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Raymundo Enriquez Romero

HIST- 4330
Dr. Cartwright
May 26, 2023

My Teaching Philosophy
Why do I want to become a teacher? This is a question that my parents make me answer
when I tell them that I want to become a teacher there are times that I even question myself
because I’m not sure if I have it in me to become a teacher, because of the current situations that
schools are facing but one thing gives me hope on becoming a teacher and that is my little
siblings every time they get home from school I ask them how was school and I get the same
response every time it’s always “it was ok” they never come home exited about the stuff they
learn at school it was as if we are making them go to school by force and looking at them just
makes me sad for their generation.
Becoming a teacher was not my first option in fact when I was in high school I wanted to
go to college to study physics or something related to science but there was this one thing that
made me quit on pursuing that goal and that was when one of my “friends” told me why do you
want to study that if you’re dumb and me being a teenager who cared or believed what other
people told me I gave up on it. It took me 3 years in community college and 1 semester at UTEP
that set me on the career path of a teacher. You see I never had a good teacher that inspired me or
anything of that sort I went to bad schools where you had to fight in order to survive and I know
I making it sound like prison but I went to L.B.J Elementary school and then to Morehead
Middle school which were both terrible schools and while Studying at UTEP those teachers
came to mind and I thought of my little siblings and said I want to become a teacher to make a
difference in the Education System because while being in this class I noticed how rotten and
how limited teachers are.
What I want for my students to gain from my students is not only the knowledge nut also
to say wow Mr. Romero was a great teacher he really made an impact on me and I know I can’t
persuade everyone into becoming a teacher and if possible I want for my siblings become one of
my students and show them the art of teaching, show them what a teacher who cares about his
students can do for them.
The methods that I plan to use with my students are mostly group activities and projects
because I feel like those are some ways to connect not just with their peers but also with the
teacher because I don’t want to be that history teacher that is always asking for a 5 page essay
with sources no I don’t want that for my students I want active learning in my classroom I want
to interact with them like with Kahoot or a Quizziz I don’t want my students to be stressing out
in my class because they will have other classes that they need to worry about or sometimes even
family problems that intervenes with their studies that a teacher I’m willing to be.

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