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After realizing that his little daughter had thrown away a roll of gold wrapping paper in the past, a

father chastised his child daughter as a form of correction. Due to the fact that there was a shortage
of funds in the home, the child became agitated as he tried to paint a box in order to put it under the
Christmas tree. Despite this, the young woman chose to surprise her father on Christmas day by
giving him the gift and telling him, "This is for you, daddy." The man's outburst a few days earlier
prompted him to feel humiliated, but when he realized that the box he had been hunting for was
empty, his wrath did not lessen at all. After he yelled at her, "Don't you know that when you give a
gift to someone, there's supposed to be something inside?" she said, "No, I don't know." The little
girl yelled out to her father while staring up at him with tears in her eyes and told him, "Oh, daddy,
it's not empty at all." After blowing kisses into the box, I then shut the lid on it. All of these are
intended for you, dad. The father was completely taken aback by the turn of events. He comforted
his daughter by wrapping his arms around her and pleading with her to forgive him. She gave him a
hug in return. A tragic occurrence led to the girl's death not long after that, which occurred at a very
young age. Her grandfather had the gold box sitting next to his bed for a good number of years.
When he was in a bad mood, he would go into his mental box and pull out an imagined kiss, thinking
of the affection of the youngster who had put it there.

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