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A novel is a fictional book written in prose. Fictional means that it is a story invented by the author.

means it is in paragraph form.

Novels have different genres or types. Detective or mystery novels involve a crime and its investigation.
Fantasy novels are set in imaginary worlds with strange people and animals. The purpose of these types
of novels is entertainment.

Plot is the action that takes place in the novel.

Characters are the people, animals, or imaginary creatures in the novel. Most novels usually have one or
more main characters.

The narrator is the person telling the story. It could be a character in the novel, or just a voice speaking
from outside the story.

The setting is where the story takes place. Some novels have multiple settings.

The theme is the main idea of the novel. Many novels have multiple themes, like friendship, life and
death, nature, the rich and the poor etc.

Choose any novel and answer the following. Who is the main character? Who is the narrator? What do
you think is the theme? Can you tell me anything about its plot? Is it fictional or real? What genre does it
belong to? Where is it set?

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