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At 3-11 HUMMS1

Vocabulary Words
I found in the
The story of
“ The Old man and The Sea” By Ernest Hemingway

1. Skiff
- A small, light boat that is usually for only one person
- Example: He sailed the lake of Kabunan with his skiff .
2. Harpoon
- a long weapon used especially for hunting large fish or whales
- Ex. Most of fishermen in Sorana island use Harpoon in fishing .
3. Gaff
- An iron hook with a handle; used for landing large fish.
- Ex. A boy wonder how do the fisherman get fish using his Gaff .
4. Gaunt
- Very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold .
- Ex. The patient left the hospital looking gaunt and exhausted.
5. Benevolent
- Intending or showing kindness
- Ex. He looks like a benevolent person when he gave money to a group of
poor people .
6. Humility
- A disposition to be humble; a lack of false pride .
- Ex. The boy showed humility when he encountered the Royal Prince .
7. Stern
- Rear part of a ship
- Ex. He sat at the stern of the skiff .
8. Subdue
- To get control of( a violent or dangerous person or group) by using force,
punishment, etc .
- Ex. It makes nonsense if we do not subdue the crowd.
9. Relic
- Something of sentimental value.
- Ex. For him , this thing is a relic .
10. Fiction
- A deliberately false or improbable account.
- Ex. The writer of these books chose to have a fiction theme for his
books .
11. Blotch
- a usually dark-colored spot especially on the skin
- Ex. She was being teased by his classmates about his blotch.
12. Thwart
- to prevent (someone) from doing something or to stop (something) from
- Ex. The flood can thwart if we were preserving mother Earth and planting
trees for maitaning its beautiful .
13. Bodega
- Small sho selling groceries, especially in a Hispanic area .
- Ex. The equipments stored in bodega.
14. Thole
- either of a pair of pins set in the gunwale of a boat to hold an oar
in place
- Ex. The fisherman uses thole .
15. Ineffectual
- Producing no result
- Ex. The method seems to be ineffectual when it was tested in Laboratory .
16. Plankton
- Aggregrate of small organisms that float or drift in water.
- Ex. Some of Fish eats plankton as one of their food.
17. Irdescent
- Shining with many different colors when seen from different angles.
- Ex. The color of unique salamander is iridescent .
18. Filament
- A thin thread or hair
- Ex. Algae covered with tiny filaments.
19. Carapace
- Hard outer covering or case
- Ex. Turtles bring his carapace as house anywhere.
20. Contempt
- Lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike
- Ex. He feels that wealthy people viewhim with contempt because he
is poor.
21. Grippe
- an acute febrile contagious virus disease.
- Ex. He has a grippe disease .
22. Myriad
- A large indefinite number
- Ex. Myriad group of people went to the concert of Ed sheeran in Moa
Arena .
23. Annul
- To say officially that something is no longer valid : to make (something)
legally void
- Ex. His I.D was already annul .
24. Imperceptible
- Impossible or difficult to sense .
- Ex. We can predict it to be happen but the reality says it is imperceptible .
25. Intolerable
- Incapable of being put up with.
- Ex. She divorced him on the grounds of intolerable cruelty.
26. Rapier
- A straight sword with a narrow blade and two edges .
- Ex. Faster, get your rapier and suit your uniform .
27. Carcass
- The dead body of an animal.
- Ex. We found carcass of a dead cat on the middle of the road.
28. Improvise
- To speak or perform without preparation .
- Ex. They used to make a improvise dialogue in some part of the play .
29. Sustenance
- A source of materials to nourish the body .
- Ex. The village depends on the sea sustenance.
30. Interminable
- having or seeming to have no end : continuing for a very long time .
- Ex. It seems this maze is interminable maze .
31. Astern
- At near, or toward the stern of a ship or airplane .
- Ex. The shark closed fast astern .
32. Malignacy
- Quality of being disposed to evil ; intense ill will
- Ex. a highly malignant form of cancer.
33. Terrace
- A flat area created on the side of a hill and used especially for growing
crops .
- Ex. The farmer planting rice in hillside
34. Stew
- To cook (something) slowly in hot liquid .
- Ex. Chef stew the meat to become soft .
35. Shack
- A small house or building that is not put together well .
- Ex. a farmer's shack out in the fieldsthat's used for lambing and as
a shelter from storms
36. Shiver
- one of the small pieces into which a brittle thing is broken by sudden
- Ex. There is a remain shiver piece of glass from the broken glass.
37. Timid
- Feeling or showing a lack of courage or confidence.
- Ex. A timid rainy day seems to be bored .
38. Cot
- A small house
- Ex. I saw a cot from here .
39. Bulge
- To stick out in a rounded lump
- Ex. His face turned white and his eyesbulged.
40. Spout
- To shoot out (a liquid) with force ; to flow out with force
- Ex. She kept spouting on and on about politics and economy .
41. Glare
- To shine with a harsh, bright light .
- Ex. The sun glared down relentlessly.
42. Dip
- To put (something) into a liquid and pull it out again quickly .
- Ex. The sun dipped below the horizon.
43. Oar
- A long pole with a broad blade at one
end used for propelling or steering a boat .
44. Bait
- Something (such as a piece of food) that is used to attract fish
animals so they can be caught .
- Ex. Wait until the fish takes the bait.
45. Masculine
- Of, relating to, or suited to men or boys
- Ex. The living room is decorated in
a more masculine style than the bedroom.
46. Swirl
- To move in cirlcles or to cause (something) to move in circles.
- Ex. The clouds starts to swirl and waiting to be darken as the sign of rain
falls .
47. Erosion
- The gradual destruction of something by natural forces( such as water,
wind , or ice) : the process by which something is eroded or worn.
- Ex. There is an erosion on a hillside of mount Sinai .
48. Elegance
- refined grace or dignifiedpropriety : urbanity
- Ex. the elegance of the hotel's Frenchfurnishings
49. Tow
- To pull (a vehicle) behind another vehicle with a rope or chain .
- Ex. The police towed my car because it was parked illegally.
50. Pilgrimage
- A journey to a holy place or special and usual place .
- Ex. I made my pligrimage to Mecca last two years ago .

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