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Volunteer experience at ZKA

Organization name: Zee Kwat Academy

Starting from 1 st of July to 31th of January

Background information for ZKA

ZKA is a non-profit organization which offers free education to children all over
Myanmar. The value ZKA holds is to deliver quality education to children during
the time of crisis. This organization is organized by talented youths.

Tasks and responsibilities at ZKA

I taught grade-7 students English and took the responsibility of class teacher
and assistant teacher: I taught two classes as a class teacher and another two
classes as an assistant teacher. Our main task is to deliver the lessons
depending on the syllabus. Moreover, I have to prepare a monthly report and set
up quizzes. I also have to administer the exam every 2 months.

Volunteer term( 6 months)

My work diary at ZKA

As an inexperienced teacher, I encountered difficulties in teaching students

English especially classroom Management and creating the classroom
environment which is fun and engaging. So I decided to make self-reflection
every day after teaching my students. Gradually, I am familiar with students'
behavior, their strengths, weaknesses and their learning styles. Later, I can adapt
the way I deliver the lessons depending on the learner’s needs. However, I am
not an expert in teaching yet. Throughout the volunteering period, I got a chance
to observe learners' progress and to find out how I can help learners to improve
their learning process.

The barriers I face during teaching

To be honest, I was very stressed throughout the volunteering period since our
country is in a critical situation. People who make a new initiative and help
continue children’s education are considered as criminals according to the
illegitimate government. On the other hand, internet data charges are very high.
During this period, power outages happened frequently. But, l committed to it and
took full responsibility till the end of the volunteer term.

I believe I made an impact for children's education in whatever small way I can
through the experience and wisdom from my academic background. At least,
their education did not stop because of our effort even though it is a small act.

A turning point in my life

I didn't work hard when I was in grade-11. So, I didn't get high marks and didn't
get a seat at well-known Universities. That was a huge break for me to reflect
and think about how to continue my education journey.

But I was lucky enough to major in English language and literature, which I
enjoyed most, since I was a child. However, I have some problems dealing with
my major. My English was not good at that time. Most of my classmates are very
active and they got a distinction in English in their matriculation exam.

What I realized was I need to keep up with them. Since then, I have decided to
study hard in my academic years. No one knows how I am worried about my
study because one thing is always on my mind.

I always wanted to attend honours class since I had a plan to pursue my

education till I get a PhD. On the other hand, my parents got two degrees in their
academic study. It is never wrong if I assume that trying to get a seat for honours
class is my last chance. What I realized is if I missed this opportunity, my life will
be terrible.

Since I was in first year, I made friends with senior honours students. This is
because I wanted to interview them, how they studied and grabbed this
I thought things would work out very well in my second year at first. After sitting
for the first semester exam, questions are quite difficult for us especially in
Linguistics and communicative skills. To be honest, I was shocked during the
exam. My head is full of questions. At the same time, I am doubtful that I can
achieve what I want. What if I lose this chance? However, I did make my mind
calm down and tried to answer all the questions very well.

After experiencing difficulties in this exam, I studied very hard. I did self-study,
especially in communicative skills and linguistics and I went to the library in my
free time. In some cases, if I needed help, I met my teachers within office hours
and asked for their advice. In fact, all of my efforts were not in vain. I did very well
in the second semester exam. Finally, I got a seat to attend honors class. “No
pain, no gain!”

Unforgettable Moment in University Student Life

Actually, I have no friends on the very first day of university since I am not a
native from Mandalay. But, I am brave enough to sit alone in the class. When the
teacher announced that we have to do one group project, I was so excited since I
had never done a project before.

Later, I got new friends and started doing a project on our own. At first, we didn't
have any ideas. After brainstorming a few minutes, I came up with an idea and
proposed a title:” The Greatest Inventors”. They all agreed with it and we served
the web.

It was a really fun moment since it was my first time doing a group project and
everything is very easy because all we want to find is available on google.
At that time, we didn’t know about the plagiarism, so our group copied all the
information we wanted and turned in our project in a short time.

Those were the days which always made me smile. After all, my friends and I
were having a great moment at that time.

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