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Summative Assessment - 2

Class -9th

Subject :- Social science

Basis instructions:-

1. number 15 consists of 1 marks and is objective type question.

2.Question number 16-20 consist of 2 marks and is very short answer type question with word limit
between 20-30words

3.Question number 21-24 consist of 3 marks and is Long answer type question with word limit
between 40-50 words

4. number 25-28 consist of 4 marks and is Long answer type question with word limit between 80-
100 words

5.Question number 29-30 consist of 5 marks and is Long answer type question with word limit
between 100-120 words

6.Question number 31-32 consist of 6 marks and is Long answer type question with word limit
between 120-150 words

Maximum marks :- 75.

Time allotted :- 3 hours

A. Choose the correct option ( 5 Marks )

1.Example of manufacturing is : (Marks 1)


(b)Preparing basket from bamboo

(c)Selling vegetables

(d) working in retail shop

2.The temperature reduce by 1°C on the height of :(Marks 1)

(a) 160

(b) 200
(c) 165

(d) 175

3.On which date ,the sun is perpendicular to on the tropic of cancer.

(Marks 1)

(a) 21st march

(b)31st march

(c)21st June

(d)21st April

4. Out of the following who is a skilled labour:(Marks 1)



(c) Professor

(d)All the above

5.Out of the following which is not a factor of production:(Marks 1)

(a) Land

(b) Advertisement

(c) Enterprise

(d) Labour

B. Fill in the blanks :- (5 Marks)

a) Trade of ________ was illegal in china.

b) The battle of plassey between the nawab of Bengal and East India company was fought on
c) ________ is known as the island of Sal trees.
d) To protect forest Railway board has started using ________ Sleepers in place of Wooden
e) The _______ Passes through centre of India.

C. Match the following :

1) Narmada (a) Amarkantak
2) Godavari (b) Nasik
3) Tropical Evergreen forest (c) Teak
4) Moist Monsoon forest (d) Ebony
5) Lifeline of Chhattisgarh (e) Mahanadi Basin

2. Explain Ferrell’s Law.(Marks 2)

3. What do you mean by racism? today it is declared illegal all over the world. According to you
what is incorrect in this principle?(Marks 2)

4. What do you mean by Delta?(Marks 2)

5. Why did the military rule in Myanmar did not accept the result of 1990 election? (2 Marks )

6. Explain the gross domestic product in your own words.(Marks 2)

7. How natural resources in human liver exploited in the Colonial process explain in the context of
mining in South America.(Marks 3)

8. Write two characteristics of monsoon.(Marks 3)

9. Non - paid activities have great importance in the gamily and society.Explain. (Marks 3)

10. Do you agree that it us a responsibility of the government to provide residential facilities to its
employees?(Marks 3)

11. Why do the map makers kept their own country as the centre of their maps? (Marks 4)

12. What similarities and dissimilarities do you found in Bhakti movement and Sufi
movement.?(Marks 4)

13. What was the contribution of iron and steel industry in the industrialrevolution?(marks 4)

14. What is the role of rivers in the economic development of India?(Marks 4)

15. Write about the national human rightCommission.(Marks 5)

16. How can parents eradicate gender based discrimination is bringing up their children what is the
role of parents in achieving the goal and for education of girl child?(Marks 5)

17. How does literacy and social communication contribute to spread democratic awareness.(Marks

18. What are the reasons why large farmers take institutional and small farmers take non-
institutional credit?(Marks 6)

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