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CC-XIV: Statistical Mechanics

Credit : 06 (Theory -04, Practical-02)
Theory : 60 Hours
Practical : 60 Hours

Course Objective
Statistical Mechanics deals with the derivation of the macroscopic parameters (internal
energy. pressure. specific beat etc.) of a physical system consisting of l:irge number of
particles (solid. liquid or gas) from knowledge of Lhe underlying microscopic behavior of
atoms and molecules that comprises it. The main objective of this course work is to introduce
the techniques of Statistical Mechanics which has applications in various fields including
Astrophysics. Semiconductors. Plasma Physics, Bio-Physics etc. and in many other

Course Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course. students will be able to:

• Understand the concepts of microstate. macrostate. phase space. thermodynamic

probability and partition function.
• Understand the use of Thermodynamic probability and Panition function
forcalcularion of thermodynamic variables for physical system (Ideal gas. finite level
• Difference between the classical and quantumstatistics
• Understand the properties and Laws associated with thermal radiation.
• Apply the Fermi- Dirac distribution to model problems such as electrons in solids and
white dwarf stars
• Apply the Bose-Einstein distribution to model problems such as blackbody radjation
and Helium gas.
• ln Lhe laboratory course, with lhe exposure in compute r programming and
computational techniques. the student will be in a position to perform numerical
simulations for solving Lhe problemi, based on Statistical Mechanics.

Unit 1

S tatistics: M:1cros1ates and M icr()!)tates. Ph:ise Sp:ice. Entropy and Thennodynamic
Probability. Maxwell- Bo ltzmann Distribution Law. Partition Function, Thennodynamic
Functions of an Ideal Gas. Classical Entropy Expression. Gibbs Paradox. Sackur-Tetrode
equation. Saba's Ionization Fonnula l.aY. of Equipartition of Energy (wilh prooO-
Applications to Specific Heat of gas and solids and its Limitations. Thermodynamic
Functions of a Fmile Level S ystem. Negative Temperature.
(24 L ectures)
Unit 2

B ose-Einstein Statistics: B-E Distribution law. 1bermodynamic functions of 3 strongly

degenerate Bose Gas. Bose Einstein condensation. properties of liquid He (qualitative
description). Radfa tion as a photon gas and Thermodynamic functions of photon gas. B ose
derivation of Planck's law.
(12 Lectures)
Unit 3

Fe rmi-Dirac S t:itistics: Fe rmi-Dirac Distnoution Law. lbermodynamic functions of a

Comple1ely and strongly degenerate Fermi Gas. Fermi Energy Electron gas in a Mewl.
Specific Heat of Metals, Relativistic Fenni gas. \Vhlte Dwarf Stars. Chandrasekhar Mass
(12 L ectures)
Unit 4

Theory of Radiation; Properties of Thermal Radiation and Radiation Pressure. Blackbody

Radiation and its spectral distribution. Kirchhoff law. Stefan-Bolrnnano law and its
Thermodynamic proo( Wien's Displacement law. \Vien's Distnbution Law. Rayleigh-Jean's
Law. Ultraviolet Catastrophe. Planck's Quantum Postulates. Planck's Law of Blackbody
Radiation Deduction of \l,lien's Distribution Law, Rayleigh-Jeans Law, Stefan-Boltzmann
Law and \Vien's Displaceme nt law from Planck's law.
(Jl Leclures)

Practical: 60 Hours
Use C/C++IScilab'Python/other numerical simulations for solving the problems b~ed on
Statis Lical Mechanics like:
I. Computntionnl analysis of the behavior of a collec1ion of particles in a box that smisfy
Newtonian mechanics and internet vui the Lennard-Jones po1enual. varying the 10101
number of particles N nnd the initial coodttions:

a) Study of local number density in the equilibrium i.tate (i) average: (ii) nuctuations
b) Study of 1rnnc;ien1 behavior of the ,y,;tem (approach 10 cqu,hbrium)
c) Relatiorbhip of large N and the arrow of umc
d) Computation of the velocity dil.tnbutton of particle!> for the ,y,tem and comparison with
the Maxwell velocity dll>tribution.

2. Plot the probabm1y of various mncrostates in coin-tossing experiment (rwo level system)
versus number of bends with 4. 8. 16 coins etc.

3. Computation of the partition function Z(b) for the systems with a finite number of single
particle levels (e.g.• 2 level. 3 level etc.) and finite number of non-interacting particles N
under MaJtweU-Bohzmann/ Fermi-Dirac 'Bose Einstein statistics:

a) Study the behavior of Z(b). average energy. C,. and entropy and its dependence upon the
temperature. total number of particles N and the spectrum of single particle energy states.
b) Plot the probability of occupancy of all the states w.r.t. temperature.

4. Plot the Maxwell speed distribution function at different temperatures in a 3-dimension

system. CaJculate the average speed. root mean square and most probable speed

5. Plot Specific Heat of Solids w.r.t temperature

.i) Dulong-Peli! law.

b) Einstein distribution function
c) Debyc distribution function

6. Plot the following functions with energy at different 1emperruures

a) Maxwell-Bolt2mann distribution
b) Fermi-Dime disrribuuon
c) Bose-Einstein distribution

7. Plot the distribution of panicles w.r.t. energy (dN'de versus e) in 3 Dimension.<; for
a) Relativistic and non-relativistic bosons both at high and low 1empemture.
b) Rela1ivis1ic and non-relativistic fermions both ru high and low iemperature.

8. Plot Planck's law of Black body radiauon w r.1 wavelengthifrequency at d1 1Tcrent

1cmpcra1ures. Compare it with Rayleigh-Jeans Law and W1cn's d1Stnbution law for a
given temperature.

Rercrcnces ror Theory:

Essential Readln~:

I. S1mis1ical Mechanics: R.K. Pa1hria and P. D. Beale( Academic Press)

2. Introductory Statbticnl Mechanics: R. Bowley and M. Snnchez (Oxford Univ.Press)
3. Statistical Physics: F. Mandi (W iley)
4. A treatise on Heat : M.N. Saha and B.N. Srivastava ( Indian Press)
5. Problems and Solutions on Thennodynamics andStalistical Mechanics : Lim Yung- Kou
( Surat Book House)

Additional Readin~ :

I .Suuis ticaJ Physics: Berkeley Physics Course. F. Reif. (McGraw-HjlJ)

2.An Introduction 10 Statistical Physics: W.G .V. Rosser( Wiley)
3. An Introduction to Tbennal Physics: D. Schroeder ( Pearson)
4. Concepts in Thermal Physics: Blundell and Blundell ( Oxford Univ. press)
5. Statistical and Thermal Physics:Loknalhrui and Gambbir ( PHI)

References for Laboratory work:

I. Elementary Numerical Analysis: K.E. Atlkinson (Wiley )

2. Introduction to Modern Statis tical Mechanics: D. Chandler ( Oxford University Press)
3. Thennodynamics, Kinetic Theory and Statistical Thennodynamics: F . W. Sears
and G. L. Salinger (Naros a)
4. Modem Thennodynamics wit h Sta11s11caJ Mechanics: Carl S. Helrich( Springer)
5. Statistical and TbermnJ Physics with Computer Applications : H. Gould and
J .Tobochnik( Princeton University Press)
CC-XIII: Electromagnetic Theory (32221601)
Credit: 06 (Theory-04, Practical-02)
Theory: 60 Hours
Practical : 60 Hou rs

Course Objective
This core course develops funber the concepts learnt in the electricity and magnetism course
to understand the properties of electromagnetic waves in vacuum and different media.

Course Learning Outcom es

Al the end of this course the student wi ll be nble to :

• Apply Maxwell's equations to deduce wave equation. e lectromagnetic field energy.

momentum and angular momenium density.
• Understand electromagnetic wave propagation in unbounded media: Vacuum. die lectric
medium. conducting medium, p lasma.
• Understand electromagnetic wave propagation in bounded media: renec tion and
transmission coefficients at plane interface in bounded media.
• Understand polarization of Electromagnetic Waves: Linear. Circular and Elliptical
Polarization. Production as well as detection of waves in laboratory.
• Learn the features of planar optical wove guide.
• Understand the fundamentals of propagation of electromagnetic wavel- through optical
• In the lnborn1ory course, the studeni get on opponunity 10 perform experimems with
Polarimeter. Babinet Compensator. Ultrasonic grating. simple dipole antenna. Also. to
study phe nomena of interference, refraction. diffraction and polarization.

Unit 1
l\.1axwell EquaUons: Review of Maxwell's equations. Displacement Current. Vector and
Scalar Potentials. Gauge Transformations: Lorentz and Coulomb Gauge. Poynting's Theorem
and Poynting's Vector. Electromagnetic (em) Energy Density. Physical Concept of
Electromagnetic Field Energy Dens ity. Momentum Density and Angular Momentum
(12 Lectures)
Unit 2

EM Wave Propagation in Unbounded Media: Plane em waves through vacuum and

isotropic dielectric medium: transverse nature, refractive index, dielectric constant, wave
impedance. Plane em wa,,es through conducting medium: relaxation Lime. skin depth.
attenuation constant. Wave propagation through dilute plasma: electrical conductivity of
ionized gases. plasma frequency. refractive index. skin depth.
( JO Lectures)
Unit 3

El\1 Waves in Bounded Media: Boundary condition.~ at a plane interface between two
media. Reneclion & Refraction of plane em waves at plane interface between two dielectric
media-Laws of Renection & Refraction. Fresnel's Formulae for perpendicular & parallel
polarization. Brewster's law. Re nection & Transmission coefficients. Total internal
renection. evanescent waves. Metallic renection (normal lncidence)
(10 Lectures)
Unit 4
Polarization of EM \Voves: Propagation of em waves in an Anisotropic Media. Symmetric
Nature of Dielectric Tensor. Fresnel's FomlUla. Uniax1al and Biaxial Crystals Light
Propagation in Uniaxial Crys1al. Double Refntction. Polarization by Double Refraction.
Description of Linear. Circular and Elliptical Polariuuion. Nicol Prism. Ordinary &
extraordinary refracti ve indices. Production & detection of Plane, Circularly and Elliptically
Polarized Light. Phase Retardation Plates: Quarter-Wave and Half-Wave Plates. Babinet
Compensator and its Uses. Analysis of Polarized Light
(12 Lectures)

Rotatory Polarization: Optical Rotnt1on. Biot' s Laws for Rotatory Polarization. Fresnel's
Theory of optical rouuion. Calculation of angle of rotntion. Experimental verification of
Fresnel's theory. Spcc,lic rotation Laurent's half-shnde polarimeter.
(S Lectures)


\Vave Guides: Planar optical wave guides. Planar dielectric wave guide (-d/2 < x < d/2).
Condition of continuity at interface. Phase shift on total reflection. Eigenvalue equations.
Phase and group velocity of guided waves. Field energy and Power transmission,
(8 Lectures)

Optical Fibres: Acceptance Angle. Numerical Aperture. Step and Graded Index fibres
(Definitions Only). Single and Multiple Mode Fibres.
(3 Lectures)

Practical: 60 Hours
Sessions on Lhe construction and use of specific measurement instruments and experimenlal
apparatuses used in the lob. including necessary precautions.

Sessions on the review of experimental data analysis. sources of error nnd their estimation in
detail, writing of scientific laboratory repons including proper reponing of errors.
Application to the s pecific experiments done in the lab.

At least 06 experiments from the foUowing

l. To verify Lhe law of Malus for plane polarized light.

2. To determine the specific rotation of sugar solution using Polarimeter.
3. To analy-Lc elliptically polarized Light by using a Ba bi net's compensator.
4. To study dependence of radiation on angle for a simple Dipole antenna.
5. To deu:nnine the wavelength and velocity of ultrasonic waves in a liquid (Kerosene Oil
Xylene. etc.) by studying the diffraction through ultrasonic grating.
6. To study the reflection. refraction of microwaves
7. To study Polarization and double slit interference in microwaves.
8. To determine the refractive index ofliquid by total internal reflection using \Vollaston' s
9. To determine the refractive Index of ( I) glass and (2) a liquid by totaJ internaJ reflection
using a Gaussian eyepiece.
JO. To srudy the polarization of light by reflection and detennine the polarizing angle for air-
g lass interface.
11. To verify the Stefan's law ofrad1auon and to detcrmme Stefan' s constant
12. To determine Boltzmann con:.tnnt using V-1 charncteristic:1 of PN junction diode.
13. To find NumericaJ Aperture of an Optical Fibre.
14. To verify Brewster's Law and to find the Brewster's angle.

References for Theory:

Essential Readings:
I. Lntroduction to Electrodynamics. OJ. Griffiths. 3rd Ed.. 1998. Benjamin Cummings.
2. Electromagnetic Field and \Vaves. P. Lorrain and D. Corson. 2.i Ed.. 2003. CBS
3. Classical Electrodynamics. J.D. Jackson. 3rd Edn.. 20 I0. \Viley
4. Principle of Optics . M . Born and E. \Volf. 6111 Edn.. 1980. Pergamon Press
5. Optics, (2017). 6"' Edition. Ajoy Ghamk. McGraw-Hill Education. New Delhi

AdditionaJ Readings:

l. Elements ofElectromagnetics. M.N .O. Sadiku. 2001. Oxford University Press.

2. Fundamentals of Electromagnetics. MAW. Miah. 1982. Tata McGraw Hill
3. Problems and solution in Electromagnetics (2015). Ajoy Ghatak, K Thyagarnjan & Ravi
4. Electromagnetic field Theory. R.S. Kshetrimayun. 20 12, Cengage Learning
5. Engineering Elec-ttomagnetic. \Villian H. Hayt. 8th Edition. 2012. McGraw Hill.
6. Electromagnetics. J.A. Edminster. Schaum Series. 2006, Tata McGraw Hill.
References for La boratory \ Vork:

I. Advanced Prac1ical Physics for studems, B.L. Flinl and H.T. Worsnop, 1971. Asia
Publishing House.
2. Electromngne1ic Field Theory for Engineers & Physicists. G. Lehner. 2010. Springer
3. Pruc1ica l Phy1-iclt, G.L. Squire~. 2015, 41h Edition. Cambridge Uni,·cr1-11y Pres.
4. Engineering Practical Physic,, S. Punigrnhi & B.Molhck.2015, Cengagc Learning India
Pvt. Lid.
DSE: Advanced l\il athematical Physics-O (32227625)
Credit : 06 (Theory-OS, Tutorial-01)
T heory : 75 Hours
T utorial : JS Hours

Course Objective
The coo"c l, inumded to develop new mu1hcmu1k:al 100h in h!rrlb orCak:ulu'> orV11ri111l11n.
Group Theory and TheOC) or Probab1h1) in the repeno1n: or the ~1udenb 10 .ipply in
Titooretical Wld E.,pcrunenllll Ph)'MC).
Course Leaming Outcomes
After the succc)sful completion of the course. the students wU he able to

• Und.ctManil v:ari:uional principle and its .ipplicwions: Gco(ksics in two and three
llimeai~ion~. Euler L.igrangc &ju~lion and )lmplc 1>roblcnu. In o,~ ;111(1 two Climcn.,ioll).
• Acquire basic concept or llamiltonian. llam ilton's principle anil Hamiltonian equ.ition
or motion. Poisson anil Lagrange br.acktts.
• Learn c lcmcntlll)' group theory: ildini1ion and propc.Tlies of groups. Mibgroups,
Homumorphi.,m. isomorphism. normal wid conjug;11c groups. rcpn:i.enlation or groups.
Ri.-dudblc and Irreducible groups.
• L.tarn 1hc 1hcory of probability: Ranilcm variables a nd probabilily ilis1ribu1ions.
&pcctation ,,aJues and variance.

Unit J

\ 'ariable Cakulus: Variational Principle. Eul«•s Equa1ion and its Application to Simple
Problems. Geodesics. Calculus of Variations. Concept of l...ag111J1gi:in: Generalized co-
onliru11cs. Dclinitioo or cllDOnical moment. Eulcr-Lagrangc·s Equations of Motion and iu
Applic.alions to Simple Problems (e.g.• Simple Pendulum and One dimensional harmonic
oscillator). Definition of Canonical Momenta. Canonical Pair of Variables. Defmitioo of
Generalued Force: Definition of Hamiltonian (Legendre Transformation). Hamiltoo·s
Principle. Poisson Bracl:ets and their prop!flies. Lagrange Bracke_ts and their prq,e_nies.
(25 L«tuns)
Unit 2

Group Theory: Rc\•iew of sets, Mapping and Binary Opcr.dioos. Rclalion. Types of
Relatiori~. Groups: Elemeouary prupenies of groups. uniqueness of solution. Subgroup.
Centre of a group. Co-sets of a i.ubgroup. cyclic group. Pmnutation/Transronnatioo.
Homomorphii,m and lsomorphi.~m of group. Normal and conjugate subgroups. Completeness
wid Kernel. Some special groups : S0(2). S0(3). SU(2). SU(3).

Unit 3
Advanttd Probability ThfOI')': Fundamenual Probabili1y Theorems. Conditional
Probability. Bay~-s· Th.-:oro:m. Repeated Trials, Binomial and Muhi nomial expansions.
Rwidom Variabt.!s :md probahilily dislribu1iori~. Exix,-ct111ion and VarilllK"ll. Special
Probal>ility ili.~tribu1 ions: The binomial JiStribution. llic poisJ,,On ili..tribution. Continuous
distribulion: The Galll,ian (or normal) ili~tribu1ion. The prindple of l~ I i.quarcs.
(25 Lfflurcs)

R.tftl'l'IK'es for Tbmry :

Essential Rt-loldlnp :

I. Malhenwt ical Methods for Phy~ici,ts: Weber and Arften. 2005. Aclldemic Prei.s.
2. M11them.1u.:al Methods (or Pb),1Ci;ts: A Coocisc lntroducuoo· Tw L Cho\. . 2000.
Cumbridi:e UnJ\ Pm\
3. ~k!mer\b of Grwp Tix.'«y for Phy~in., b by A W J~h,. 1997, John Waley.
4, Group TllOOI')' anJ II'> Appll.:1111on., tu Pby,aclll Probll!lll\ by Monon llru~mlC'>h. 1989,
S. lntroducuon 10 Mothcmatic111 Pmb.lb1l11 y, J . V. Uspc:n.\l.y. 1937, Mc Gmv.-Htll.

AdditioDII.I Rt11dlng.t:

I. ln1roduc.11on to Ma1he1n.i1ical Phy"~· Meth~ & Cuncefl(Ji Chun Wa Wong. 2012.

Oxroro Un1\cr,,1t) Pre\,
DSE: Classical Dynamics (32227626)
Credit : 06 (Theory-05, Tutorial-01)
Theory : 75 Hours
Tutorial : 15 Hours

Course Objective
This course on cl:lssical dynamics tr.I.ins the swdrnt in problem sol\ing abili1y and develops
UJ:lden,1anding of ph)'~al problem,, The empbasi:, of thi> cour..e as 10 enhance lhe
undersmndmg ofCIIIMlcal Mech:iruc!. (lagnmgWl and Hwn1bOllWI Approach).

Course Learning Outcomes

At lhe end of lbi.!. coun.e. ~lu«Db "'ill be ;ible 10:

• Undcr.wnd thc ph)Mc:ul pnnoplc bdund the tlcn,,uion of Lagmngc anti Hnm,hon
eqw111om. and the ad\'ania~ oftbeM! fonnullllions
• Understnnd small ampluude oscilliruons.
• Undcr..wnd the 1D111c:icll!:!t of motioo of p:irucle III cenu-al force field CnucaJ 1lunlong and
problcm-~ol\,,ng s1..1lb
• Rccapi1ul.i1c :ind le:irn the ~pedal tlwor) uf rel.uh it) eucndin~ 10 Fwr ,cctor.
• Learn the bMn of fund dyn:uruc,,. ~u=lmc and turbulenl llo" . Rcynolds's number,
coefficu:111 of viscosuy and Po1saulle's cquauon

Unit I
Classkal l\lecbaaks of PoiDII Pardda: Review of N~10IWID Meclwucs: Appliclllio n 10
the mocion of ;a charge parucle in exU.'fnal e~-iric and lllllgnclic fields- motion in uniform
electric field. magnetic fielJ- g)Tor.idius and g)'Tc>-frequency. mo1ion in aossed electric and
m;agnetic fields. Degrees of freedom of a system. Generalized coonlinates and velocities.
Hamillon·s Priociple. l.4grungfa:n and Lagrange's equations of m«ion of one- dimensional
simple harmonic oscill:uors. blling body in uniform gra\i ty. C)dit coordinateS.
mome111a & Hamiltonian. Hamilton·s equations of motion. Comparison of Newtonian.
Lagrangian nnJ Hamiltonian mecb:mics. Applic.ations of Hamiltonian mecb:mics:
Htunihonian f,x ;a simple banno.nic oscillator. so.lution of Fwnihoo·s equations for sin1plc
harmonic oscillati.ons (l •D). particle in a Central Force Fidel - conscrv.llioo of angular
momc111um and energy.
(25 Ltttures)
SmaU Amplitude Osdllatlom: ,_finima of potential energy and poinu of s111ble equilibrium.
small amplitude CJSC:illatioos about the minimum. nonnal modes of longitudinal simple
harmonic oscill:uions (muimum 3 ~ ses connected by 4 springs). Kinetic energy (T) and
potential energy (V) in terms of normal co-ordinates. T and V matrices: fmding eigen-
frequencies and eigen-vectors using these matrices.
Special Theory or Relathiry: P<J<>tub1cs o f Special Theory o f Rcblivi1y. Lorentz
Tr,msfonn:uions. Minkowski space. The inv-,11fan1 intl'f\•al. lighl cone and world lines. S ~-
time diagrams: Time-ililation. Lenglh con1nc1ion. s::nuhancily.

Four -ndors: space-like. time-like and light-like. Four-displacement four \ eloci1y. four-

acceleration four-space. Four-momentum and eoergy-momenrum relatioo. Doppler effect

from a 4-\-ector pel'Spective. Application to two-body decay of an unstable plltlicle. 1'fetric
tensor and alternating tensors and their properties.
(25 l...tttu.res)


Auld DJ·-mlcs: 0.."DSity p and pressure P in a fluid, an clemcnl of fluid and its \-Cloci1y.
continuity equation and mass conservation. stream-lined motion, laminar Oow. Poiseuille's
equation for flow of a liquid Lhrougb a p.ipc. Analogy bdv.-eeo liquid Oow and current flow.
rare of liquid flow tlroogb c:ipillaries in series and in parallel combination. Na\'ia- Stoke's
equation. Reynolds m•rober
(10 Ledures)

Fsseodal Readings~

I. Classical Mechanics. H. Goldstein. C. P. Poole. J. L Sallo. 3fe. 2002. Pearson

2. Classical Mechanics. John R. Taylor. 2005, University Science Boob .
3. Classical Mecbmics. Tai L Chow. 2013. CRC Press.
4. Classical Mechanics. R. Douglas Greg~. 2015. Cambridge Unh-eni1y Press.
5. An lntroductioo 10 FluiJ Dynamics. G. K. Batchelor. Cambridge Univmily Press. 2002.
Addifional Readings:

I. Analytical Mechanics: Solutions to Problems in Classical Physics. L Ma-cbes. D . Radu.

2015. CRC Press.
2. Mechanics. L [) J andao and E. M. Lifshitz, 1976. Pergamon_
3. Classical Mechanics. P. S . .loag. N. C. Rana. 2017. McGraw Hall E.ducatioo.
4. Solved Problems in Classical Mechanics. 0 . L Delange and J. Pierrus. 2010. Oxford
Univcrs.i ty Press.
5. Clas.sicul Dynamics of particles and system. S. T . Thornton. J. 8 . Marion. 2012. Cengage
6. Problems and Solutions on Mechanics. Y. K. Lim. Sarai Book H~ . 2001.
7. Theory and Problems of Theoretical Mec.hanics. Murray R. Spiegel. 1977. McGn1w Hill

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