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Resemble - have qualities or features, especially those of appearance, in common with (someone or
something); look or seem like.

Parachute - a cloth canopy which fills with air and allows a person or heavy object attached to it

to descend slowly when dropped from an aircraft, or which is released from the rear of an aircraft on
landing to act as a brake.

Dictate - lay down authoritatively; prescribe, an order or principle that must be obeyed.

Vessel - a ship or large boat, a hollow container, especially to hold liquid.

Opponent - someone who competes against or fights another in a contest, game, or argument; a rival

or adversary.

Descendant - a person, plant, or animal that is descended from a particular ancestor

Fierce - having or displaying an intense or ferocious aggressiveness.

Emptiness - the state of containing nothing.

League a collection of people, countries, or groups that combine for a particular purpose, typically
mutual protection or cooperation.

Scholar - a specialist in a particular branch of study, especially the humanities; a distinguished


Souvenir - a thing that is kept as a reminder of a person, place, or event.

Chaperone - a person who accompanies and looks after another person or group of people.

Suspicious -having or showing a cautious distrust of someone or something.

Flamboyant - tending to attract attention because of their exuberance, confidence, and stylishness.

Coliseum - a large theater or stadium.


Vessels – a duct or canal holding or conveying blood or other fluid.

Rotting – decay or cause to decay by the action of bacteria and fungi; decompose.

Flourescent – having or showing fluorescence.

Interfering – tending to interfere in other people's affairs.

Invincible – too powerful to be defeated or overcome.

Nightingale – a very small bird with a beautiful, loud song.

Forgery – the action of forging or producing a copy of a document, signature, banknote, or work of art
Unnecessary – not needed.

Liaison – communication or cooperation which facilitates a close working relationship between

people or organizations.

Mischievous – causing or showing a fondness for causing trouble in a playful way.

Acquaintance – a person's knowledge or experience of something.

Troubadour – a French medieval lyric poet composing and singing in Provençal in the 11th to 13th

centuries, especially on the theme of courtly love.

Accelerate – begin to move more quickly.

Brachial –relating to the arm or to a structure resembling the arm.

Homogenous – of the same kind; alike.

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