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Joshua Dmytryshyn


Self-Guided Inquiry

1. Professionalism

How do I interact with the community properly. Mostly referring to parents.

-positivity and praise work well

-Getting to know each student’s family dynamics

How to remain respected as a teacher while looking so young

-get older and act older. Work on composing self

Maintain professional relationship and equitable respect with students while not being perceived as a

-the guardian approach, instead of not smiling at all the first section of the school year, set out
clear boundaries. Not a cold approach, I am willing to discuss personal matters but will not have “buddy
talk”. This may work? Needs more development.

2. Knowledge

How to become familiar with the sum curriculum?

-use resources and sharing with other teachers

-do the assignments yourself beforehand

Effective integration of different teaching styles without reducing efficacy

-Similar to knowing the curriculum, study and become knowledgeable

-State learning outcomes outright to students. If students are young: simplify, but if they have a
chance of understanding no editing required

-Consistent speech patterns. Describe something a way that is effective and stick with it

3. Instructional

How to teach at a constant

-Establish a teaching style prior to entering the classroom and practise it from the first
interactions with students

How to properly adapt learning styles to be flexible with a smaller group of students?
-Assign small tasks to one student while needing time to explain to other students. When
situation difficult do one on one.

4. Curricular

How to become familiar with the sum curriculum.

-Study study study

Strategies on creating unit plans and shifting them once made.

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