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Final capstone update

Jaya Jabal

In completing the capstone, what did you learn about your subject? Your skill set?
From the topic I was researching I learnt a lot about how much migrants had to sacrifice to be
accepted in a community where different cultures may have not been accepted. I had ideas on the
sacrifices that had to be made but I was unaware of the severity and the degree in which the
sacrifices affected the communities. This project showed me that I am very tenacious and that I
have good time management skills. I have showed tenacity and time management as I have
stayed on top of all parts of my capstone and kept trying no matter any troubles along the way.
For myself, I have learned that I have a great interest in history of different cultures and history
of the respect of migrants.

How is your project relevant to you, the school, or the community at large:
My project is relevant to me because I came up with the idea from mu own personal experiences
as a second-generation Punjabi, Sikh woman. This made me more interested as it is something
that I have experienced, and the aim was to create a project that others can relate too as well as it
is a very versatile and important topic. On a community basis I wanted to ensure that other
people that may feel the same way as I have support and know they are not alone.

How did you demonstrate the six core competencies:

PERSONAL AWARENESS AND RESPONSIBILITY: I was able to ask questions to my
mentors when struggling and was able to ask questions that wouldn’t affect me or the
participants. I also understood that learning takes time meaning that finding the desired answers
and understanding with my participants took time.
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: I contributed to my community and society by making a film that
many second-generation Sikh woman can resonate with and use as an outlet to their own feelings
and their own stressors. I also was able to value diversity and create a safe place for my
grandparents to speak and answer the question vulnerably and honestly.
CRITICAL THINKING: I had to ask questions and investigate the questions answered because I
had to get answers that were relevant and accurate to the responses I desired.
CREATIVE THINKING: I had to generate and develop creative ideas and questions. This is
because the questions I had to ask had to be original and creative but still stay on topic to the
research questions.
COMMUNICATION: I had to connect and engage with my grandparents and be able to speak
with them. I had to interpret he information that was acquired and be able to further investigate
when asking questions.
PERSONAL AND CULTURAL IDENTITY: I had to understand that culture is a broad aspect
and I had to be respectful when asking and responding questions.

What impact did your capstone have:

The impact that my capstone had was allowing me to find comfort and feeling okay with my
disconnection from my family. This not only impacted me but impacted my family and other
people that had felt some type of way with their own disconnection.

What are you most proud if in your capstone:

I am proud of the fact that I had completed a task that was very emotional and hard to film as it
made my grandparents emotional. This made me very proud that I have such an emotional and
important film that could be passed down to future generations. This also makes me very proud
of the work that my grandparents did and allows me to appreciate them even more.

Difficulties that I had encountered when working on my capstone was mainly with
postproduction and using a different editing software. It was hard to edit my film on a new
editing software because I was unaware of how different it was to the software I was used to.


I would change how many people I interviewed because if I interviewed more people, I could
have more information and have more demographics relate to it. I would also try to investigate
different cultures as well so it’s not only from the perspective of a Sikh person but other
perspectives as well.


I would say to stay on top of their assignments and use their time wisely so they can get things
dine efficiently.


The source that helped me the most was getting first-hand information from my grandparents and
using an accurate source to get that information.


One approach I would change would be the creative angle I used so I can have a more creative
and I could have more of an artistic view for the film aspect of it.

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