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Katherine R.

Banih October 06, 2020


1. What is environment?
We live in a world where everything is provided. From shelter, foods,
water and 3ven mates for reproduction is given. There is nothing that we could
ever need that isn't here.
As a quote would say, “The best friend of earth of man is the tree. When
we use the tree respectfully and economically, we have one of the greatest
resources on the earth. Indeed, tree is one of the most beneficial creation God has
ever created. From the oxygen that enables us to live, it can also be transformed to
shelter or even bear feits for us to eat.
That is why we have to thank God for all of his creations. A surrounding in
which living or non living organisms could possibly live and exist together! Either
in form of Physical, biological, Social, Economic and Virtual. That is why we can
not survive without an environment. As Ian Somerhalder said, “The trees are our
lungs, the rivers our bloodstream. We are all interconnected, and what you do to
the environment, ultimately you do to ourselves.”

2. How do you feel that you belong to the environment?

I am safe! I am where God wants me to be!
This is one of the best gift that God ever given to me and my family. A
comfortable and safe place to live in. Where everything is provided and the only thing I
could ever do is to protect it.
I felt secured knowing that I have a surrounding full of trees. A surrounding
full of animals and plants and beautiful flowers blooming through those weeds and
grasses. Waking up every morning hearing those birds singing and those bamboos dance
with the winds. And as the famous song said, “what a wonderful world.”

3. Define Ecology
As a famous quote would say, “No man is an island.” We live in this world where
cooperation, teamwork and unison are needed to survive. And the more we interact with
other l8v8ng organisms, the greater chance we have for survival. What you have can be
something others may not have and what they have can be something you don’t have.
Being in an environment where everything is given, the only thing that we ought to
do after reproductions, improvements and developments is to protect it. As the father of
ecology- Eugene Odum said, “Cooperation for mutual benefit, a survival strategy very
common in natural systems, is one that humanity needs to emulate.”
4. What is energy and life?
To survive is to live. To live is to protect the environment. There aren't many times
that we live our life honestly and justly. Most of the time, we tend to enjoy and take
granted everything that we are able to possess. We don’t even have the time to realize
that everything is a gift and we should be thankful for it, everything has limit and we
must learn how to save.
The sun as the main source of our energy and everything surrounding you as the
source of life has even become dangerous. We felt extreme hotness from the sun because
the ozone layer had holes due to ultraviolet rays and the natural food productions has
greatly decrease due to overuse, abusive reproduction and even using chemicals- the
world is being poisoned! As Emma Watson stated in her campaign for HEFORSHE,
“The only thing I know is that this has to stop.”

5. What is ecoystem?
Human needs a place to live in. A place where it is safe, comfortable, and our basic
needs are provided. And the only place possible is the world we live in- the Earth.
Considering all the factors that give us life are the light, temperature, fire and wind,
water, soil and nutrients, weather and climate, elevation or what they term in science as
Abiotic Factors have greatly impact our ways of life and how to live it.
We the living organisms- human and animal and even plants are capable of
Metabolism, Motion\locomotion, Growth and Development and Reproduction have also
affected our environment The foods, shelter and even water are slowly decreasing due to
abusive use. As we constantly interact with our environment, the fewer the productions of
natural resources are provided.
It is our last resort to protect the earth in order to survive and live. As Robert Swan
stated, “The greatest threat to our plnet is 5he belief that someone else will save it.”

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