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ALX Foundations

Week 4 Overview Transcript

Hi everyone, it’s me, your facilitator Prudence! Welcome to Week 4. The days are really
cruising by and it’s officially almost the end of month 1! Welcome, and a big congratulations to
you for successfully completing all the work we presented in Week 3! You really are making
great progress!

We are well aware that week 3 may have tested your limits. But we are confident in what you
can achieve. At ALX we Do Hard Things and we refuse to settle for the ordinary. So, well
done for tackling week 3 and building the habits and skills that will set you up for success for a
long time to come. You are making a huge investment in yourself, and we take our hats off to
you for staying committed to your growth.

Last week we challenged you to incorporate morning pages into your daily routine. If you had
a mic drop moment and successfully completed the challenge to practice Morning Pages
every day for 7 days straight, you earned your bragging rights. We celebrate you and give you
full permission to flex a little in your squads.

If you did not complete the challenge or maybe just managed to write on some days, we
encourage you to reflect on the reasons for not being able to complete the challenge and
whether there is something you can do differently to incorporate it into your everyday routine
this week. The benefits of practicing Morning Pages really speak for themselves and we want
everyone to experience them.

Before we talk about week 4, I have a few important requests and reminders:

We cannot emphasize enough the importance of peer reviews. Many of you have faithfully
completed them - well done and thank you - but others are still lagging behind. By not
completing your assigned peer reviews you are
1. Putting your enrollment in the program at risk and
2. Robbing yourself of the opportunity to work collaboratively and practice giving helpful
feedback to others. These are skills you will definitely need in the workspace.

Remember that if you have not peer graded a milestone it means that you still have not
passed that milestone.

If you have any milestones, tests, or peer reviews missing, please do them as soon as
possible. As a reminder, you will be unenrolled from the program after month 1 if:
● You have not passed Tests 1, 2, 3, and/or 4.
● You are missing or have not submitted Milestones 1, 2, 3, and/or 4.
● You have not completed your assigned peer reviews for Milestones 1, 2, 3, and/ or 4.
We want you to win on this journey and stay enrolled in the program! So please catch up
before month 1 comes to a close.

So we are really excited about this week. Let's dive into where your learning experience
will take you in Week 4.
Last week you spent time learning how to define and scope a problem, and you engaged with
2 problem-solving approaches: The McKinsey Method and the Cool Head Warm Heart
Method. You practiced asking the right questions, conducted basic web research using AI
tools, and wrote a mini-research report.
This week is a continuation of the hard work you did in Week 3. This week you will deepen the
skills you need to define your problem further, tell compelling stories, and create the perfect
slide deck. This week you will:
● Continue to incorporate healthy habits into your routines and start practicing the last
tool in the Daily 3: Meditation.
● Get organized with work planning practices, techniques, and tools.
● Strengthen your communication skills with some writing foundations, including
storytelling and technical writing
● Boost your storytelling abilities
● Get a glimpse of the opportunities that exist due to technology
● Connect these opportunities to our ALX tech tracks!
● Learn more about each of the tech tracks that we offer and get a mini-experience of
● Explore the impact of AI

This week you will have 2 content-related activities at your City Hub.

1. For the first city hub activity, you will write a 400 - 500 word story, and find at least 2
peers to have a fun storytelling activity with. Think campfire and stories, except this time you
will be in the comfort of your city hub. This storytelling activity will require at least one hour of
your time.
2. The second hub activity will focus on the tech tracks, their opportunities, and what you
are excited about. Again, you will need to collaborate with 2-3 peers and set aside 1 hour to
complete this activity at your city hub.

More information on both of these city hub activities is provided in this week’s learning content
here on Canvas. Please make sure that you give yourself enough time to do the work with
your peers at your City Hub.

Milestone 4 and Weekly Test 4 are due this Sunday 4 June at 11:59 pm GMT

Weekly Test #4 is an automatically-graded quiz that you will take here on Canvas. The list of
topics covered on this test appears on the next page here on Canvas.
Milestone #4 will require you to use skills that you acquired in Weeks 3 and 4 to prepare a
presentation. Your presentation will include your:

● Chosen GCGO
● Defined problem and impact
● Web research findings
● Problem-solving framework
● Solution and actions steps
● Source references/citations

We have provided clear step-by-step instructions on the Milestone #4 page.

We hope you’ll find this week to be engaging and rewarding. As a master of your own learning
journey, think ahead and allocate your time, energy, and focus accordingly. There is a lot of
content to cover and new skills to acquire, so start early and work at it every day.

To grow, one has to push limits. We are confident in your abilities to tackle this week like the
young leader you are. We know you did not come here expecting the ordinary. So buckle up,
dig deep for that energy, and let's do this!

All the best with week 4!

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