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Nick Carraway-A young Minnesota man who came to New York after graduating Yale and serving in

World War I, Nick is Jay Gatsby's neighbor and Daisy Buchanan's cousin. The Great Gatsby's protagonist,
Nick, describes himself as "one of the few good men he's ever met." Nick sees himself as a man of
"infinite optimism" who can see the best side of everyone he has met. Nick sees through the veneer of
the riches of Gatsby, and is the only character in the novel who truly cares about Gatsby. Watching the
unfolding of Gatsby's novel, Nick becomes a critic of the greed and carelessness of the Roaring Twenties
that goes on all around him.

Jay Gatsby-Nick's wealthy West Egg neighbour. Gatsby owns a gigantic mansion, and is well known every
Saturday night for hosting massive parties. Gatsby's desire for riches derives from his desire to reclaim
the love of his life, Daisy Buchanan, whom he encountered and fell in love with during military training
in Louisville, Kentucky, previous to World War III. Gatsby is a self-made man (James Gatz was his birth
name) who fulfilled the American Dream of rising from the lower classes to the top of society. But the
desire for love proves more important to Gatsby than the lust for money. Fitzgerald makes use of
Gatsby's demise as a rebuke of Roaring Twenties America's careless indulgence.

Daisy Buchanan-The love of the life of Jay Gatsby, Nick Carraway's cousin and Tom Buchanan's wife. She
was born in Louisville, Kentucky, where she met Gatsby and fell in love with him. She describes herself
as "sophisticated" and claims that the best thing a girl can be is a "beautiful little fool," making it
unsurprising that she lacks commitment and honesty, And value stuff material above everything else.
Even Daisy is more than just a shallow digger of gold. More tragic is she: a loving woman corrupted by
greed. She prefers money comfort and protection over real love but she deliberately does so.

Tom Buchanan-A former football player who is married to Daisy Buchanan and graduated from Yale.
Tom, the eldest son of an extremely wealthy and successful "old money" family, has a veneer of
gentlemanly manners that barely conceals a racist, sexist, self-centered.

Myrtle Wilson-George Wilson's wife, and Tom Buchanan's mistress. Myrtle hate her husband being
knocked down and desperately want to change her lot in life.

Jordan Baker-A Daisy's mate who is a girlfriend to Nick. Jordan, a professional pro golfer, is stunning and
friendly but does not encourage Nick to feel anything more for her than a "tender curiosity."
Nevertheless, the novel includes a hint that she loves Nick, and that he misjudges her.

George Wilson-Myrtle Wilson's husband and the owner of a vehicle garage in Ashes Valley. Wilson is a
beaten-down man who loves and adores his wife, nevertheless. Her interactions with Tom drive Wilson
to the brink and her death drives him over.

Henry Gatz-father of Jay Gatsby. Henry Gatz, a dignified but poor man, loves his son profoundly, and
believes he has been meant for great things.

Meyer Wolfsheim-a business partner and friend of Gatsby's. A small Jewish man, fifty years old, with
hairy nostrils and beady eyes, Wolfsheim is a gambler who has made his name in organized crime.

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