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Paper Usage in Education is Harmful to the Environment

The lack of trees has been a prolonged issue not just in our country but in
the whole world itself. Is the use of trees in paper making really worth the risk of
destroying our environment? Whenever one of us cuts down a tree, another
organism loses its home or habitat. Also, lessening the number of trees on our
environment would potentially increase the number of floods that may occur.
Lastly, trees are a huge factor in maintaining our soil intact, which means that
lacking in trees would cause soil erosion. Using paper as materials in school
activities negatively affect the environment so it should be put to stop.

Conversely, school admins may say that only a few number of students can
afford the use of alternative learning materials such as a cellphone and load. This
may be true but, there are various people who are willing to sponsor students
who are in need. Also, other paper making companies may argue that they risk
losing their jobs because this may cause low sales on paper. Although this is also
true, we're risking more than just jobs whenever we reduce the amount of trees
present on earth. We are risking the future of living organisms that rely on trees
for their needs and that includes us humans that rely on oxygen to live. Arborists
might also believe that trees could be easily planted again, therefore there is no
blemish done in the forest. However, trees normally take a significantly long time
to fully develop taking up to 10 years while some take 20-30 years to mature
which means that replacing a single tree would take a huge amount of time.

The use of paper in school activities has a negative impact on the environment,
hence it should be discontinued. If we stopped using paper, people wouldn't have
to worry about the environmental hazards caused by the reduction of trees. Also,
students won't have to worry about writing too much since it can be a hassle at
times. People and other living organisms wouldn't have to worry about the lack of
oxygen. Stop cutting trees! Instead, use alternatives like technology to preserve
life here on Earth.

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