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Sajal Dialogues:

1. Reservation is good as it eliminates inequality from society.

Ego State: Critical Parent

Adult: During my FWS-1, I have seen at least 5 families who came out of poverty after getting benefit
from Reservation. So, in this way, reservation eliminates inequality from society.

2. If we give some provisions to the weaker section then they can come on the higher level.

Ego State: Nurturing Parent

Adult: Empowering the weaker section, promotes the upward mobility. Studies have shown that
when individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds are provided with access to quality education,
healthcare, skills training, and financial support, their chances of breaking the cycle of poverty and
reaching higher levels of society significantly increase.

3. I went to Tribal Village in FWS-1, there I saw that due to reservation they are able to get jobs so in
this way it is helping them.

Ego State: Critical Parent

Adult: From my FWS -1, I can give you many examples which can clearly prove that how reservation
helps the people to come out of poverty and help to join them main stream.

Ananth’s Dialogue:

1. How do you say that reservation eliminate inequality?

Ego State: Adult

Adaptive Child: No, I can’t accept that reservation eliminates inequality.

2. Everybody don’t get same education. Low and middle people are not getting seats on
reservation but high people only using the reservation seats mostly. We should segregate the
reservation based on the people who need.

Ego State: Critical Parent

Adult: Education opportunities are not evenly distributed, and there may be instances where
individuals from privileged backgrounds take advantage of reservation seats intended for
marginalized groups. One potential solution could involve re-evaluating and refining the
reservation system to ensure it reaches those who truly need it.

3. My point is that only some people know about that. But mostly high people using the
benefits which they well know about the schemes and way to catch up.

Ego State: Critical Parent

Adult: It is seen that some individuals who are more privileged tend to have better
knowledge and understanding of reservation schemes and how to take advantage of them.
This can result in a disproportionate utilization of benefits by those who have already got

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