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a -> Affirmative / b -> Negative / c -> Interrogative

A) My sister /tidy/ her room yesterday.

a. My sister tidied her room yesterday.
b. My sister didn’t tidy her room yesterday.
c. Did my sister tidy her room yesterday?
B) We /live/ in London last summer.
a. We _______ in London last summer.
b. We ____________ in London last summer.
c. ____ we _______ in London last summer?
C) Sandra and Elsa /talk/ on the phone last night.
a. Sandra and Elsa _______ on the phone last night.
b. Sandra and Elsa ____________ on the phone last night.
c. ____ Sandra and Elsa _______ on the phone last night?
D) Arthur /brush/ his teeth last night.
a. Arthur _______ his teeth last night.
b. Arthur ____________ his teeth last night.
c. ____ Arthur _______ his teeth last night?
E) Our parents /dance/ all night in that party.
a. Our parents _______ all night in that party.
b. Our parents ____________ all night in that party.
c. ____ our parents _______ all night in that party?
F) You /protect/ that awful business.
a. You _______ that awful business.
b. You ____________ that awful business.
c. ____ you _______ that awful business?

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