence,” Ph.D. thesis, Tulane
especially suitable for problems which are extremely slow Univ., New Orleans, La. ( 1967).
to converge. Kovarik, Z., “Convergence Acceleration of Linear Iterative
Processes in Banach Spaces,” Aplikace Matematiky (Prague),
11,266 (1966).
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Lyusternik, L. A., “On the Numerical Solution of Boundary
Value Problems of the Laplace Equation and Computation
The financial support of the National Research Council of of Eigenvalues by the Method of Networks,’”Trudy Matemat.
Canada is gratefully acknowledged as is the assistance of Dr. Inst. V. A. Steklooa, 20, 49 (1947). See Faddeev, D. K., and
T. W. Hoffman in providing the simulation programs used. V. N. Faddeeva, Computational Methods of Linear Algebra,
p. 500, W. H. Freeman, San Francisco ( 1963).
NOTATION Nishio, M., “A Study of Convergence Promotion in the Steady
State Simulation of Chemical Processes,” M. Eng. thesis,
A = (m X m) linearized iteration matrix, Equation McMaster Univ., Hamilton, Canada ( 1973).
(4) Noble, B. Applied Linear Algebra, p. 372, Prentice-Hall, Engle-
bjk = inner product, defined in Equation (16) wood Cliffs, N. J. (1969).
D = m-dimensional closed subset of H Orbach, O., and C. M. Crowe, “Convergence Promotion in the
f = continuous transformation: D + D Simulation of Chemical Processes with Recycle-the Domi-
nant Eigenvalue Method,” Can. J. Chem. Eng., 49, 509
G = forcing operator, Equation (2b) (1971).
H = any m-dimensional normed vector space Shacham, Xf., and R. L. Motard, “Applications of the Theory
I = identity matrix of Linear Recycle Systems,” paper presented at 78th Na-
m = number of cut variables tional Mtg. Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., Salt Lake City (1974).
n = number of iterations Wegstein, J. H., “Accelerating Convergence of Iterative Proc-
v = block vector, Equation (33) esses,’’ Comm., Assoc. Comput. Mach., 1, No. 6, 9 (1958).
w = weighting vector, defined in Equation (28) Moiiuscript receiced August 9, 1974; recision receiced and accepted
w = positive definite symmetric weighting matrix, February 3, 1975.

AlChE Journol (Vol. 21, No. 3) May, 1975 Page 533

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