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A father disciplined his little daughter in the past after discovering that she had thrown away a roll of

gold wrapping paper. When the youngster attempted to paint a box in order to place it beneath the
Christmas tree, he grew irate since money was limited in the household. Despite this, the young lady
presented her father with the present on Christmas day and told him, "This is for you, daddy." The
man's outburst a few days earlier caused him to feel ashamed, but his anger did not subside when
he discovered that the box he had been looking for was empty. He shouted at her, "Don't you know
that when you give a gift to someone, there's supposed to be something inside?" she said, "No, I
don't know." The little girl shouted out to her father while looking up at him with tears in her eyes
and said, "Oh, daddy, it's not empty at all." I blew kisses inside the box and then closed it. They're all
for you, papa. The father was left in utter disbelief. He wrapped his arms around his daughter and
asked her to forgive him. She hugged him back. A short time afterwards, the girl passed away as the
result of an unfortunate event. For many years, her father kept the gold box next to his bed.
Whenever he was feeling low, he would take out an imagined kiss and think of the love of the kid
who had placed it there.

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