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STUDENT/PUPIL:_____________________________n°____ DATE:___________________________

TEACHER: ________________ 7th GRADE:_____ VALUE: __________



Geralmente esse verbo significa PODER E/OU CONSEGUIR.

O Modal verb CAN é usado quando queremos expressar ideia de capacidade / habilidade, possibilidade,
permissão e pedido.

1)She can speak Chinese. (Ela pode falar Chinês.) – CAPACIDADE

2)It can happen with anyone. (Isso pode acontecer com qualquer pessoa.) - POSSIBILIDADE
3)Mary can play outside. (Maria pode brincar lá fora.) - PERMISSÃO
4)Can I talk to the teacher? – (Posso falar com o professor?) – PEDIDO

Além disso, ele pode ser usado para construir frases afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas.


1)Afirmative – I can dance.

2)Negative- I can´t / cannot dance.
3)Interrogative – Can I dance?


1-Read and circle can ou can´t about you:

a) I CAN / CAN´T wear dress at school.

b) I CAN / CAN´T watch Netflix anytime.

c) I CAN / CAN´T stay in bed all morning.

d) I CAN / CAN´T get up late on Monday.

e) I CAN / CAN´T listen to loud music at home.

f) I CAN / CAN´T eat in front of the computer.

g) I CAN / CAN´T use mobile phones in the classroom.

2-Analyse (Yes = Can ; No = can´t) and complete correctly:

a) He _________________ read a book. ( Yes) f) She _____________ write a letter to her friend.( No)

b) They _________________ listen to music. ( No) g) _________________ he draw a horse? ( Yes)

c) She _________________ play the guitar. ( No) h) _________________ they watch a TV show? ( Yes)

d) They _________________ eat a sandwich. ( Yes) i) _________________ she dance? ( Yes)

e) He _________________ drink a glass of water. ( Yes)

Teacher Juliana
3-Let’s draw an animal:

a)scale d)mammal g)bird j)stripes

b)swings e)reptile h)amphibian

c)feather f)fur i)blowholes

4-Conect correctly:

Teacher Juliana

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