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Complete the sentences with the present simple form of the verbs in brackets.

Use contractions where possible.

1. My sister thinks she's (intelligent) than me, but I don't agree!

2. Avatar is probably (bad) film I've seen!

3. What is (wet) month of the year in England?

4. Do you think the Harry Potter films are (good) than the books?

5. Who is (powerful) person in your country?

6. I think Men in Black 1 was (funny) than Men in Black 3.

7. Is Angelina Jolie (old) than Sandra Bullock?

8. John is  (nice) person that I know.

1. The ____ you study for these exams, the ____ you will do.
     hard - better
     harder - more successfully
     much - better
     more - good

2. She doesn't really like vodka, so the ____ a bottle you find, the ____ it
will be for us!
     small - cheaper
     smaller - cheap
     smaller - good
     smaller - cheaper

3. My neighbor is driving me mad! It seems that the ____ it is at night,

the ____ he plays his music!
     later - more loud
     late - louder
     later - louder
     more late - loud

4. He spent a year in India and loves spicy food. The ____ the food is,
the ____ he likes it.
     hotter - more
     hot - much
     hotter - much
     hot - more

5. Of course you can come to the party! The ____ the ____.
     more - merrier
     more - good
     many - better

6. She will be really angry about that vase being broken! The ____ she
knows about it, the ____.
     more - better
     less - better
     worse - worse
     worse - better

7. He has 6 large dogs to protect his house. The ____ the dog, the ____
he feels.
     big - safer
     biger - safer
     bigger - safer
     more big - more safe
8. Earning money has always been the thing that pleases him most. The
____ he becomes, the ____ he is.
     more rich - happyer
     richer - happyer
     richer - happier

9. You must drive slower in built up areas. The ____ you drive in the city,
the ____ it is that you will have an accident.
     faster - probable
     quicker - probably
     faster - more probably
     quicker - more probable

Choose the correct answer in the following sentences.

1  I think she is still ill. She looks even   than last week. 
as good as
2  His results are not   his colleague's. 
the widest
3  Which of the three supermarkets do you think has   range of
4  He has   potential than anyone thought. 
harder and harder
5  It's becoming   to attract new customers. What we need is a new
strategy.  a
much tougher
6  In the last few months, competition has become   . 
7  Things are better organised now – we have   problems than before. 
8  There are more accidents on this road because it's  than the
the fastest from
9  I chose this car as my favourite because it's   all the ones I have
10  She's a lot   in the new job than she was in the previous one. 
Read through this text about Prague and decide on the best answer for
each blank. There are three possibilities for each one. Write the correct
letter in each box.

 1. a. more b. most c. very

 2. a. bigger b. more c. many

 3. a. smaller b. more small c. smallest

 4. a. very b. more c. such

 5. a. very cheap b. more cheap c. cheaper

 6. a. every b. most c. more

 7. a. better b. more good c. most good

 8. a. few b. much c. little

 9. a. very cheaper b. little more expensive c. little cheaper


Prague is one of the (1)   popular tourist destinations in Europe. After

all the political changes of the early 1990's, the capital of the Czech
Republic began to take advantage of its beautiful cultural and

architectural heritage to attract (2)   tourists than ever before

smal very

Prague is a (3)   city than many people imagine and it is (4)   easy

to move around this wonderful city on foot. Public transport is (5)   in
most bette

Prague than in (6)   other European cities but it is often (7)   to
walk, enabling you to appreciate marvellous buildings you might have
missed if you had been sitting on a bus or a tram.


(8)   people leave the city of Prague without commenting on the

little more

superb food and drink available here. Eating out here is a (9)   than it
used to be but you can still have a three course meal for around $15
without any problems.

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