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2nd Grade Spelling Bee Words and Definitions

1. carefully- in a way that avoids harm or errors.

2. quietly- in a quiet manner.
3. rustle- make a soft sound caused by movement.
4. glow- give out steady light without flame.
5. decorate- make something look more attractive.
6. prairie- a large open area of grassland.
7. habitat- a natural home or environment of an animal, plant or other organism.
8. grazers- to feed on growing grass and herbage.
9. burrows- a hole or tunnel dug by a small animal.
10. colonies- a group of animals or insects.
11. arrange- put things in a neat, attractive order.
12. certain- known for sure.
13. moist- slightly wet, damp.
14. soggy- wet and soft
15. place- a particular position or point in space.
16. behavior- the way in which one acts.
17. evidence- the available body of facts or information of a belief.
18. identify- establish or indicate who or what is.
19. similar- resembling without being identical.
20. design- a plan or drawing produced to show the look and function of an object built.
21. affect- have an effect on, make a difference.
22. compare- estimate, measure the similarity or dissimilarity of something.
23. location- a particular place or position.
24. different- not the same as another.
25. region- an area of diversion part of a country.
26. community- a group of people living in the same place.
27. services- the action of helping or doing work for someone.
28. librarian- a person, typically with a degree in library science.
29. supermarkets- a large self-service store selling foods and household goods.
30. hospital- an institution providing medical services.
31. excited- very enthusiastic and eager.
32. favorite- preferred before all others of the same kind.
33. tour- a journey made by performers or an athletic team.
34. guide- a person who advises or shows the way to others.
35. explore- search for resources such as mineral deposits.
36. lonely- without companions
37. stamp- bring heavily on the ground.
38. might- to express a polite request.
39. scolding- an angry rebuke or reprimand.
40. spread- open out something so as to extend its surface area.
41. joy- a feeling of great pleasure.
42. shadows- a dark area or shape produced by a body coming between rays of light.
43. scurry- move hurriedly, with short quick steps.
44. meeting- an assembly of people, members of a society or committee.
45. fluttering- moving with a light irregular or trembling motion.
46. backyard- yard behind a house or building.
47. seaweed- a large algae growing in the sea.
48. snapshot- an informational photograph taken quickly.
49. daylight- natural light of day.
50. beach- a strip of land covered with sand at the edge of a body of water.
51. cottage- a small simple house near a lake or beach.
52. setting- tells when and where a story happens.
53. characters- a person in a novel, play, or movie.
54. events- planned public or social occasion.
55. seaside- a place by the sea.
56. legend- an extremely famous person.
57. city- a large town.
58. symbol- a mark or character.
59. landform- a natural feature of the earth’s surface.
60. continent- any of the world’s main continuous expanses of land.
61. globe- earth
62. model- an example of something.
63. ocean- a very large expansive of the sea.
64. urban- in relating to or characteristics of a town or city.
65. rural- in relating to or characteristics to countryside.
66. model- a three- dimensional representation.
67. scale- can measure the weight of something.
68. river- a large natural stream of water flowing.
69. glacier- a slow moving mass or river of ice.
70. earthquake- a sudden and violent shaking of the ground.
71. weight- a body’s relative mass.
72. texture- the feel of a surface.
73. magnetic- exhibiting of relating to magnetism.
74. flexibility- the quality of bending easily without breaking.
75. key- of paramount or crucial importance.

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