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Topic- Fast food v/s home food

Mohini Nisha
Sudha Panda

Sudha- Home food is very good because it is good for our health. It is made by
our mom, so it have love and care.
(Nurturing Parent)
Change to adult- According to the data published on the journal written by
Reshmi Ranjan Khanra home food contains all the essential nutrients and that’s
why it is good for our health.
Action & gesture
Sudha- started with sincerity with eyes expression.
Mohini as a listener – listening with hand movement (itching of eyes)
Mohini- I also like home food but apart from home food outside food is also
good for our tongue taste sometimes what happen we are eating daily home
food so too much booring sometimes in a week one or two time , not too much ,
chowmin, chilli it give some different taste to the tongue so it create pleasure
and joy like ok I will eat today to this things but not more than but I like
chowmin, chilli etc.
Change to adult- Be practical Sudha Panda, everyday you can’t take home
food if you need some refreshment then you have to try outside food and not all
outside food is not bad. You can search in internet about this also.
(Nurturing Parent) (Adult) (Natural Child)
Sudha- We will make fast food in our home also by own, so it is healthy why
we have to take outside food it is bad for our health.
(Critical Parent, Nurturing Parent)
Change to adult- Why there is need for making fast food at home? If you want
fast food just go to a good restaurant an eat there.
Mohini- It is not like that it is bad for our health if you will take surplus amount
then it affects in your body and leads to ill health but if you take in limit amount
not too much then it is good not good but ok.
(Critical Parent)
Change to adult- Go to a doctor and test your health and eat according to your
body requirement then you will never become ill.
The person who is selling the food they also earn money their livelihood is
Change to Nurturing Parent- You know Sudha those people who are selling
the food it’s a source of occupation for them.
Sudha- It also a one type of livelihood for other person we have to take care of
ourselves, what happened we didn’t tell our parents and taking food outside,
because of taste we consume more fast food, at first we decided to not taking
but due to taste we are taking more and more junk food, it effects on our health.
(Adaptive Child)
Change to adult- Ha, you are correct but for someone’s livelihood harming
own health is not good.
Mohini- Ha in report and newspaper we saw that most hostelers and bachelor
people are taking more outside food. Because they are working and studying
and working far from the home in another college and schools. So, they are
taking food from outside. They skip their breakfast; they take lunch from
outside. Ha, in youngsters it not Affect. Day by day our become more that time
it will affect. But ok, I like (Smiling).
Change to Nurturing Parent- Sudha you know now a days all hostelers and
bachelor going to take food outside for they don’t want to make food in home.

Now a days child also like that much. Earlier in tiffin only Roti and Alu bhujia
but now moms are doing value addition in tiffin. In Roti and Bhujia mom are
putting jam and roll. (Hand Activity). This creativity likes children.
(Natural Child)
Change to adult- Many research revealed that now days children like creativity
in everyday food.
Sudha- Ha, this creativity likes children. Now a days moms are educated but
they did not take care of their child food. Some articles are there where written
many children are suffering from food poison and obesity. But they have to
some vegetables and fruits also, creatively they are making food in good
manner that good for their health, not germ foods like Maggie and all those
things are not good. So, we have to concentrate in this part.
(Adult, Nurturing Parent)

Change to adult-
You know why now days chid are liking creativity? because this is the effects of
trends only.

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