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Infinitivo Significado Conjugação

To _____________________ Agir Acted
To _____________________ Conquistar Achieved
To _____________________ Admirar Admired
To _____________________ Concordar Agreed
To _____________________ Aparecer Appeared
To _____________________ Acreditar Believed
To _____________________ Pertencer Belonged
To _____________________ Culpar Blamed
To _____________________ Emprestar Borrowed
To _____________________ Incomodar Bothered
To _____________________ Ligar Called
To _____________________ Cancelar Canceled
To _____________________ Carregar Carried
To _____________________ Causar Caused
To _____________________ Limpar Cleaned
To _____________________ Escalar Climbed
To _____________________ Fechar Closed
To _____________________ Completar Completed
To _____________________ Continuar Continued
To _____________________ Cozinhar Cooked
To _____________________ Corrigir Corrected
To _____________________ Bater, quebrar Crashed
To _____________________ Dançar Danced
To _____________________ Decidir Decided
To _____________________ Entregar Delivered
To _____________________ Depender Depended
To _____________________ Desenhar, conceber Designed
To _____________________ Discordar Disagreed
To _____________________ Descobrir Discovered
To _____________________ Vestir Dressed
To _____________________ Aproveitar Enjoyed
To _____________________ Exercitar Exercised
To _____________________ Expected
To _____________________ Filmar Filmed
To _____________________ Preencher Filled
To _____________________ Consertar Fixed
To _____________________ Seguir Followed
To _____________________ Agarrar Grabbed
To _____________________ Adivinhar Guessed
To _____________________ Manusear Handled
To _____________________ Ajudar Helped
To _____________________ Apressar Hurried
To _____________________ Ignorar Ignored
To _____________________ Imaginar Imagined
To _____________________ Convidar Invited
To _____________________ Pular Jumped
To _____________________ Gostar Liked
To _____________________ Listar Listed
To ______________________Olhar

To _____________________ Administrar Managed

To _____________________ Medir Measured
To _____________________ Mencionar Mentioned
To _____________________ Errar Missed
To _____________________ Mover Moved
To _____________________ Precisar Needed
To _____________________ Abrir Opened
To _____________________ Ordenar Ordered
To _____________________ Pintar Painted
To _____________________ Estacionar Parked
To _____________________ Passar Passed
To _____________________ Escolher Picked
To _____________________ Jogar, brincar, tocar Played
To _____________________ Produzir Produced
To _____________________ Empurrar Pushed
To _____________________ Chover Rained
To _____________________ Receber Received
To _____________________ Relaxar Relaxed
To _____________________ Descansar Rested
To _____________________ Revisar Reviewed
To _____________________ Salvar Saved
To _____________________ Iniciar Started
To _____________________ Estudar Studied
To _____________________ Falar Talked
To _____________________ Amarrar Tied
To _____________________ Tocar Touched
To _____________________ Viajar Traveled
To _____________________ Tentar Tried
To _____________________ Usar Used
To _____________________ Esperar Waited
To _____________________ Andar Walked
To _____________________ Assistir Watched
To _____________________ Desejar Wished
To _____________________ Trabalhar Worked

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