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The role of organic-rich sediments

for Cu-precipitation in the porphyry

Cu systems

An open discussion
Proposed by: Reza Al Furqan

Linkedin, February 2023

The Kupferschiefer sedimentary-hosted Cu deposits, northern central Europe
~60 Mt Cu (Borg et al., 2012)

(Black shale) (Clastic red bed sediments)

Simplified drill hole lithologic profiles from the Polish deposits (after Borg et al., 2012)
The Grasberg porphyry-skarn Cu-Au deposits, Indonesia
~32 Mt Cu (Leys et al., 2020)

Aside within intrusive rocks, Cu

mineralization also hosted in
the silicilastic sediments and
carbonates rocks (see “Kucing
liar” skarn deposit)

Grasberg Open Pit

Produced ~16.5 Mt Cu1

1Adkerson (GMM Conference, 2020)

2Freeport-McMoran Annual Report 2020

Grasberg Block Cave

Reserve: 9.4 Mt Cu2
Kucing Liar
Reserve: 2.7 Mt Cu2

(Al Furqan et al., 2022)

The Far South East porphyry Cu-Au deposit, Philippines
~4.5 Mt Cu (Calder et al., 2022)

Why Cu sulfides
trapped here?

(Metavolcanic basement rocks;

Chang et al., 2011)

Vertical section of the Far South East porphyry (Calder et al., 2022)
The Onto porphyry and high sulfidation epithermal Cu-Au deposits, Indonesia
~7 Mt Cu (Burrows et al., 2020)

Why Cu sulfides trapped beneath

the “Upper Sedimentary Package”?

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