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This study utilizes a survey-based research design, with data collected from a sample of teens aged 13-
18. The survey was designed to assess the participants’ social media use and mental health outcomes.
The survey was administered online and was anonymous and voluntary.The sample for this study
consisted of 300 teens aged 13-18. The participants were recruited through social media platforms and
were randomly selected from a larger pool of potential participants. The sample was stratified by
gender, with 150 male and 150 female participants. The sample was also stratified by socioeconomic
status, with 150 participants from lower-income households and 150 participants from higher-income

The survey consisted of both closed- and open-ended questions related to the participants’ social media
use and mental health outcomes. The closed-ended questions asked about the participants’
demographic information, social media use (e.g., frequency, duration, content), and mental health
outcomes (e.g., self-esteem, loneliness, anxiety, and depression). The open-ended questions asked the
participants to provide more detailed information about their social media use and mental health

Ethical considerations were taken into account in the design of this study. The participants were
informed that their participation was anonymous and voluntary and that they could withdraw from the
study at any time. Additionally, the participants were informed of the potential risks associated with the
study and were provided with contact information for mental health services if needed.

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