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I am Malika Ashirbekova. Currently I am at 11 th grade.

Already at the age of 13, I already began to think

about what I would like to do in my life. It seemed to me that I would not have enough time to realize
my plans. One day, my uncle maliciously joked that I would never be able to understand mathematics
and that, unfortunately, I was not given it. I was very angry with him then, because he insulted me.
Perhaps this prompted me to start studying mathematics and physics. After the 9th grade, all students
were divided into specialized classes. I was faced with a very important choice that would have
influenced my further actions. Unexpectedly for myself, I chose physics and mathematics. I can’t say
that it was easy for me from the first days, but I tried to keep up with the rest of the students and soon I
achieved my goal, because I became one of the best students in the class. I have often been told that
everything is for the best. Apparently that's what it really is.

In addition to all this, during the 10th grade I was a member of the school parliament and served as
prime minister. All the students in the parliament had a huge responsibility, and sometimes it was
difficult, and at such moments I tried not to lose heart and support others.

I am currently 17 and will soon take my next big step. I have something to strive for and if they ever tell
me that I will not succeed, then I will show this person that I will succeed.

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