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1) Transient: lasting only for a short time; impermanent.
2) Transcendental: Superior; surpassing all others;
3) Perception: Conscious understanding of something.
4) Aestheticism: an approach to art exemplified by the
Aesthetic Movement.
5) Manifestation: an event, action, or object that clearly
shows or embodies something abstract or theoretical.
6) Encompasses: surround and have or hold within.
7) Renderings: Sketch, illustration, or painting.
8) Bourgeoisie: A class of citizens who were
wealthier members of the third estate.
9) Severe: Strict or harsh.
10) Coquette: a flirtatious woman.
11) Trifling: unimportant or trivial.
12) Seamstress: a woman who sews, especially one who
earns her living by sewing.
13) Embalmed: preserve (a corpse) from decay,
originally with spices and now usually by arterial
injection of a preservative.
14) Agility: ability to move quickly and easily.
15) Ghetto: a part of a city, especially a slum area, occupied
by a minority group
16) Cataract: a large waterfall.
17) Garret: a small room at the top of a house.
18) Gilded: covered thinly with gold leaf or gold

1) mundane: lacking interest or excitement; dull.
2) wanderlust: a strong desire to travel.
3) introspection: the examination or observation of one's
own mental and emotional processes.
4) lapidary: Pertaining to gems and precious stones, or the
art of working them.
5) solitudes: the state or situation of being alone.
6) travail: engage in painful or laborious effort.
7) revelation: a surprising and previously unknown fact that
has been disclosed to others.
8) complacencies: An instance of self-satisfaction.
9) subtler: Hard to grasp; not obvious or easily understood;
barely noticeable.
10) resuscitate: revive (someone) from unconsciousness or
apparent death.
11) uncanny: strange or mysterious, especially in an
unsettling way.
12) obscured: keep from being seen; conceal.
13) educes: To infer or deduce.
14) treacherous: guilty of or involving betrayal or deception.
15) crucible: a situation of severe trial, or in which different
elements interact, leading to the creation of something new.
16) emancipation: the fact or process of being set free from
legal, social, or political restrictions; liberation.
17) scrutiny: critical observation or examination.
18) anecdotes: A short account of a real incident or person,
often humorous or interesting.
19) pessimists: Someone who habitually expects the worst
outcome; one who looks on the dark side of things.
20) ecstasy: an overwhelming feeling of great happiness or
joyful excitement.
21) epiphany: a moment of sudden and great revelation or
22) indigenous: originating or occurring naturally in
a particular place; native.
23) ineffable: too great or extreme to be expressed or
described in words.
24) vagabonds: a person who wanders from place to place
without a home or job.
25) etched: made by or subjected to etching.
26) rejuvenating: make (someone or something) look or feel
better, younger, or more vital.

1) cumulative: an accumulation of successive additions
2) paradigm: a typical example or pattern of something; a
pattern or model.
3) anthropocentric: regarding humankind as the central or
most important element of existence, especially as opposed
to God or animals.
4) bawl: To shout or utter in a loud and intense manner.
5) scuffles: a short, confused fight or struggle at close
6) gleanings: things, especially facts, that are gathered or
collected from various sources rather than acquired as a
7) spruces: a widespread coniferous tree
8) tyro: a beginner or novice.
9) ineducable: considered incapable of being educated,
especially (formerly) as a result of mental disability.
10) fording: cross (a river or stream) at a shallow place.
11) melee: a confused fight or scuffle.
12) extirpate: eradicate or destroy completely.
13) desuetude: a state of disuse.
14) pruning: trimming
15) dictum: a formal pronouncement from an authoritative

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