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Adam Libudzisz

“A comedian, recently known for a sudden controversy does a guest appearance during the
ending of a theater comedy night. Through the contrast of the previous comedian’s joyful
response from the audience - surprised of the comedian’s entrance - he now has to navigate
through the ambivalent response of the crowd, trying to win them over to his side.”

Initial thoughts
Comedians have a role of not only entertaining, but also push limits and social boundaries
through their humor, it becomes a safe space of exploring thoughts, where the audience
puts their trust in the comedian.

What happens when the audience already has lost trust in the one performing? And how will
the collective react to him?

I’m curious in someone who has recently gone through a controversy and yet disregards this
and performs, where the audience is ambiguous and uncertain, and where the comedian still
believes in his role of authority - but has to come to realization that it might be lost and has
to confront the truth of his controversy, all simultaneously witnessed by a crowd.

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