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Look at the meaning of the following words: Copy the words and beside it is your answer.

1. allusion - an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an

indirect or passing reference.

2. Windsor - a member of the present British royal family.

A wide, triangular slipknot used to tie a four-in-hand necktie.

3. edifice - a building, especially a large, imposing one.

a complex system of beliefs.

4. Stonehenge - The name of the monument probably derives from the Saxon stan-hengen, meaning
“stone hanging” or “gallows.” Along with more than 350 nearby monuments and henges (ancient
earthworks consisting of a circular bank and ditch), including the kindred temple complex at Avebury,
Stonehenge was designated a UNESCO World.

5. monstrous - grotesque, hideous, ugly, ghastly, gruesome, horrible, horrid, horrific, horrendous,
horrifying, grisly, disgusting, repulsive, repellent, revolting, nightmarish, dreadful, frightening, terrifying,
fearsome, freakish, malformed, misshapen, unnatural, abnormal, mutant, miscreated. rare teratoid.

6. dolmens - a megalithic tomb with a large flat stone laid on upright ones, found chiefly in Britain
and France.

7. stouten - (ˈstaʊtən) verb (transitive) to make or become stout or stouter.

8. toughen - make or become tougher.

9. ridge - a long narrow hilltop, mountain range, or watershed.

10. spiked - impale on or pierce with a sharp point.

form into or cover with sharp points.

11. felled - having been cut or knocked down

12. solstice - the time or date (twice each year) at which the sun reaches its maximum or minimum
declination, marked by the longest and shortest days (about June 21 and December 22).

13. rites - a religious or other solemn ceremony or act.

14. crones - The Crone is an archetypal figure, a Wise Woman. Comes from the matriarchal strength
of woman. Man turned crone into a negative
15. mutter - say something in a low or barely audible voice, especially in dissatisfaction or irritation.

a barely audible utterance, especially one expressing dissatisfaction or irritation

16. equate - consider (one thing) to be the same as or equivalent to another.

17. decapitation - the action of cutting off the head of a person or animal.

an attempt to undermine a group or organization by removing its leaders.

18. thrived - to grow or develop successfully:

to flourish or succeed

19. flourished - to grow well: to be healthy

20.newfangled - different from what one is used to; objectionably new.

21. scalpel - a knife with a small, sharp, sometimes detachable blade, as used by a surgeon.

22. undulating - having a smoothly rising and falling form or outline.

23. crumbling - breaking or falling apart into small fragments, especially as part of a process of

24. Proteus - a bacterium found in the intestines of animals and in the soil.

25. astride - with a leg on each side of

26. fetters - a chain or manacle used to restrain a prisoner, typically placed around the ankles.

27. nubile - (of a young woman) sexually attractive.

(Of a young woman) sexually mature; old enough for marriage.

28. scarping - the act of removing the surface from something using a sharp edge or something rough

29. conferred - to exchange ideas on a particular subject, often to reach a decision on what action to

30.harsh - unpleasant, unkind, cruel, or more severe than is necessary

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