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Almost everywhere, we know that there exists
a rotation of an object from the motions of
electrons in atoms to the motions of the entire
galaxies. That is why it is imperative to
develop a model so that we can understand
and analyze the motion of a rotating body. In
this chapter, a rotating object is being studied.
Some analogy in rotational motions like
angular velocity, angular acceleration are
being introduce and equations were develop
to describe rotational motion. Torque was
Wind turbines converts the energy of wind into rotational also defined which is the twisting or turning
energy by means of blades. The blades have the same effort of a force. Work, power, energy and
angular velocity. It involves a body that rotates about an conservation of angular momentum were
axis that is stationary in some inertial frame of reference.
discussed which are tremendously useful for
understanding rotational motion. There are
two types of rotational motion that were being
discussed in this chapter which are the
rotational kinematics and the rotational


Real-world bodies are considered as a rigid body, an idealized model which has a
perfectly definite and unchanging shape and size. It is a body where all the particles maintain
their relative position as it rotates. In this section, the rotational motion is described using
kinematic language. When a rigid body rotates about a fixed axis, its motion can be described
in terms of its angular position 𝜃, angular velocity 𝜔, and angular acceleration 𝛼. Then we look
at the kinetic energy of rotation, the key to using energy methods for rotational motion.

5.1 Angular Velocity and Acceleration

In describing rotational motion, the usual way to measure

the angular displacement is in terms of radian. One radian is the
angle subtended at the center of the circle by an arc with the length
equal to the radius of the circle

 (5-1)

where 𝑟 is the radius of the circle and 𝑠 is the arc length as seen
in Figure 5.1. Figure 5.1: Measuring angle
in radians.

Angular velocity (𝜔) is the time rate of change of the angular position. Average angular
velocity is defined as

  2  1
ave   (5-2)
t t 2  t1

And the instantaneous angular velocity is defined as

 ave d
  lim  (5-3)
t 0 t dt

The SI unit for angular velocity is in radian/seconds (or rad/s).

Angular acceleration 𝛼 is the time rate of change of the angular velocity. The average angular
acceleration is defined as

2  1 
 ave   (5-4)
t2  t1 t

while the instantaneous angular acceleration is defined as

ave d d 2
  lim   (5-5)
t 0 t dt dt 2

The SI unit for angular acceleration is rad/s2.

The distinction between angular velocity  Z and ordinary velocity, or linear velocity, v x is that
if an object has a velocity v x , the object as a whole is moving along the x-axis. By contrast, if
an object has an angular velocity  Z then it is rotating around the z-axis. We do not mean that
the object is moving along the z-axis.

The figure below shows the right-hand rule for the direction of the angular velocity vector  .

Reversing the direction of rotation reverses the direction of  . The sign of  Z for rotation along
the z-axis.

Figure 5.1: The right-hand rule for the direction of the angular velocity vector  . Reversing the direction

of rotation reverses the direction of  . (Source: Young & Freedman, Univ. Physics with Modern Physics 13th

Sample Problem

A fan blade rotates with angular velocity given by z (t )    t 2 , where  =5.00 rad/s and
 =0.800 rad/s3.
a) Calculate the angular acceleration as a function of time.
b) Calculate the instantaneous angular acceleration  z at t  3.00s and the angular
acceleration  av z for the time interval t  0 to t  3.00s .

d Z  2 d 2
z   av z  (t )  2t
dt t dt

d z
a)  z (t )   2t  (1.60 rad/s3)t.
b)  z (3.0 s)= (-1.60 rad/s3) (3.0 s) = -4.80 rad/s2

z (3.0s )  z (0) 2.20rad / s  5.00rad / s

 av z    2.40rad / s 2
3.0s 3.0s

5.2 Rotation with Constant Angular Acceleration

For the special case of constant angular acceleration, the equations which relate
angular displacement, angular velocity, and angular acceleration and time have the same form
as the kinematics equations for constant linear acceleration. These equations can be obtained
from the familiar ones by replacing x with  , v with  omega, and a with  .

Table 5.1: Rotational Analog of Linear Motion with Constant Acceleration

Linear Motion Rotational Motion

v  vo  at   o   t
1 1
𝑥 − 𝑥𝑜 = (𝑣 + 𝑣𝑜 )𝑡 𝜃 − 𝜃𝑜 = (𝜔 + 𝜔𝑜 )𝑡
2 2

1 1
x  xo  vo t  at 𝜃 − 𝜃𝑜 = 𝜔𝑜 𝑡 + 𝛼𝑡 2
𝑣 2 − 𝑣𝑜 2 = 2𝑎(𝑥 − 𝑥𝑜 ) 𝜔2 − 𝜔𝑜 2 = 2𝛼(𝜃 − 𝜃𝑜 )

Sample Problem

When an electric fan is turned off, its angular velocity is decreasing uniformly from 500 rev/min
to 200 rev/min in 40 s.

a) Find the angular acceleration in rev/s2

b) The number of revolutions made by the motor in the 40s interval.
c) How many more seconds required for the fan to come to rest if the angular acceleration
remains constant using the value calculated in (a)?


a)   O  t

 rev rev  1min

 200  500 x
  o  min min  60s  0.125 rev
 
t 40s s2

 rev rev  1 min 

b)   200  500 x 
  (  o )t    min min  60 sec 
x ( 40s )  233rev
2  2 
 
 

rev 1 min
 200 x
 o
c)   O  t t  min 60s  26.67s
 rev
 0.125 2

5.3 Relating Linear and Angular Kinematics

The relationship between linear and angular speeds is

  r (5-6)

The tangential acceleration of a point on a rotating body is

dv d
atan  r  r (5-7)
dt dt

The centripetal acceleration of a point on a rotating body is

arad    2r (5-8)

Sample Problem

An electric turntable 0.750 m in diameter is rotating about a fixed axis with an initial angular
velocity of 0.250 rev/s and a constant angular acceleration of 0.900 rev/s 2. (a) Compute the
angular velocity of the turntable after 0.200 s. (b) Through how many revolutions has the
turntable spun in this time interval?(c) What is the tangential speed of a point on the rim of the
turntable at t=0.200 s? (d) What is the magnitude of the resultant acceleration of a point on
the rim at t= 0.200 s?


Apply constant angular acceleration equations. A point on the rim has both tangential and
radial components of acceleration. v  r.

a tan  r arad  r 2

a) z  0 z   z t  0.250rev / s  (0.900rev / s 2 )(0.200s)  0.430rev / s

b) av z t  (0.340rev / s)(0.2s)  0.068rev.

 0.750m 
c) v  r   (0.430rev / s )( 2rad / rev)  1.01m / s
 2 

d) a  arad
 atan
 ( 2 r ) 2  (r ) 2 .

((0.430rev / s)( 2rad / rev)) (0.375)  (0.900rev / s )( 2rad / rev)( 0.375m) .

a 2 2 2

a  3.46m / s 2 .

5.4 Energy in Rotational Motion

A rotating rigid body consists of mass in motion, so it has kinetic energy. This energy
can be expressed in terms of the body’s angular velocity and a quantity called moment of
inertia. The moment of inertia of a body is a measure of the resistance of an object to changes
in its rotational motion. For a system of particles of masses m i at distances ri from an axis
passing through a point P the rotational inertia of the system about the axis is given by:

I  m1r1  m2 r2  ...   mi ri
2 2 2


The SI unit of moment of inertia is kg.m2.

When a rigid body rotates about a fixed axis, the speed vi of the i th particle is given by:
vi  ri . The kinetic energy of the particle can be expressed as

1 1
mi vi  mi ri  2
2 2
2 2

The total kinetic energy (K) of the body is the sum of the kinetic energies of all its particles:

K   2  mi ri
2 i

In terms of moment of inertia (I), the rotational kinetic energy of a rigid body is:

1 2
K I (5-12)

The SI unit of the rotational kinetic energy is Joule (J).

Note: Moment of inertia of different solids can be found in the Appendix D.

Sample Problem

1. A 0.75 kg wooden ball 0.15 m in radius is rolling at a speed of 3.05 m/s. Find its total
kinetic energy.

1 1
𝐾 = 𝑚𝑣 2 + 𝐼𝜔2
2 2
2 2
𝐼 = 𝑚𝑅2 = (0.75 𝑘𝑔)(0.15 𝑚)2 = 6.75 𝑥 10−3 𝑘𝑔 ∙ 𝑚2
5 5

𝑣 3.05 𝑚/𝑠
𝜔= = = 20.33 𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠
𝑟 0.15 𝑚

1 1 1 1
𝐾= 𝑚𝑣 2 + 𝐼𝜔2 = (0.75 𝑘𝑔)(3.05 𝑚⁄𝑠)2 + (6.75𝑥10−3 )(20.33 𝑟𝑎𝑑⁄𝑠)2
2 2 2 2

𝐾 = 4.88 𝐽

2. Four small spheres, each with mass of 0.20 kg are

arranged in a square of 0.40 m on each side and
connected by light rods. Find the moment of inertia in
kg.m2 if the system is rotated about an axis through the
center of the square, perpendicular to its plane.


I  m1r12  m2 r22  m3 r32  m4 r42

Using the Pythagorean Theorem,

2 2
 0.4m   0.4m 
r      0.28m
 2   2 

(The distance from point O to the sphere)

Since r is just the same for all masses, then

 
I  4 0.2kg 0.28m   0.063kg m 2

5.5 Parallel-Axis Theorem

The moment of inertia of any object about an axis through its center of mass is the
minimum moment of inertia for an axis in that direction in space. The moment of inertia about
any axis parallel to that axis through the center of mass is given by:

I p  I cm  Md 2 (5-13)

Where, M the object's mass and d the perpendicular distance between the two axes.

5.6 Moment of Inertia calculation

For continuous mass distribution, the moment of inertia for linear distribution is

I   r 2dm (5-14)

For continuous mass distribution, the moment of inertia for volume distribution is

I   r 2 dV (5-15)

If the body is uniform in density, then we may take  outside the integral:

I    r 2 dV (5-16)


A force is required to start a stationary body rotating or to bring a spinning body to a

halt. This force must be applied in a way that it gives a twisting or turning action. The twisting
or turning effort of force is called the torque.

In this section, we will learn how to find the net torque acting on a rigid body; work and power
in rotational motion; and conservation of angular momentum.

5.7 Torque

The Torque (  ) is the tendency of a force to cause or change
the rotational motion of the body. It is a measure of the twisting effect
of a force on a body.

The figure shows a wrench being used to loosen a tight bolt. Force Fb
applied near the end of the handle is more effective that an equal force
 
Fa applied near the bolt. Force Fc doesn’t do any good at all; it is

applied at the same point and has the same magnitude as Fb but its Figure 5.2: A wrench
being used to loosen a
parallel along the length of the handle which contribute any torque. tight bolt. (Source: Young
& Freedman, Univ. Physics
with Modern Physics
The torque sign 13th Ed.)


(+) →counter-clockwise
(–) →clockwise

The torque of a force about a point is the product of the force

magnitude and the lever arm of the force. From figure 5.3 ,

𝜏1 = + 𝐹1 𝑙1
𝜏2 = − 𝐹2 𝑙2
𝜏3 = 0

Three ways to calculate the torque of the force about the point
O. In figure 5.4, and are in the plane of the page and the
torque vector points out of the page toward you.

If 𝐹⃗ and 𝑟⃗ are not perpendicular with each other,

Figure 5.3: (Source: Young &
the magnitude of torque is Freedman, Univ. Physics with Modern
Physics 13th Ed.)

  Fl  rF sin   Ftan r (5-17)


𝑙 – moment arm or lever arm perpendicular with

Force 𝐹.
F – magnitude of the force
 – angle between 𝑟⃗ and 𝐹⃗

In general the definition of torque is

  
  rF (5-18)

Figure 5.4 (Source: Young & Freedman,

The SI unit of Torque is N∙m. The direction of the torque is Univ. Physics with Modern Physics 13th Ed.)
given by the right-hand rule.

Sample Problem
  
Find the torque produced by each force through point O. The magnitudes of F1 , F2 and F3 are
8N, 12N and 10N, respectively. What is the net Torque?

O 30o 75o


a) 𝜏⃑𝐹1 = 𝑟⃑1 𝑥 𝐹⃑1 = −𝑟1 𝐹1 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 = −(5 𝑚)(8 𝑁 )sin90° = − 40 𝑚𝑁

b) 𝜏⃑𝐹2 = 𝑟⃑2 𝑥 𝐹⃑2 = +𝑟2 𝐹2 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 = +(2 𝑚)(12 𝑁)sin30° = +12 𝑚𝑁

c) 𝜏⃑𝐹3 = 𝑟⃑3 𝑥 𝐹⃑3 = +𝑟3 𝐹3 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 = +(2 𝑚)(10 𝑁)sin75° = +19.3 𝑚𝑁

The net torque is   8.7 mN

5.8 Equilibrium

The word equilibrium means balance. In particular, static equilibrium means that a system is
stable and at rest. This means that the net force must be zero – called translational equilibrium.
However, to be complete the net torque must also be zero – called rotational equilibrium. For
complete static equilibrium, both of these two conditions must be fulfilled.

Two conditions for equilibrium:

1. The static equilibrium which is

∑ 𝐹⃗=0 (5-19)

2. The rotational equilibrium which is

∑ 𝜏⃗=0 (5-20)

5.9 Torque and Angular Acceleration for Rigid Body

The net force acting on this particle has a component 𝐹1𝑟𝑎𝑑 along the radial direction, a
component 𝐹1𝑡𝑎𝑛that is tangent to the circle of radius r1 in which particle moves, and component
F1z along axis of rotation as shown in the figure.

The net torque is

 z  I z (5-21)

For all particles the equation is

 iz    mi ri  z    I i  z

i i  i 

As a rigid body rotates around the z-axis, a net force F1
acts on one particle of the body. Only the force component
F1, tan can affect the rotation, because only F1, tan exerts a
torque about O with a z-component (along the rotation

Figure 5.5 (Source: Young &

Freedman, Univ. Physics with
Modern Physics 13th Ed.)

Sample Problem

A cable is wrapped several times around a uniform solid cylinder

that can rotate about its axis. The cylinder has diameter 0.120
m and mass 50 kg. The cable is pulled with a force of 9.0N.
Assuming that the cable unwinds without stretching or slipping,
what is its linear acceleration?


z I cy 
 z  I z   z  MR 2
I cy 2

z FR 2F 2(9.0 N )
z      6.0rad / s 2
I  MR 2
 MR ( 50kg )( 0.060m )
 
 2 
a x  R x  (0.060m)(6.0.rad / s 2 )  0.36m / s 2

5.10 Rigid-Body Rotation about a Moving Axis

We can extend our analysis of the dynamics of rotational motion to some cases in which
the axis of rotation moves. When that happens, the motion of the body is combined translation
and rotation.

Every possible motion of a rigid body can be represented as a combination of translational

motion of the center of mass and rotation about an axis through the center of mass.

In this case, the kinetic energy is associated with motion of the center of mass and with rotation
about an axis through the center of mass.

1 1
K  Mvcm
 I cm 2 (5-23)
2 2
An important case of combined translation and rotation is rolling without slipping, such as the
motion of the wheel shown in figure. The condition for rolling without slipping is

𝑣𝑐𝑚 = 𝑅𝜔 (5-24)

where, 𝑣𝑐𝑚 - velocity of center of mass

𝑅 - radius of the wheel
𝜔 - angular speed

Figure 5.6: The motion of a rolling wheel is the sum of the translational motion of the center of mass plus
the rotational motion of the wheel around the center of mass. (Source: Young & Freedman, Univ. Physics
with Modern Physics 13th Ed.)

Sample Problem

Flywheels which are simply large rotating disks have been suggested as a means of storing
energy for solar-powered generating systems. Estimate the kinetic energy that can be stored in
a 20,000-kg (10-ton) flywheel with a diameter of 20 m (a 6-story building). Assume it could
hold together (without flying apart due to internal stresses) at 100 rpm (revolution per minute).


 rev  1 min  2rad 

  100     10.5rad / s
 min  60 sec  rev 
𝐼𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑐 = ½𝑀𝑅2

1 2 11  1
K I   MR 2  2  ( 20,000kg )( 20m) 2 (10.5rad / s ) 2
2 22  4
K  2.205  108 J

5.11 Dynamics of Combined Translation and Rotation

The combined translational and rotational motion of an object can also be analyzed from
the standpoint of dynamics. In this case the object must obey both of the following forms of
Newton's Second Law:

Two following conditions should be met:

1. The axis through the center of mass must be an axis of symmetry

2. The axis must not change direction

5.12 Rolling Friction

Rolling friction occurs when a wheel, ball, or cylinder rolls freely over a surface, as in
ball and roller bearings. The main source of friction in rolling appears to be dissipation of energy
involved in deformation of the objects.

Figure 5.7: Rolling down a perfectly rigid surface and a deformable surface. The deformation in the right
figure is greatly exaggerated. (Source: Young & Freedman, Univ. Physics with Modern Physics 13th Ed.)

Sample Problem

A solid bowling ball rolls without slipping down the return

ramp at the side of the alley. The ramp is inclined at an
angle  to the horizontal. Treat the ball as a uniform
solid sphere, ignoring the finger holes.
a) What is the ball’s acceleration?
b) Determine the frictional force.


I solid sphere  MR 2

 Fx  Mg sin   (  f )  Ma cm, x (1)

If the ball rolls without slipping:

acm x
a cm x  R z   z  (2)
The equation of motion for rotation about the axis through the center of mass is

2 2 
 z  fR  I cm z   MR  z (3)
5 
Substitute z (2) to (3), so that (3) becomes,

2 a  2
fR  MR 2  cm x   f  Ma cm x
5  R  5

Substitute f to (1) and solve for a cm x

Mg sin   ( f )  Macm x

acm x  g sin 
and 2 5 2
f  M ( g sin  )  Mg sin 
5 7 7

Therefore, the acceleration is just 5/7 as large as it would be if the

ball could slide without friction down the slope.

5.13 Work and Power in Rotational Motion

When you pedal a bicycle, you apply forces to a rotating body

and do work on it. Similar things happen in many other real-life situations, such as a rotating
motor shaft driving a power tool or a car engine propelling the vehicle.

Consider a tangential force applied to a rotating body that does work as shown in Figure 5.8.
The work done by a torque is,

Figure 5.8: A tangential

force applied to a rotating
body does work.

𝑑𝑊 = 𝐹𝑡𝑎𝑛 𝑑𝑠 = 𝐹𝑡𝑎𝑛 𝑅𝑑𝜃 (5-25)

W    z d (5-26)

If the torque remains constant while the angle changes by a finite amount, then the work done
by a constant torque is,

W   z 2  1    z  (5-27)

Total work done on a rotating rigid body is,

𝑊𝑡𝑜𝑡 = ∫ 𝐼𝜔𝑧 𝑑𝜔𝑧 = 𝐼𝜔2 2
𝜔1 2 (5-28)
− 𝐼𝜔1 2

The change in the rotational kinetic energy of a rigid body equals the work done by forces
exerted from outside the body. This equation is analogous to the work–energy theorem for a

The power associated with work done by a torque acting on a rotating body,

𝑑𝑊 𝑑𝜃
𝑃= =𝜏 (5-29)
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡

Note that 𝑑𝑊/𝑑𝑡 is just the rate of doing work and 𝑑𝜃/𝑑𝑡 is the angular velocity.

P   zz (5-30)

Sample Problem

What is the power output in horsepower of an electric motor turning at 4800 rev/min and
developing a torque of 4.30 N-m?


From the equation of power in rotational motion,

 4800rev 2rad 1min 

P   zz =   4.30 N .m  x   = 2161 Watts
 min 1rev 60s 

The power output of an electric motor is, P = 2161 W.

In horsepower, P  2161W   2.9hp

5.14 Angular momentum

The analog of linear momentum discussed in chapter 4 of a particle is angular

⃗⃗), defined by
momentum (𝑳
    
L  r  p  r  mv (5-31)


p - linear momentum

r - position vector relative to point O of an inertial frame
v - velocity of the particle
m - constant mass of the particle
 
 - angle between r and p

Consider a thin slice of the body lying in xy-plane as shown in

Figure 5.9 and rotating about z-axis with angular speed . Each
particle in the slice moves in a circle centered in the origin O, and its
velocity vi at each instant perpendicular to its position vector ri
Figure 5.9: Rotating thin slice of
the body.
The direction of angular momentum Li is determined by right-hand
rule and the magnitude is

𝐿𝑖 = 𝑚𝑖 (𝑟𝑖 𝜔)𝑟𝑖 = 𝑚𝑖 𝑟𝑖2 𝜔


The total angular momentum of the slice is the sum of Li of particles

L   Li   mi ri 2   I

The angular momentum for rigid body rotating around a symmetry axis

 
L  I (5-34)

Then the sum of external torque for any system of particle is given by

 dL
  (5-35)

Sample Problem

A turbine fan of an engine has a moment of inertia of 2.5 kg.m 2

about its axis of rotation. As the turbine starting up, its angular
velocity as a function of time is   40rad / s 3 t 2 .
a) Find the fans angular momentum as a function of time, and
find its value at time t=3.0s.
b) Find the net torque acting on the fan as a function of time,
and find the torque at time t=3.0s.


a) The only component of angular momentum is along the rotation (z) axis
100kg  m 2 2
L  I   2.5kg  m 2  40rad / s 3 t 2  ( )t
z z    s3

At t=3.0s : L  (100kg  m 2 / s 3 )( 3.0s) 2  900kg  m 3 / s


b)   z  (100kg  m 2 / s 3 )( 2t )  (200kg  m 2 / s 3 )t
z dt

At t=3.0s :   (200kg  m 2 / s 3 )(3.0s)  600kg  m 2 / s 2  600N  m


5.15 Conservation of Angular Momentum

The principle of conservation of angular momentum states that:

“When a net external Torque acting on a system is zero, then the total angular momentum of
the system is constant (conserved).”

  0 then  0 and L is constant. (5-37)

Sample Problem

An acrobatic physics professor stands at the center of a

turntable, holding his arms extended horizontally with a
5.0-kg dumbbell in each hand. He is set about a vertical
axis, making 1 rev in 2.0s. Find the Prof’s new angular
velocity if he pulls the dumbbells into his stomach.


The moment of inertia of the system is

I  I prof  I dumbells ; I dumbells  2(mr 2 )


I 1  3.0kg  m 2  2(5.0kg )(1.0m) 2  13kg  m 2

1z   0.50rev / s
2.0 s
The final moment of inertia

I 2  2.2kg  m 2  2(5.0kg )(0.20m 2 )  2.6kg  m 2

I1 13kg  m 2
2 z  1z  (0.50rev / s)  2.5rev / s
I2 2.6kg  m 2

Exercise No. 5

1. A fan blade is initially rotating an angular speed of 4.6 rpm. It slows down and eventually
comes to rest in a time of 32 seconds after turning through a total of 8.8 revolutions. Find
a) the angular speed in rad/s,
b) the average angular velocity and
c) the average angular acceleration of the fan blade.

2. Starting from rest at time t = 0, a grindstone has a constant angular acceleration of 3.2
rad/s2. What is the angular displacement after 2.7 s? If the radius of the grindstone is 0.24
m, calculate the tangential and radial acceleration.

3. A wheel of diameter 40.0 cm starts from rest and rotates with a constant angular
acceleration of 3.00 rad/s2 . At the instant the wheel has completed its second revolution,
compute the radial acceleration of a point on the rim in two ways:
a) using the relationship αrad = ω2r and
b) from the relationship αrad= v2/r.

4. Calculate the moment of inertia of each of the following uniform objects about the axes
indicated. A thin 2.50-kg rod of length 75.0 cm about an axis perpendicular to it and
a) (i) throughits one end (ii) through its center, and (iii) about an axis parallel to the rod
and passing through it.
b) A 3.00-kg sphere is (i) solid and (ii) A thin-walled hollow shell.
c) An 8.00-kg cylinder of length 19.5 cm cylinder if the cylinder is (i) thin-walled and
hollow and (ii) solid.
5. A twirler’s baton is madeof a slender metal cylinder of mass M and length L. Each end has a
rubber cap of mass m. and you can accurately treat each cap as a particle in this problem. Find
the total moment of inertia of the baton about the usual twirling axis (perpendicular to the
baton through its center.
6. Calculate the net torque about point O for the
two forces applied as in figure shown. F2=12.0N
7. A thin rod of length L lies on the +x-axis with
its left end at the origin. A sting pulls on the O
rod with a force 𝐹⃗ directed toward point P a 2.00m
distance h above the rod. Where along the 3.00m
rod should you attach the string to get the F2=4.0N
greatest torque about the origin if point P is
above the right end of the rod?

8. A hollow, spherical shell with mass 2.00 kg rolls without slipping down at 38.0˚ slope. Find
the acceleration, the friction force, and the minimum coefficient of friction needed to
prevent slipping
9. A block with mass m = 5.00 kg slides down a surface
inclined 36.9˚to the horizontal (Figure on the right).
The coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.25. A string
attached to the block is wrapped around a flywheel
on a fixed axis at O. The flywheel has mass 25.0 kg
and moment of inertia 0.500 kg∙m2 with respect to
the axis of rotation. The string pulls without slipping
at a perpendicular distance of 0.200 m from that axis.
a) What is the acceleration of the block down the
b) What is the tension in the string

10. A large turntable rotates about a fixed vertical axis (Iturntable=1200 kg/m2) making 1
revolution in 6.0 s. A 40-kg student initially standing at the center of the turntable, runs out
along a radius. What is the angular speed of the turntable when he is 2.0m from the center?


1. a) o=0.48rad/s, b)=0.24rad/s, c) =-0.015rad/s2;

2. =11.7rad, at=0.768m/s2, arad=17.92m/s2;

3. ac=15.1m/s2, ac=15.1 m/s2

4. a)(i)I=0.469kg.m2, (ii)I=0.117kg.m2,(iii)I=0, b)(i)I=0.0433 kg.m2,(ii)I=0.0722

kg.m2, c) (i)I=0.0288 kg.m2, (ii)I=0.0144 kg.m2

1 1
5. 𝐼 = ( 𝑀+ 𝑚)𝐿2 ;
12 2

6. 8.0 mN, 𝑘̂

7. at the end of the rod

8. 3.62m/s2; 4.83N; 0.313

9. a)1.12m/s2 b)14N

10. 0.924 rad / s.


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